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so hows your 300+ smithing going?Follow

#1 Jan 27 2007 at 3:01 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
hi, im Quor. ive got a warrior, currently 66, with blacksmithing. hes weapon specialist: hammersmith to be exact, and hes really drooling over the prospect of that thunder/deep thunder/stormherald line of maces he'll one day be able to make.

but my god is it getting expensive. im at 340 smithing now (10 skill till i can learn to make thunder!) and the mats im needing is beginning to drive me nuts. seems that blizzard really wanted to make these upper levels of crafts more hardcore (and ultimately more rewarding i suppose). ive got a bit of a plan laid out, mostly involving using fel iron plate armor to gain as much skill as possible before it goes yellow, but at 10 bars per piece, thats 100 fel iron ore for five skill if im lucky.

ive got some adamantite plans, some learned from the trainer (adamantite cleaver to be precise) and some picked up from a vendor in lower shat by all the trainers (adamantite set, gloves/bracers/chest). the adamantite set needs a decent amount of primals tho, so i suppose its time for me to find some fire elementals and just farm the crap outta them for motes and what not.

still, im enjoying myself.

so sound off allakhazam smiths. hows BC treating you?
#2 Jan 29 2007 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Armorsmith here!!
currently level 65 warrior.

Honestly i've put off leveling the trade so far. I'm Working on my mining skill and banking everything I get; currently 350 mining, by just doing it casually while questing / instancing.

I'm at 305 Blacksmithing at the moment by just from making fel iron rods for guildie enchanters.

I figured I will be 70 by the end of two weeks and i have all the cash for my flying mount so I will really get into the trade skill leveling then while waitng for my guild to catch up.
any tips for leveling it so far?
#3 Jan 29 2007 at 8:23 AM Rating: Decent
982 posts
lvl 64 warrior here,

My BS si been neglected to long so now i invested (way to)much gold in order to get it from 250 to 280 around (100g1day its expensive but quick).
I am saving up many ores though.

(So any suggestions for quick and (preferable)low cost lvling so i can actually ad something for OP?)
#4 Jan 29 2007 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
So far it has been slow. Although, I did read a post on another subject that helped me immensely on where and when to mine that took me from 306 mining and 302 blacksmithing to the current 337 mining and 326 blacksmithing in 2 1/2 hours.

I refuse to pay the preposterous prices on the AH for thorium and rarely pay for fel iron.

On TN thorium is going for 17g a stack now and 30-50g a stack for fel iron.

I think with the easiness to make and the relative ease with which it is now possible (when the newness of BC dies down) to find the materials, Blizzard should really consider altering the recipes of lower lvl items and high end items from before the patch. Most of them have been rendered "too expensive" to even consider making now. Especially not with cheap stuff right around the lvling corner.

Also, the fel iron plate seems to be selling well for around 4-6g per item, but the mail armor items are bombing in the AH, being sent back every time for major losses.
#5 Jan 31 2007 at 5:05 AM Rating: Decent
20x Fel Iron bars are selling for 40g a stack on my server so I've put off leveling my smithing. Mining was up to 371 last night and I've sold 2x sstacks of ore per night on the AH in the past few days.

After prices come down I'll start stocking up on the ore for myself but I can't pass up the 80g a night I'm making with mining. Now if people would check the AH before they put a stack on there for "HALF" the price everyone else is the prices won't drop as fast and we'll all make some coin for our flying mounts.

Edited, Jan 31st 2007 8:08am by Scolariman
#6 Jan 31 2007 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
SLOW.... Fel Iron nodes are pretty scarce at the moment, at least in HFP on my server. I just managed to scrape together enough for two skill-ups. On a positive note, my tailoring is up to 342 already. :)
#7 Jan 31 2007 at 11:12 AM Rating: Decent
110 posts
well i hit level 66, got my mining up to 375. i went from 320 to 375 in 1.5 hours on a great string of nodes i found.

started casually working on BS'ing.
up to 325, jsut doing all the fel iron plate stuff nothing crazy.
#8 Feb 01 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
Well, you actually have the hardest part before you.

I'm a 70 paladin @ skill 361. I already got my thunder, but skilling farther is extremely hard.

The only yellow and orange recipes are thunder, drakefist hammer, flamebane braers and gloves and felsteel whisper knives. All of them quite expensive.

I currently skill with flamebane bracers, which require 3 primal water und 2 primal fire. At 365 I can learn the felsteel helm recipe, which dropped for me recently in shadow lab. This thing costs 8 felsteel bars, that's 16 eternium. I have 48 eternium bars atm, so that's skill 368, no idea how to go on then. I guess I'll have to switch to flamebane gloves (4 primal fire and water) oder breastplate(6 primal water, 5 primal fire) after that.

So prepare for some fun after 360. it's pure hell to skill blacksmitihng then.
#9 Feb 02 2007 at 2:49 PM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
So prepare for some fun after 360. it's pure hell to skill blacksmitihng then.

thats what i was afraid of. ive heard only the most dedicated will get past 360 in any reasonable amount of time. and here i was hoping i was done farming motes of water :(
#10 Feb 04 2007 at 3:29 AM Rating: Good
Allright, I've done it. skill 375 now.

Here are the mats I needed from 360 to 375

20 Hardened Adamantite Bar(i.e. 200 Adamantite Bars)
24 Felsteel Bars(i.e. 72 Fel Iron and 48 Eternium)
46 Fel Iron Bars
30 Primal Life
23 Primal Water
20 Primal Earth
18 Primal Fire

In addition I used two recipes, which are a more or less rare drop in lvl 70 instances.

I made a total of:
5 Flamebane Bracers(360-365)
2 Flamebane Gloves(365-367)
3 Felsteel Helms(367-370)
5 earthpeace Breatplates(370-375)

On the bright side I already sold a Felsteel Helm for 500g and an Earthpeace Breastplate for 150g ^^
#11 Feb 05 2007 at 5:23 AM Rating: Good
8,779 posts
thanks for the tip dulkan, ill see what i can find i suppose.
#12 Feb 06 2007 at 6:53 AM Rating: Decent
I just spent my supply of fel iron to get to 330 blacksmithing and now plan to get more to make Fel Iron Breastplates until they turn yellow. Dulkan supplied a great guide to getting to 375 from 360, but what should I be making from the time the breastplates turn yellow until 360?
#13 Feb 06 2007 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
Getting to 375 BS skill is a pain in the XXX to say the least. Your trainers dont have alot of viable patterns like they did in the old world, the patterns you do get seem to take a ton of mats. and with 2-4 ore to make 1 bar than one item taking 10-20 bars it can be slow indeed. Your best bet is do to like they say find a relatively cheap item to make and make it until you no longer get a skill point. Stand in a major city offering to make items for free wth peoples mats. And than go grind rep to find more patterns to make lol. Reputations are really the only way to get decent patterns. But by the time most people gain enough rep for an item the chinese farmer bots have tapped out the market, the pwoerleveling, hardcore sit-in-mom's-basement guilds have flooded the market with better items.

Personally, I find professions more a waste of time. Something blizzard put in to slow down game play so that they wouldnt need to come out with new material every year. You can get better items from raiding and doing instances than you can make. except for potion making and enchanting which never seem to be in short supply. Although, I do fish for free food for my pets, cook for the added stat bonuses for when im solo and bandages are never something that you should run out off
#14 Feb 06 2007 at 7:49 AM Rating: Good
638 posts
Dread Lord Tiburonboy wrote:

Personally, I find professions more a waste of time. Something blizzard put in to slow down game play so that they wouldnt need to come out with new material every year. You can get better items from raiding and doing instances than you can make. except for potion making and enchanting which never seem to be in short supply.

Everything in the game is a waste of time by that definition - flying on gryphons (especially from Darkshore to Theramore Island!), quests that send you running from person to person to person across three continents without a single fight, quests that force you to find a group of five people to run an instance with all that endless hanging around in Ironforge spamming LFG, grinding boars that never seem to have any livers or murlocs that don't have heads...

In my opinion, the crafting professions are excellent, colorful parts of the game that add another dimension of questing, items, and interactions (blacksmith/miners still need to find leather for their crafts, tailors need potions for some items, and so on), without being unbalancing. Who would bother farming bosses and running instances if you could get better gear from a craftsman?

I don't play the game for money, collecting herbs and minerals to sell on the auction house and buying anything I want. As a miner/blacksmith from the time I learned you could train professions, I have always been wearing at least one piece of gear or carrying one weapon I made myself, either because I hadn't found anything to replace it yet or couldn't afford it. Even now, I'm wearing a pair of Fel Iron Gloves, with my blacksmithing skill at 310. And many of my guildies are wearing or using items I made for them - Whitesoul helms, various pieces of Imperial Plate, lots of Dark Iron plate, even a Blight. There is so much in this game that you can't do everything, and if you don't find professions interesting, don't bother with them. To say that Blizzard just stuck them in to avoid doing real work though ignores the very care, time and thought they have expended to make that part of the game enjoyable to those of us that aren't interested in seeing how much gold we can accumulate or how fast we can level to 70 or how quickly we can get through every single instance in the game.
#15 Feb 06 2007 at 2:18 PM Rating: Decent
839 posts
Everything in the game is a waste of time by that definition - flying on gryphons (especially from Darkshore to Theramore Island!), quests that send you running from person to person to person across three continents without a single fight, quests that force you to find a group of five people to run an instance with all that endless hanging around in Ironforge spamming LFG, grinding boars that never seem to have any livers or murlocs that don't have heads...

In my opinion, the crafting professions are excellent, colorful parts of the game that add another dimension of questing, items, and interactions (blacksmith/miners still need to find leather for their crafts, tailors need potions for some items, and so on), without being unbalancing. Who would bother farming bosses and running instances if you could get better gear from a craftsman?

I don't play the game for money, collecting herbs and minerals to sell on the auction house and buying anything I want. As a miner/blacksmith from the time I learned you could train professions, I have always been wearing at least one piece of gear or carrying one weapon I made myself, either because I hadn't found anything to replace it yet or couldn't afford it. Even now, I'm wearing a pair of Fel Iron Gloves, with my blacksmithing skill at 310. And many of my guildies are wearing or using items I made for them - Whitesoul helms, various pieces of Imperial Plate, lots of Dark Iron plate, even a Blight. There is so much in this game that you can't do everything, and if you don't find professions interesting, don't bother with them. To say that Blizzard just stuck them in to avoid doing real work though ignores the very care, time and thought they have expended to make that part of the game enjoyable to those of us that aren't interested in seeing how much gold we can accumulate or how fast we can level to 70 or how quickly we can get through every single instance in the game.
/QFT - I <3 trade skills. It is just hard to justify working on them when the mats are worth so much at the moment.
#16 Feb 07 2007 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
getting from 300 to 360

you can use Thorium Recipes here(especially Imperial Plate chest). so in case you have Thorium saved up or Fel Iron spots are overfarmed, get some thorium and build those things, it's a cheap and easy way.
Otherwise, take the cheapest fel iron recipe, I have no idea, because I brought 500 Thorium Bars to Bc and levelled from 300 to 325 with it.

now you'll need fel iron and adamantite. Level up first with Fel Iron Chain Tunic and replace that with Fel Iron Breastplate at around 330. At 340 throw in Adamantite cleavers. you can level with the cleavers to 350.

That's the easiest part. You should be honored with Cenarion Expedition by now. go and buy the plans for adamantite sharpening- and weightstone. You can level with those things now. Choose whatever you like better. It should require you about 20 bars to get to 359, after that you must be very lucky to gain a skillpoint with those items. And then the interesting part begins ^^

Edited, Feb 8th 2007 6:55pm by Dulkan
#17 Feb 08 2007 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
110 posts
Thanks for that Dulkan
#18 Feb 10 2007 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Just wait til you guys get epic plans, ive acquired the plans for Steelgrip Gauntlets, similar to Stronghold Gauntlets, so im hoping they will make me quite a bit of cash from selling them. Still levelling Blacksmith/Mining currently though :( picked them up a few days before TBC came out.
#19 Feb 10 2007 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
356 Hammersmith with Thunder.

Didn't find it that hard, to be honest...
#20 Feb 10 2007 at 11:57 AM Rating: Decent
Okay listen, i just lvled my Weoponsmithing from 1-275 in 2 days and the most expensive/hardest part was lvling from 1-300 so stop cryin, and just lvling your **** bro...its simple...mine ore... make weopons...
#21 Feb 10 2007 at 4:34 PM Rating: Decent
It's not surprising the Blizzard would want to make the top tiers of crafting hard to get to. As it is now, nearly anybody can get their craft to 300 with a little money. It takes very little dedication. They probably wanted it to be a real achievement to reach skill 375, so that a person with that skill can stand out from the rest. In FFXI it took millions of gil (equivalent to thousands of gold) to get from level 99 to 100 blacksmithing. I've heard a lot of talk about how people preferred FFXI's crafting to WoW's, and while I'm not saying Blizzard is trying to imitate it, I think they might have realized that adding a little challenge to leveling your craft is a good thing in the long run.
#22 Feb 13 2007 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
Extremely stuck at 360 for a couple of days now. The only thing I can craft which would still give skillpoints are Adamantite Rapier (green, 12 adamantite bars each), Felsteel Whisper Knives (yellow, but insane mats), and the BoP epic axes (I am an axesmith). I already have some plans available for 365 (including one for an epic helm), but to spend maybe 150-200 adamantite bars to make enough rapiers to skill from 360-365 is ridiculous imho. Blizzard should have put in something for (weapon specialized) blacksmiths to be able to level normally from 360-365.
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