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Blizzard Bias towards AllianceFollow

#1 Mar 27 2007 at 5:21 AM Rating: Default
196 posts
I just noticed that Alliance people get an extra cooking quest and 3 extra fishing quests. How unfair is this? 2nd prof. quests are a nice easy source of xp and Allies get more than Horde. Does anyone know if Horde get something that Allies don't to even this up a bit?
#2 Mar 27 2007 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
I've noticed that only Horde gets the good fishing pole.

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 7:05am by ohmikeghod
#3 Mar 27 2007 at 6:07 AM Rating: Decent
667 posts
horde also gets 2 cooking recipes at 335 that alliance doesn't get.
#4 Mar 27 2007 at 6:14 AM Rating: Default
640 posts
horde also gets 2 completely useless cooking recipes at 335 that alliance doesn't get.

Fixed your post.

Those recipes require meat that has a terrible drop rate, and the buffs are identical to basilisk and talbuk.

Edited, Mar 27th 2007 10:14am by Grollog
#5 Mar 27 2007 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
Horde leatherworkers can make bags.
#6 Mar 27 2007 at 6:42 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
Horde leatherworkers can make bags.

Ahhh yes, the vaunted Kodohide bag. All you'll need to do is kill approximately 500 kodos to get the 3 kodo skins you need to make that 6 slot bag.

That bag/pattern isn't an advantage, it's bad practical joke by Blizz.
#7 Mar 27 2007 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
If Alliance is much better off, then join them. No one is forcing you to play Horde.
#8 Mar 27 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
Hey I know, blizz should just copy/paste all guest from alliance and turn them into horde quest too, that way the game on both factions will be the exact same thing, how fun would that be.

#9 Mar 27 2007 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
Ahhh yes, the vaunted Kodohide bag. All you'll need to do is kill approximately 500 kodos to get the 3 kodo skins you need to make that 6 slot bag.

That bag/pattern isn't an advantage, it's bad practical joke by Blizz.

How funny you say that lol. I logged on an alt, and went to the Lushwater Oasis, first kodo I killed dropped a leather.

And yes, I have the patter on my main, and I have NEVER made one of these.

But there's also the Blacksmith bag we can get but have you made one of those either?
#10 Mar 27 2007 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
5,903 posts
Blizzard is SO biased towards Alliance, when...

1). HORDE can stay in Horde-Owned lands until Lv29 if they don't mind mob grinding. Yet, Alliance runs out in the early 20s. Barrens is a lot higher level than Darkshore, Loch Modan, Westfall, and I assume Bloodmyst (haven't finished that Yet, but I doubt you see 25ish mobs in there). Heck you can go FURTHER if you can do a bunch of RFK/RFD for your levels. Meanwhile, the best you can do, is Stockades, which would take forever.

2). Horde Racials. I don't see Alliance characters being able to stun people, break Fear/Mind effects, Drain MP and Silence to refill your own MP, or go into rages. All I see, are Stoneform, Perception, a Weak healing regeneration spell, and escape artist. Escape Artist isn't too bad, but eh. I get feared a lot more often than I get frozen.

3). One of the most popular low-to-mid level Instances, Scarlet Monastery, is in Horde territory. How many high level instances are in Alliance territory? Um... um... got Uldaman... but you get flagged when you enter Badlands...

4). Some of the high-end areas are deep in Horde Territory. Horde have easy, Easy access to Western Plaguelands through Tirisfal Glades. Alliance has to go way up through Alterac Mountains, unless they wanna risk a gank-a-thon going through Tirisfal themselves...and of course, to get to Eastern Plaguelands, you gotta get to WPL first. How many high-end areas do you go through *alliance* Territory to get to? Um....

5). Let's talk inter-continental travel. Alliance has:

Menethil <-> Darkshore
Menethil <-> Theramore

Edit: I think there might be a Darkshore <-> Theramore, but seriously, who ever wants to go to Darkshore or Darnassus? lol.

Horde has:

Durotar <-> Stranglethorn Vale
Durotar <-> Tirisfal Glades
Tirisfal Glades <-> Stranglethorn Vale

And you could ALSO argue that Barrens <-> Booty Bay is "Horde" too, because Ratchet is in Horde Territory. So why is there no Menethil <-> Booty Bay so that Alliance has a way to quickly get from North EK to South EK? Deeprun Tram is Not what I'd call a North-South travel method, due to multi-stop gryphon flights on both ends to get from Booty Bay to, say, WPL. Horde, they jump on One Airship and they're right beside WPL. Alliance, its a long *** Gryphon Ride, and/or a Tram Trip.

I could go on and on about this, too. But these are a few ways that Horde has some serious lovin' from Blizz...


Edited, Mar 27th 2007 8:03pm by Xylia
#11 Mar 28 2007 at 1:00 AM Rating: Decent
196 posts
Hey hey hey, easy there kiddies. This wasn't supposed to be a ******** contest, It was just something that I noticed and was interested to know if anyone had noticed bias in other areas:

Xylia, good point about the instances, Although looking at the map on if you are talking about 30-40 lvl which as you mentioned Scarlet Monastry I'm guessing you are then we only that and Razorfen Downs, and if allies are using SM alot then then that kinda means we each have one, and one to share. Talking about high lvl stuff, I don't know about that as I am a noob but I do know that you have the plaguelands right next to you cuz I tried to run through them to get from silvermoon to undercity. (Didn't know about the teleportation thing until later on) :-), maybe it's not an instance but it's high level mobs. 1 small point on that one, when I ran through there I did notice that out of the 4 towers there, only 1 was horde and the other 3 were alliance. That may very well change but I can't comment on that, just saying what I saw.

Xylia, also good point about the racial traits, had a quick nosy at what's on offer and for myself, I think that the gnomes have got pretty good traits, love the 5% int increase. But you know, it depends on what class you wanna play, I'm a lock so for me that would have been very handy.

Xylia, yes you could argue that ratchet and booty bay are horde, but you'd lose that arguement because quite simply, they aren't. If it says contested territory then it's free for all, simple as that. Ratchet and Booty bay are definitely not Horde. Booty bay is nice because no one can attack there because if you do then you get all the guards hitting on you. I think it's a real shame that it's one of the few places where the AH is for both factions, and that hardly anyone uses it. Last time I looked at the AH there was just 62 items in the whole auction.

These 2 335 horde recipes don't seem to be on the trade skills quests. Who do you have to talk to to get those?

Vallock, I'm not talking about giving the 2 factions the same quests, just the same amount in each area. I also dont see why if the 2 factions had the same or similar quests that it would make it less fun anyway. The fun of WoW is playing against other players in evenly matched games and teaming up with people to accomplish tasks and complete missions/quests.

Ohmikeghod, interesting point about the fishing pole, is that the one that you get from the fishing quest?

Sounds like this leatherworker bag is a bit naff but there's crap in every profession so thats just one of those things.

Laroche, please show me where I said that allies have it better off?? I never said that, don't go reading malicousness or vendictiveness into something when it isn't there. I merely noticed something and perhaps rather naively as I am a noob thought "hey, lets ask the other WoW fans and see what they have to say". And before you start up about the thread title, I did that because it's the sort of title where people are going to actually look at the thread.

I really do not understand this strange animosity between horde and alliance players. Everyones out there to have fun, I'm assuming people bought the game because they wanted to play against other players and love this genre of game. The way I see it, this game should be all about pitting your skills against simlilarly leveled players elsewhere in the world and if you lose, then you lose. Congrats to the better player and that's the end of it.

I genuinely believe that blizz have done a pretty good job of balancing stuff up, I was just interested in seeing what other things in WoW there are where balance appears to be tilted one way or the other.

anyways sorry if people have taken this in the wrong spirit, have fun enjoy WoW. One final point that I'd appreciate people's thoughts on, I think that blizzard should consider introducing the removal of honor points for killing players who are 10+ levels below you. A good way to help stop ganking don't ya think?
#12 Mar 28 2007 at 1:29 AM Rating: Good
239 posts
At level 70 mana tap gives you 400 mana and silences for TWO seconds. Sounds awesome! And that weak HoT draenei get is really good if you are a class that cannot heal naturally, like a warrior.
#13 Mar 28 2007 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
652 posts
Biggest problem I've found is getting around. Horde do seem to get easier travel than Alliance. For example, at 30 most people usually go to STV. Horde get a flight to Grom'Gol from Org and a flight path. Alliance have to run from Darkshore or risk a death running from BB where mobs are in the 40's. It's incredibly annoying without a mount.
#14 Mar 28 2007 at 2:16 AM Rating: Decent
Hawkeyetwofive, scarlet monastery is a pain to get to as alliance. It cannot be counted as an alliance instance and people only go there because it has good loot and it's short.

The first time I tried to go to scarlet monastery, I flew to the flight point at chillwind point in western plaugeland. In my foolishness, I tried to walk through western plagueland to get to tirisfal glades. Needless to say, I got killed multiple times by mobs (I'm on a PvE server). In the end I gave up. The safest route on PvE servers to SM is via alterac mountains, jump off the lake and swim to tirisfal glades. I think it takes about 12-15 min to get to SM after hopping off the gryphon in Southshore.

RFD and RFK is actually easier and safer to get to since the mobs in Barrens is rather low level. I went by road from Theramore, which is a boat ride from Menethil Harbour.
#15 Mar 28 2007 at 3:50 AM Rating: Excellent
8,779 posts
leaked patch 2.1.0 notes:

grass has been added to the opposing factions home territory. this grass is exceptionally green.
#17 Mar 28 2007 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
haha, pwned good work ;D
#18 Mar 31 2007 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
I laughed when I saw this, but here are my two cents for free.

Horde get a great bias in fishing. Look at a easy peasy quest for horde to get a great fishing rod that Alliance have no chance of getting. Only way for Alliance to get close was the Fishing aka gankathon tourney. Which I believe Alliance couldn't do for a bit and was eventually opened up to us. Next look at the 225 fising skill quest. Every fishing spot to pull up the fish you need is parked in very close distance to Horde towns. I think I got ganked at almost every single one while doing the quest. Look at the wonder fish that can only be fished up in your areas and the recipe for this fish that drops only in your area and we have to essentially pay around 25g on a neutral ah to get it.

Not ******** simply pointing out that horde get nice love from wow too.
#19 Mar 31 2007 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
lol We list off the reasons why Blizzard spends more time on Alliance than Horde and the best defense alliance can come up with is FISHING????? LOL!!!! Seriously, most people don't even level that skill because they think its too boring to sit there and fish. It affects a really small percentage of people.

Now I've played both sides, and its EASY for me to see that Blizzard spent more time making alliance than horde. But hey, don't believe me. Make a level 1 character and run to ORG and explore it, then make a level 1 alliance char and run to SW. Compare the scenery. Which one do you think too more time to make?

Anyway, I could spend all day on how Blizzard took more time with the alliance, but this is a waste of my time. I need to go play.
#20 Apr 01 2007 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent

Quor wrote:
leaked patch 2.1.0 notes:

grass has been added to the opposing factions home territory. this grass is exceptionally green.

I'll say, lol.

Anyways, I think there are lots of little differences between alliance and horde, things each faction has got easier access to and such. But seriously, bickering over a 6-slot bag which is exhasperating to make, fishing spots and 2 cooking recipes is just ridiculous, as if anyone is going to become invincible by getting those.

And to Xylia, you have made some valid points but others are just exxagerated.

Racials are one of the oldest bickerings alliance have, the response is: learn to use YOUR friggin racials instead of crying over mine. My friend who is a human warlock has a lot less fear from rogues than I do and I bet disc/holy priests appreciate the 10% extra spirit. Shadowmeld is a brutal defensive ability, giving a good NE player a wonderful chance to strike first. Dwarves stoneform is great when you're about to die from poisons and/or bleed or are facing a rogues who's crippling you and attempting to use envenom. Escape artist can come in real handy on many occassions and the 5% extra int is a blessing to gnome mages. Draenei who don't have healing abilities have a nice HoT they can use from time to time at no cost and have an AURA racial, I don't think horde has a racial that affects party members.
And you also have the upper hand on some particular spells, say Seal of Blood/Seal of Vengeance. Or the priest's special spells, trolls have some incredibly pathetic and useless ones and BE's one is quite useless too except as a last resort measure, tell me if desperate prayer and Fear ward are not way over their heads.
A great amount of good 10-29 twinking gear is concentrated in alliance areas, also the only drops for Robes of Arcana which all we warlocks need are inside alliance territory. And you are not that far from Burning Steppes are you ? I guess LBRS, UBRS, BWL and MC didn't account for ****. Sure we got flights to Burning and Badlands, and we have to traverse through alliance territory to get to them.

So you see, not all is all that bad is it ?
#21 Apr 01 2007 at 9:26 PM Rating: Decent
Azatodeth wrote:
But seriously, bickering over a 6-slot bag which is exhasperating to make, fishing spots and 2 cooking recipes is just ridiculous, as if anyone is going to become invincible by getting those.
Actually, it's a very slightly known secret if you make the bag and put the things you make from the 2 extra cooking recipes in the bag and throw it in one of the extra fishing spots and you kill the lvl ?? murloc that comes out you get a trinket that has +50k every stat >_>
#22 Apr 02 2007 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
not to try to flame too hard, but hey, nothings PERFECT. if you think a few extra cooking quests and fishing quests make you wanna /wrist, then dont play wow. i mean, personally, i think that an undead priest is more powerful than a human priest, but i still play human??? why? because i want to. so, if you dont like that alliances and horde each have advantages and disadvantages, sux for you. seriously. quit complaining. if you dont like it, dont play. end of story
#23 Apr 02 2007 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
Quor wrote:
leaked patch 2.1.0 notes:

grass has been added to the opposing factions home territory. this grass is exceptionally green.

I lol'd
#24 Apr 02 2007 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
It is all Tit For Tat,the alliace gets Dartols transofrming rod(acutaly this thing got nerfed bad) a few cooking and leatherworking items the horde dose not, the Horde on the other hand gets the best logistics systems in the game(well poor service to MC,BRD,BRS,BWL, but everyplace else is top notch.

It is clear to me that Bliz is biased against the alliance, they did make them play Gnomes.....
#25 Apr 02 2007 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
164 posts
You know I find it funny someone flames about me bringing up fishing and cooking when I was comparing it to the horde person who started the conversation about well cooking......

We could discuss all sorts of things like transport and such but yeah i have real life and game things I want to get done.

My point wasn't that we get everything or you get everything simply that we each get things the other doesn't and while it can be annoying it isn't the end of the world.... of warcraft.

#26 Apr 03 2007 at 8:46 AM Rating: Decent
728 posts
Vallock wrote:
Hey I know, blizz should just copy/paste all guest from alliance and turn them into horde quest too, that way the game on both factions will be the exact same thing, how fun would that be.

As if they didn't already do that for 90% of the quests.

If anything, I wish there was more asymmetry between Horde and Alliance.
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