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A Market for Fishing?!Follow

#1 Aug 10 2006 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Morning Guys!

Ok, so, I have been reading the boards pretty scrupulously and at the head of many post's advice I decided to level my fishing skill in order to get a nice inflow of gold.

However, I have checked the AH for prices on Oily Blackmouths and Firefin Snappers on my server (Silvermoon Alliance) and a stack of 20 Oilies sells for 50s maximum, and even less for Firefin's

This brings me to my question, is the market on my server just low for these fish, possibly due to an overpopulation of fishers? Or, is that a reasonable price but i am just underestimating the time and quantity of fish needed to accumulate a gold influx?

Ohmikegod seems to be the resident fishing expert but any advice would be greatly appreciated :)

Thanks in advance
#2 Aug 10 2006 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
Those prices are about the same as on my server (Uldaman). I bought my mount and helped fund a family member getting 300 enchanting through fishing but it definately wasn't with Blackmouths or Firefin. Those got mailed to another friend that was skilling up in Alchemy. My money came from the Stonescale Eels mostly, especially once my Alchemy friend turned them into oil for me (the oil sells a LOT faster on my server than the raw eels).

If you are lucky like I was to be on a new server where the war effort is still going on, the "trash" fish of Spotted Yellowtail was also a major cash source. I cooked 100s and turned them in in Ironforge for a nice mid-40s green or better item per 20.
#3 Aug 10 2006 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
161 posts
I have found that the fish market flucuates considerably. On my server a stack of oilies goes for 1-1.5g, but most of the time I can't give away firemouths.

I would watch the AH for a week or two and see what materials generally sell well. I recently found that wool and bolts of wool were selling like crazy on mine and made about 10 gold from selling those items by simply cleaning out the wool I had on my various toons. Plus wool drops often in the instances, so gettting more is easy.

Sometimes it's mining (ores/bars) sometimes herbs sometimes leather.

The only constant that I've seen is DEing stuff and selling the dust/shards, but that can be really tough to do especially at lower levels as you can't always count of green + drops unless you run the instances and then you need to solo them so you don't have to share with others.
#4 Aug 10 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
ususlay the big sellers are Oily Blackmouth, Deviate fish, and the king of fish, the Stonescale eel. the prices fluctuae and you need to keep an eye on the market, but remember stonecale eel, it is the big seller. You can think of it as rocket fule for endgame raids.
#5 Aug 11 2006 at 3:20 AM Rating: Default
Don't fish for gold,
Fish for Alchemy, Alchemy for gold? maybe
Fish for cooking, cooking for gold? maybe

If your not Alchemy/cooking then your just wasting your time with fishing.
The same time you spend fishing you can spend making more gold doing other things.

The sad reason why you can't make as much gold from fishing is because your price competing on the AH with fishing bots. Thats right fishing bots, the bot's time it worth less then yours.

Having said that, it'll all ways good to catch a fish when waiting for the boat or just waiting on some other player.

Edited, Aug 11th 2006 at 4:29am EDT by Maxzzzz
#6 Aug 11 2006 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
Maxzzzz wrote:
Don't fish for gold,
Fish for Alchemy, Alchemy for gold? maybe
Fish for cooking, cooking for gold? maybe

If your not Alchemy/cooking then your just wasting your time with fishing.
The same time you spend fishing you can spend making more gold doing other things.

The sad reason why you can't make as much gold from fishing is because your price competing on the AH with fishing bots. Thats right fishing bots, the bot's time it worth less then yours.

Having said that, it'll all ways good to catch a fish when waiting for the boat or just waiting on some other player.

Boy, is this guy wrong. It's absolutely true that while all information is on the net, all disinformation is there as well. I was a skinner/herbalist/fisher for the longest time, and counted myself poor when the amount of gold in my pack was less than 200G. Most of that gold (about 90%) came from fishing. I seldom see anything that looks like bots in my favorite fishing grounds. Alchemy is NOT a requirement to make money from fishing. Making money from cooking? There are very few cooking recipes that make money.
#7 Aug 11 2006 at 7:13 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
Hey thanks for the advice guys!

I am an Alchemist so if i ever need any of the fish reagents, i can just get them myself. Also, i have a few 300 cooking friends that are willing to cook Deviate Fish into Savory Deviate Delights for me which sell for around 4-6g a piece on my server, apparently the novelty of transformation has not worn off for some :P.

Stonecale Eels do sell well; a stack of twenty is consistently in the 2-3g region.

Right now the biggest seller on my server is Ironweb Spider Silk-- high level leatherworkers love it and a stack of 5 would easily sell for 10g (i sold a stack of 2 last night for 3.25g)

Thanks again for the advice and i'll continue to level my fishing in an attempt to accumulate a nice gold reserve! i'm currently at my highest amount ever with 52g (my main is a 47 Pally)

#8 Aug 12 2006 at 1:19 AM Rating: Default
Ohmikeghod you are flat out wrong
and for dual gathering professions your poor too.

I have meet bots, maybe you have not but I have.

You can make money fishing yes, but not like you can make money doing other things for the same time.

Your selling your fish to alchemists, these alchemists 'like me' are then selling your fish back too the AH ,as potions, for some times double the price we payed for the fish,
so we are making just as much gold for this as you,
but the time I use up buying your fish and them making and selling my potions is... what? 1/10 not even that ...of the time you just speet geting those fish.
Your effectively lossing gold ever time you do this, it's a game for fools.

You don't make money cooking? fine then you don't make money cooking?
I do, Savory Deviate Delight,
and once again I don't fish for it, I do it by buying your fish and then selling them back at higher prices.

If you can't cook/Alc your own fish then your a dame fool for doing this,
and I'm playing you fools.

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 2:44am EDT by Maxzzzz
#9 Aug 12 2006 at 4:17 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Pre-50 or so, barring fairly rare alchemy recipes or AH trading, fishing is absolutely the most time efficient money making profession.

Sure, you make potions buying fish and sell said potions at a profit. Problem is, is that if everyone did that, there'd be no fisherman to supply you and you'd have a fair amount of competition.

Personally, I fish on my main while waiting for BGs and send the fish to my alt, who makes potions both for sale and some that I can donate to the guild for raids.

Alchemy allows you to maximize profits off of your fishing, that is true, but you still make quite a lot of money by just doing the fishing. Moreover, you have to ask yourself how much money more it gives you for your time fishing. Is it worth more than the money from dual gathering? Often, no.

And I have to agree with Mike's comment on money from cooking. Sellable foods that sell for more than the mats required to make them are few and far between.

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 5:19am EDT by Poldaran
#10 Aug 12 2006 at 4:46 AM Rating: Decent
I got Skinning/LW/Cooking/Fishing 300! Thou in my server Savory Deviate delights go 70s-1g per fish, They´re so easy to get... Leatherworking is like WORST moneymaker after Engineering, if you don´t have wanted epic recipes... :S
Skinning makes me a bunch of money thanks to Rugged hides wich i can turn to Cured ones (I don´t count this a profit from LW, rather profit from Skinning).
They were 5g a piece in my server, but thanks to Naxxramas they jumped up to 10g minium... I rarely fish for eels, since they´re 1g a eel, and lot rarer than Deviate fishes, but if i fish for them... I got few friends to turn them into oils for me... So long i support them vials and eels, they don´t even ask fee ^^
Anyways i find fishing most profitable profession i have got at the moment.

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 3:12am EDT by Tharry
#11 Aug 12 2006 at 5:47 AM Rating: Default
Pre-50 or so, barring fairly rare alchemy recipes or AH trading, fishing is absolutely the most time efficient money making profession

Pre-50s? so we are thalking about low level things now are we?
money making profession? so we are talking about all professions now right?

there'd be no fisherman to supply you and you'd have a fair amount of competition.

Your low level fishing competition are the bots.

Personally, I fish on my main while waiting for BGs and send the fish to my alt,

while waiting? fine!
fishing for an alt with Alc? fine!

Is it worth more than the money from dual gathering? Often, no.

Low level fishing ,as you say, will nether, let me say that once more nether get you the money you get from the same level gathering some thing else.

Swiftthistle: skill 70
just look on your AH and see the price this is going for,
this is no fish you can get as fast at skill 70 that sells for that price.

rare alchemy recipes you say? you get this one from the Vendor.
Recipe: Swiftness Potion
now look at the prices for 'Swiftness Potions' at your AH.

Sellable foods that sell for more than the mats required to make them are few and far between.

few and far between yes, but it's possible, if your fishing and your not a cook then you don't have that option.
If your are fishing for cooking then you can sell witch ever one is the highest at the time, maybe some fish, maybe some food made from fish, and this way you don't flood your only market.

If you say that you can't make gold from cooking your fish then fishing is a wast of time for non Alc Pre-50 players,
is that what your saying?
#12 Aug 12 2006 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
I thought I was being obvious, but I guess I need to clarify for you.



rare alchemy recipes you say? you get this one from the Vendor.
Recipe: Swiftness Potion
now look at the prices for 'Swiftness Potions' at your AH.

Funny, I don't see any vendors here...

I have sold Swiftness potions. In fair amounts. Try again.

you learn it from the vendor Smiley: rolleyes

If you say that you can't make gold from cooking your fish then fishing is a wast of time for non Alc Pre-50 players,
is that what your saying?

Nope. Exact opposite. Fishing is a boon for pre-level 50 players.

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 8:59am EDT by Poldaran
#13 Aug 12 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
level 25 and fished my stonescale eel school in booty bay - not a money maker for under level 50's?

here is the break down on where my fishing money comes from:

oilyblack mouth - 1.5-2.5g a stack
firefin snapper - 1-3g per stack
stranglekelp - 2-2.5g per stack
savory deviate delights - 2g for a stack of 3
sealed boxes etc - contain money, depending on the area bolts of linen -> runecloth, superior healing and manor potions, the odd green that i DE for enchanting mats.
stonescale eels - yet to sell any as the prices are just coming back up again and am waiting for them to hit 1g each before i sell

my server is still quite new so there is demand for lower level materials which helps a lot. every now and again i do a run up and down the coast at ratchet late at night, fish all the pools, and gather all the stranglekelp growing there too. if i didn't get distracted by watching tv at the same time i would probably be netting somewhere between 5-10g an hour. i might measure this sometime soon to see exactly how efficient it really is at making money. as a level 26 selling (almost) nothing but low level herbs and fish (since i DE all greens and bop blues) i can already afford my mount twice over :D

Edited, Aug 12th 2006 at 10:55am EDT by mangymage
#14 Aug 12 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Default
Funny, I don't see any vendors here...

Recipe: Swiftness Potion: 1 Silver 60 Copper
Westfall, Bernard the Mixer, Limited Supply (1)

A number of times now I read allakhazam information lats not right,
going by allakhazam information you'd all so say that the Undead spirit is 22,
you can't go by allakhazam information, the staff here are lazy.

The swiftness recipe was just an example, look at the prices for it as the AH, it's ezy to get, you don't need to be alliance, you can just buy it.

I have sold Swiftness potions. In fair amounts. Try again.

I don't know what I can say here Poldaran, maybe your server and mine are way out of whack, maybe your doing it wrong.
I too have solled swiftness potions and the fish of equal skill/level but it's just not worth it to stick with the low selling fish. Go find any fish of skill level 70, you can't make the some gold as you do from making swiftness potions.

Nope. Exact opposite. Fishing is a boon for pre-level 50 players.

Sorry Poldaran but your wrong,

Expert Fishing - The Bass and You
Requires Level 20
Requires Fishing (125)

with out Eels you can't make big gold
with out this you can't fish for Eels
with out skill 125 you can't have this

Fishing is no good for low level players, not like the other gathering professions

Now lets take a look at what you do have from fishing...

Oily Blackmouth, use by
Alchemy: Blackmouth Oil (and only this)

Firefin Snapper, use by
Alchemy:Fire Oil (and only this)

Stranglekelp stranglekelp! what? Mangymage your mad, you can not get stranglekelp at the same rate that herbalism can. Your just lossing time here.

Deviate Fish, use by
Alchemy:Elixir of Giant Growth,
Cooking:Savory Deviate Delight (just these two)

Stonescale eels and what do players do with it?
Alchemy:Stonescale Oil Thats all you can do with it

so 100% of your market is Alchemists, (bar the deviate)
if you sell one of these fish ever your selling it to an alchemist.

so it is as I said...
quote myself
Your selling your fish to alchemists, these alchemists 'like me' are then selling your fish back too the AH ,as potions, for some times double the price we payed for the fish, so we are making just as much gold for this as you,

...and in just a fraction of the time too. What did you think people were doing with all your eels?

If your fish are selling for more that day then that is only becouse the demand for the alchemists has gone up, and so the reality is that your missing out on more gold then you were befor the price went up.
You can't win.

gold made/ time used to make to gold

Edited, Aug 13th 2006 at 2:56am EDT by Maxzzzz
#15 Aug 14 2006 at 1:07 AM Rating: Decent
Fishing makes big money on Mannoroth. Not sure about other servers.
#16 Aug 14 2006 at 3:00 AM Rating: Default
#17 Aug 14 2006 at 6:13 AM Rating: Decent
Maxzzzz wrote:
Now lets take a look at what you do have from fishing...

Oily Blackmouth, use by
Alchemy: Blackmouth Oil (and only this)

Firefin Snapper, use by
Alchemy:Fire Oil (and only this)

Stranglekelp stranglekelp! what? Mangymage your mad, you can not get stranglekelp at the same rate that herbalism can. Your just lossing time here.

Deviate Fish, use by
Alchemy:Elixir of Giant Growth,
Cooking:Savory Deviate Delight (just these two)

Stonescale eels and what do players do with it?
Alchemy:Stonescale Oil Thats all you can do with it

so 100% of your market is Alchemists, (bar the deviate)
if you sell one of these fish ever your selling it to an alchemist.

So alchemists buy fish... so what? On my server, materials sell for more that the finished product, because you are mainly selling to alchemists that are power-levelling alchemy. Perhaps on your server they don't. The only alchemical thing I've found that sells for more than the materials is Stonescale Oil, not Elixir of Superior Defense, Greater Stoneshield Potion, Flask of Petrification, or Flask of the Titans. As a matter of fact, if you make any of those, you lose money instead of make it. Stonescale Oil (on my server) sells for approximately twice what the eels sell for. So an alchemist makes the same amount of money on eels that I do. Big deal. I also get pearls, floating wreckage, etc., that more than doubles the amount I get from the eels. What it means is that you are the fount of misinformation.
#18 Aug 14 2006 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Stranglekelp stranglekelp! what? Mangymage your mad, you can not get stranglekelp at the same rate that herbalism can. Your just lossing time here.
i apologize, i don't think that i made it clear that i am also a herbalist who picks stranglekelp at the same time as i am fishing it up in ratchet. i count both sources in my income because if i was not fishing i wouldn't be there picking the herbs as they spawn.

personally i would rather sell trade goods for profit than have to worry about struggling to level professions on a 2g bank balance. while it might be true that you can potentially make more profit off selling potions than you can herbs and fish you also need to take into consideration the money that is poured into leveling crafting professions, buying recipes, as well as the time and extra effort of farming for specific materials when they are not available in the AH. you can keep telling me that it isn't worth it but at level 27 i can catch and sell stonescale eels but if i was an alchemist, at this level i wouldn't be able to make them into oil or potions anyway...

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 11:12am EDT by mangymage
#19 Aug 14 2006 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
Maxzzzz wrote:
Funny, I don't see any vendors here...

Recipe: Swiftness Potion: 1 Silver 60 Copper
Westfall, Bernard the Mixer, Limited Supply (1)

A number of times now I read allakhazam information lats not right,
going by allakhazam information you'd all so say that the Undead spirit is 22,
you can't go by allakhazam information, the staff here are lazy.

Bernard the Mixer does not exist. Don't think that Thottbot is 100% correct, either.

So, what is the starting spirit for Undead?

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 1:45pm EDT by thermalnoise
#20 Aug 14 2006 at 3:54 PM Rating: Good
I'm going to back up the fishermen on this one.

Bear in mind that in all professions, prices and demand varies from realm to realm. Thus, something that is worth selling on one server may or may not be worth it on others.

I took my main to Tanaris this weekend. I fished for a couple of hours- got a stack of Stonescales (10G per stack), two stacks of Oily Blackmouths (1G per stack) and a couple of stacks of Firefins (about 30-40s per stack). Considering that fishing is a secondary profession, that's not bad. It doesn't take away from your primary professions either.

Add to that, fishing allows you to supplement another secondary profession- cooking. Now, a lot of people seem to think that cooking (and first aid for some horrible reason) are a waste of time. They aren't. Granted, with cooking, only one of your toons needs to be at the highest level of cooking, but it benefits both you and (if you're a Hunter) your pet. Hunters feed their pets to keep them happy. Cooked food is more effective than uncooked. Certain foods also provide stat buffs. For example, Monster Omelets are a level 40 food that, when eaten, give an extra 12 stamina & spirit for 15 minutes. Considering it costs very little to cook, especially when you use fish to level your cooking skill, it's practically a free buff.

So, while there is only one market for stonescale eels, oily blackmouths and firefin snappers, it's an easy, cheap way of making money- often with little or no hassle. You don't have to keep killing things for the fish to "drop", and they are always in demand. The oils are consumables- meaning they wear off, meaning there will always be a demand for fish.

Thus, the only question is why should you fish, but why wouldn't you fish?

Edited, Aug 14th 2006 at 4:59pm EDT by Wondroustremor
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#21 Aug 15 2006 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
ohmikeghod the Venerable
So alchemists buy fish... so what? On my server, materials sell for more that the finished product, because you are mainly selling to alchemists that are power-levelling alchemy.

quote myself
The same time you spend fishing you can spend making more gold doing other things.

You can sell herbs too power-levelling alchemys too, and at a better time to gold ratio.

So an alchemist makes the same amount of money on eels that I do. Big deal.

Yes, it is. If you don't care you can just stop.

off topic
So, what is the starting spirit for Undead?


I'm going to back up the fishermen on this one.

please note that I'm a fishermen.

Bear in mind that in all professions, prices and demand varies from realm to realm. Thus, something that is worth selling on one server may or may not be worth it on others.

realm to realm yes, if your on a realm/faction with out bots then the sales become floating numbers, and it changes the sails. But up or down it all gos to alchemy.

I took my main to Tanaris this weekend. I fished for a couple of hours- got a stack of Stonescales (10G per stack), two stacks of Oily Blackmouths (1G per stack) and a couple of stacks of Firefins (about 30-40s per stack). Considering that fishing is a secondary profession, that's not bad.

The price makes no difference.

It doesn't take away from your primary professions either.

Good point

Add to that, fishing allows you to supplement another secondary profession- cooking.

Thats my point, with out alchemy maybe cooking it's just not worth it.

Thus, the only question is why should you fish, but why wouldn't you fish?

Becouse you can be doing other things?

My post here is 'Don't fish for gold'
fishing = gold yes
killing a million kobold = gold
anything = gold
and thas
time = gold
we can all make gold but it's a matter of Gold/time.
#22 Aug 15 2006 at 7:50 AM Rating: Decent
1,207 posts
stonescale eels are your best bet for fishing. in ysondre a stack of 20 ranges from 8 - 13g atm.

firefin and oilymouth are a distant second/third: maybe 1-1.5g at best.

i haven't explored the cooking market yet, it seems like a small margin market. you have to flood the AH with lots of cooked fish to make a decent profit.

#23 Aug 15 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
Maxzzzz wrote:
Thats my point, with out alchemy maybe cooking it's just not worth it.

Pure male bovine manure. It may not be worth it to you. That's your opinion, not a fact. My opinion is the opposite. Some people feel that fishing is boring and don't feel it's worthwhile at all, even if they are alchemists. That's another opinion. People have to choose which way they want to go to make gold, instead of being placed into the straightjacket you want to place on the skill.
#24 Aug 15 2006 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Pure male bovine manure. It may not be worth it to you. That's your opinion, not a fact. My opinion is the opposite. Some people feel that fishing is boring and don't feel it's worthwhile at all, even if they are alchemists. That's another opinion. People have to choose which way they want to go to make gold, instead of being placed into the straightjacket you want to place on the skill.

i completely agree.

moreover, why try to convince us NOT to fish and sell the materials in the AH if it is so easy to buy up out mats and make a hefty profit? just move right on in and take advantage of us. if we stopped fishing and selling where would that leave all of the lazy alchemists?

preference to money making avenues also is most likely linked to how different people like to play the game. me? i like to collect things and sell them. i like nothing more than fishing wreckage, filling up a bag with trunks and then opening them all at once. i like searching for nodes, trying to get to them first, the challenge of sneaking around murlocs that are 3 times my level, etc... sitting in a town browsing the AH, running to trade goods vendors just isn't my cup of tea. i make good money doing what i am now AND i have fun doing it.
#25 Aug 15 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Decent
I uses to love fishing, I have old screenshots of me as a level 8 for the first time out fishing! Fishing was how I got the money to buy my first pet cockroach.
It's just that I got so mad when I heard about these bots, and then when I actually sore the bots, I just gave up, and have not been out fishing since.

I'd love it if fishing too was all floating sales set by the players, but I need to know that blizzard have fixed the old bot problem on my realm/faction befor I can feel ok about going back to fishing.
I never got my fishing cap to 300.
#26 Aug 15 2006 at 11:40 PM Rating: Decent
Maxzzzz wrote:
It's just that I got so mad when I heard about these bots, and then when I actually sore the bots, I just gave up, and have not been out fishing since.

I'd love it if fishing too was all floating sales set by the players, but I need to know that blizzard have fixed the old bot problem on my realm/faction befor I can feel ok about going back to fishing.

SO your problem is not with fishing, but with bots? Are they everywhere in the locations you fish at? I know that when I'm fishing, I concentrate on the bobber not messages on the chat channel, and I'm very efficient - I might get mistaken for a bot. Perhaps mistaken identity? Most botters don't concentrate on fish (hard to make that 200G/hour, y'know) - they go for botting places where they can get the phat lewtz.
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