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best professions for warriorFollow

#1 Jun 22 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
I was wondering what are the best professions for a warrior? Im leaning towards engineering and mining but I'm not sure if that will work out great with a warrior or not.
#2 Jun 22 2006 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Sure will, works extra well for gnomes.

Keep in mind one of the only 2 epics the porfession can make is a sheild, so I would say that Bliz had it in mind for warriors(and pallies/shaman to a lesser extent) to be Engeniers.

Alch/Herb is a good one, I cannot recomend smithing, it is up there with enchanting(Both porfessions made to complain about) as realy bad ideas.

so my opinion
#3 Jun 23 2006 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
315 posts
I really like Alch/Herb for warriors. Lots of potions providing nice buffs - armor, strength, regen, rage, etc.
#4 Jun 23 2006 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
to play Devil's Advocate here, my Smith/Mine Warrior did just fine and I don't really think there can be a better combo for a tank class.

Eng is great too though, it gives a Warrior a much needed ranged attack (bombs) for something like a flying mob or even, if used right, pulling when charge is not an option.
#5 Jun 23 2006 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
my Smith/Mine Warrior did just fine

But after my first toon, my objective became to be much better than "Just fine" I enjoy succeding. Here is what it all comes down to, CASH.

Smithing is a horrid money sink, with quests and all it acutaly cost more to level a smith to 300 than enchanting(assuming yor ore was puchased at AH, just like enchaingig masts at AH). Thats not to say you did'nt benefit at all from smithing, it is just for every single smithing item(with about 6 exeptions all BoE)there is a BoP item better, or a quest reward. The recomendaion to not smith comes from experance, and from posting on theese bords. I have yet to see a "I made way too much money gathering" post, yet stuff like "50 gold and all i got was 5 skill ups" is commonplace when dealing with smithing. When you are done what is your reward? a bunch of items that need you to farm a place with better gear as drops than that you are making. So to make high end smithing stuff you have to have a guild(or be buying your gold to get the mats). Since it took 40 folks to get the lava core, folks are not just going to give it to you, they will start with the MT and have you Craft all the FR gear for somebody else. All that, and there are like 7 other guys fighing over who gets to use this skill they spent 500 gold in mats to make a helm for somebody else...Smiths are a dime a dozzen. The first time you pull out a Repairbot in MC/ZG(seems a waste with how close reparis are) you are more usefull than a smith. Or making your own Flask of Titans.

I say enjoy the game and avoid smithing like the Scourge.
#6 Jun 23 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
but, for me the secret to smithing was to find a niche(or what ever the word is). I was the ony swordsmith in my guild by the time I mastered it, so I was constantly getting jobs to forge low/mid level things for our new members and high level things for our "just dinged 60 and want to do better in our raids" crowd. Most of the time they would pay atleast a chunk of the cost, which I admit is quite large.

The rest of the cost can be handled with AHing the green level stuff and other plate armor that many hunters and shammies who just trained in it want to get to upgrade.
#7 Jun 23 2006 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
1 epic scroll for smithing like sageblade and you can make 700g ea day in a full server
#8 Jun 23 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
OP Do as you wish, i can say with Zeal and experance, smithing is probly the worst choice you can make.

Here are a few comparisons with actual real numbers

Binds when equipped
Main Hand Sword
66 - 124 Damage Speed 2.30
(41.3 damage per second)
Durability 90 / 90
Requires Level 58
Chance on hit: Target's movement slowed by 30% and attacks slowed by 20% for 5 sec.
This thing has a huge list of mats
18x Arcanite Bar(Yes thats freeking 18!!)
8x Blue Sapphire
8x Azerothian Diamond
4x Essence of Water
2x Dense Grinding Stone
4x Enchanted Leather

so just off the bat the arcanite cost (alla median cost 38 gold each) 684 gold and you are just started, the rest should total under 200 gold for a cost about 884 gold.

or go out and buy a
Sword of Zeal
Binds when equipped
Main Hand Sword
81 - 151 Damage Speed 2.80
(41.4 damage per second)
Requires Level 58
Chance On Hit: A burst of energy fills the caster, increasing her damage by 10 and armor by 150 for 15 seconds.

for about 249 gold (according to Alla)

Now if thats too steap for you you can run UD strath and get a
Skullforge Reaver
Binds when picked up
One-Hand Sword
72 - 135 Damage Speed 2.50
(41.4 damage per second)
Requires Level 58
Chance On Hit: Drains target for 2 Shadow damage every 1 sec and transfers it to the caster. Lasts for 30 seconds.
for free

or run DM and get a dragonslayer compendom, start the quest and get the games most common epic.
Binds when picked up
Main Hand Sword
84 - 126 Damage Speed 2.00
(52.5 damage per second)
+12 Stamina
Classes: Warrior Paladin
Requires Level 60
Chance On Hit: When active, grants the wielder 13 defense and 300 armor for 10 seconds.
"The High Blade"

Quel'Serrar requries a book(usualy about 300-500 gold) but can be farmed by a team of 5 with no issue(it will take about 100 runs, but you will get craploads of other stuff too!)

So OP if you are gunna run MC with a brand new guild and need to make FR plate for all the tanks, take up smiting, if you plan on doing much of anything else. Dont, I have provided some cost breakdowns to show smithing dose not pay off in a game where there are Better BoE dorps, and even worse when the BoP's are so mcuh better than both.


1 epic scroll for smithing like sageblade and you can make 700g ea day in a full server

that only needs
12x Arcanite Bar = 465 gold
2x Nexus Crystal = 120 gold
2x Flask of Supreme Power = 140 gold
4x Enchanted Leather = might as well be free

Becasue everybody has 1400 gold to throw at a soward,the only folks with that kind of money would just take there endgame guild to MC and get the far suppirror.
Azuresong Mageblade
Binds when picked up
Main Hand Sword
64 - 140 Damage Speed 2.40
(42.5 damage per second)
+12 Intellect
+7 Stamina
Requires Level 60
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by 1%.
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 40.

So keep theroycrafting 725 gold every day on a item that cost about 700 gold in mats. or keep trying to come up with ways to make big money in smithing, the truth is you dont.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2006 at 3:07pm EDT by Capitolg
#9 Jun 23 2006 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
listen to CapG, a personal friend of mine for 1 thing. Not to mention his mind is like the best WoW mod ever. Now, listen to me. My warrior does engineering, and i gotta say it's the coolest thing ever, bombs and dynamite make ya a hero more often than not when aggro looks to be out of control you can drop a stick o' dynamite or a bomb and watch the loose mobs come right back to ya. Also w/ the pets adding a cool dynamic to the game nothin like tankin away w/ a chicken next to ya enraged doin 70dps. Of course there's always the deflectors that can be crafted there's one for just about every school of magic. It can be an expensive trade, and items a bit selfish. There are a couple items that engineers make that are essential to others green lens comes to mind. Nothing like handing a bunch of AV players sticks of EZ throw on the the general battle. If you're a tanking warrior, ya gotta be a superstar, and engineering is one of the best enhancements to become so. Just an anecdote but i recall a night i lagged off the deep edge in IF, low and behold there's a horde rogue down there unstealthed even. I start fighting him, quickly realizing i'm gonna get a stunlock any sec so i drop my battle chicken and arcanite dragonling, and i was right STUNLOCK, so my chicken and dragon hunted him down and dropped him for me, now that's priceless, just think about what might've been goin through that poor rogues mind at that moment.

Edited, Jun 23rd 2006 at 6:31pm EDT by farnsy
#10 Jun 23 2006 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
moral of the thread: do what feels best to you, Smithing is a bigger money sink but if you carve a groove out you can offset most of it. Eng is just an all around good tradeskill that can help any class especially in PvP.
#11 Jun 24 2006 at 1:14 AM Rating: Decent
I think mining is just good compared to whatever else for a warrior. at worse, just trade ore for the items you want to make be they e-z throw dinamite or shining silver breastplates. Doesn't mean you can wear everything like the engineering items without the skill, but you're pretty set on boe or other manufacturing equipment regardless if you have the manufacturing skill or not.
#12 Jun 28 2006 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent
About an hour ago, I hit level 300 in Blacksmithing as a level 49 Warrior. Let me say what my experiences have shown me about the profession.

Blacksmithing can be a money sink, yes. Even more so the dumber of a player you are. And the examples of smithing items that've been posted in this thread would only be utilised to reach the 300 max by a complete moron.

50 gold to gain five levels? Once again...moron.

You know what you can do to slide through the last 50 levels of blacksmithing without draining your wallet? Quest in Un'Goro. Gather up lots of power crystals. Even if you buy the metals, hell, even if you buy all the mats, you'll still be able to make up the costs of crunching out a dozen Thorium Helms with two or three Phantom Blades.

Some of the less often known/mentioned benefits to smithing are quite nice to have, as well. Need some extra damage? Sharpening stones/weightstones work like a charm. Are you a tanking build? Shield spikes give you a welcome add to your DPS potential that you sacrifice by carrying a shield. Want to get places faster? Spurs are essentials. Sick of being disarmed? Steel weapon chains are the answer. And you don't have to rely on Rogues to open those annoying lockboxes, either. Just craft up your own skeleton keys. If you're an engineer, smithing compliments that profession very well, as you can make your own Mithril Cylinders and Iron Buckles. Counterweights give you added weapon speed. And if you're an enchanter, you never have to worry about where to get a Truesilver or Arcanite Rod.

Blacksmithing is a profession for the dedicated and the clever. Hey, so is enchanting, come to think of it. Two professions that everyone ******* about as being insane expenses that aren't worth the benefits. Let me tell you straight up, if you're smart, even enchanting can be used for good profit. It's all in your angle.
#13 Jul 01 2006 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
Wtf? Foror's Compendium for 300-500g? Try 1000-2000g mate, or 3000g+ if it's the only one on AH.

Alchy is a great profession for wars. Combine it with first aid and you'll never have to waste time sitting and eating, which Blizzard intended to hinder warriors to compensate for thei uber survivability.

great for leveling, great for PvP... great for raiding (resists).

So great for everything I guess ^^
#14 Jul 01 2006 at 11:42 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts

1 epic scroll for smithing like sageblade and you can make 700g ea day in a full server

that only needs
12x Arcanite Bar = 465 gold
2x Nexus Crystal = 120 gold
2x Flask of Supreme Power = 140 gold
4x Enchanted Leather = might as well be free

Becasue everybody has 1400 gold to throw at a soward,the only folks with that kind of money would just take there endgame guild to MC and get the far suppirror.

Not everyone gets to run MC, buddy ;-). Sageblade is a great item; mine only ended up costing me about 150 gold (50g crafting fee, 100 for the crystals and leather; I had the other materials). The spellpower enchant on it took a while though :-P For the record, only a fool would buy a completed item; it is MUCH cheaper to buy the materials, and then find a crafter.

Sageblade is great for a non-raider, so don't poo-poo it ^_^

Wtf? Foror's Compendium for 300-500g? Try 1000-2000g mate, or 3000g+ if it's the only one on AH

Completely depends on the server. I have seen it as low as 250g, and as high as 1400g. With all the farmers getting banned a while back, I have seen the prices skyrocket, though. It hadn't been under 600g when college season ended, so it's probably a bit higher even now.
#15 Jul 01 2006 at 5:29 PM Rating: Decent
948 posts
Phaexos wrote:

Some of the less often known/mentioned benefits to smithing are quite nice to have, as well. Need some extra damage? Sharpening stones/weightstones work like a charm.

I agree, I always keep a stack of these on me to buff the party during instances.

Phaexos wrote:
And you don't have to rely on Rogues to open those annoying lockboxes, either. Just craft up your own skeleton keys.

Im gonna have to disagree with you on this one, the only ones that can open a Reinforced Steel Lockbox (Which normally carries medium quality items) or higher are the Arcanite Keys, and wasting an Arcanite Bar on those IMO are wasteful.

Edited, Jul 1st 2006 at 6:32pm EDT by Zaknalfein
#16 Jul 03 2006 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Sageblade is great for a non-raider, so don't poo-poo it ^_^

It is a amazing soward even if you are a raider who has not got a mageblade, I am not poo pooing the item, just the statment that you can sell them with any sort of frequacy or the insane profit margin that was posted of 700 gold a day.

mine only ended up costing me about 150 gold (50g crafting fee, 100 for the crystals and leather; I had the other materials

Ok so i never said anyting bad about the item(it was you that said i Phoo Phooed it)But, you helped prove my point you only payed 50 gold in crafting fee not 700 gold, I hightly doubt that crafter had an other 13 folks who brought all the mats that day, or meny others days. My point was comments like"1 epic scroll for smithing like sageblade and you can make 700g ea day " are BS.
#17 Jul 03 2006 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Ok so i never said anyting bad about the item(it was you that said i Phoo Phooed it)But, you helped prove my point you only payed 50 gold in crafting fee not 700 gold, I hightly doubt that crafter had an other 13 folks who brought all the mats that day, or meny others days. My point was comments like"1 epic scroll for smithing like sageblade and you can make 700g ea day " are BS.

Ah, I completely agree with you on the crafting fee! Yes, 700 is an insane price to pay for an item, let alone for crafting an item! Sorry about that; I was focusing on the comment:
Becasue everybody has 1400 gold to throw at a soward,the only folks with that kind of money would just take there endgame guild to MC and get the far suppirror.

Because I have the money to throw at a sword, but I definitely don't have the endgame guild to get a Mageblade (which I would prefer, of course :-P).

But yeah, definitely not going to make 700g in a single craft. That's just nutty.
#18 Jul 03 2006 at 12:40 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Even you have to admit that no matter how great it is, 1400 would be a rediclous price(even 700 gold is a reddiclous price), for that kind of gold, post a add on your relm fourm, offer 600 gold for a mageblade, and see how fast a guild lets you "Tag" with them till they get it and Master loot it to you, Hell might even just be a waitng list whre you wait ouside the isntance and only zone in to acutaly get your item(i have seen it happen with other stuff)(this is where the statment came from, not joining the guild, just paying them for the item)

To me the boom line is to discredit the poster who's seems to think that there is a goldmine in crafting epics, they seem to forget about mats.
#19 Jul 03 2006 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
LockeColeMA wrote:
1 epic scroll for smithing like sageblade and you can make 700g ea day in a full server

that only needs
12x Arcanite Bar = 465 gold
2x Nexus Crystal = 120 gold
2x Flask of Supreme Power = 140 gold
4x Enchanted Leather = might as well be free

Becasue everybody has 1400 gold to throw at a soward,the only folks with that kind of money would just take there endgame guild to MC and get the far superior.

Sageblade is a great item; mine only ended up costing me about 150 gold (50g crafting fee, 100 for the crystals and leather; I had the other materials).

In order to get the true cost of the sageblade, you have to add in the amount you would have gotten from selling the mats you had on you. - that comes to 605G, according to the prices in the inner quote. That means that the sageblade acually cost you 755G - not 150G.
#20 Jul 04 2006 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Mike wrote:
In order to get the true cost of the sageblade, you have to add in the amount you would have gotten from selling the mats you had on you. - that comes to 605G, according to the prices in the inner quote. That means that the sageblade acually cost you 755G - not 150G.

My point being, Mike, that it didn't cost anywhere near 1400 gold, and my out-of-pocket cost was only 150 gold ;-). Don't worry; I know how to count up the cost of something :-D.

I think this will just degenerate to a "getting epics isn't hard, getting into a good raid guild is" arguement :-D. Money is easy to make, and not everyone has a raid guild; thus the Sageblade is a great sword, and relatively easy to obtain (whereas the Mageblade has a 5% drop rate off 4 MC bosses; so you might go for a LOOOONG time without seeing one. Sageblade is a good deal for me).

I'm just bitter that I went on half a dozen MC runs with my old guild and never got a piece of loot :-P. Ignore me...
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