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#1 Jun 08 2006 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
Ok I'm on an "Ask Anything" campaign. I often get extremly bored at work, I work between 3pm and 11pm EST five days of the week. I see posts from people complaining about noobs. Noobs often post dumb questions, well I don't care. If you have any WoW related question post it here. I will do my best to find an intelligent answer for you. No one will be turned down. Please keep in mind I only work 8 hours a day and those are the times you will likely get a response. So, ask away.
#2 Jun 09 2006 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
Since patch 1.10 engineers and leatherworkers can change their higher level professions.
I was wondering if this also works for blacksmithing, and if not why the hell did they leave BS out?

I've also asked this question on the wow-europe forums, where someone said he changed it a while back, dunno if I should believe him and risk my profession for it.

Anyone any experience with this?
#3 Jun 09 2006 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
Asks the Oracle:

Where is a good place to hunt earth elementals for deeprock salt?
#4 Jun 09 2006 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
FehlSharpEye wrote:
Where is a good place to hunt earth elementals for deeprock salt?

You want either elemental slaves in the Altarac Mountains (Near Dalaran) (Horde only - they are friendly to Alliance) or Rumbling Exiles in the Arathi Highlands.
#5 Jun 09 2006 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Where is a good place to hunt earth elementals for deeprock salt?

My best luck is in the badlands i usualy end up with a half stack or so just waling in to the place, and it is terribly close for horde or alliance.

Since patch 1.10 engineers and leatherworkers can change their higher level professions.
I was wondering if this also works for blacksmithing, and if not why the hell did they leave BS out?

Well since Leatherworking and Engineering kind of blow at 300, and thats when smithing takes off(just compair the number of epics in each profession) i can see why bliz gave others the chance to swich their spec. so thats why, now......

I have read that it is doable for smithing, but i have no first hand experance, so do not do it on my word, but if you do .... let us know.

Edited, Jun 9th 2006 at 3:28pm EST by Capitolg
#6 Jun 09 2006 at 3:31 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the suggestions on the deeprock salt.
#7 Jun 09 2006 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
Since patch 1.10 engineers and leatherworkers can change their higher level professions.
I was wondering if this also works for blacksmithing, and if not why the hell did they leave BS out?

Well I wouldn't recommend it. Everything I have read, even sites updated as soon as last month says that you cannot relearn a different specialization.

Where is a good place to hunt earth elementals for deeprock salt?

What Mike said. They have the best drop rates.
#8 Jun 09 2006 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
How much does a stack of copper bars go for at the AH? and what should i start it at
#9 Jun 09 2006 at 6:00 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
How much does a stack of copper bars go for at the AH? and what should i start it at

Ok it all depends on the economy and server. A stack of 20 will get you roughly 1g, but if you don't get any mining skill ups from smelting anymore I would suggest selling the copper ore on the AH, as it usually fetches a higher price. Basically just see what other people are selling the stuff for and undercut them by a little bit, copper will always sell if it is at a good price.
#10 Jun 10 2006 at 4:59 AM Rating: Decent
324 posts
Monique the Meaningless wrote:
Ok I'm on an "Ask Anything" campaign. I often get extremly bored at work, I work between 3pm and 11pm EST five days of the week. I see posts from people complaining about noobs. Noobs often post dumb questions, well I don't care. If you have any WoW related question post it here. I will do my best to find an intelligent answer for you. No one will be turned down. Please keep in mind I only work 8 hours a day and those are the times you will likely get a response. So, ask away.

You ought to set up shop in the alliance and horde forums. You'll get an array of responses, I'm sure.
#11 Jun 10 2006 at 7:04 AM Rating: Decent
palyforhire wrote:
How much does a stack of copper bars go for at the AH? and what should i start it at
My advise is to get the Auctioneer Add-on. Scan the AH daily with it to keep up on current prices.
#12 Jun 10 2006 at 7:38 PM Rating: Decent
which will make me more money in a short span of time: herbalism, skinning, or minning? on AH terms, as in 4 or 5 days.

at what level enchanting does it start to make some kind of income?

i am going to switch to enchanting and the best from above some time in the future from skinning/leatherworking (i am saving all of my green and blue items i make to disenchant later). i know i still wont be able to have enough disenchantable items to lvl to an income making level of enchanting, so should i switch now (level 26 druid) or later when i can solo more instances?
#13 Jun 11 2006 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
My advise is to get the Auctioneer Add-on. Scan the AH daily with it to keep up on current prices.
yea but it doesnt work for mac :\
#14 Jun 11 2006 at 2:25 AM Rating: Decent
palyforhire wrote:
My advise is to get the Auctioneer Add-on. Scan the AH daily with it to keep up on current prices.
yea but it doesnt work for mac :\
I don't see why it shouldn't, unless some interface language features aren't supported in Macs.
#15 Jun 11 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
As to your knowledge are there any really great Warrior specific UIs or Add-Ons I should definetly get if I am a Warrior?


Edited, Jun 11th 2006 at 9:27am EST by videopoiuytrew
#16 Jun 11 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
which will make me more money in a short span of time: herbalism, skinning, or minning? on AH terms, as in 4 or 5 days.

Depends on your level. As far as low levels go probably mining, copper ore is abundant in all lowbie zones and sells for a decent price on AH. Herbalism later on has some really good money making herbs like dreamfoil, gromsblood, silversage, plaguebloom and a few others. Skinning is nice if you are grinding beasts, you can level and get your skins at the same time, you can also have this with mining/herb because there is nothing to track. I have said it a million times but fishing will make you more money in a shorter time than any gathering profession there is.

at what level enchanting does it start to make some kind of income?

Depends on the enchants you are selling, the really big money makers also cost the most to obtain the recipes. Say you buy a crusader enchant recipe for 400g, well you have to get that 400g back before you start making money. You can either farm all the mats, or you can charge tips. If you charge tips, depending on the age of your server, you might get 10-30g per enchant as a tip. So add it up and it can take quite a while.

so should i switch now (level 26 druid) or later when i can solo more instances?

I would make and alt and send everything to it. You can either get it to lvl 5 and teach it enchanting or just use it as a bank for all your stuff. If you want to get your enchanting up fast later I would suggest just sending the items to a lvl 1 and holding them. You will gain some skill ups from just DE'ing items. When you get to endgame I would only drop skinning. You will be able to make a decent amount of money from 300 leatherworking by just buying mats on AH and selling finished products.

As to your knowledge are there any really great Warrior specific UIs or Add-Ons I should definetly get if I am a Warrior?

My highest warrior is only lvl 19 and I have not needed an addon in the 3 times I did VC with him. I would suggest you check out Curse Gaming they have the addons listed by positive ranking, there are also reviews.

Edited, Jun 11th 2006 at 3:00pm EST by Monique

Edited, Jun 11th 2006 at 3:10pm EST by Monique
#17 Jun 20 2006 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I would like to first of all congratz you on making a thread like that, I think that it is a faboulous idea to begin with. [a friendly bump is also in order]

I know about all professions enough to get me by and I did read the sticky at the top of the page which is top notch. A little history of myself, I was a huge Profession buff in FFXI[cooking/fishing mainly] and I still continue to be one in WoW, I love the idea of crafting stuff and I love making money from other people's laziness.

That being said, I'm kinda sad that they only let 2 Primary Professions to work with because I would personally love to level all of them to 300 for the joy of it. But, you gotta work with what you have. On my level 60 druid, I had everything at 300 skill, Herbalism/Alchemy/Fishing/First Aid/Cooking

However, since i went with Herb/Alch, I was unable to make gear of my own and it's one of those things that I was also unable to do in FFXI since Cooking/Fishing don't make gear [I had Lu Shang's F. Rod for those who might be wondering] now I'm thinking of leveling another character. Probably a rogue [because I love farming or another druid] Now this is where I really can't make a decision and would love to hear your insights on it.

Do I want to go Herb/Alch/Fishing for the all the money it can make me and just buy the materials to get the items done or do I go Skin/LW and make my own armour. If I go Rogue, I would be going Elemental LW, while if I go druid again I would be going Tribal since it benefits both Feral/Resto Druids. [although living set from elemental ain't so bad either]

Don't say do what makes you happy because I love all professions and unfortunetely can't do them all. Also, I'm not too familiar with other money-makers from Leatherworking although I picked up from others that the Rugged Leather Kits sell like hot-cakes during the Faire. I'm capable of farming non-stop for hours on end if needed because I actually enjoy going around killing things and making use of my class.

What do you guys think? Explaining pros and cons of having either set of professions might help me decide since it is always possible that someone else might know something that you never thought about before. BTW, I'm probably starting up on a brand-spanking new PVP server so I can be there when the end-game does start :)

Edited, Jun 20th 2006 at 10:27am EDT by Sarpy
#18 Jun 20 2006 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
What do you guys think?

Herb/Alch, and thats it, at leat for a durid(yes make sure to fish/cook/FA too.)

My statment depends on one thing, how much time do you plan to play WoW, a few mins a day? a few Hrs? What I can tell you is that LW gear scales down with the more you play, and that is because(for the most part) better gear can be found in instances(5 man) than crafted by players(one cloke at the top of each chain that breaks this rule). The one solid exception to this rule is the Devilsaur set. While the develsaur set is only 2 peices, it is disporpornatly powerfull. The big thing to remember is that you can buy that set, you dont have to make it.

it is my opinion that herb/alch is the biggest money maker in the game(if you are only counting production/gatering combos). at 300/300, you can make money by doing trasmutes selling herbs and acutaly selling a potion every now and then(get the greater fire resist potion and you are officaly loaded)

What ever you choose I agree that a good alt is a Rogue, yet if i were in your case i would make the druid a LW(i still say it is not the BEST idea) and the Rogue the alchemest, becasue druids are king of the Devilsaur farming, and the leather you get from them is as good as gold. Not to mention, you rogue will need fadeleafe and it is just faster to have it than to mail it....

My opinion is to go herb/Alch with the druid and not roll a alt till you want a break. Then you can just get your gear from instances.....
#19 Jun 20 2006 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
Do I want to go Herb/Alch/Fishing for the all the money it can make me and just buy the materials to get the items done or do I go Skin/LW and make my own armour.

Ok, I am a very guild minded person, on my lvl 60 rogue I had herb/alch to 300. I solo farmed the Greater Fire Protection Potion recipe and was our guilds sole supplier for Fire Pots. I had fun but made little to no money doing it, I scraped by with donations and such but could have been in the thousands of gold profit if I wanted to. On my other server I was the complete opposite(until I found a fun guild) I farmed with 2 gathering and fished for at least an hour a day. While I was loaded all the time it wasn't as rewarding, just being greedy. All in all you can make enough money by just fishing to suppelment your leatherworking costs until later levels (then selling products pays off), I think its nice to be able to make your own armor. So that is what I did you can choose what you want to do.
#20 Jun 21 2006 at 5:31 AM Rating: Decent
Sarpy wrote:
Do I want to go Herb/Alch/Fishing for the all the money it can make me and just buy the materials to get the items done or do I go Skin/LW and make my own armour.

Fishing can support ANY crafting skill, whether it makes money or not. If you need 100G for mats to up your skill, go out and fish for a few hours to get the gold. It doesn't really matter whether it's Leatherworking or Alchemy. Go with whatever suits you or your character and you can support it with fish.
#21 Jun 21 2006 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I will be honest with you, I made over 4k gold with Herb/Alch/Fish combination and I mostly made the money through potions/elixirs/oils [mostly those that needed fish]. I know this combination like the back of my hand and I was my guild's main alchemist until recently when I quit to re-roll.

In any case, with the recent patch allowing me to spend less time fishing Stonescale Eels due to the School of Fish created for them, I will be going Herb/Alch/Fish for sure, I would like to thank you for all your opinions and will be sticking around to help also if needed. Professions FTW!

#22 Jun 29 2006 at 11:34 PM Rating: Decent
Dear Pencil,

I have 300 skinning but how come with all of my practice with skinning, I cannot skin any faster? Logically, the more I skin, the better I get, but for some reason I skin just as slowly as the first beast I skinned.

#23 Jun 30 2006 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
Wanstead wrote:
I have 300 skinning but how come with all of my practice with skinning, I cannot skin any faster? Logically, the more I skin, the better I get, but for some reason I skin just as slowly as the first beast I skinned.

It's not speed that gets better. It's quality. With great skill you are able to skin beasts that you wouldn't have been able to at lower levels.
#24 Jun 30 2006 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
I know it's not speed that gets better. But it should. That is why I asked. Why? Hehe
#25 Jun 30 2006 at 3:51 AM Rating: Decent
How do I make Enchanted Thorium Bars?
#26 Jun 30 2006 at 12:24 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
How do I make Enchanted Thorium Bars?

Be an enchanter :-P If I remember correctly, you need around 260 skill, and it's a Thorium Bar + 3 Dream Dust... let me check to make sure...

Yup! You need a Truesilver Rod, too. The skill level required is 250.

Or just find an enchanter to do it for you :-D
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