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#1 Jul 08 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
I have heard of people that disenchants their BoE items on another char even though they are high-leveled. I have to ask, what level is required for a Blood Elf-enchanter if it's gonna dissench late 60s BoE items?

P.S This might be a stupid question or whatever...
#2 Jul 08 2007 at 1:02 PM Rating: Decent
I have a dumb question that kinda goes along with this. At what level does DE stop leveling up your chanting skill? At what point will I actually have to start enchanthing stuff?
#3 Jul 08 2007 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
72 posts

my enchanting bottomed out ~60, after purely DEing....
#4 Jul 09 2007 at 4:42 AM Rating: Decent
Alliechrusher wrote:
I have heard of people that disenchants their BoE items on another char even though they are high-leveled. I have to ask, what level is required for a Blood Elf-enchanter if it's gonna dissench late 60s BoE items?

P.S This might be a stupid question or whatever...

I believe it is level 225 to be able to de lvl 60-63 items. So as a BE you can be level 215 (because of the +10 enchanting).
#5 Jul 09 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
1,606 posts
225 for up to level 63 items IIRC. 275 for pretty much everything besides level 70 epics (which require 300 IIRC). I know my priest can DE up to and including level 63 items. I've asked this question before on other forums and the above answers are what I got.
#6 Jul 09 2007 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
Both Alliechrusher and beebsman need to read the tradeskills FAQ. The answers are there, and there is no reason whatsoever to re-state them. So why do people fail to read FAQa?
  1. I am a unique individual, therefore no one has ever thought of this question before!
  2. I know the game so well already and FAQs are for those that don't know how to play.
  3. I crave attention, and asking a question that may or may not be in the FAQ (I don't really care) is my way of getting it.

I have nothing but contempt for people who ignore FAQs.
#7 Jul 09 2007 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
476 posts
Both Alliechrusher and beebsman need to read the tradeskills FAQ. The answers are there, and there is no reason whatsoever to re-state them. So why do people fail to read FAQa?

1. I am a unique individual, therefore no one has ever thought of this question before!
2. I know the game so well already and FAQs are for those that don't know how to play.
3. I crave attention, and asking a question that may or may not be in the FAQ (I don't really care) is my way of getting it.

I have nothing but contempt for people who ignore FAQs.
--- Mike ---

you forgot #4. laziness

#8 Jul 10 2007 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
What i meant was: What level does my alt have to be to get skill 225 in enchanting. Cause my guess is that i cant get skill 225 with a level 20 char...
#9 Jul 10 2007 at 2:33 AM Rating: Decent
Whoops! Just read the FAQ and got my answer there... I wont ask stupid questions before reading the FAQ next time..

Im SOrry
#10 Jul 10 2007 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
Both Alliechrusher and beebsman need to read the tradeskills FAQ. The answers are there, and there is no reason whatsoever to re-state them. So why do people fail to read FAQa?
  1. I am a unique individual, therefore no one has ever thought of this question before!
  2. I know the game so well already and FAQs are for those that don't know how to play.
  3. I crave attention, and asking a question that may or may not be in the FAQ (I don't really care) is my way of getting it.

I have nothing but contempt for people who ignore FAQs.

I'll tell you a little story that might give you some insight into why I'm going to respond to you the way I am.

I was in Nagrand last night waiting for my party to form up for a quest. Someone asked in /1 where to find a specific lake. (The one next to Sunspring Post). I was too busy organzing with my party to respond but I glanced long enough at each line of the exchange to get a grasp of what was going on.

So someone looking for a location to do a quest asks where that location might be in /1. Some overly-full of himself jamtard replies north of Nagrand.

Wait a can a terrain feature in Nagrand be north of Nagrand? This confused the hell out of the person asking the question (and rightfully so) so they asked something to the effect of, "You mean in Zangarmarsh?!"

No reply.

A few minutes later they asked again.

Still no reply.

A few minutes later? They ask again and all of a sudden it's on. Half the friggin' zone starts jumping down this guy's throat because:

a) He asked a simple question.
b) He was given garbage information.
c) He was trying to sort out the confusion.

By now my group had done our quest and I had an opportunity to look a little more closely at what was going on. North of Nagrand? Ok, give the guy who provided the answer a little credit and assume he got Nagrand and Telaar confused. Even still, north of Telaar is 90% of the friggin' zone, and if you look at the map, straight north of Telaar doesn't give you the lake the guy needed, it gives the one next to the Throne of Elements.

Guess who was the first jamtard to go after the person who asked the question? The idiot who supplied, "north of Nagrand" and didn't bother to follow up. The gist of the criticisms against the person who asked the question?

"Don't be lazy the first thing you should do when you enter a new zone is expose the entire map."
"I'm sick of you lazy ***** asking your questions."
"My mommy and daddy didn't love me enough so now I feel powerful by putting other people down for no reason."

Ok, all but the third one. That was implied.

Funny thing is, I had done a quest in that lake, so obviously I'd been there. More funny still, having already been there, when you mouse over it on the map you don't get a description of the lake. That means it's entirely possible that a person could go there and a few days (or a week or more depending on how long the spent in the zone once they explored it) and have completely forgotten which lake it was.

I offered more clear directions to the person scrambling for clarification. Took all of 10 seconds out of my day.

The FAQS on Alla are frequently well written. They're also frequently disorganized, poorly thought out, difficult to search, and otherwise next to useless. Coming down on people for not memorizing the FAQs before they come here to ask a question is pretty weak. If you really want to be helpful, just answer the question or give them a section in the FAQ where they can find the information.

Otherwise, kindly stfu.
#11 Jul 11 2007 at 4:15 AM Rating: Default
528 posts
AureliusSir wrote:

So someone looking for a location to do a quest asks where that location might be in /1. Some overly-full of himself jamtard replies north of Nagrand.

"North of Nagrand" could equally mean "In the northern part of Nagrand" or "To the north of the Nagrand"

ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
Both Alliechrusher and beebsman need to read the tradeskills FAQ. The answers are there, and there is no reason whatsoever to re-state them. So why do people fail to read FAQa?
  1. I am a unique individual, therefore no one has ever thought of this question before!
  2. I know the game so well already and FAQs are for those that don't know how to play.
  3. I crave attention, and asking a question that may or may not be in the FAQ (I don't really care) is my way of getting it.

I have nothing but contempt for people who ignore FAQs.

OMG needs to take a chill pill or lay off the caffeine. So someone asked a question? Oh my god, the world is going to fall apart.

What's the point of this forum if not for asking questions?

I have nothing but contempt for ********* that lay into newbies just because they haven't read the entire content available on a website before asking a simple ******* question.

#12 Jul 11 2007 at 5:40 AM Rating: Decent
I normally answer questions, but questions that are answered fully in the FAQ? Sorry, but it's stupidity to do that, unless you're an idiot that believes that giving an answer will teach people how to look things up for themselves. Or, perhaps you answer out of vanity. "Look at me! I can give you the answer that's in a sticky right above this thread! Aren't I uber?"

The FAQS on Alla are frequently well written. They're also frequently disorganized, poorly thought out, difficult to search, and otherwise next to useless. Coming down on people for not memorizing the FAQs before they come here to ask a question is pretty weak. If you really want to be helpful, just answer the question or give them a section in the FAQ where they can find the information.

This paragraph was written by someone who hasn't bothered to even look at the Trade skills FAQ. Each tradeskill has its own page, and the first page is devoted to information that applies across all tradeskills.

Edited, Jul 11th 2007 6:52am by ohmikeghod
#13 Jul 11 2007 at 7:30 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry but I have to agree with ohmikeghod the Venerable on this one. I have asked some stupid questions before and caught myself. But if you do read the very first thing it says FAQ - read this and it tells you a lot of good info.

I see questions daily that get asked over and over and over again. Ohmikeghod went lite on the person he smacked and told them to read! How many times have I seen posts asking "How do i make money enchanting" or "Where it the best place to lvl" and so forth. So I do sympathize that the person asked a question and got flamed, but trust me....they went easy on the person. I have seen some really "BAD" things thrown at people in these forums...myself included have been flamed pretty hard.
In a positive note I LEARNED to read the forums and back posts to make sure I didn't ask the same question for the 100th time.
#14 Jul 11 2007 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:

The FAQS on Alla are frequently well written. They're also frequently disorganized, poorly thought out, difficult to search, and otherwise next to useless. Coming down on people for not memorizing the FAQs before they come here to ask a question is pretty weak. If you really want to be helpful, just answer the question or give them a section in the FAQ where they can find the information.

This paragraph was written by someone who hasn't bothered to even look at the Trade skills FAQ. Each tradeskill has its own page, and the first page is devoted to information that applies across all tradeskills.

Assume less, please.

I have read the FAQs here, and I don't like them. I read through them once or twice and have since gone elsewhere for my tradeskill information. More to the point, if there's a sticky somewhere it has got 2 paragraphs to cinvince me that it's a worthwhile read. If I'm not convinced after those two paragraphs, I go elsewhere.

For someone who tosses around words like, "stupidity" and "idiot" like they are going out of style, I'm surprised you'd offer the suggestion that everyone read every FAQ and sticky before asking a question. That's basically what you're doing. Tradeskill question? Read the tradeskill FAQ or you're in for it. Don't like the way its laid out? Tough. ohmikeghod rules these here forums, and he says don't you dare ask a question that hasn't been answered somewhere already.

Point taken.

Does 375 skinning ever get more interesting?
#15 Jul 11 2007 at 12:05 PM Rating: Default
528 posts
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
Both Alliechrusher and beebsman need to read the tradeskills FAQ. The answers are there, and there is no reason whatsoever to re-state them. So why do people fail to read FAQa?
  1. I am a unique individual, therefore no one has ever thought of this question before!
  2. I know the game so well already and FAQs are for those that don't know how to play.
  3. I crave attention, and asking a question that may or may not be in the FAQ (I don't really care) is my way of getting it.

I have nothing but contempt for people who ignore FAQs.

Mike, I have nothing but contempt for people who don't read posts before they comment on them. Have you even read beebsman's post? I think not.

To refresh your memory, beebsman responded to Ashaldaron's question "At what level does DE stop leveling up your chanting skill? At what point will I actually have to start enchanthing stuff?"

This question is NOT answered in your hallowed FAQ and beebsman responded with his own experience. And yet you've berated him for not reading the FAQ, where the question is not answered.

So, why do people get on their high-horse and berate people for not reading an FAQ where a particular question isn't answered?

1) Because they are **********
2) Because they have written an FAQ at some point in the past and think they are God.
3) Because they think because they have umpteen thousand posts, they are automatically correct and any newbie with a question must be wrong.
4) Because they are lazy.

Edited, Jul 11th 2007 4:06pm by aardfrith
#16 Jul 11 2007 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
aardfrith wrote:
AureliusSir wrote:

So someone looking for a location to do a quest asks where that location might be in /1. Some overly-full of himself jamtard replies north of Nagrand.

"North of Nagrand" could equally mean "In the northern part of Nagrand" or "To the north of the Nagrand"

Actually, it can't. North of Nagrand can't be in Nagrand. It's a symantic impossibility. Nagrand is a zone. If you say north of Nagrand, you're saying north of the zone, which is outside of the zone. You've inserted minor yet significant alterations into the orginal statement that would have made a whole lot more sense to the person asking the question, but it would have still been wrong information. The lake the person was looking for is in central Nagrand.

More to the point of the thread dreailment, if a person isn't inclined to offer accurate information, they're much better off offering no information at all than berating a person for asking the question. There is nothing healthy or justifiable about berating someone for that reason. Offer them an answer and follow up with their questions, refer them to an alternate source of information, or make no comment. That's really the only reasonable option.
#17 Jul 12 2007 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
AureliusSir wrote:
I have read the FAQs here, and I don't like them. I read through them once or twice and have since gone elsewhere for my tradeskill information. More to the point, if there's a sticky somewhere it has got 2 paragraphs to cinvince me that it's a worthwhile read. If I'm not convinced after those two paragraphs, I go elsewhere.

The FAQs on this forum are only as good as the people who contribute to them. If you have any feedback to improve the FAQs, please feel free to PM them or to post on the thread itself.
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