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When does enchanting start to make you money?Follow

#1 Mar 18 2007 at 3:25 PM Rating: Decent
Just curious but when does Enchanthing start to make you money? 150 + or 200 + or what?

Thanks! Enigmen
#2 Mar 18 2007 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
If you mean selling the enchants themselves? Never. If you mean selling enchanting mats, that's a whole other story. I make about 5g a day just buying low level greens for 5s, De'ing them and selling the strange dust for 1g a stack and the Greater Magic Essences for 75s each. Of course I make a lot more off of the higher level stuff, but the point I'm trying to make here is that it is very hard to make money selling enchants. You can, but you can make much more money in the same amount of time learning how to buy the right things from the AH to DE and sell the mats for profit.
#3 Mar 18 2007 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
114 posts
From my experience it's rather hard to make money from enchanting stuff at the lower levels as people are rarely willing to pay much if anything. Sometimes people might be willing to pay for things like beastslayer for the looks, but tips are rarely anything to call home about and if you use your own mats it will most of the time be better to just sell the material instead of the enchant. (At least on my server)

At about 200 you get the first enchants that are at least in some demand. Things like stamina to bracers or boots or weapon enchants like demonslayer, fiery and so on. Except for the rarer ones I wouldn't expect much profit from that either though.

As it stands you won't get truely profitable enchants before you reach 300. Crusader still sells decently as do agility to 1H/2H weapon. Life stealing might also net you some profit, but the formula is rather rare.

My own enchanter is only level 50 (with 300 skill) so I have no idea how well outland enchants sell, but from what I see only the rare ones can be sold with a profit. (just like in the old days)

You can make money from disenchanting and selling materials though, if you don't have any of the enchants that people crave for.

#4 Mar 18 2007 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
Ok i'll mainly disenchant, and often pass out some enchants for tips i guess. i was hoping it would be a more profitable crafting profession
#5 Mar 18 2007 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
978 posts
Oh it is profitable if you know what you're doing! :D I made 300g over the last two days buying cheap greens and the AH and selling the mats I got from DE'ing. I'm sure if I was on a larger server I could do even better.
#6 Mar 18 2007 at 6:22 PM Rating: Decent
sweet i got enchantrix, and tomorrow will be buy and DE for money day. I'm gonna get some serious income on my main.
#7 Mar 19 2007 at 1:22 AM Rating: Decent
Enigmen wrote:
Just curious but when does Enchanthing start to make you money? 150 + or 200 + or what?

Thanks! Enigmen

1, not 150. Strange dust still sells.
#8 Mar 19 2007 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
And don't do enchants just for tips. Hardly anyone tip, so you are just wasting your time. If you want to get some money back, specify a small fee instead.

By the way, I do sell enchants to level up. I only sell yellow and orange enchants. (I do the gray and green ones for friends, or if they are also buying some of my yellow orange enchants). I advertise a fix price, and use my own mats. I set the enchanting price at the price I sell my mats. So effectively, if I do sell the enchants, I'm making the AH cut profit. However, if I'm desperate to level, I'll set the price at mats minus AH cut.

To make money off disenchanting, you don't need to level enchanting much. However, I'm levelling it as it's my main, and I want to get those higher level enchants on myself.
#9 Mar 19 2007 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
528 posts
My tip would: don't do anything "for tips". Generally people will give as little as they think they can get away with and you will most often be disappointed with the money you make.

Either enchant for free, for the materials or for a price you set. That way you won't be disappointed.
#10 Mar 19 2007 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
Man... I must be unusual.

If I ever have someone do an enchant for me, I buy the mats, and then pay the enchanter 20% of what the mats cost me.

Nothing wrong with a little good karma I say...
#11 Mar 20 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
For me enchanting started to make money from the moment I got my first glowing weapon enchant. That's what everybody wanted.
I think I made most of my money on weapon enchants. The last one I did was +22int for 290g. However, material prices (for the old enchants) are now in such turmoil that I am not sure what is going to happen. And I still don't have the new weapon enchants (only reached lvl63 now).
Sometimes I sell the materials, especially when I see they will sell; for more than I can get from using them for enchanting. But I don't really treat that as enchanting... it's more like farming.
#12 Mar 20 2007 at 7:34 AM Rating: Decent
640 posts
Strange dust still sells.

Which is simply amazing to me. Why people spend the money they spend on strange dust and magic essence is beyond my comprehension.
#13 Mar 20 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Enchanting doesn't make money.
Disenchanting does.

Sure , if you set a fee for your enchants it can earn you some money,
but that's mostly just paying you back for the money you put into it for leveling enchanting.
#14 Mar 20 2007 at 8:11 AM Rating: Decent
Again I look at my money stash and wonder what you people do wrong that enchanting does not earn you gold. Don't you charge for your services?
Enchanting is so far my most profitable profession.
#15 Mar 20 2007 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
I'm having the same types of problems.

My main is level 39 and now a 240 enchanter/240 tailor. I found out early on that I could co-level tailoring and enchanting by mass-producing greens, disenchanting them, and using those mats to repeat yellow or orange enchants on my gear. It worked well until recently; at first I was able to tailor effectively without buying anything more than thread, but now I need to spend more on crafting the cloth items and find that I can usually sell those items for more than it would cost to purchase the ench mats I need... which evens out instead of producing a net loss. But I'm certainly not making any money.

I actually really love enchanting, but it's ridiculously pricey. I have 2 bags full of mats in the bank, some of which I can't use yet and some of which I have already surpassed (Soul Dust etc.) However:

- I can't sell the low-level mats for more than a pittance,
- with so many 300-375 enchanters on my server, I can't ask for a fee for my enchants, even though the shards I need cost 1-2g each,
- if I enchant "for tips", I only get small amounts of silver (with one or two exceptions),
- I'm feeling extremely lucky to have high-level friends who help me with gold.

I'm finding that I won't be able to make a dime doing any enchants until I get Fiery or better, and even then, I'll only be able to charge for it *if* I have the mats myself. If I don't, I've heard rumor that hardly anyone is willing to pay much more than the materials cost alone.

One of my good friends has pretty much told me that enchanting is something you do for yourself, for your friends, and for your guild. lol, I don't think he's so far off. I may begin d/e'ing those lower greens and selling my stacks of lower level mats just to bring in a little coin.

My suggestion is: if you love enchanting, keep it! If you're in it for the money... don't. If you do keep it: ask for small fees, if you ask at all, but on larger servers don't expect people to come to you and pay if you don't have rare enchants. Keep a stockpile of stuff you need for your own enchants and for your friends. And every once in a while, you'll be surprised by a nice guy who actually gives you a nice tip. :)

And be happy that you have the power to make those weapons glow.

As for me, I'll see if I can't make a little cash from those extra mats lying around.
#16 Mar 20 2007 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
Niccavita, I assume you are a clothie as you have tailoring. Don't buy Fiery and expect it to earn you gold. On my server, all the enchanters advertsing fiery enchants are charging mat cost only, including me. I play a warrior so I bought fiery for myself, and now I'm using it as one of my levelling enchants.

Like your friend says, enchanting is for yourself (and your friends and guildmates). Only buy enchanting formula that you'd use personally. If you think something is good for your clothie, other will think so too, and likely will pay mat cost for the enchant. At least this way, you can level for free. And yes, I do stock my own mats, but I'm also in the disenchanting business.
#17 Mar 21 2007 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
Fiery is a good enchant to earn you some money. It has nice glow, good proc rate, it actually works now that we are not in MC/BWL, it is not nerfed for lvl60+ and it is cheap! As a rogue/warrior I enchant it now on each of may MH weapons, and as an enchanter I sold probably a hundred of them by now. I try to earn 2g per enchant on it, which is my 10% cost cut.

And frankly I laugh at those who come to me with materials worth 100g and ask for enchanting for free. But that does not happen often - it's just some misguided cases from time to time. Maybe spoiled by another enchanter?
#18 Mar 21 2007 at 2:30 AM Rating: Decent
Wytryszek, how many enchants do you sell per hour? Your server must be void of guild enchanters. 2g per enchant is what I called not earning money unless you are doing them as fast as a factory production line.
#19 Mar 21 2007 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
If I stood there spamming the channel for 1h they would probably kill me :)
I usually announce my pricelist when passing through the city for some reason. The replies vary from 0 to 5. The time of the day is very important - there are dead periods, and there are rush hours. Also, I mainly sell enchants with my own mats, and I have a limited amount of those at a given time. With customer mats I do as a side business, and there I charge from 1-10g, using the 10% cut rule.

Anyhow, you can't measure profit from crafting by hours. It is more on-demand.
So instead I rather tend to measure the total wealth achieved, and it seems here I am doing better then most.
#20 Mar 21 2007 at 3:52 AM Rating: Decent
I usually announce my pricelist when passing through the city for some reason. The replies vary from 0 to 5.

Same as my experience. The only difference is that I'm usually advertise when I'm browsing the AH for my disenchanting business. So I advertise maybe every 3 min for 15 min a day. I don't get sales on most days, so that's why I have my doubts that it'd make you big money.
#21 Mar 21 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
Remember guys this is dependent on the server.
D/E is only just profitable on my server.
#22 Apr 09 2007 at 4:27 AM Rating: Decent
The problem with enchanters making money is people like me - sorry but that's the way it works. I'm a high level enchanter and a guild officer, thus I give free enchants to my fellow guildies and other friends. Here's why:-

The biggest enchants that potentially net the biggest profit are normally the ones which are mat-heavy and therefore only of serious interest to serious players in bigger guilds. All bigger guilds have (or should have) an enchanter willing to do 'mats only' work for the good of the group: If your priest has +healing, your tank has +defense and your rogue has +agility then your group is going to perform better and therefore it's worthwhile.

Sole-trader enchanting involves laborious hours standing in the centre of Ironforge whilst every level 10 hunter with their first green axe asks you whether they can have a free +15agi enchant because it looks cool but they can't afford the mats. In all this time you may be lucky and find a high level player who doesn't have access to a guild enchanter and can afford the mats and the fee, but lets be honest: you could have used your time to go and kill some humanoids and probably made a fortune in cash as well as a fresh supply of green items for disenchant.

Please don't shoot the messenger. I love enchanting but its not a moneymaker: its something you do for yourself and your guild, not for profit.

It has been begged, pleeded and spammed on every forum I know that enchanters should be able to sell enchants like leatherworkers can do armour patches or jewelcrafters can do gems. If this ever happens then YES we will make serious money, until then: keep what you need and auction your spare mats. At least you won't be too poor then.

#23 Apr 09 2007 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
Grollog wrote:
ohmikeghod wrote:
Strange dust still sells.

Which is simply amazing to me. Why people spend the money they spend on strange dust and magic essence is beyond my comprehension.

It's amazing to me as well, but Strange Dust is still my number one seller. I think it's because people new to enchanting look at "ENCHANTING" and never even think about disenchating, or how easy and cheap it is to make your own mats. They have the outlook that they should be making something better, not taking it apart for it's components. They probably start kicking themselves after they get their skill up to the level where they don't need Strange Dust or Magic Essence any more.
#24 Apr 10 2007 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
[quote][/quote]If you mean selling the enchants themselves? Never. If you mean selling enchanting mats, that's a whole other story. I make about 5g a day just buying low level greens for 5s, De'ing them and selling the strange dust for 1g a stack and the []Greater Magic Essences for 75s each[/]. Of course I make a lot more off of the higher level stuff, but the point I'm trying to make here is that it is very hard to make money selling enchants. You can, but you can make much more money in the same amount of time learning how to buy the right things from the AH to DE and sell the mats for profit.

wow man 75s for a greater magic essence ive just seen 10 for 3g dude ur over doing it ive just put a stack of 10 at 2g 28s bid and buyout 2g 85s

u must be on a moneymaking server...
#25 Apr 12 2007 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
I made money with enchanting once i made my first trip to the auciton house (enchanting was my first profession and i had heard about the money in DE)

I made 10g in 2 days. This was great for a level 5. =D

Strange dust does still sell...alot. I say it going for 5g a stack and wished i had some.
#26 Apr 12 2007 at 2:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,571 posts

I can compare me and my friend that took enchanting/tailoring.
I had skinning/tailoring and then dropped it for herbalism/alchemy.

He is always lacking mats in efforts to raise his skill, farming clothes and greenies in lower instances until he gets sick, and most of all he is almost constantly broke.
I have one little alt for DEing with skill maxed at 225 and what I make is pure profit. I dont make any cash with potions because I only make them for myself and friends, I do sell extra herbs tho. I fish a lot too and whatever I dont use in alchemy or cook goes in AH too.

I have enough gold to buy flying mount right now although I am not 70 yet, while my friend didnt manage to get his epic one yet. The way I see it with him, enchanting is botomless pit when money is concerned. He is forced to try and sell enchants none is actually buying while I can afford to give them around free on my baby alt.
Its sad really.
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