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Blacksmithing - Things You MIGHT Want To KnowFollow

#1 Jan 14 2007 at 5:32 AM Rating: Good
Well, the sticky is out of date, so I'm going to make a new one. Gimme a couple of days. =p

i. Introduction
ii. Armorsmithing
iii. Weaponsmithing
iii. 1. Hammersmithing
iii. 2. Axesmithing
iii. 3. Swordsmithing
iiii. The Mithril Order
iiiii. Enchanted Thorium Armor
iiiiii. Imperial Plate
iiiiiii. Disclaimer

i. Introduction

This is meant to be a, relatively, short guide on blacksmithing. The choice between armorsmithing and weaponsmithing is based more on the BoP items you get from level 375 smithing, since there are no specialisation specific recipes below 300. (Uncertain about 300-375.)

ii. Armorsmithing

Becoming an armorsmith requires you to just talk to Bengus Deepforge who will direct you to Grumnus Steelshaper in Ironforge if Alliance or Krathok Moltenfist who will direct you to Okothos Ironrager in Orgrimmar if Horde. I believe you don't need to complete the quest anymore to become an armorsmith. (Citation needed.)

Becoming an armorsmith allows access to the following BoP plans:-
Earthforged Leggings
Windforged Leggings
Heavy Earthforged Breastplate
Stormforged Hauberk
Breastplate of Kings->Bulwark of Kings->Bulwark of the Ancient Kings
Nether Chain Shirt->Twisting Nether Chain Shirt->Embrace of the Twisting Nether

iii. Weaponsmithing

Becoming an armorsmith requires you to just talk to Bengus Deepforge who will direct you to Ironus Coldsteel in Ironforge if Alliance or Krathok Moltenfist who will direct you to Borgosh Corebender in Orgrimmar if Horde. Again, not sure if you need to do the quest or not.

If you choose to become a weaponsmith you can make:-
Light Earthforged Blade
Light Emberforged Hammer
Light Skyforged Axe

iii. 1. Hammersmithing

To become a hammersmith you must talk to Lilith the Lithe in Everlook.

If you choose to become a hammersmith you can make:-
Great Earthforged Hammer
Lavaforged Warhammer
Drakefist Hammer->Dragonmaw->Dragonstrike
Thunder->Deep Thunder->Stormherald

iii. 2. Axesmithing

To become an axesmith you must talk to Kilram in Everlook.

If you choose to become an axesmith you can make:-
Stormforged Axe
Skyforged Great Axe
The Planar Edge->Dark Planar Edge->Wicked Edge of the Planes
Lunar Crescent->Mooncleaver->Bloodmoon

iii. 3. Swordsmithing

To become a swordsmith you must talk to Seril Scourgebane in Everlook.

If you choose to become a swordsmith you can make:-
Windforged Rapier
Stoneforged Claymore
Lionheart Blade->Lionheart Champion->Lionheart Executioner

The Mithril Order Quests

The Mithril Order is a series of quests to gain access to certain recipes you couldn't get otherwise. It also rewards you with two nice trinkets.

The Origins of Smithing (Alliance)
The Old Ways (Horde)
Smelt On, Smelt Off (Both)
The Art Of The Imbue (Both)
The Great Silver Deceiver (Both)
Expert Blacksmith! (Both)
Galvan's Finest Pupil (Both)
The World At Your Feet (Both)
A Good Head On Your Shoulders (Both)
The Mithril Kid (Both)
Did You Lose This? (Both)

This quest series will reward you with two trinkets, Glimmering Mithril Insignia and Signet of Expertise.

To do the Mithril Order (not counting The Origins of Smithing, or the Old Ways) quest series you will need:-

-358 Mithril Bars (59g7s)
-40 Iron Bars (6g13s20c)
-4 Citrine (1g80s48c)
-26 Truesilver (10g40s)
-36 Solid Grinding Stones (6g78s60c)
-18 Mageweave Cloth (1g57s50c)
-22 Thick Leather (1g45s20c)
-3 Aquamarine (2g26s38c)
-4 Black Pearls (2g)
-1 Heart of Fire (2g)*

Total Cost If Bought From AH:- 93g48s36c
(Thanks to Vitos for this part of the guide)

iiiii. Enchanted Thorium Armor

Enchanted Thorium Breastplate, Helm and Leggings are made by putting together two pieces of a manual and then taking it to a specific trainer to learn how to make the item.

Enchanted Thorium Breastplate

It's the first armorsmithing book. And you need to take it to the library in Dire Maul North. You need to combine the Top Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume I and the Bottom Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume I.

Enchanted Thorium Leggings

It's the second armorsmithing book. And you need to take it to the library in Dire Maul North. You need to combine the Top Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume II and the Bottom Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume II.

Enchanted Thorium Helm

It's the third armorsmithing book. And you need to take it to the library in Dire Maul North. You need to combine the Top Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume III and the Bottom Half of Advanced Armorsmithing: Volume III.

(Again, thanks to Vitos for this part of the guide.)

iiiiii. Imperial Plate

Imperial Plate Armor is a nice set of gear that's used for tanking on plate classes, imagine it as a tier -1 - if you will. The plans for it are gained by getting the quest Imperial Plate Armor from Bengus Deepforge in Ironforge if you're Alliance or Krathok Moltenfist in Orgrimmar if you're Horde. You then go to Derotain Mudsipper in Gadgetzan, and start the quest series.

The quests of the series are:-

Imperial Plate Belt which requires 20 thorium bars and rewards you the plans for the Imperial Plate Belt.

Imperial Plate Shoulders which requires 20 thorium bars and rewards you the plans for the Imperial Plate Shoulders.

Imperial Plate Bracers which requires 20 thorium bars and rewards you the plans for the Imperial Plate Bracers.

Imperial Plate Boots which requires 40 thorium bars and rewards you the plans for the Imperial Plate Boots.

Imperial Plate Helm which requires 50 thorium bars and rewards you the plans for the Imperial Plate Helm.

Imperial Plate Chest which requires 60 thorium bars and rewards you the plans for the Imperial Plate Chest.

Imperial Plate Leggings which requires 60 thorium bars and rewards you the plans for the Imperial Plate Leggings.

iiiiiii. Disclaimer

Blah blah blah. Everything's copyright of it's original owners. Yadda yadda yadda. Not for commercial use.

Edited, Jan 14th 2007 10:44am by AkakiosThePaladin
#2 Jan 14 2007 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
Done, now, how do I get this into a sticky and get rid of the other one?
#3 Jan 22 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone got anything they'd like to add?
#4 Jan 22 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
Anyone got anything they'd like to add?
#5 Jan 22 2007 at 6:11 AM Rating: Decent
638 posts
There are a couple of armorsmithing quests that would be nice to have here for completeness (used to be armorsmithing, don't know if that changed) - don't remember names offhand, but the unforged plate gauntlet in LBRS and the Runic Breastplate in UBRS. Also links to the various faction rep recipes would be nice to have.

Thanks for putting this up - great start!
#6 Jan 22 2007 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
how does the following patch note affect the guide?

    Blacksmithing/Leatherworking specialization has changed with specialization providing recipes to make powerful items that only you can wear. You can now unlearn a blacksmithing or leatherworking specialization and learn a different one by finding the appropriate NPC, paying the fee to unlearn your old specialization, and then find the new specialist to learn a new one. Also, all of the old blacksmithing/leatherworking recipes that required specialization no longer require it and can be learned by any blacksmith/leatherworker.

I think that in order to replace the Blacksmithing sticky, a better post needs to be made. I would like to see a sticky on specialization. Now that most crafting professions can specialize, an overall guide need to be made, not one just covering one profession out of four that can specialize.

If the sticky is really out of date, the original poster should be given the opportunity to update it instead of it being replaced with something similar. Have you tried to contact Vitos by PM?

Edited, Jan 22nd 2007 11:58am by ohmikeghod
#7 Jan 22 2007 at 1:37 PM Rating: Decent
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
how does the following patch note affect the guide?

    Blacksmithing/Leatherworking specialization has changed with specialization providing recipes to make powerful items that only you can wear. You can now unlearn a blacksmithing or leatherworking specialization and learn a different one by finding the appropriate NPC, paying the fee to unlearn your old specialization, and then find the new specialist to learn a new one. Also, all of the old blacksmithing/leatherworking recipes that required specialization no longer require it and can be learned by any blacksmith/leatherworker.

I think that in order to replace the Blacksmithing sticky, a better post needs to be made. I would like to see a sticky on specialization. Now that most crafting professions can specialize, an overall guide need to be made, not one just covering one profession out of four that can specialize.

If the sticky is really out of date, the original poster should be given the opportunity to update it instead of it being replaced with something similar. Have you tried to contact Vitos by PM?

Edited, Jan 22nd 2007 11:58am by ohmikeghod

Yep, he did actually contact me in game, and I really can't be bothered updating it...

It's horrible doing guides, to be honest...
#8 Jan 22 2007 at 7:18 PM Rating: Decent
Vitos wrote:
Yep, he did actually contact me in game, and I really can't be bothered updating it...

It's horrible doing guides, to be honest...

In that case, you should be the one to go to the feedback forum and say that replacing your sticky with this one has your blessing.

I'd still prefer a more comprehensive specialization guide, covering specialization in all tradeskills that have specialties...

Edited, Jan 22nd 2007 7:22pm by ohmikeghod
#9 Jan 24 2007 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
I dont understand how everyone seems so ok with this change.
I completed all the quests to go into specialized armorsmithing.
The day i completed the mithril order quests was the day BC was released.
Then I am informed that all the recipes for specialization are available
at any blacksmith trainer...which i have looked and have still not seen.
I made a set of leggings i wanted to give my pally (my wife) well guess
what... they bound to me on pickup..All the new items in specialzation bound on pickup..what is the point in even making them but for yourself. What about your guild members..I took this path to make special armor fpr my guild.
This is just another way for blizzard to take your money again.
will they never be satisfied? So to make the picture clear..If i decide to change my armor upgrade well what do you think happens to that old armor..
It would be sold to a vendor because there is no other use for it and they will resell at some outrageous price... Someone please explain how this is better.
I ahve contacted everyone I can on this matter and they refuse to give a straight answer.Any and all input would be appreciated.

Am I missing somthing?
#10 Jan 24 2007 at 5:30 AM Rating: Decent
dflinn wrote:
Am I missing somthing?

You are missing paragraph breaks and the ESRB Notice "Game Experience May Change During Online Play."
#11 Jan 24 2007 at 9:50 AM Rating: Decent
dflinn wrote:
I dont understand how everyone seems so ok with this change.
I completed all the quests to go into specialized armorsmithing.
The day i completed the mithril order quests was the day BC was released.
Then I am informed that all the recipes for specialization are available
at any blacksmith trainer...which i have looked and have still not seen.
I made a set of leggings i wanted to give my pally (my wife) well guess
what... they bound to me on pickup..All the new items in specialzation bound on pickup..what is the point in even making them but for yourself. What about your guild members..I took this path to make special armor fpr my guild.
This is just another way for blizzard to take your money again.
will they never be satisfied? So to make the picture clear..If i decide to change my armor upgrade well what do you think happens to that old armor..
It would be sold to a vendor because there is no other use for it and they will resell at some outrageous price... Someone please explain how this is better.
I ahve contacted everyone I can on this matter and they refuse to give a straight answer.Any and all input would be appreciated.

Am I missing somthing?


#12 Jan 24 2007 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
What everyone is missing is the the game experience has become that the lower levels are slavers to the upper levels who are taking advantage of everyone
to assure themselves the best of everything and at the cost of all the other players.

this is not a gaming experience change. It is corruption within the game.
This will only be temporary until they need somthing else.Then the rules will change again. And not to benefit anyone but the vendors and gold mongers.

That is the lamest answer I have ever heard. Gaming experience could change.
I am sure you are part of the whole conspiracy.

There will be an army formed to fight this corruption
this is no different then the Government and the corruption that goes on there.

There are people in this game that have been put on hold for 14+ levels to obtain
Items that will not be available once they reach that level.

Changing a game experience is one thing. Exploitation is another.
Mark my words this is not the end of it.
There is somthing wrong here and i will get to the bottom of it.

One thing for sure is this does not benefit anyone but the 300+ blacksmithers
they will not be forced to make a bunch of armor that binds on pickup just to get their blacksmithing points then be forced to sell it to a vendor cheaper than the cost to make it...only to be unbound and sold at AH for an outrageous profit. No one can be expected to hold that kind of inventory of soulbound items. It is simple math. Sombody is up to somthing. Sombody is scared and a coward and a power monger. It is not fair play.
#13 Jan 24 2007 at 12:04 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
One thing for sure is this does not benefit anyone but the 300+ blacksmithers

because god knows the millions of players that have been stuck at 300 for over a year do not deserve a dang thing.

You realy thing the whole game revolves arround what you want? how about the other folks who have been paying bliz for 2 years? Sorry dude, but in my mind the folks who have played for years deserve prefrence. Of corse... thats because I am one of them.
#14 Jan 24 2007 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
dflinn wrote:
Sombody is up to somthing. Sombody is scared and a coward and a power monger. It is not fair play.

You may have valid complaints about the change to the profession, but spouting off about conspiracies and "sombody being up to something" is not going far with us here.
#15 Jan 24 2007 at 11:00 PM Rating: Default
Which means what to me? All are equal in this game and no one is better than another...we are all paying customers...your attitude concerning them owing you somthing is no worse then may claims of conspiracy. I am not asking for special treatment...i am asking for a fair shake..and as for my morning comments well
maybe a bit harsh ...but I am so frustrated no one has been willing to help.

I started off just inquiring and after being pushed and ignored enough times
anybody would spout off. All in all the reply stating that the people being stuck at 300 for so long...I see the point... but not at the cost of other players.

My apologies for coming off so hard this morning.
I have alot to contribute to this game as a player. But I am not blind either.

I will handle the problem from here myself..Was just looking for people experiencing the same frustrations.
#16 Jan 26 2007 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
dflinn wrote:
Which means what to me? All are equal in this game and no one is better than another...we are all paying customers...your attitude concerning them owing you somthing is no worse then may claims of conspiracy. I am not asking for special treatment...i am asking for a fair shake..and as for my morning comments well
maybe a bit harsh ...but I am so frustrated no one has been willing to help.

I started off just inquiring and after being pushed and ignored enough times
anybody would spout off. All in all the reply stating that the people being stuck at 300 for so long...I see the point... but not at the cost of other players.

My apologies for coming off so hard this morning.
I have alot to contribute to this game as a player. But I am not blind either.

I will handle the problem from here myself..Was just looking for people experiencing the same frustrations.

I am so confused at the moment.
#17 Mar 06 2007 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
2 things:

- i heard that for the imperial plate the cost in mats it is half if you got friendly with thorium brotherhood

- aren't armorsmith objects BoP only the ones requiring 300+ of BS?'s what i understood!!
#18 Apr 28 2007 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
One thing for sure is this does not benefit anyone but the 300+ blacksmithers
they will not be forced to make a bunch of armor that binds on pickup just to get their blacksmithing points then be forced to sell it to a vendor cheaper than the cost to make it...only to be unbound and sold at AH for an outrageous profit


Do you seriously think that people buy your crafted stuff from the vendor to resell on the AH? Have you ever bought something from the vendor that someone else has sold? Jesus dude, get a grip. NO ONE is able to buy your crap from a vendor and sell it on the AH. When you say conspiracy, I hear Jew Hater.

Regardless, just vendor your crappy BoP's and get over it. Next time get a clue as to what you're talking about.
#19 Jul 16 2007 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
"only to be unbound and sold at AH for an outrageous profit"

If I understand the incoherent poster...
He's actually saying that Blizzard has to have people make the items, sell them to Vendors, so that they have them to re-sell (all for imaginary $$, mind you) on the AH?

Let's run with this a sec. It was actually kind of amusing figuring this out.

1) please show me one example of a BoP that's now on sale in the AH?
2) If I understand correctly, in your mind they:
a) developed the BoP patterns
b) seed the world with the needed drops, etc.
c) contrived to TRICK people into levelling up these crafting professions
d) ..only to bait & switch them by changing the rules once BC came out, to force them to sell to vendors
e) so some Blizz GM could 'make the rounds' by collecting all the BoPs sold to vendors, and then REPOST them on the AH to make WoW Gold!

-instead of-
a) Give.Gold(CharacterName)=99999999999999999999999999999999999999

?? Do I have that right? It's pretty clever. I sincerely bet you're the ONLY one who suspects this. I'd watch out for some Black Helicopters, dude.

But then again, I'm no doubt PART of the conspiracy, yes?

On another topic: How do people like you cross the frikkin' street in the morning and survive?

Edit: it was worth setting up an account just to post this.
#20 Jul 16 2007 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
I'm confused too.

In my opinion, a lot more armorsmithing items should be BoE. We've spent considerable amounts of time leveling up and procuring the mats necessary to create those items, so why can't we be rewarded by selling it for a nice profit? The WoW "free-market" economy is efficient enough to distinguish (to those that use their brains) what seems like a resonable price or not for an item.
#21 Jul 17 2007 at 4:00 AM Rating: Decent
528 posts
PigeonMan wrote:
When you say conspiracy, I hear Jew Hater.

WTF??? Where did that come from?
#22 Jul 17 2007 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
982 posts
OMG what a discussion....

To the OP: Nice job on that quick overview it makes things a lot easier when it comes to choosing a path. Plus lots of things are now clear to me.
#23 Jul 20 2007 at 9:40 AM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts
it doesn't seem ready to be a stickied guide. lots of information still left out.

eg while factions like AD and TB are outdated, imo a guide still should mention about them, even if only to say, don't need to focus on them but you could if you wanted to. speaking of factions then, at least it can mention the current factions and faction recipes, as well as perhaps, if choosing Scryer/Aldor has any impact on blacksmiths.

while all this information is available in various forms and sites, if this post endeavours to be a stickied guide, i think more should be added.

you should also have a disclaimer about the prices of ore. just like many people think Allakhazam's database of prices or drop rates is the final figure, but they will be discouraged when they see things are different on their server.

however if your goal is not to be a list of recipes and where to get them, there was something important that was brought up. what about learning or re-learning the different schools of blacksmith? what is the impact of choosing one tree then deciding on another tree later? this kind of information would be good in your guide.

thanks for putting in the time and effort for it, btw. like vitos said, it's certainly a lot of work.

Edited, Jul 20th 2007 12:43pm by bluegayle
#24 Aug 05 2007 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
982 posts
Bump (for own use)
#25 Aug 08 2007 at 3:12 AM Rating: Decent
With all the drama aside, what have been some experiences with armor and weapon smithing ?

Which do you think is better ?

I'm relatively new to the game, i have a lvl 46 human warrior, miner and blacksmith, i just want to know what would be the "safe" way to go, i am thinking of weapon smithing (swords), can that make me money when I'm high level ? do armor smiths have to have sub skills too or can they just make any armor ?\

Can i change the type of weapon smith i am later, or can i even change to armor smithing ?
#26 Aug 09 2007 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
982 posts
Well i dont know for sure as i'm not maxed out yet but pre 375 you get more money out of selling the motes (primals) you actually need to lvl the BS rather then selling the crafted items.

After 375 i dont know yet, seen epic swords (plans drop in instances) going for a lot of gold but mats to create those things arnt easy to come by.
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