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Enchantrix for non-enchantersFollow

#1 Feb 08 2007 at 2:01 PM Rating: Good
I'm a professional disenchanter, and the following advise will probably cut into my profit, but I'm a bit tired of taking money off people that they can get for themselves.

I get most of my disenchanting material from the Auction House on bids. Many times, the bid prices are so low that I triple or even quadruple the money I spend on bids. I'm satisfied with doubling, and that excess money should go into the pockets of the person who put up the item.

OK, first of all, get enchantrix (part of the Auctioneer package). When you go into the auction house type to sell a green or better item, type in "/enchantrix load" this will allow you to display the price that disenchanted material sells for.

When you move your tooltip over something you want to put up for auction, enchantrix will display 3 prices for the disenchant material:

HSP - Highest sellable price
Median - Median price of the disenchant materials
Base - Base price of the disenchant materials

You can pretty much ignore the base price. Basically it's the price from Alla and probably won't apply to your realm. That leaves you with two prices. The HSP and the median. figure on using the HSP to determine what price to set your minimum bid at.

For example if Enchantrix displays the following:

HSP - 41s 20C
Median - 43s
Base - 20s

The minimum bid that you should set should be 1/2 the HSP. If Auctioneer also shows that the item will normally sell for less than this amount, then it should also be your buy-out price.

If you have a good Auctioneer database, Auctioneer may tell you that the minimum bid price should be higher. If it does, follow it's advise. It's generally good, and if I lose out on some disenchanting material, then "oh, well". I'll be able to find something to disenchant - don't worry. However, if Auctioneer tells you to put the minimum bid lower than 1/2 the Enchantrix HSP, then you need to raise that minimum in order to make a bit more money.

p.s. You can also use this advise for making money disenchanting - you can determine which items to buy on the AH to disenchant and at least double your money.
#2 Feb 08 2007 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
839 posts
ZOMG!!! You shot the cash cow! You b*stard!

Actually, I will guess that a few people will take this information away and gain from it, but that there will always be underpriced goods available. It was nice of you to provide this public service announcement for the Allakhazam community. I hope it helps erase the guilt of all that gold you are making. :)

It has been pretty interesting lately with the disenchanting. Despite the fact that Enchantrix percentless isn't working at the moment, I'm making more gold than ever by doing the search manually. Perhaps I have lost some competition through the combination of the level 20 requirement and broken Enchantrix searches. The epic flying mount is still out of reach, but I expect the gold will be there by the time one of my mains hits 70.
#3 Feb 08 2007 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
Reednut wrote:
ZOMG!!! You shot the cash cow! You b*stard!

I guess I deserved that, but I really do feel a bit guilty when I see auctioneer give out

recommended min 15s recommended buy out 20s

followed by Enchantrix's

HSP - 80s
median - 85s
Base - 1G

When people follow Auctioneer's suggestion, they end up losing money - they should be pricing out the item at at 40s. We still double our gold, and they end up increasing their take as well.
#5 Feb 09 2007 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
With the recent turmoil in the AH prices for enchanting materials, I am not convinced I can trust any statistics based on old data...
In fact I am not even sure any more how to price my enchants (if I use my own materials). Everything changes on hourly bases.
#6 Feb 09 2007 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
958 posts
I downloaded Auctioneer and enchantrix and fired up enchantrix thinking that it would show me what my hundred some odd greens would DE into. I was wrong. I mouseover green after green only to see something to the effect of, "Disenchant info not available". How do I solve this problem?

As Outland has no auction house I have been sending all of my greens to mule in IF but due to the massive amount of greens I have accumulated it isn't worth my time to place them all up for sale as many are returned due to better items from quests. I'd like to be able to see the difference in the NPC price and the DE info if possible. Many thanks for help.
#7 Feb 09 2007 at 7:52 AM Rating: Good
839 posts
OMG wrote:
I guess I deserved that, but I really do feel a bit guilty when I see auctioneer give out...
I hope you took that in the light-hearted spirit that it was meant. :) IMHO you a doing a good thing by posting this.

Skibum wrote:
I downloaded Auctioneer and enchantrix and fired up enchantrix thinking that it would show me what my hundred some odd greens would DE into. I was wrong. I mouseover green after green only to see something to the effect of, "Disenchant info not available". How do I solve this problem?

From your post, I assume that you are referring to all Outland green items. Enchantrix does not yet support Outland items. (unless they have added it in the last few days) It does work for Azeroth items, as you should be able to see by mousing over lower level weapons and armor in the AH.

I have been scouting and disenchanting Outland greens and generally use the following rule of thumb:

It is likely that 58~65 green armor will DE into 2~3 Arcane Dust. One my server, Arcane dust centers around 1.5 G each. I will buy Outland greens from the AH to DE when the buyout is below 2.5G. Sometimes I get essences, but it is not that common.

For the Outland green items that I acquire, I normally use the following system. It isn't perfect, but I don't think I lose that much potential either.

Item vendor price < 3G and the Auctioneer price is < 5G = Disenchant (I need the Arcane dust to make imbued netherweave bags anyway) Due to the high deposit, I think there is too much risk selling cheap high level items on the auction house when so many are currently listed.

Item vendor price > 3G and item is BOP = Sell item to vendor

Item vendor price > 3G and item is BOE = check AH price and sell there if it makes sense. If not, then sell to vendor.

Check the price of arcane dust on your server and go from there. Assume 2~3 arcane dust each, or try a few cheap items and record your actual DE results so you can get a better feel for what to sell or DE. (I wish I had been doing this - just thought of it now)

Edited, Feb 9th 2007 7:53am by Reednut
#8 Feb 09 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
I found the following table on WoW-Europe (Compiled by Quintessence). min & max are the minimum and maximum iLevels for items. Enchantrix displays the ilevel in the tooltip, when you mouse over an item.

Quintessence wrote:
The following table lists item level ranges for the different enchanting reagents. (For example, if you're looking for Dream Dust, you want to be disenchanting greens with an item level in the range 46-55).

Because there are gaps in itemization, e.g. no known level 66-78 greens, some of these values are estimates. In such cases the estimate is shown followed by the closest observed value in parentheses.

I'm a little uncertain about Nexus Crystal/Void Crystal at the moment because there is a gap in the available data. Estimating the crossover at 55/56 fits the pattern of the other reagents though.

Information collected from Thottbot, Allakhazam and WoWHead.

Dusts (Uncommon)		min     max 
Strange Dust			  5	 25 
Soul Dust			 26	 35 
Vision Dust			 36	 45 
Dream Dust			 46	 55 
Illusion Dust			 56	 65 
Arcane Dust			 66(79) 
Essences (Uncommon)		min	max 
Lesser Magic Essence		 10	 15 
Greater Magic Essence		 16	 20 
				 21	 30	Weapons Only 
Lesser Astral Essence		 21	 25	Armor Only 
Greater Astral Essence		 26	 30	Armor Only 
Lesser Mystic Essence		 31	 35 
Greater Mystic Essence		 36	 40 
Lesser Nether Essence		 41	 45 
Greater Nether Essence		 46	 50 
Lesser Eternal Essence		 51	 55 
Greater Eternal Essence		 56	 65 
Lesser Planar Essence		 66(80)	 99 
Greater Planar Essence		100 
Shards (Uncommon/Rare/Epic) 
Small Glimmering Shard		 16	 25 
Large Glimmering Shard		 26	 30 
Small Glowing Shard		 31	 35 
Large Glowing Shard		 36	 40 
Small Radiant Shard		 41	 45 
Large Radiant Shard		 46	 50 
Small Brilliant Shard		 51	 55 
Large Brilliant Shard		 56	 65	Not Epics 
Small Prismatic Shard		 66	 99	Not Epics 
Large Prismatic Shard		100		Not Epics 
Crystals (Epic/Rare) 
Nexus Crystal			 56	 85(83) 
Void Crystal			 86(88) 
#9 Feb 09 2007 at 11:42 AM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
Unless I'm missing something, there is a problem with the data presented in Quintessence's table.

I have been making a living off DE of items in the level range of 56-63 lately (level 63 items are the top end for level 225 enchanter to DE). From this experience, I know that Arcane Dust is the most common mat to disenchant. Similarly, Lesser Planar Essence is also occurring in that level range as well. I have not kept close track of the DE materials, so I can't say for sure the cut-off for Illusion Dust vs. Arcane Dust, but I know for certain that upper 50s level items do DE into Arcane Dust a high percentage of the time. Again, I don't have quantified data, but I believe that 2 Arcane Dust DE from upper 50s items and 3 Arcane Dust are more likely from low 60s items.

Just wanted to note a word of caution about Quintessence's table.
#10 Feb 09 2007 at 12:27 PM Rating: Decent
839 posts
have been making a living off DE of items in the level range of 56-63 lately (level 63 items are the top end for level 225 enchanter to DE).
Are you talking about item level (you don't normally see this unless you use Enchantrix and mouse over the item), or level requirement to use the item? This could cause the difference.
#11 Feb 12 2007 at 7:33 AM Rating: Decent
Have you guys noticed that green items with level req 55-60 from Azeroth disenchant into illusion dust and greater eternal essences (like they always did), while those from Outland into arcane dust and lesser planar essences? And even more amusing is that locked boxes from Outlands contain green items from Azeroth?

I wish Enchantrix would display what kind of item I am looking at. I have just sold one greater eternal essence for 18g, which is an all time record - you can imagine I am now looking for more Azeroth items (which are becoming quite rare)

Edit: ah, stupid me, the answer is obvious: if enchantrix does show DE values, then it is Azerothian item. Lol, to much playing, need rest.

Edited, Feb 12th 2007 4:37pm by Wytryszek
#12 Feb 12 2007 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts

I guess I'm confused by the table in this thread. The wowwiki one ( you posted in the other thread matches my expectations...e.g., arcane dust and lesser planar from items 56+.

Item level, as opposed to level requirement doesn't seem like a really useful thing to know for disenchanting. Searching the AH is done by level requirement, not by item level. So, am I missing something that's important to know?

Seems like for most people the wowwiki tables are more useful.


#13 Feb 12 2007 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
839 posts
I agree that the chart would be better if presented in level requirement format. I put both item level and level requirement in my Outland disenchant predictions thread just for reference.
#14 Feb 13 2007 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks to the wiki page I now understand that the result of disenchanting items depends on item level, not on the required level. So far so good. But how can I see the item level in a tooltip, so I can know which item to buy in AH? Any mods doing that?

Edit: this looks like the simplest one that does it:

Edited, Feb 13th 2007 2:37pm by Wytryszek
#15 Feb 13 2007 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
Would this be violating the EULA of WoW or no?
#16 Feb 13 2007 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
Wowwiki wrote:
Blizzard has made the decision that the user interface of World of Warcraft is fully customizable, modifiable and extendable. This is completely legal, and is encouraged by Blizzard. A User Interface Modification (UI Mod for short) and AddOn is exactly the same thing, the difference is merely in their names. Usually "Mods" tend to refer to smaller things that only modify existing funcionality of the user interface, whereas AddOns tend to add extra functionality. From here on, we will simply use "AddOn".

The Auctioneer/Enchantrix add-on package also displays this information.
#17 Feb 13 2007 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I guess I deserved that, but I really do feel a bit guilty when I see auctioneer give out

recommended min 15s recommended buy out 20s

followed by Enchantrix's

HSP - 80s
median - 85s
Base - 1G

When people follow Auctioneer's suggestion, they end up losing money - they should be pricing out the item at at 40s. We still double our gold, and they end up increasing their take as well.

Why do you feel guilty about this? They have the same tools at their disposal to find out about Enchantrix as you and should definetly be able to find the info if they already use Auctioneer when it comes as a package. It seems kind of silly to feel guilty about it. It's not like you have some privledged secret information or anything. I've only been playing for about 3 months and I already discovered this gold mine. Some people will just naturally take the time to research things and some won't.

That said I don't really care that you posted it and don't want to come off that way. As another poster said there will always be people that list things at a good profit margin even if your post adds some more people taking advantage of this. There are millions of WoW players right must be a good number that don't know how to take full advantage of the AH which seems like it is the real way to make gold in the game as opposed to farming.
#18 Feb 14 2007 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
I've d/l'ed the do i use it? i don't see an icon in my UI for Auctioneer or any of the addons
#19 Feb 14 2007 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
I've d/l'ed the do i use it? i don't see an icon in my UI for Auctioneer or any of the addons

I'm not sure where to start, so I will give you a rough outline of the steps to install this and other addons.

- Download the addon and the extract files
- Copy (or move) the extracted addon folder to the /interface/addons folder in the directory where WoW is installed on your computer. (Do not mess with the Blizzard folders that already exist there)
- Start WoW and log in, but only to the character selection screen.
- There will be a button in the lower left corner of the screen called "Addons" or something similar.
- Click on that button and make sure all of the add-ons you loaded are enabled.
- Return to the character selection screen and enter the game.
- Some addons will start automatically. To launch Auctioneer, type /auctioneer load always. In the future, Auctioneer will always load for that character.
- At this point, you will notice some differences in the auction house screen. I will leave most for you to discover, but the scan button is important. When you start Auctioneer the first time, you will have no stored data. The only way to gather data is by scanning the auction house - this takes 10~20 minutes. Scan once per day for a week to build a decent database. (Keep scanning frequently to keep it updated)
- Once you have scanned once, you will get pricing information whenever you mouse over items.
- To see enchanting info, you have to type /enchantrix load always as well. You will then see disenchant predictions for most items.

Please read the documentation for the addons. There are many other features I have not covered.
#20 Feb 14 2007 at 8:31 AM Rating: Excellent
6,678 posts
Is it even possible to play WoW without auctioneer? =/
Only the exceptions can be exceptional.
#21 Feb 14 2007 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
Azuarc wrote:
Is it even possible to play WoW without auctioneer? =/

Yes, it is. You just have to be very careful about it. I made money at the AH before I even heard of Auctioneer. All Auctioneer does is make the task a little easier.
#22 Feb 15 2007 at 6:49 AM Rating: Decent
Maybe I wasnt using it right, but Auctioneer had me selling stuff less than I should have in some cases I learned.

Honestly I dont get why this mod is so important, I mean prices vary from day to day, but not by a huge amount.

And if its something Ive never sold before, I find allakhazams prices to be pretty accurate.

If I still dont feel confident about selling something I just hang on to it and watch it on the AH.


Edited, Feb 15th 2007 9:50am by Vallock
#23 Feb 15 2007 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
Honestly I dont get why this mod is so important, I mean prices vary from day to day, but not by a huge amount.
You *can* live without it, but I find it really helps with certain things. Some of the search features can help you find excellent bargains. I used /auctioneer percentless the day before yesterday and found a blue mage dagger for 15g. It normally sells for 70. Of course, the search function can be fooled, so you still need to do a little homework before blindly buying.

It is also convenient to always have AH pricing (and disenchant) data available. I can't count the number of times our group looked up the median buyout price for a BoE blue while away from the city. Knowing the projected disenchant and AH value for green items can help you decide whether to DE, sell to vendor, or list on the AH. Finally, a great little feature is having the ability to save bid and buyout prices for items that you sell. If you are selling ten stacks of Illusion Dust, why type the amount in each time?

#24 Feb 15 2007 at 11:26 AM Rating: Decent
You *can* live without it, but I find it really helps with certain things. Some of the search features can help you find excellent bargains. I used /auctioneer percentless the day before yesterday and found a blue mage dagger for 15g. It normally sells for 70. Of course, the search function can be fooled, so you still need to do a little homework before blindly buying.

It is also convenient to always have AH pricing (and disenchant) data available. I can't count the number of times our group looked up the median buyout price for a BoE blue while away from the city. Knowing the projected disenchant and AH value for green items can help you decide whether to DE, sell to vendor, or list on the AH. Finally, a great little feature is having the ability to save bid and buyout prices for items that you sell. If you are selling ten stacks of Illusion Dust, why type the amount in each time?

Heh you're now making me think that I've been thinking about this mod in the wrong way. I might have to try it out some more.
#25 Feb 16 2007 at 2:11 AM Rating: Decent
The MOST important feature of auctioneer is remembering your own prices! I can live without all the other features, but when this one is not there or not working, selling something is just too much pain :)
#26 Apr 10 2007 at 4:56 AM Rating: Default
kk i DLED the auctioneer so i placed the icon in my desktop so open it...

I see auctioneer so i click on it... now it shows me one file called nopatch.

so i click on it and it sais to open file with something what am i suppose to

do if i try oppening with WoW it gives me an error why??

is it cuz i have auctioneer already??

cuz i have auctioneer but i dont think i have enchantrix how can i check this??
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