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Enchanting: Impossible at low levels?Follow

#1 Jul 21 2006 at 8:49 PM Rating: Decent
Enchanting is supposed to be one of the hardest Trade Skills to level and many would advise against going enchanting at low levels.

But if you don't go enchanting at low levels, when are you supposed to take it up?

I understand that it's wise to have an alt to funnel gold and Uncommon items to the Enchanting account.

I figured that you could go Tailoring/Enchanting simplym because some of the low level tailoring items that are relatively easy to make can be disenchanted to increase your skill quickly.

Not sure if this is a wise choice, but I would like to eventually take up Enchanting.

What do you guys think?

#2 Jul 21 2006 at 9:23 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
Enchanting is a slow skill to level. On my characters, it usually lags behind the other ones. It is easier to feed a low level enchanter with another character, especially one high enough to run the Deadmines or Wailing Caverns solo. I have done tailoring and enchanting together and the combination works reasonably well. However, there are some things to think about:

- An enchanter will not have as much gold available at low levels (if this is your main or only character) because the green items that could normally be sold in the AH would be disenchanted.
- A tailor/enchanter has the additional problem of not being able to either sell cloth (crafted items normally sell for less than cloth) or use it to level first aid.
- Many people will tell you to start with two gathering skills, especially on your main. This will allow you to make decent money early on. Later you can drop one skill and take up enchanting when gold is more plentiful. I can recommend skinning/herbalism or skinning/mining. Both together are tough since you can only view either herbs or mining nodes, not both.
- One advantage to enchanting, is that you can disenchant your old equipment and any bind-on-pickup items you get.
- It is also wise to consider the type of items you character may need. warriors could use blacksmithing to make their own armor and weapons, whereas a mage would have no real use for the profession.

I hope this helps. You will eventually reach your goal if you start with Tailoring/enchanting, but it will be easier if you start as a dual gatherer.
#3 Jul 21 2006 at 10:13 PM Rating: Decent
If your a low level, never get enchanting, wait till your higher leveled (like 35-40) then get it.

At 35-40 you can do RFC (if horde) for greens along with WC. And Dm if alliance.
#4 Jul 22 2006 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
enchanting really isnt that hard at low levels if u just talior a few greens, disenchant, and enchant all your armor over and over...

as a lvl 18 i have a skill of 80+ in enchanting, which isnt too high but for a lvl 18 id say it was pretty decent :P
#5 Jul 22 2006 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
i agree with incub in that it is quite easy at low levels. i have a level 8 UD warlock with tailoring / enchanting both at level 75. plus, the only support i had was from my level 22 troll hunter.
#6 Jul 22 2006 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
i decided to take up enchanting at lvl 43 and i got it to 200 in about 2 days. i just farmed SFK (tons of blue items) and made a fair price out of some of the shards.

Yes i also would advise against enchanting at lower lvls. the drop rate of green items at lower lvls is alot rarer and they basically disenchant into crap... tailoring + enchanting are the biggest money wasters in the game... until you are able to craft epic armour (tailoring) which may take about a day to get all the mats, unless you buy them. Enchanting is very hard to make profit out of. Which is why many people try the old "mats + fee" which is a bit of a rip off because you can just ask a friend nicley to do it for free (if you have the mats).
#7 Jul 22 2006 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
mmh.. high enchanting isn't impossible on low lvl's i have a lvl 13 rogue and he haves enchanting 150 ( you can't go further until lvl 20 )
No proffesion is impossible if you have a main ( mine is only 33 :s ) that can get gold for you
#8 Jul 23 2006 at 11:50 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
Its actually not hard at low levels. First off you need to realize you wont make any money selling you're enchants now. Give them all for free. Advertise in the local zones, or whisper anyone you pass. Another thing I do is alternate between de'ing greens i come across and selling when I need some cash. Tailoring is awesome cause you can continue to de crap you make
#9 Jul 24 2006 at 5:09 AM Rating: Good
488 posts
Anytime I've had enchanting on a toon, I've always had it dis-enchanting for the majority of play time below level 45 or so. In cases that I've needed mount money, this was a profitable way to grind. Making steady income with low level enchanting is difficult at best, seeing that most people invest in the enchants that are above 250. I've also waited untill I was high enough to solo instances alone and thus level my enchanting quickly. Low level enchanting is not impossible, just for the most part, slower.
#10 Jul 24 2006 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
I find that all of the crafting professions are equally challenging/easy. Its all in how you do it. Many people find alch/ B.S. / L.W. / etc... much easier because they combine it with a profession in which they farm the mats. What enchanters need to realize is just like those professions, you need to have a source of Mats. One of the best combos for this is Tailoring.

DoF Guides
Go to this link, I have some leveling guides for tailoring and enchanting posted. If you level both simultaneously, you should be able to efficiently level enchanting the same as any other profession.

Another thing to note, when you get a green, many people have noted that enchanters have to DE it instead of sell it. This would be essentially the same for any other material you gather, herbs, ore whatever. You could AH it, but it is there to offer mats for your profession. If you are worried about money, you can level enchanting to about 47-50 on disenchanting alone. DE your greens and sell the mats. If you tailor, go to lowbie areas and trade low level enchants for cloth for more items to DE. There are numerous ways of easily leveling you enchanting even at low levels, just be creative. Good Luck!

Edited, Jul 24th 2006 at 11:13am EDT by FallonofDragonmaw
#11 Jul 24 2006 at 4:19 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
If you really really want to have enchanting on your first character I’d suggest waiting until 40 plus, after you have bought your mount. A mount is what most people are frantically saving money for at lower levels. Once you have that out of the way you can devote your time and money to your professions. You’ll also be at a level where its easier to farm for your low level mats.
#12 Jul 25 2006 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
Enchanting is realy not that hard at low level. on my 8 gnome loch i got my enchanting to high IN under 4 HOurs. instead of going tiloring i found that mining is 1 of the best ways to go. mine till it is about 65 when you can smelt tin and bronze. then go ah and buy tin ore(about 50s) you can smelt it into tin bar and then smelt with the copper you have to make bronze sells about(2g50s0 in actuin house. then when you make about 10g(took me 1hr 15 min to do this) then you can buy as many resocres as you can to enchant then offer to encant for free til you get better low enchants then sell for a cheap price till you start needing better mats(75) THEN MINE again(srry 4 caps) until you get more money. Also you can buy low greens with this money to disenchant. just keep repeating till you get to a decent enchanting lvl. if you want you can then get rid of mining( i kept until i got my enchant to 150(char lvl 15 then i took up taloring to make armor for me and its easy to level from there. I now have 300 enchanting and make a very nice profit.


P.S. it helps if you start out with some money to buy tin ore( you can earn the money from some extra copper but it takes longer) i started out with 2g

#13 Jul 25 2006 at 8:24 AM Rating: Decent
There is a way to bring up your enchanting skill very fast even at a low level. It will cost you about 3.5GP. If your diligent you might be able to do all you training fron 0 to 150 and pay for it all with what you sell back to the merchant. I brought my 15lvl druid from 0 to 150 skill lvl, then hit a wall (no enchanting books where available in AH to go higher). Took me about 90mins and I actually think I came out ahead on gold. So it is possible, as long as you can find Greater Magic Essence for less than 14SP each (avg).
#14 Jul 25 2006 at 8:39 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I brought my 15lvl druid from 0 to 150 skill lvl, then hit a wall (no enchanting books where available in AH to go higher).

There are no books required to raise enchanting. The only professions that require books are the three secondary professions; fishing, cooking and first aid.

Here’s a handy dandy leveling guide for any who are interested:
#15 Jul 25 2006 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
Calabar wrote:
Here’s a handy dandy leveling guide for any who are interested:

THANK YOU! I have been looking for one of these in the past week.
#16 Jul 26 2006 at 12:00 AM Rating: Decent
105 posts
lol just noticed whats the scholar under my name for?

also wanted to add, another way to level it up real quick, casting multiple enchants on yourself. Get the Auctioneer mod too, after scanning the AH, you see which greens worth auctioning or not.

Edited, Jul 26th 2006 at 1:02am EDT by Prilin
#17 Jul 26 2006 at 10:38 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
i think ench has been fun and worth it. i got up to 250 in a week with not that much gold spent. maybe around 50ish. if you just look at the mats and craft the lowest stuff its not hard.
#18 Jul 28 2006 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
Enchanting isn't the easiest profession. I put it on my first main (now realize that it was probably a mistake [tailoring/enchanting] as it is a big money drain. For everyone who is talking about how easy it is to get to 150... yes that is true, but it becomes very expensive afterwards - either by DEing your greens/blues to make more items or whatever. I used to scour the AH to find cheap mid-high level items that I could simply DE, which again took a lot of gold to do. So the way I look at it, for your first char it isn't worth it, unless you have someone giving you money or something like that.
#19 Jul 29 2006 at 10:07 AM Rating: Decent
1,059 posts
I have to disagree with the majority of people here who recommend to wait. I just started playing WoW three weeks ago, with my first character at 37 as of today. I have Enchanting at 237, and I started when I was in my late teens. (I would've started at level 1, but I don't know crap about WoW. :P)

The auction house is your best friend. At first, I would recommend just selling things you get until you have a few gold. Take up a gathering skill (I have Skinning at 269 currently, personally) and sell what you gather. When you get greens that are worth a decent amount on the auction house, sell them! (And by decent, I mean 50s+ at low levels.) Take time and go through all the weapons/armors on auction and bid on greens that are single-digit bids, or low double-digits if the disenchant is worth it. Say you bid on 2g worth of armor/weapons.. 1g might come back to you later because you were outbid. The other 1g might buy you 15 pieces of cheap green equipment. Those 15 pieces of equipment may disenchant into 3g+ worth of mats. 3g+ worth of mats for 1g! Use them for skilling up, or if you have an overabundance: sell the mats on auction.

I grinded through Enchanting levels by using cheap enchants on my own gear over and over again. It took out the time-consuming enchant-selling. Also, I made items that I could sell on the auction, like the Lesser Mystic Wands and Lesser Wizard Oils and Minor Mana Oils. Up to 237, I haven't enchanted anything for anyone other than myself and my leveling partner, and I've actually made a ton of gold with Enchanting. The other day I went into my bank and cleaned out all the Lesser and Greater Magic Essences and the Strange Dusts.. and sold them for over 75g.. and they were all just disenchants from armor I bought for ~5-10s each. (Check the prices of Lessers/Greaters.. Remember that 3 Lesser = 1 Greater, so if their prices are similiar, break the Greater into 3 Lessers for three times the gold!) And like was mentioned, there is no fee for placing mats on the auction house, so disenchant and sell for profit as much as you want! (Of course, this is realm-dependent..)

One thing I do have to agree with, however, is that it gets much harder as you get higher into Enchanting. The mats needed aren't the kind you get from buying the cheap greenies from the auction, like I said earlier. But even if you hit a stand-still when your Enchanting is higher, you can at least disenchant your soulbound or BoP items, which can be better than selling to vendor. And you can still always disenchant cheap greens for profit until you have the means to level your Enchanting to cap.

Good luck!
#20 Jul 29 2006 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
Three of my six characters are enchanters. One of them is also a tailor, the other two are herbalist and miner for money making. The tailor/enchanter is one of main characters and as I recall she was able to level enchanting quickly by making items and disenchanting them. Also disenchanting any low level item she picked up that was not useful to her, and doing the same to any quest item that she couldn't use.

My recent one character I decided to take the quick route and funnelled him some gold. He then went to the auction house and bought strange dust and greater magic essence (each greater can be turned into three lesser and its typically cheaper to get 10 greaters then 30 lessers). Having roughly 60 strange dust and 20 greater magic essence I was able to raise my skill quickly. the total cost for buying all items from the AH was roughly 5 gold. If you make lesser wands and greater wands, then sell them back to the nice lady standing next to the trainer in Stormwind, you can even make a profit. Simple wood is cheap, and the cost for your strange dust, free if you made enough yourself, will make you a fair profit.

Remember to get greater magic essence, greater astral essence, etc. as it breaks down cheaper then buying lessers.

Oh, and the whole reason I have the two lower level enchanters is to disenchant those annoying quest items, bind on pick ups, etc. that you cant sell or use. At the higher levels it will really pay off when you start getting shards or other valuable items.
#21 Jul 30 2006 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
i found it quite easy to lvl ur enchanting skill at low lvls. i have tailoring as a secondary prof. i grind humanoids that drop linen cloth, then make bags or something else that sells good out of the cloth. i use that money to buy cheap greens at the ah. i de those, and there u get easy mats.
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