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Goblin EngineeringFollow

#1 Jun 20 2006 at 10:49 AM Rating: Decent
What is the best way to get high level goblin schematics? I can rarely find them and would like to do more with it. I see gnomish stuff everywhere and I barely have anything Goblin. What are the good schematics I should be getting? Stuff that really does some damage and can be helpful? Been 300 for a while and feeling like engineering was a mistake.

Only went Goblin because a former guildie went Gnome and we wanted to balance. I would like some good stuff now for aoe or pvp stuff.

Any suggestions?
#2 Jun 20 2006 at 11:47 AM Rating: Good
4,877 posts
PearlWhite, OK I Bite...
I see gnomish stuff everywhere and I barely have anything Goblin

What Gnomish stuff to you see Everywhrer? Have you ever looked at the whole list of stuff, both gnomish and goblin? Have you ever searched for said schematics on this sight?.......'

Stuff that really does some damage and can be helpful?

I assume that this stament sice it was essentaly preceeded by a "I got shafted in to this spec" would refer to there being more Gnomish stuff that "Dose some dammage and can be helpful". Please, do tell me what more gnomish offers over Goblin spec? Much less what is ..... More useefull.

OK I admit it, I was trying to set you up so that I could porve you wrong, and was somehow hopoing that the action of seeing your rediclous statments next to fact would somehow positivly affect you. Well that most likely will not happen so ...... From the get go, Goblin and gnomish diffrences boil down to a scarse few items.
#1 The Death Ray vs the Dragon gun: the death ray seems so cool, yet when you factor in the dammage it (Always) dose to you it dose not take long before you realise you are not dealing with as "Cool" of a item as you once thought. I guess if you were a pally, or other low DPS class the ray has some places where it would shine, yet overall it is not that great of a item. The dragon gun looks even worse at a first glance, but looks can be deciving. as long as you have 5 targets, the Dragon gun will out dammage the deathray, My record for the Dragon gun is 19 targets, the total dammage on that shot was 12350 HP between all my targets, it would take 6 realy good shots with a death ray to get that kind of DPS. unlike the death ray, the dragon gun is not a garuenteed dammage to the user....

#2 The boots, both specs make rocket boots, key diffrence is that the goblin ones dont reuqire engenering so they can be sold at a larget rate than the gnomish boots.

#3 while some of these are irrlivant due to BoE status, i list them anywho.
Gnomish Shrink Ray vs Goblin Mining Helmet/Goblin Construction Helmet(because not all folks can use the minin helm) OK theese both suck, the shrink ray is better, but it is a matter of just getting one, my goblin eneneer uses a shrink ray.

#4 Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector VS Goblin Mortar Heck they both stop runners, one just dose it by killing the target, the net-o-matic sounds better, but with falure rate the mortar wins, but.... they are both BoE so it dose not matter.

#5 Lil' Smoky VS Pet Bombling, while i love Lil Smokies glasses, the bombling is way cuter.

#6 Gnomish Harm Prevention Belt vs Goblin Sapper Charge there are way better sheilds in the game(AB) and they dont have falure rates, yet the single tic hellfire that is the saper charge remains usefull through DM and ZG, yet bot still BOE

#7 Gnomish Battle Chicken VS Goblin Bomb Dispenser the chicken holds more of a laugh factor, but bottom line is that in the end a bomb dispencer dose more dammage, and faster. This is a win for the Goblin folks.

#8 Gnomish Mind Control Cap(nerfed today, no longer useable on in combat targets)vs Goblin Rocket Helmet . Heck the rocket helm owned the mc hat way before they nerfed the MC hat. pushing goblin as a better chocie again.

#9 Gnomish Cloaking Device Vs The Big One, so the trade off is a less than a lesser invis pot(because thats what the cloking devce is) vs the bomb with the bigest blast radius in the game. think this one is clear who wins.

Drum roll please......
#10 World Enlarger(totaly useless consumable)VS Goblin Jumper Cables XL(more reliable than the basic ones)

looking at the 10 diffrences between the spec it is eazy to see that the "Toys" of gnomish spec are mosty novilty(the nerfing MC helmet sure did'nt help) while the goblin tools "really do some damage and can be helpful" Hey wait, thats what you said you wanted. So, do yourself a favor and stop wanting the grass on the other side of the fence and embrace your spec and enjoy it. it is by far the "More DPS" route of the two.

P.S. if you can give me a reason that the world enlarger is better than the jumper cables XL i will make a "I am a idoit" post here in the tradeskills thred.
#3 Jun 20 2006 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
Wow. You talk way too much.

I guess your phsycology degree caused you to read way too much into my post. Simple put, all I wanted was a list of goblin schematics and where to get them as I can't FIND them. About 8 of the ones you put in your novel I have never heard of, let alone seen.

So, without a novel.... Where do you find Goblin Schematics?

#4 Jun 28 2006 at 1:48 AM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Capitolg..Perhpas its just me but i would prefere the world enlarger. As far as i have seen, the size can make a diffrents.....yeah the cabels can rezz but what good is it, when you are in combat? Plus it is not always it works. Yeah im aengineer myself and took gnomish cause i like the idea about them(chance to do something else). Try and think about it then? The world enlarger makes you smaller and if you took an noggerfogger elixer and got the small size from there, then the world enlarger will make you even more smaller. As far as ive seen, the size can change the outcome of an battle.(pvp most of the time)

In the end, those 10 things you mentioned, can be good, all that is needed, is some ideas to make them more useful and use them on the right times

Edited, Jun 28th 2006 at 4:05am EDT by Livies
#5 Jun 28 2006 at 9:30 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Lord Livies My recomendation is to make a world enlarger, use it in your master plan, then come back and post again, I spend a few moments trying to explain it, but decided that it all looked too abrasive( and thats not my intent)

For the record, "It makes you realy small" is not better than, SAVES RAIDS by rezzing folks. I Play on PvP servers and if my priest dies in a encounter, the ability to rez him far outweighs being tiny

From World Enlarger Discription wrote:
Enlarges the entire world for 5 min or until you attack.

Yes once you enter combat you are retruned to normal size, the best use as of yet is to get by mobs you cant sneek past..
#6 Jun 28 2006 at 6:50 PM Rating: Decent
unless it was nerfed then the world enlarger gave people a great buff that would last untill u attacked or after 5 min it also makes it so u can sneak past enemys thats always a plus on the other hand rezzing priests is helpfull (although a lock can SS them) it is a decintaly fair trade off (unless they nerfed the enlarger from last i cheaked which was a couple months ago)
#7 Jun 28 2006 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
BTW if there is one thing that puts gnomish way over gablin it is the deathray which can crit 4k+ dmg
#8 Jun 29 2006 at 9:58 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
I never said the Wrold Enlarger was complete Trash, yes in a Sneek past mobs way it sure dose work, yet not the amazing pvp tool some folks seem to think it is. To start most folks use the Tab key to aquire targets, being small dose not change that; you are still targetd. The world enlarger is OK at best, at level 60, the only use i have for mine are stuff like getting in to darkwhisper gorge to mine, but I spend more time farming mats, than waiting 3 min for the pats to clear. I have used my world enlarger to shrink tiny, and move past a pat to use my cables to bring up a shaman. They are just a joke compaird to actualy being able to res a dead player.

BTW if there is one thing that puts gnomish way over gablin it is the deathray which can crit 4k+ dmg

Mighty narrow focus,I have had a dragon gun hit for a toaal of 6.3K , sure it required 13 targets to do so, but that smashes your silly death ray, not to mention, that death ray you shot, did almsot a 1000 poins of dammage to you, EVERY TIME, a dragon gun has to break, and then it is only 600 points of dammage.

A year ago when i first completed my first gnomish and goblin engenniers, I realy though gnomish was king, but as soon as BG became a option, i quickly Discoverd that the "Toys and Tricks" did not do all we would hope, BG is just too fast paced to wait for 30 sec global cooldowns. Realy folks who is still useing a Harm prevention belt at level 60? yet i am still lobbing "The big one" at folks. There are some PvE advantages to gnomish, but since PvP is about burst dammage, a spec that focus on stuff focused arround a mid 40's player has little place at 60(not even true endgame), what gunna use that allarm-O-Bot all the time?

Currently the best path is to level gnomish to get a death ray, drop it and relevel goblin, this gives you access to the ONE keystone to Gnomish engenering that you may still use at 60.

We all have opinions, mine are temperd by a year of gameplay since I capped each out at 300/315.

Edited, Jun 29th 2006 at 11:23am EDT by Capitolg
#9 Jun 29 2006 at 2:07 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
Well....what can i say...if i dont ask, then i dont get answear.
#10 Jun 29 2006 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
#11 Jun 29 2006 at 5:18 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
I'm a fan of Gnomish, so I'll try to respond to some of these with the opposing ideas ;-)

1. Death Ray versus Goblin Gun:
Death Ray is my preference. Goblin Gun is good for people without AoE... but it can fail at a critical moment, set you on fire, and fear you for a few seconds. Ouch. Not cool. With a Death Ray, you know what you're getting: damage to yourself, and more to the enemy. There are fun things to do with this: a Paladin can make himself invincible and then cast it, for no damage to himself.

Personally, I face single targets more often than groups. Also, many enemies have fire resistance, potentially reducing the goblin gun's damage.

2. Boots: These are almost equal, IMO.
Gnome: 30 minute cooldown and an engineering requirement. Ick. The backfire for this is that you stop getting the movement boost before the 20 seconds are up, OR you run around randomly.
Goblin: 5 minute cooldown and no engineering requirement (woo-hoo!). The backfire is that they blow up (damage is bad!), the boots are destroyed (you always lose the rocket fuel >_<), and you need to be an engineer to remake them.

I personally would choose Goblin on these... actually, I would probably use neither, but if I HAD to choose, this would go to goblin. Dang.

3. Shrink Ray: You already admitted it wins :-D

4. Net versus mortar: The main thing here is that when the mortar messes up, you get MAJOR PAIN :-P. When the net messes up, you get stuck. The mortar blows you sky high for fire and fall damage, I believe. I might be thinking of bronze mortars for the fall damage. Hmmm. One person in the mortar's item page said he got hit for 9k fire damage when it backfired on him ^_^

Since net-o-matic has the same cooldown (10 seconds), won't hurt you when it backfires, and roots the person for longer... I say net-o-matic wins.

5. Pets: Up to personal choice.


Who am I kidding? Bombling rocks.

6. Sapper Charge is better, but the harm prevention belt actually always works... when you get banished, you are invincible, and thus taking no damage :-P. It's good until higher levels... the protection really needs to scale up with level >_>. Sapper Charge is also insanely good at lower levels, but it does hurt you, so keep that in mind.

7. Chicken vs. Bomb: I think the bomb wins because it is AoE damage, BUT! the chicken also has its uses. It is level 46, I think, so for a lower level character... w00t! It does decent damage (15-75 per hit, 1.5 second attack, and it lasts for 1m 30s), it can fury to attack twice as fast, and it TAUNTS! This makes it a decent semi-tank item... every half an hour.

8. Helms: Goblin wins. MC cap is good if you get the drop on an enemy and they don't see you coming, though :-P

9. Yeah, this is no real contest, they are two completely different items. The Big One has a high component cost, which is one thing to keep in mind... but the cloaking device has an insane cooldown. And you are wrong about the effect of the cloaking device; it is true invisibility, not lesser. You literally disappear (you aren't even considered "stealth", so increased stealth detection items and effects do not help!). You can't use it in battle, though. But if you see someone running at you... POOF! You're gone :-D

Two different items... you can't really consider them next to each other.

10. World enlarger lowers your aggro radius, which is nice. Jumper XL work more often, but they can obviously still feel. However, the price of these are average of 39 gold, while the normal ones are 5 gold. Ouch. Once again, completely different categories.

I say they are more of less equal (obviously, hehe :-P). I like devices and effects more. I guess the idea is... goblin will make you use more materials, and gnome will make you use fewer potions (but have much longer cooldowns :-P).

On the plus side, now that every item has a different and separate cooldown (since 1.11), you can cycle through your fun effect trinkets more often! Hurray!

Different strokes for different folks; I agree with Capitolg that Goblin is good... I just like Gnomish better for my own gaming.

Rate up to Capitolg for a good response :-D
#12 Jun 30 2006 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Now that you say it, I kind of let level skew my perspective. I have never claimed that gnomish sucks, hell I have 2 gnomish engineers. Yet IMHO when you get to 60 most of the gnomish stuff seems outdated, while the goblin stuff still holds it's weight(mostly)
some added points.
On the Death ray wrote:
a Paladin can make himself invincible and then cast it, for no damage to himself

Soul link Locks can use MD and soul link (VW) to mitigate chunks of the dammage to VW and it is regesterd as Physical dammage, so it is reduced by MD buff(or it was)
The main thing here is that when the mortar messes up, you get MAJOR PAIN :-P. When the net messes up, you get stuck

Well I dont use my net gun unless I need it, if I get stuck it is usualy the death of me. The pont you make is super relevent though, when the net gun was new, and i didnt try nutty stuff with it (level 35) the net gun is better, 9 K dammage,yea, dude must have used it next to the gerat lift and run off the edge and counted that, and was a warrior, with recklessness on. My record is a warror in zerker and recklessness, I took just uner a a K of dammage, and that damamge was boosted. I been using them for over a year and my record is 900 and some change, 9 K I just dont beleive

I compaird the cloking device to a lesser invis pot due to the druration of invis, but you are right, a lock can not see you with detect lesser invis, yet can with greater invis(never said it was stealth)

I find that the requried mats of goblin are not much of a issue once you get to later levels, I can round up the stuff to make a 10 stack of The big one, the bomb everybody tells me is soooooo costly in about 30 min.

The new hotness is not goblin or gnomish, but to do them both(thaks bliz)
level up gnomihs to make all you toys, drop it and take goblin. Goblin has stuff like the morter reloaded, and consumables so you have to keep making them, remember even the BoP gnomish stuff dosen take a spec(cept the transporter).

#13 Jun 30 2006 at 7:01 PM Rating: Decent
Since when can you switch engineering types? I thought once you picked one you couldn't change to the other, even after dropped engineering?
#14 Jun 30 2006 at 7:45 PM Rating: Decent
Why even bring Cloaking device into conversation when its recipe is sold by a neutral vendor in ravenholdt?
#15 Jul 01 2006 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
20,024 posts

I am just pointing out overlapping points in the debates someone may be able to explain (and other questions I will post here instead of making a new thread):

Death ray does 1K damage to you always? Goblin one does about 600? Does it register as physical damage, because Capitolg said he was a warrior, and they can get upwards of 30% reduction (or more). He said his max was ~900, which would mean that the hit was for about 1200. Death ray does the same, doesn't it?
-How often do people face 19 mobs at once O.o
--And survive?


What is the real damage on a mortar? Is it instant?

Do the two cables share a recast timer?

Capitolg, you said that there was a universal cooldown of 30 seconds. But Locke said that was done away with.

No one mentioned the alarm bot thingy :( Wouldn't that be a huge asset in BGs to see the rogues and druids coming first?

Last thing, does anyone have some better pictures of Lil' Smoky and the Pet Bombling? I am dissatisfied with alla's.

IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#16 Jul 01 2006 at 1:38 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
I'll field some of these:

Death ray does 1K damage to you always? Goblin one does about 600? Does it register as physical damage, because Capitolg said he was a warrior, and they can get upwards of 30% reduction (or more). He said his max was ~900, which would mean that the hit was for about 1200. Death ray does the same, doesn't it?
-How often do people face 19 mobs at once O.o
--And survive?

Usually the death ray does around 500-700 on my level 46 Warlock. If 500, I'll hit for around 850 damage. If 700, I'll hit for around 1050. These can crit (I can't remember if crits mean bigger damage or not, but I think so). I once took around 800 damage and dealt a crit of over 1.4k. The damage is classified as Physical, I believe. Soul Link and Defensive stance will reduce it, as will Shadow Form. I think Mana Shield may absorb it, but I'm not positive. More armor will NOT, I don't think, mitigate the damage it causes.

The Dragon Gun will hit for 61-69 damage every second for 10 seconds in a cone in front of you. It can misfire, causing you to be feared (more like disoriented, but it doesn't break with damage) and to take the damage yourself (so at least 600 damage). It cannot crit, as it is considered an Area of Effect attack. You cannot move when it is channeling, but you can rotate. The Death Ray can crit, but you cannot move. Both effects (the Death Ray's draining and the Dragon Gun's AoE) will be stopped if incapacitated in any way.
-Not very often :-P
--Even less often (barring mages ;-))


Since either 1.10 (I know they made LW changeable then) or 1.11. w00t :)

What is the real damage on a mortar? Is it instant?

383 to 517 fire damage with a 3 second stun. It does the damage instantly, although the graphic takes a second or two to actually "land" there :-P So if people got out of the radius before it shots it landing, they would still take damage.

Do the two cables share a recast timer?

Yes, 30 minutes. Only these two items share said cooldown.

Capitolg, you said that there was a universal cooldown of 30 seconds. But Locke said that was done away with.

No, Capitolg is right... and so am I. Uh, let me organize my thoughts >_<
Here we go! 1.11 made separate cooldowns for most non-ranked items (for example, jumper cables have the same effect, but you could consider the normal ones rank 1 and the XL rank 2. Since they do the same thing, they share a cooldown). So besides the similar-effect items sharing cooldowns, other trinkets and Use items now have different ones, or are in the three categories:
Potions (You know what potions are :-P)
Other healing (Healthstones, Whipper Roots)
Engineering (Explosives of all types, other stuff like Discombobulator Ray, etc)

This means that every trinket, in effect, should have a separate cooldown. Since Gnomish devices no longer share cooldowns (besides the one-minute universal for engineering, which may be only for bombs, or might be ANYTHING engineered), you can use a trinket with a 30 minute cooldown, then swap it out after the fight to use a new one. Before you could pick a single trinket to use every 30 minutes, as the 30 minute cooldown applied to almost ALL trinkets.

However, when you equip an item, there is a 30 second cooldown before you can use it (this is what Capitolg was talking about). So you can't say "Oh, a runner, let me equip my Nifty Stopwatch and book it out of here" becomes "what the hell? 28 seconds left until I can use it!?"

Thus you can only use one equipped trinket per battle and you must have it equipped before you see the situation or enemy coming at you (otherwise you won't be able to equip it; only shields/weapons can be equipped in combat).

Note: I don't know if engineering trinkets have a 1 minute engineering cooldown or not because I haven't played since 1.11 came out :-(. Can someone verify for a rate-up? Is it only explosives/engineering use items, or trinkets too?

No one mentioned the alarm bot thingy :( Wouldn't that be a huge asset in BGs to see the rogues and druids coming first?

Heh... even more than The Big One, this thing is an expensive item to make and use. Like other detection skills (Perception, for example), you need to know if a stealthed enemy is coming. In 1.10 they changed the pulse from 30 seconds to 7 seconds, which makes it decent in BGs; but 7 seconds can still be enough time to have someone sneak up on you. The cost for it is high, which is why you don't see it often.

Last thing, does anyone have some better pictures of Lil' Smoky and the Pet Bombling? I am dissatisfied with alla's.

I sreached google images, and allakhazam's pictures were the best I could find :-P Sorry!
#17 Jul 01 2006 at 5:20 PM Rating: Default
20,024 posts
Thanks Locke, rate-up!
IDrownFish wrote:
Anyways, you all are horrible, @#%^ed up people

lolgaxe wrote:
Never underestimate the healing power of a massive dong.
#18 Jul 03 2006 at 2:13 PM Rating: Default
hey all goblin folks chack this and i think u wiil change mind ( its a mesage i send in for the alliance (alliance u will never beta us): that greenandmean is right u all got owned. listen, this is to all the bloody alliance. run and don´t ever come back. u will newer win the war between the totally best faction (horde) and alliance (the big blob of shi-t)

ps: a mont ago 8 horde killed a lvl 60 40 players raid group. only becouse of my great idea. i just found 12 goblin engineeres. all used goblin dragon gun killed em all on 10 sec. u was so stuoid to make discilpline and walk directly to t.b in row.

remember: na na nana na na na na can´t touch me.
na na nana na na na na can´t touch me.
#19 Jul 03 2006 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
OK in opening...
mont ago 8 horde killed a lvl 60 40 players raid group. only becouse of my great idea. i just found 12 goblin engineeres

OUCH Goblin branch took a shot in teh face with you posting on this one. Firstly, goblin eng in tandem using dragon guns is not your idea, it is not mine, folks have been layeirng fire in games and real world for a little bit longer, so stand down. Next up is when you are invinting a make belive story, do you best to keep it constant, like dont change the numbers arround mid sentance, you see you said.
8 horde killed a lvl 60 40 players raid group

just found 12 goblin engineeres

so was it 8 or 12? you posting dosent help the argument when you can't even be consistant.

OK back to the big fun.
t cannot crit, as it is considered an Area of Effect attack.

Are you 100% sure AoE cannot cirt, becaue I Know of 3 for sure examples, and one maybe.
Example #1
I have used Ramstines lighing botlts, and I KNOW they have critted, if you feel brave i am pretty sure thottbot mentions them critting, but regardless I HAVE seen them cirt, sure not everybody takes 300 hp(normal hit is 200) but maye one or two in a group.

Example #2
Goblin land mine, theese may be an odd one becasue the game calls them a unit(like the harvester reaper or a exploding sheep) but I Know for a fact I have got a cirt off them before, the numbers dont line up some of the targets are talking 1.5 times more damamge than others.

Example #3
Bomb dispecer, this like the land mine is called a "Unit" and not realy a bomb. I have seen countless cirts on it.

Possible Example
I am DANG sure my DragonGun has cirtted, yet without going home and burrning off a few rounds and peeking at logs i cannot say with the impunity taht a AOE cannot crit, especialy.

All that, and i am pretty sure(but not 100% that i have cirted with Rain of fire, hurricane,multishot(concidred a AoE by the game), cone of cold, and blizzard. Yet I could have made a mistake.

So are you sure you AoE cannot cirt? I know that funny AoE, stuff like the pet aoe, can but I am not 100% on spells and other effects. To square this up would be exelent.

No one mentioned the alarm bot thingy

Becasue it requires no spec, any branch can make it, and it blows, get a lock with a felhunter arround ya for safe keeping.

#20 Jul 04 2006 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
12 ...

just me it was 12

ps: it was on shadow moon

#21 Jul 04 2006 at 8:23 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Are you 100% sure AoE cannot cirt, becaue I Know of 3 for sure examples, and one maybe.
Example #1
I have used Ramstines lighing botlts, and I KNOW they have critted, if you feel brave i am pretty sure thottbot mentions them critting, but regardless I HAVE seen them cirt, sure not everybody takes 300 hp(normal hit is 200) but maye one or two in a group.

Example #2
Goblin land mine, theese may be an odd one becasue the game calls them a unit(like the harvester reaper or a exploding sheep) but I Know for a fact I have got a cirt off them before, the numbers dont line up some of the targets are talking 1.5 times more damamge than others.

Example #3
Bomb dispecer, this like the land mine is called a "Unit" and not realy a bomb. I have seen countless cirts on it.

Possible Example
I am DANG sure my DragonGun has cirtted, yet without going home and burrning off a few rounds and peeking at logs i cannot say with the impunity taht a AOE cannot crit, especialy.

All that, and i am pretty sure(but not 100% that i have cirted with Rain of fire, hurricane,multishot(concidred a AoE by the game), cone of cold, and blizzard. Yet I could have made a mistake.

So are you sure you AoE cannot cirt? I know that funny AoE, stuff like the pet aoe, can but I am not 100% on spells and other effects. To square this up would be exelent.

I forgot the crucial modifier "channeled" ;-)

Channeled AoEs do not crit. Instant AoEs do (hell, there's a mage talent for 6% crit on Arcane Explosion :-P). Blizzard and Rain of Fire do not crit. I don't think Hellfire does either. Multishot does, explosives do.

I have found that things that have ticks (such as DoTs) and channeled attacks do NOT crit. I might be wrong; the Dragon Gun could be classified as an explosive and not a channeled spell. I guess the question is: does it have a channeled bar?

Edit: Ticked thing crit. I just never checked a parser :-P My bad!

Okay, how's this: Blizzard and Rain of Fire do NOT crit. Everything else is up in the air as far as I am concerned ;-)

Edited, Jul 5th 2006 at 2:20pm EDT by LockeColeMA
#22 Jul 05 2006 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
DoT Tics crit for me all the time, Both Dot and HoT.(A Druid Using FR sees this more than any other class)

And now that I know for a fact, Dragon Gun Tics Can Crit!!

I had to shoot the thing off like 4 times and run a log parcer, The DragonGun can crit on tics, and seems to have a massivly uninpressive 5% chance, that is apperntly not affected by anything.

guess the question is: does it have a channeled bar?

Well you channel to start it, but the dammage is done after the i belive it is just a "Instant" attack for the point of critting.

In addation, I verified that no, Rain of fire tics did not cirt on 110 targets tested(realy eazy to pull a lot of low level mobs up for testing).

Edited, Jul 5th 2006 at 10:55am EDT by Capitolg
#23 Jul 05 2006 at 1:23 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Touche, salesman ^_^. I should know more about this; basically, I know for sure Blizzard and Rain of Fire do not crit :-P. I assumed the others didn't (I never noticed a "Your Curse of Agony crits for 100 damage" messages on my Warlock, so I just kinda assumed... which is a dumb thing for me to do; my bad :-D).

Well you channel to start it, but the dammage is done after the i belive it is just a "Instant" attack for the point of critting.

Is this the Dragon Gun, or the Death Ray? Just curious; it sounds like a description of the Death Ray, but I was asking about the Dragon Gun. I research stuff; I'm not playing so I can't check ;-).
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