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LVL 48 lock without to progress?Follow

#1 Apr 19 2007 at 1:38 AM Rating: Decent
Hi guys I am a 48 lvl undead warlock and hated profession and tradeskils. I did only instancing and questing the whole time. I tried to start fishing ( I understand it is a secondary skill ) in Strangleton Vale when around lvl 35 but off course I didn't have appropriate skill lvl. I have maybe 15 points in minnig so far when I went to some low lvl areas and found mining place by chnace.

My question is what is the best proffesion for someone like me? I can understand if i will try to lvl proffesion like mining or skinning it will take me few days to run around low lvl areas trying to get the skill.. How lvling something else like engeneering, jewelcrafting or enchanting? Does it make sense? Will it take less time to lvl them. I have 160 gold so far only from doing instacnes and quests so I dont care to spend 100 gold to vlv something up.

How long approx will take me to level some secondary profession like First aid or cooking....and do you think it is good to try to level them at mu lvl?

I think maybe First aid can be nice but how long it will take and how much money it will consume.

Please take into consideration also my Class and Race.

Thanks for every reply and have a nice day.

Slavomirus on Nagrand server
#2 Apr 19 2007 at 3:15 AM Rating: Good
978 posts
First Aid- Everyone should have this skill. Get it done. Farm the cloth yourself and it costs you nothing.

Gathering skills are easier to level than crafting skills, because each crafting skill requires you to gather stuff to level it anyways, and you don't want to waste your gold powerleveling one.

If you already have mining, just level that up as it is a great money maker. Then take skinning for more cash. If you really want a crafting skill, tailoring can be nice for cloth wearers to make gear and bags.
#3 Apr 19 2007 at 4:31 AM Rating: Decent
Like Khalane said, Tailoring would give you bags and gear. You could also try Enchanting. Do a couple of solo DM runs ( or any lowlvl horde instance with humanoids in it ). The humanoids will drop cloth and wool for your First Aid or Tailoring. Just DisEnchant all the green/blue gear that drops from the mobs. Doing 3-4 runs should easily get you past 100 First Aid or Tailoring and all the DE'ed items will give you a nice startingbatch to enchant with. You can also DE any green/blue item you make with your Tailoring though you would need to drop mining in order to take both Enchanting/Tailoring.
#4 Apr 20 2007 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

First Aid isn't a money-making tradeskill per se...some people buy the cloth bandages but not often enough. It's purely a skill for you to have to benefit yourself.

Generally, it will take about 2 stacks of each type of bandage to get to the next level. Eg, 40 linen, 40 heavy linen (meaning 80 linen), 40 silk, 40 heavy silk (meaning 80 silk)..etc That’s what I recall, there may be a 3rd stack needed in there somewhere now and then due to how the skill point is chancey later. You’re at the mageweave and runecloth levels, so at least you won’t have to buy that to catch up. Just do your normal leveling and you’ll get plenty of cloth to get to 330 FA.

When you mentioned you ‘found an ore vein’ as if it is rare, it sounds like you just saw it in your UI viewpoint. That way is harder to spot. Are you using the “Find Minerals” skill which will show the ore vein on your minimap when you get close to it?

Going back to mine now will be a lot easier as you can go through several zones without much trouble. If you are in it for money, mining is a great skill to have.

Cooking can be done fairly fast to 300 also. Again, because of your level, you can easily kill all the mobs you need to get to 300 cooking. Alternatively, you can take up fishing to provide the cooking mat to get to 300. Most people will probably choose the hunting method.

I don’t recommend enchanting or JC just yet for your character. It sounds like the first character, and being at a higher level, you are in a good position to provide for your lower level characters by using it to make money. Once you have several characters who can hold their own and increase your overall finances, then you can consider about ench and JC, two skills which tend to deplete your money or sellable loot.

#5 Apr 21 2007 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for reply guys. I did lvl my First aid in 2 hours to get lvl 225. It costed few gold and that was it.

For the real professions I want to add one thing I HATE GATHERING PROFESSIONS. Since i feel i would have taken them seriously before and in this case i could make some money now etc. I hate the idea to run around in low lvl areas with mining pick . Yes i use the finding minerals map but still i look on it as very boring thing.

#6 Apr 21 2007 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
255 posts
Then I guess it's a question of what you want to do. Do you want to make money? Because if you do, gathering profs are the way to go. Boring? Maybe, but when you are running across Un'Goro or Silithus and see dreamfoil waiting to be picked at 1.5g A FLOWER you may change your mind.

And with something like herbalism or skinning it's not that much of a chore. It's all just laying there, you're going to kill the mobs anyway, why not skin em and get the money? You have to travel by land to get places? Take 3 seconds and pick up the goldthorn, it's 6g a stack.

In terms of non-gathering profs that could make you money, I'd recommend enchanting, not for the actual Enchanting (which may bankrupt you) but for the Disenchanting, which can be profitable.

Again, it still requires you to stop playing the game and stand somewhere, DE'ing stuff and then posting mats on the AH. The bottom line is, all profs take time away from gameplay. Meaning, you'll "waste" playtime no matter what prof you choose.
#7 Apr 23 2007 at 3:38 AM Rating: Decent
bluegayle wrote:
First Aid isn't a money-making tradeskill per se...some people buy the cloth bandages but not often enough. It's purely a skill for you to have to benefit yourself.

A warlock without First Aid is placing handcuffs on himself. If you ever run out of mana (not often, but it does happen now and again), the best way of getting it back is to life tap until you have a full mana bar and then bandage yourself back to full health. This is faster than drinking when you are oom, and lots cheaper than popping potions.

If you decide on tailoring as a profession, place a first aid priority on your cloth drops instead of on levelling your tailoring proffesion. You want as many options as possible for those moments when you need them. Tailoring will be meaningless if you die because you couldn't cast spells by being attacked while drinking.

Edited, Apr 23rd 2007 4:42am by ohmikeghod
#8 Apr 24 2007 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
What I'm hearing is you dont want to spend money leveling a crafting profession (and you'll spend a ton buying mats on the AH) and you 'hate gathering'. Not to sound harsh but suck it up.
#9 Apr 24 2007 at 11:55 PM Rating: Decent
Where I wrote I dont want to spend money lvling a skill? Maybe i didnt make myself too clear.

I lvled the first aid to 250 and minig to 125 now. I will lvl minig up to 300 I believe.

I think good thing would be to do one crafting profession with theese I already have.

I was thinking aboutEnchantiong since I love instancing and dont mind solo RFC WC and others for farming of low lvl of green items. On the onter hand I am getting all the talk how enchanting is not good and money sink only. I believe we have also a lot of enchanters in our Guild and server.

How it is with engeneering?

And how much money would i need to pewerlvl some crafting professions like engeneering, Blacksmithing or jewelcrafting.
#10 Apr 25 2007 at 1:16 AM Rating: Decent
5,903 posts

I've heard they are gonna buff it with this patch that's currently on the PTR, but as it stands right now, there really isn't much IN Engineering, I didn't think.

But anyways... you might wanna change the subject in your OP... it reads:

"LVL 48 lock without to progress?"

I'd change that to 'tradeskill' IMO. It... sounds a bit wrong the way it is now hehe.

Anyways, I agree mostly with what they said above. Tailoring is a good choice for all cloth wearers. From what I hear, there's some nice BoP robes and such that you can wear should you get it high enough to make them. Also, making your own bags can save you some dough, especially when you get to Imbued Netherweave bags... not to mention, selling those suckers on the AH. I get oodles and oodles of Netherweave Cloth every time I go quest in Outlands.

Being a Warrior, though, I have to dump it all into Bandages because Warriors suck like that, needing constant healing, sometimes one bandage gets used on every mob, or every other mob.

If I were a class that killed stuff easier, and rarely got hit, I can't imagine how much freaking Netherweave I'd have to spare...

#11 Apr 25 2007 at 3:50 AM Rating: Decent
Yes i agree get engineering but now with BC out you also have a choice of Jewelcrafting too. The hard part of Jewelcrafting is where to get the skill.

Engineering has a lot of decent damage trinkets and i know one of the later ones which arn't unique give you some damage and shoots you backward if you use it but it always has an equip bonus stat effect which gives you +45 stamina. Great for most classes.

K now jewelcrafting is way, way, harder to get up if you dont have lots of money or not high enough level to just go on your mount and just run around looking for resources. The later things in jewelcrafting causes you to be able to craft jewels which go for a lot of money. Some people will tip you. I sold one of my uncrafted gems on Shadowsong for 110g and the crafted ones were going for like 125g-150g.

#12 Apr 29 2007 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
If I were a class that killed stuff easier, and rarely got hit, I can't imagine how much freaking Netherweave I'd have to spare...

As a tailor - none. You never have enough while you're leveling. Now any spare cloth still goes to gear, everything needs imbued netherweave bolts which are like 18 pieces of netherweave and 2 arcane dust. I seriously never have enough netherweave, I've done so many quests at 70. I've yet to make any money off tailoring, I just blow everything on more and more netherweave. If somebody actually FARMED it wow. Its like 2200-2500 pieces from 300-375 tailoring. Madness.
#13 Apr 29 2007 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
5,903 posts
I meant, without having to use so many bandages, and without being a Tailor, I wonder how much Netherweave I'd have just laying around.

But yeah, I see your point...

Normally, there isn't a class in particular that 'sucks' for any profession in particular, EXCEPT Warrior+Tailoring.

After getting my Warrior to Outlands, and gawking at the sheer Bandage use, I would have to say with some quite certainty, unless you frequently duo with a healer, or blow food like crazy (risking mob repops, as food takes a lot longer than Bandages), Warriors suck at Tailoring.

#14 Apr 29 2007 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
264 posts
Xylia wrote:
I meant, without having to use so many bandages, and without being a Tailor, I wonder how much Netherweave I'd have just laying around.

That's easy. As a healing class and a non-tailor, I don't go through that much netherweave at all. I only really used bandages as an emergency item when I get jumped by three adds and mana is going to be an issue. So I just keep myself topped off with 2 stacks of Heavy Neatherweave Bandages and AH the rest. At the end of a good day of questing I usually have about 4 stacks of the stuff to stick on the AH. At about 4g a stack, thats a decent supplementary income, and they ALWAYS sell.
#15 Apr 30 2007 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts
Lathby wrote:
......dreamfoil waiting to be picked at 1.5g... Take 3 seconds and pick up the goldthorn, it's 6g a stack....

Are those prices official for Nagrand server?
2 months ago I couldnt sell dreamfoil even if I offered myself naked along with it. And trust me, none is buying goldthorn for 6g a stack on Nagrand, never did and will not for long for sure.

Please people, do remember if something is worth some amount of gold on your server it doesnt mean its going to sell for that on some other.
If poor guy put goldthorn for 6g in AH on Nagrand, he would just be laughed at /rolleyes.

To OP:
Take what you think will be fun for you. Browse this site a bit, see what you can make with different tradeskilling, see what is of use to you or to your guild. Experiment. Dont be afraid to drop something just because you got so high or someone says so.
I just dropped 375 herbalism and took tailoring. Guess what? Money or no money, picking herbs got to be such a bore for me that I would pay gladly 2g for single dreamfoil than have to go pick it up myself.

Most of all, have fun :)
#16 Apr 30 2007 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
woops wrong post

Edited, Apr 30th 2007 10:13pm by mikelolol
#17 Apr 30 2007 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
i wld say do skinning.jst go 2 a low lvl lik lvl 10..skinnin 4 bout 2 hrs straight u then will get 2 ur lvl.
i got 2 225(skinning) in 4 hrs.
#18 May 04 2007 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Leatherworking is nice, especialy because u dont have to gather ANYTHING if you dont want to .

Let me explain !

All leathers are realy chep in AH so all u do is buy them there, create something out of them and resell with profit .

Ok some may argue that you will make more cash gathering leathers and hides, and yes you do, but you dont have to farm for it . Just get them when u are already killing mobs and buy the rest from AH . You will still make a handsome profit .
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