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How do you choose how much to charge for Enchants?Follow

#1 Feb 02 2007 at 2:41 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
Hey everyone,

I'm a 300 enchanter... I finally made it.. but to be honest I sorta have just been selling enchants by winging it. I charge what I think is a decent price for an enchant (usually anywhere between 1g for the lower ones and 5g for the good ones like fiery and icy) but I dont know how to really choose how much to charge...

The way this problem came up is because I just got an arcanite rod and was looking into making a runed arcanite rod so I could finally use the crusader and unholy enchants that I bought off the AH (man they were expencive) and now it looks like the rod is gonna be expencive to put together as well...

I realize the mats for crusader is about 80-100g but I normally make the customers supply their own mats so I wont have to worry about that... what I do have to think about though is how much will I charge for an enchanters fee?

what do you guys charge? and how and why did you come to that conclusion? I heard a while back that people were charging around 50-70g for enchanting fees on crusader but I tried to see if someone would buy it for that much and they complained about it and said they got their other crusader enchant for only 10g... 10g? thats not very much... I would need to do like 50 crusader enchants just to make back the money it cost me to get the recipie and meet the requirements to use it (making the rod etc...) not to mention the extra time/gold it took me to get to 300.

I guess I'm just a little confused and frustrated... can someone clear this up for me?

#2 Feb 02 2007 at 3:08 PM Rating: Decent
Lukester wrote:
Hey everyone,

I'm a 300 enchanter... I finally made it.. but to be honest I sorta have just been selling enchants by winging it. I charge what I think is a decent price for an enchant (usually anywhere between 1g for the lower ones and 5g for the good ones like fiery and icy) but I dont know how to really choose how much to charge...

The way this problem came up is because I just got an arcanite rod and was looking into making a runed arcanite rod so I could finally use the crusader and unholy enchants that I bought off the AH (man they were expencive) and now it looks like the rod is gonna be expencive to put together as well...

I realize the mats for crusader is about 80-100g but I normally make the customers supply their own mats so I wont have to worry about that... what I do have to think about though is how much will I charge for an enchanters fee?

what do you guys charge? and how and why did you come to that conclusion? I heard a while back that people were charging around 50-70g for enchanting fees on crusader but I tried to see if someone would buy it for that much and they complained about it and said they got their other crusader enchant for only 10g... 10g? thats not very much... I would need to do like 50 crusader enchants just to make back the money it cost me to get the recipie and meet the requirements to use it (making the rod etc...) not to mention the extra time/gold it took me to get to 300.

I guess I'm just a little confused and frustrated... can someone clear this up for me?


I personally dont charge all that much for enchants (if they are not my materials) the only exception are the really beefy ones like +12 agi to glvoes or +30 agi/str or crusader, in which case I charge 10-20g depending on the cost of mats. I dont really have a fixed % or anything, just kinda go with what feels right. If say the mats are 60-70g 10g cost for the enchant is plenty. If the mats are 100+ or the recipe took a lot of work to get (read, rep grinds, high ah cost etc) then 15g or more is fine. And i personal /spit in /trade to people that want to charge 50g for something like crusader especially when its not their mats (50g+mat cost that is) given how relatively 'cheap' the mats are for that. But thats IMO I guess.

*edit* I assumed he was asking if they were not your mats, I dont sell crusdaer for 15g if they are my mats lol.

Edited, Feb 2nd 2007 4:46pm by Lienna
#3 Feb 02 2007 at 3:16 PM Rating: Decent
735 posts
Woah...!!!! WTF!!! Don't charge 5g for fiery and icy. They are atleast 20g.
The way you work out how much you charge is, go to the ah, look at the prices of the mats on your server ( Diff servers ahe diff prices ) Then charge an extra 1-2g for the enchant.

Like i have the riding skill enchant for gloves, the mats are 2x Large Radiant Shard, 3x Dream Dust. Now on my server large radiant shards are 6g min each, and dream dust is about 80s each. So seeing that the mats will cost you 14g 40s. I charge them 15g-20g. that's a profit of 5g. And also +7 dmg to 2h would be 12g seeing that the mats are 7-10g.

The mats for crusader are: 4x Large Brilliant Shard, 2x Righteous Orb. A Large brilliant shard is about 7g on my server, and a righteous orb is about 35-40g on my server. Seeing as i all costs 68g, i would charge around 70-80g. But my server has different prices for those mats, but if you could find out the prices on your server, you could set your price.
#4 Feb 02 2007 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
Romordi wrote:
Woah...!!!! WTF!!! Don't charge 5g for fiery and icy. They are atleast 20g.
The way you work out how much you charge is, go to the ah, look at the prices of the mats on your server ( Diff servers ahe diff prices ) Then charge an extra 1-2g for the enchant.

Like i have the riding skill enchant for gloves, the mats are 2x Large Radiant Shard, 3x Dream Dust. Now on my server large radiant shards are 6g min each, and dream dust is about 80s each. So seeing that the mats will cost you 14g 40s. I charge them 15g-20g. that's a profit of 5g. And also +7 dmg to 2h would be 12g seeing that the mats are 7-10g.

The mats for crusader are: 4x Large Brilliant Shard, 2x Righteous Orb. A Large brilliant shard is about 7g on my server, and a righteous orb is about 35-40g on my server. Seeing as i all costs 68g, i would charge around 70-80g. But my server has different prices for those mats, but if you could find out the prices on your server, you could set your price.

he was talking about if it wasnt his mats (crusader)... atleast that is what I assumed he was asking(and how I answered). But for your own mats thats how I do it, price out the cost based on average AH prices then add a bit to it.
#5 Feb 02 2007 at 6:34 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
thanks guys thats very helpful. now I know what to charge X-D

and yeah I was talking about how much I should charge if they supply mats.
#6 Feb 02 2007 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
735 posts
Lol ok.
#7 Feb 03 2007 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
82 posts
If they provide mats they solicited me more often than not. I don't hawk enchanting in trade or anything much anymore. Too busy killing ****. And if they solicited me they are either a friend, or a friend's friend. So I charge optional tip. Usually people keep coming back because they know if they are broke I will enchant anyways. Then when they get money and need and Enchant they will tip like mad. One guy got like 4 "free" enchants then he wanted Crusader and he provided his own mats and came to me with a tip. 250g. No joke. Basically I have established myself in a circle of friends that come to me over and over. Sometimes tips are good, sometimes not. But I survive and have fun.

If someone wants me to get mats they are getting hoed. That's all there is to it. I go based on the high, yet reasonable BO price. For example Large Brills go for 6-12G on my server, note-that means the jerks that post a Large Brill for 99G BO don't count. I am going to charge him 12. Then I add on a tip of 10% on average unless the amount is really high then I lower it to 5%.

65 Feral Druid
#8 Feb 06 2007 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
Here are some things I learned when leveling and trying to sell enchants. Hopefully this will save you time.

1. Until you are the maximum lvl the game allows, people will try to leverage that against you and attempt to get free enchants and not tip b/c they know you are desparate to level as cheapily as possible. Dont simply cave in, try to at least turn a slight profit if possible,.
Once you are 300, never do anything for free unless it is for a guildie. The reason is, people begin to expect it, and it screws over everyone else in your profession..
Put it this way, you dont wake up and go to work for free everyday, why should an enchanter? ;) At least get a tip (unless of course its a friend or guildie.)

2. DONT SUPPLY MATS, unless you really enjoy this rat-race game. The reason is a) it is a huge headache, and b) people will always question your prices and assume you are overcharging them. It turns out to be a huge waste of time 95% of time, so let it be known you dont supply them, and let them come back to you. (If they REALLY want the enchant, they will come back.)

3. As far as fees, I like to use a 10% rule. Charge 10% of the average mats cost in the AH. If it is a rare enchant, always see what others are charging and try to compete with that price. There arent that many to keep track of, so it shouldnt be hard to watch it.

For the lower level ones, just let them politely know a small tip would be appreciated/expected, regarldess of which enchant it is.

Following these rules aobe have saved me a lot of time dealing with hagglers and cheapskates, and I have made some good money with less hassle.

#9 Feb 06 2007 at 6:33 AM Rating: Decent
I'm not 300, but 211, so my experience might not apply. However, I've been successfully selling my enchants at a profit since level 180, with Enchant Bracer - Strength. I skilled up completely from 180-211 on sales and enchanting my own new gear.

I always supply the mats, as people always expect it to be free when they provide the mats. But that could be, like the previous poster says, them taking advantage of me leveling. But with TBC, people will still pull that on you since they think you want to level to 375.

I buy mats or greens/blues from the AH, whichever is cheaper. I use enchantrix to help workout what an item will D/E into. The price I charge for the enchants is usually 10% + mats. However, I take into account customer's perceived benefit of the enchant in the final price. For example, +5 strength on bracers uses only one vision dust, but +5 stamina on shield uses 5. Clearly, your customer doesn't think +5 stamina is worth 5 times more than +5 strength. This means the profit margin for the strength enchant is higher than the stamina one.

I don't have any sellable rare formulas, but I know crusader is definitely perceived as valuable and you should charge accordingly (10% or more). Also, maybe since the mats are very expensive to stock, you are forced to enchant for tips only.

Good luck my fellow enchanter.
#10 Feb 06 2007 at 6:40 AM Rating: Decent
Interesting post and good insight. The main reason I dont supply mats (adding on to what I said earlier) is that people often dont realize the true cost/how expensive mats can be, and when they find out they no longer want the enchant..

Many deals have fallen through once the person went to buy them. And because of this, even when you supply them, they naturally think you are trying to rip them off, even when you are charging break-even/slight miniscule profit for them.

Then you find yourself attempting to "justify" or rationalize the cost with them and why you are charging what you are. It just isnt worth it IMO. Again, if you are into that sort of thing, by all means more power to you. I am not.
#11 Feb 06 2007 at 7:22 AM Rating: Decent
Bostonsoccermdl, I completely agree with you that customers don't understand how expensive enchanting mats are. I used to not carry my own mats to save gold and ask customer to buy the mats. I found that lots of them back out when they found out how expensive the mats are. This is just a waste of time since I have to give them a link to buy the mats, then they often just go silent. A lot of them don't even have the decency to tell you they are not interested anymore. This happens a lot in my minor beastslayer phase. All the young kids wanting their red glows :) It's at around level 180 that I decided to stock my own mats. Also, I actually put my prices on the ad macro. Since I stock my own mats, I'm only doing a limited number of enchants. The ad is less than 3 lines long. This helps cut down the barter. If they think my prices are too high, they won't reply. I've only got one person so far that haggled. I just ignored him. I've also got one person that /w asking for an enchant that's not listed in the ad. I can do the enchant he asked, and he's happy with the price I quoted. I think that his having seen my other enchant prices help 'soften' him.

I don't know how often you can sell a crusader enchant, but if they do sell on a regular basis, I think I'll stock my own righteous orbs to save the hassle.
#12 Feb 06 2007 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
I don't usually charge for Enchantments.
Here's a tip....Smiley: schooled

When I run Pug Instances I will always inspect the Nice people in the group. If I have the Mats, I will give them each (if they are nice) one or two
Even if they offer me a tip I say No thanks....why?

Because I would say 95% of the time a green or boss mob drop comes up, and it's not an upgrade for someone....I wind up with it. If its a Boss mob drop they either have or no one needs....the party usually syas give it to the Enchanter without me even asking for it. if its a green and greed rolled...I usually get a trade window opened within a few seconds of the roll.

So what does this do for me:

1) Shows Im a nice guy
2) really I lose mats for the 1st Enchs and DE the un-needed drops. Kinda a wash
3) I get free skill ups

hell, I have a few that still mail me greens to DE if they cant sell em. Smiley: lol
#13 Feb 07 2007 at 6:49 AM Rating: Default
giving away free enchants is a waste of money, i used to be almost he opposite of you, id sell them the wrong enchant for really high prices, and then ignore them, i got banned for 3 days, so i dont do it anymore but it was fun making like 6g profit off of random people
#14 Apr 06 2007 at 10:23 AM Rating: Decent
Unless someone already has the mats, I always stock up on the mats ahead of time

Here are several reasons why I do this:

1) Some people are lazy and don't want to go to the AH and search for it. If you try to make a lazy person do something, they won't buy. All these ppl want is to put the gold in trade box and go off questing. You give them a shopping list, and they won't reply back to you.

2) Some of the mats aren't aways in the AH and even if they are the price can flucuate alot. If someone wants a fiery and neither of you have the essence of fire and its not in the AH, you just lost a sale.

3) Most ppl know the average price of the mat and that price is incorporated into the sale. Buy stocking up, you can decide when to buy the mat when its cheap in AH. That savings goes in your pocket. I typically see Essence of Undeath vary between 5g to 25g.

4) Getting mats involve a little leg work. If the buyer did the work, they are more likely to expect the enchant for free or just a gold or two.

5) Knowledge is power. Like I said most ppl know the average price of mats, so they have an foggy estimate of what its worth. However they do not know exactly how much you are charging when its your mats. But when its their mats, they know Exactly how much you are putting on top...and that's not good!
#15 Apr 08 2007 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
The usual price is mats+10%. Enchantrix will provide you with a "barker price" if you use it.
#16 Apr 08 2007 at 7:30 AM Rating: Default
I never charge if it's their mats. I get much, much better tips from good ppl from not charging. If it's my mats, I charge cost of mats individually, and usually a base price of a few gold, maybe a bit more depending.

I personally hated when ppl used to actually try to charge me 30-100g, my mats, for a chant. It's ridicoulous. I have 700g on my alt who is only 27 just from DEing. She also bought me and my fiancee a second mount. I never knew Enchanting was where it was at until I lvled Enchanting by DEing along w/ my Tailoring, looking for deals, and sending crap greens to her from all my other characters. I always thought an Enchanters life was poor and hard, it's actually the best money since Herbalism! My Mining is comming up to a close second tho...

Edited, Apr 8th 2007 11:30am by SeldoonYbHtaed

Edited, Apr 8th 2007 11:31am by SeldoonYbHtaed
#17 Apr 10 2007 at 11:17 PM Rating: Decent
3,761 posts
Interesting post and good insight. The main reason I dont supply mats (adding on to what I said earlier) is that people often dont realize the true cost/how expensive mats can be, and when they find out they no longer want the enchant..

Many deals have fallen through once the person went to buy them. And because of this, even when you supply them, they naturally think you are trying to rip them off, even when you are charging break-even/slight miniscule profit for them.

Then you find yourself attempting to "justify" or rationalize the cost with them and why you are charging what you are. It just isnt worth it IMO. Again, if you are into that sort of thing, by all means more power to you. I am not.

You dont have to rationalize anything. I keep a good stock of enchanting mats on hand, so I can do most of my high end enchants with my mats or theirs. I tell them my price, which is generally AH price + tip (for the insane cost of me leveling this skill) and I give them that price. If they whine at all, I just say "fine go buy them on the AH". Half the time you give them a mat list and a price, and you dont hear back for 5 minutes. Of course they're checking the AH, I dont blame them. Its rare that someone will find cheaper mats on the AH then my prices, so they either dont have the gold for the enchant period, or they just buy mine. I tend to sell alot more enchants with full mats on hand. I tried the "bring your own mats" method for a long time and I really had trouble selling enchants. Keeping my own stock I get alot more replies. Its hard to keep up sometimes.
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