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Fishing, is more dull than.....Follow

#1 Sep 14 2006 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah, I know there is going to be hate responses to this, but I just had to say something.

I decided to try fishing, I am lvl60 Rogue. So I went out and leveled up to skill 225. This took me about 6 hours.

I would have to say, that it was the most boring 6 hours EVER!

Why can't they do something to make it more exciting, hey do not get me wrong, I think it is a good trade to have, I think?

Is there something, I am missing here? I just cannot seem to get excited about it, plus, what is the best money maker for fishing?

Edited, Sep 14th 2006 at 1:42pm EDT by ParaLord
#2 Sep 14 2006 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
179 posts
I totally agree with you!
I started fishing not too long ago and I was deadly bored after a few hours.
I just don't understand how you can just stand there for hours watching at that stupid bobber...
Can anyone tell me what is so exciting about it?
It might make good money but I prefer making my money in a more fun way ...
#3 Sep 14 2006 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
I find that I just run along the shore and fish at schools and wreakage, good money, but not standing in the same place all day. It's still flippin' boring... but then that just makes it more like fishing in RL... Anyway, wreakage can bring in good cash with the items you get in chests.
#4 Sep 14 2006 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I decided to try fishing, I am lvl60 Rogue. So I went out and leveled up to skill 225. This took me about 6 hours.

I would have to say, that it was the most boring 6 hours EVER!

You don’t fish in real life, do you? *grins*

I enjoy fishing for short periods of time. But power leveling fishing from 1 to 225 is not exactly meant to be exciting. But then I don’t know of a single trade skill that IS exciting to quickly level from 1 to 225. At least fishing doesn’t break your bank at the same time.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done this as well. The best method I’ve found for power leveling fishing is to do it while reading a book or watching television. I turn off all the sound in sound options except for the sounds close to my character (don’t touch the one that shuts off all sound). Then I turn the volume way up. That way I can read my book and the loud sound of the bobber going under lets me know to click the mouse button. I then recast my line, reposition my pointer over the bobber and go back to reading. As long as I’m in a fairly secluded spot this has worked very well for me.
#5 Sep 14 2006 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
6,318 posts
I just put a movie into the ole PS2 while I am grinding fishing.

Super Troopers + fishing + beer = fun
#6 Sep 14 2006 at 2:39 PM Rating: Good
Fishing is not one of the exciting aspects of WoW. It's geared more for people that want a break from the fighting, or just want to have an aspect of the game that's tranquil and relaxing. I like fishing in real life because I can sit & contemplate if I choose- or sit and vegetate if I prefer. Same with WoW fishing. You can stay in the same spot and stare at that bobber if you want, or (as someone mentioned) use the time to do other things while you fish.

I also use Fishing Buddy, which subdues external sounds and enhances the splash that the bobber makes so that if I'm fishing in the early a.m., I will be less likely to miss a 'bite'.

If you want to make it more interesting, try running up and down coastlines to get to the different fish schools / swarms, and the wreckage.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#7 Sep 14 2006 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
90 posts
. . .

I also use Fishing Buddy, which subdues external sounds and enhances the splash that the bobber makes so that if I'm fishing in the early a.m., I will be less likely to miss a 'bite'.

Ahhh! I thought the game did that! :) Didn't realize it was the "Buddy." I love fishing in WoW, but I can't imagine sitting and doing it for 6 hours straight just to power level it. Ugh. :(

Edited, Sep 14th 2006 at 6:09pm EDT by xhepera
#8 Sep 14 2006 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
I find fishing relaxing, although I don't do it for six hours at a pop. I usually fish until I get 1 stack of Stonescales (usually less than an hour).

Best moneymaker? The Elemental Pools in Azhara.
#9 Sep 14 2006 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
i got my fishing up to 224 then promptly destroyed my fishing gear.

it was prolly the third time i destroyed all my fishing gear.

since then i bought poles for 3-4 more of my toons, and never cast em, not even once.
#10 Sep 15 2006 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
340 posts
I imagine fishing would be dull if you fish for 6 hours straight. For that matter, anything is dull for 6 hours straight. Fishing is much better if you do it gradually. 10 levels here and there is quick and fetches you some extra cash without making you want to shake a baby by the shoulders.
#11 Sep 15 2006 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
I used to fish for Deviate fish and Stonescale Eels. I made enough to cover my first two mounts and gather a decent nest egg. Then I burned out after doing the fishing quest on my two mains. I almost sompletely stopped fishing for the last three months.

Unfortunately, this came back to bite me in Azshara. I had left all my lures in the bank, and my fishing skill was around 226. I found some wreckage and an Eel spawn, but the catch rate was around 10% so I gave up in frustration. I intend to level the skill up to 300, but just never find the motivation when there are so many other things to do. (Farming Felcloth and Essences of Fire seems much more rewarding somwhow) In addition, I can now make more gold/hour doing other activities, so fishing has really lust its allure. ;) I just want to get to 300 so I don't miss out on the wreckage and such while questing or farming.

I never did six hours at once. That would have likely resulted in /wrists.

#12 Sep 17 2006 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
Awesome. I'm going to try that. I have lots of magazines to read and lots of Metal to listen to. Woot.

You don’t fish in real life, do you? *grins*

I enjoy fishing for short periods of time. But power leveling fishing from 1 to 225 is not exactly meant to be exciting. But then I don’t know of a single trade skill that IS exciting to quickly level from 1 to 225. At least fishing doesn’t break your bank at the same time.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done this as well. The best method I’ve found for power leveling fishing is to do it while reading a book or watching television. I turn off all the sound in sound options except for the sounds close to my character (don’t touch the one that shuts off all sound). Then I turn the volume way up. That way I can read my book and the loud sound of the bobber going under lets me know to click the mouse button. I then recast my line, reposition my pointer over the bobber and go back to reading. As long as I’m in a fairly secluded spot this has worked very well for me.
#13 Sep 18 2006 at 7:31 AM Rating: Decent
drink a beer every time you lose a fish. It'll make time fly! lol
#14 Sep 18 2006 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
3,478 posts
Some point of interest throughout this thread:

Perhaps fishing is only a moneymaker because it is so boring? Supply vs. Demand.

I like fishing IRL, but only because I can drink while doing so :p

Fishing in the game bores me to tears.
#15 Sep 19 2006 at 1:49 AM Rating: Decent
I use fishing after I smoke a nice reefer late on 3am server times when nobody's up for much questing or I just missed a guild raid, so I just go collect bolts of cloth/eels/nightfins/rum.

I also like sporting the heaviest fish I can around with me, just because a 69lbs fish rocks. Also the elemental pools like someone else mentioned above, along with all the stat fishes. You can't imagine how many thanks I get from casters for nightfin soup or rogues/hunts for the squid. Also all the fishing you do lets you find a bunch of leather/bolts of cloth for all the tailors in your guild who need to grind up, it also lets you find a bunch of low level/to lvl 40 gear, I also fished a blade of the titan up once. Thats good for your enchanters/alts to equip or disenchant.

So yeah, either get drunk and fish, or get high and fish. At 225 you should be fishing all the wreckage in the rivers of STV, it's the best for that (bring some lures).

it's an all-around good thing to do, when either waitnig for your guild to gather up for a raid or waiting on a pug for DM or some such, and fishing in instances is always amusing i find... Maybe I'm a bit too simple minded, but that's my take on the fishing experience in WoW.

PS. The fishing quest sucks, I hate all that running around :(

#16 Sep 19 2006 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
My fishing is at 13. hehe. I just couldnt stand to do it.
#17 Sep 19 2006 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
I have been trying this somefor my first time as well. Is there things you can get to increase your fishing skill ? Like a "fishing hat" or something?

Also, is there a better rod than the one you buy from thevendor next to the fishing trainer?

When can I start using bait? Right now I am just using a "shiny bobble" thing.

I think my fishing is around 28. Also, anyone know of a great guide, that shows you whereto level it by areas?

Wonderous Tremor I agree with you. I have been PVP'ing hard for a couple months now, and just standing there fishing, in org, was so nice (for the tem minutes or so I did it), lol. I think I might like fishing in game... well see.

Also, do fish sell well on the AH? Or does cooked fish sell better? Mabey I should level both at the same time.... (I am not experienced with either).
#18 Sep 19 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Decent
Man, it's kinda funny to me to hear people complaining about how long fishing takes in this game. I remember leveling up my fishing skill in FFXI, it would sometimes take up to an hour to gain like .1 skill. And of course, the 10,000 moat carp quest. Never even got close.

When I started WoW and picked up fishing I almost crapped my pants when I gained like 100 points in an hour. Crafting on this game is so much nicer. :)
#19 Sep 19 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
TruthSeeker wrote:
I have been trying this somefor my first time as well. Is there things you can get to increase your fishing skill ? Like a "fishing hat" or something? Also, is there a better rod than the one you buy from thevendor next to the fishing trainer?

Enchant gloves - fishing (+2)
Blump Family Fishing Pole (+3)
Lucky Fishing Hat (+5)
Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots (+5)
Strong Fishing Pole (+5)
Big Iron Fishing Pole (+20)
Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000 (+25)
Arcanite Fishing Pole (+35)

When can I start using bait? Right now I am just using a "shiny bobble" thing.

You can start using lures right away. WHen you get to 50, you will be able to use the next level of lures. At 75, you'll get another level, and at 100 skill you can use any lure you want.

I think my fishing is around 28. Also, anyone know of a great guide, that shows you whereto level it by areas?

You don't have to go to different areas to level fishing. You can get to 300 in the newbie areas if you want to.

Also, do fish sell well on the AH? Or does cooked fish sell better? Mabey I should level both at the same time.... (I am not experienced with either).

There are only 4 fish that sell consistently. Firefin Snapper, Oily Blackmouth, Stonescale Eel, and Deviate Fish. Others sell spottily, if at all. You can make money by cooking Savory Deviate Delight (made from Deviate fish).
#20 Sep 19 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
i like fishing *duck*.

when i first started playing i met some great players by sitting around in cities, fishing and chatting. one even went out and bought me all new gear after we had a chat over a cast or two. in my 15-30 period i made a good deal of my money from farming oily blackmouth off the coast of ratchet. these days i don't go chasing fish but i do carry the rod around and fish nodes that i see, especially stonescale eels and wreckage and because of fishing i have always have a surplus of healing and mana pots on me. i think my level is around 270 (not including rod and gloves). i'm in no rush to get to 300 as i'm only level 40 in game.

i think if you start after you have already leveled your character it is harder to be committed. i tried on my level 50 gnome to start fishing from 1 and couldn't do it because i had so many other things that i wanted to do with her, like get to 60, run instances, etc. when you start low i think it makes a nice break from the grind now and again.
#21 Sep 20 2006 at 5:54 AM Rating: Decent
1,694 posts
ohmikehgod, TY so much for the info and links!

rate up!
#22 Sep 20 2006 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
Man, it's kinda funny to me to hear people complaining about how long fishing takes in this game. I remember leveling up my fishing skill in FFXI, it would sometimes take up to an hour to gain like .1 skill. And of course, the 10,000 moat carp quest. Never even got close
Some of us didn't play FFXI. Compared to many (but not all) other aspects of WoW, fishing is dull and slow.

ohmikehgod, TY so much for the info and links!

rate up!

He lives for this, really. ;)
#23 Sep 20 2006 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
i love to fish personally, i dont really know why. But, in one day i caught enough mageweave bolts for my tailoring friend to make me an entire set of dreamweave stuff. i hate farming for stuff so that was good for me. but i can see how some people would find it boring. i find farming very boring personally.
#24 Sep 21 2006 at 12:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
i can't fish for more than an hour. its just too boring. i actually fall asleep on the keyboard. at least in EQ, you could chat will fishing to pass the time away.

but i still have to fish, pet food and all that. it's bad enough to keep buying ammo, drinks and repairs without adding pet food to that.
#25 Sep 25 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
728 posts
i can't fish for more than an hour. its just too boring. i actually fall asleep on the keyboard. at least in EQ, you could chat will fishing to pass the time away.

Yeah. I usually fish for 30-45 min at a time, although I'll often do something else (like guild chat or LFG) while fishing. I don't know why you say you can't chat while fishing.

It might make good money but I prefer making my money in a more fun way...

Fishing isn't for everyone (or even most). And it certainly isn't the only way to make money in WoW. But it is a pretty easy, fool-proof method to earn plenty of gold when you need it.
#26 Sep 28 2006 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,288 posts
Fishing: 300 with the following.
Enchant gloves - fishing (+2)
Lucky Fishing Hat (+5)
Big Iron Fishing Pole (+20)
Eternium Fishing Line (+5)

I don't ever plan on winning the Arcanite pole, so once I finally win my fishing boots, I'll be set. The Arcanite Pole is the prize from turning in 40 Tastyfish during the STV Fishing Extravaganza before anyone else does. This is every Sunday, 2pm-4pm. There's also a Lucky Fishing Hat, Nat Pagles Extreme Anglin Boots, and Eternium Fishing Line that you get if you catch and turn in rare fish. Each rare grants a different prize.

I personally net about 20G/hour fishing the coast of Tanaris for eel schools and selling the items out of floating wreckages. I've honestly never sought the elemental pools in Azshara as I do not know where they are, and I am very lazy, admittedly.

The other reason I fish Tanaris is convenience, I'm an engineer so I can port to Gadget, and just start fishing within a minute or two. I'm also able to maintain an ample supply of Aquadynamic Fish Attractor (+100) lures, with engineering.

Like I said though, I net about 20G/hour out there fishing stonescale eel and other things. That's about on par with the earnings of the rogues and other fellas I know who go farm SM all evening.
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