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Leatherworker BagsFollow

#1 Mar 21 2006 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
Can someone please explain to me how a person who is a leatherworker is incapable of making a decent bag?? A kodo hide bag is virtually worthless unless you are less than level 10, and while there is an obvious need for quivers and pouches, it seems a little unfair and quite unrealistic that clothworkers can make all the good bags and leatherworkers can't.
#2 Mar 21 2006 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
If you want a leather bag so bad ask them to put in a pattern for a purse.
#3 Mar 21 2006 at 1:34 PM Rating: Default
4,877 posts
it seems a little unfair and quite unrealistic that clothworkers can make all the good bags and leatherworkers can't.

OMFG did you just type that?

it would be unfair to stab a tailor in the foot by walking on their bag trade, as they alredy need leather form LW to make said bags. While I Do understand you WANTING it,I understand it is a egocentric view casusing this desire, ya see it only bothers you becasue YOU cant do it. What is sadd is you sadd attmpts at justifacion, You used the word Realistic when taling about WoW, LMFAO.

You need to accapt that objects have been spilt up to encourage professions to be spred arorund and so that their are reasons for diffrent folks to take diffrent trades, Their are lots of things in the game that are unrealsitic, but I doubt they bother you becasue they dont impact you negetivly, Heck doubt you even notices.

Some Rediclous game points:
A Engeneer can make bombs,scopes, and freeking rockets, but needs a smith to attach spurs to their cloth or leather boots.

Nobody makes sheilds or staffs, (or arrows)apperntly they just spawn out of the twisted Neither.

A smith or leather worker cannot repair stuff, but some level 10 NPC can.

Arrows Home in on their targets if they move after it has been shot.

Somebody can hit you with a giant 2 handed axe, and you live.

One word, Portals

You can drink gallons of water and never need the lil boys room.

I could keep going, it is a game, you cannot make bags (of reasonable size)with Leather working. If you dont want to make leather armor, drop it and make bags, but complaining that the trade you chose dosent have someing you want is truely uninspired.

I am amazed that you didnt have your eyes opened earlyer, but did it ever dawn on you why the kudo hide bag is in the game? It is not so that Leatherworkers can make bags, it is because taruen have no cloth classes and theirfor no tailors. The bag was added so that taruens in the start of the game had a source for a bag of some sorts, and by the time you get to the barrens you should have encounterd a talior. This is a MMORPG it is about commerse and trade. I know it is eazy work to trade leather for bags, as their is some tailor someplace that wants to level his skill and needs leather to do it, make a trade.
#4 Mar 22 2006 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
OMFG, could you be a more worthless poster? Everything I read out of you is egocentric negative flaming. You are a complete hypocrit, as I read your post on "daytrading" that essentially added nothing useful to the discussion other than to stab at people who want to waste their time gouging auction house prices which is only troublesome because YOU don't like it. In case YOU haven't noticed, any tailor can still make armor just like a leatherworker (they aren't limited to bags) so I'm not exactly sure what your point is other than to be a jerk. Why should THAT armor-creating profession be allowed to make bags when leatherworkers can't? Why should I have to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a bag when there is no comparable money-maker for leatherworking? Your argument that professions are meant to be spread around is weak as well because people choose professions for more functional reasons that just to make money (unless of course you chose tailor just to sell bags for a ridiculous profit). In case you are also too blind to notice, leatherworkers generally must fill their second profession slot with skinning, whereas tailors don't need a second profession to get their necessary components so they can also have a profitable side profession. If a tailor needs leather then that person should pick up skinning like a leatherworker. In many ways your short-sighted, illogical and abusive response falls short of intelligent, just like most of your posts that I have had the displeasure of reading.
#5 Mar 23 2006 at 4:55 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Capitolg has a point in saying that this is an MMORPG and you are meant to interact with other people for some of your needs. I think the tone was a little harsh, but some of us can be like that.

Now, dear OP, let me make a compromise with you. You can have 12-14 slot bags made by leatherworking when two things happen:

1. Leather becomes a drop rather than a gathered item(leveling tailoring is a huge pain if done on your first character while my roommate's leatherworker had a much easier time leveling her skill).

2. I get my Mooncloth Armor Kit.

Seeing as how neither is going to happen, I suggest that you just be happy that you can even make a six slot bag and learn to live with buying your bags(darn cheap on the AH) just as I have learned to deal with buying my armor kits(I may be a cloth wearer but no enchants for pants).
#6 Mar 23 2006 at 8:53 AM Rating: Decent
Well you guyz obviously aren't leatherworkers. It isn't easy to lvl up in this skill by any means. There was only a statement made about not being able to make bags. I don't see why we wouldn't be able to make em. Sounds kinda stupid to me. But hey if you guyz wanna be jerks go right ahead.
#7 Mar 24 2006 at 2:06 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Sorry if my last post came across as sounding jerkish. I just wanted to point out that each profession is done differently for a reason and that to allow leatherworking to make bags would make the most useful part of tailoring somewhat trivial. I have trouble selling bags as it is.

I do however stand by my belief that leatherworking is easier to level up than tailoring if you're poor and have to harvest for yourself in the experience of myself and those I know in real life.
#8 Mar 24 2006 at 11:12 PM Rating: Default
spdinertia wrote:
Well you guyz obviously aren't leatherworkers. It isn't easy to lvl up in this skill by any means. There was only a statement made about not being able to make bags. I don't see why we wouldn't be able to make em. Sounds kinda stupid to me. But hey if you guyz wanna be jerks go right ahead.

we cant make them, because we can make other things that clothcrafters can't. As for it being hard, I hit 100 in leather at lvl 20 with my rogue, just by skinning what I killed and making kits. Its rediculously easy.

edit: make that 130 at 25

Edited, Sat Mar 25 03:05:01 2006 by Andremagus
#9 Mar 25 2006 at 2:29 AM Rating: Decent
The comment about leatherworking being easier to level than tailoring is dead on; I've had a 300 dragonscale leatherworker and started over and currently have a 200ish tailor: the difference is dramatic. If you level on beasts, you will have a ton of stacks of leather to put towards your tradeskill, so much so that you could easily sell your remaining leather stacks or crafted items for the money you need to buy the bags off auction, whereas with tailoring you are literally scraping for useful cloth (especially when you are struggling through wool, which is about as close to Hell as a flammable substance has any right to be). Bottom line is the professions are fine as they are and if you are really inclined you can either sell your crafted items (or stacks of leather) for the cash to buy your bags from a tailor or alternatively supply the materials to a tailor in a capital city (since unlike leatherworking, the raw materials for tailoring can be gathered without the skinning profession).
#10 Mar 25 2006 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Truly, wool was a little bit of a pain. But then again, that was back when I had friends sending me cloth, so wool wasn't too terrible. For me the problem was silk...but then again it would have been a breeze in comparison to wool if it hadn't been for the AQ war effort...damn my need for a kitty...but that's neither here nor there.

Leatherworking has some wonderful uses in addition to just armor, OP. Tailoring has a couple of uses as well. Blizzard wants us to interact with eachother, otherwise we'd all have the ability to do every tradeskill at the same time. And then this wouldn't be WoW anymore.
#11 Mar 25 2006 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
The real problem I have with the bag situation is that is seems incredibly stupid that a 12 slot bag on the AH goes for more than twice and most of the time 3 times the amount of a really nice crafted piece of armor or even a very nice level 30 uncommon item (not to mention the cost of getting a whole two more slots). A bag shouldn't have the value that it has in this game.

It's really not a question of how hard it is to level the skill, because it doesn't matter what level your skill is at, you still can't make a good profit on the armor you create; most often it works at a loss. A system that is set up so that buying the necessary components (for tailoring or leatherworking or any crafting profession) costs a lot more than the actual crafted item will sell for is totally botched. If I decide to sell all my stacks of heavy leather and never increase my leatherworking then I am substantially increasing the amount of gold I can make (although I'm not sure who buys the stuff at the prices on the AH). Moreover, if I buy all my components for crafting I take a big loss.

The real solution IMHO (that will obviously never happen) is that the main components (ie leather or cloth or ore) should be set by WOW offering them from a vendor. That way a secondary profession like mining, skinning, or herbalism becomes a reasonable method to increase your profit as opposed to a way to "farm" for gold by selling at the insanely inflated prices that occur on the AH. The truth is, the system is set up so that noone who wants to make maximum money should ever craft, they should just farm components then exploit the system by gouging prices for people who are actually attempting to craft and provide items for a player dominated market and for their friends or guildmates. This suggested solution would eliminate the farming that so many people seem upset about, increase value of crafted items and help eliminate the problem of people cornering the wool market and making it completely ridiculous to buy wool (insert your most hated AH component price) at AH prices. I'm not saying it doesn't have flaws, but I just think it's a step in the right direction.
#12 Mar 26 2006 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
Kelethera wrote:

The real solution IMHO (that will obviously never happen) is that the main components (ie leather or cloth or ore) should be set by WOW offering them from a vendor. That way a secondary profession like mining, skinning, or herbalism becomes a reasonable method to increase your profit as opposed to a way to "farm" for gold by selling at the insanely inflated prices that occur on the AH. The truth is, the system is set up so that noone who wants to make maximum money should ever craft, they should just farm components then exploit the system by gouging prices for people who are actually attempting to craft and provide items for a player dominated market and for their friends or guildmates. This suggested solution would eliminate the farming that so many people seem upset about, increase value of crafted items and help eliminate the problem of people cornering the wool market and making it completely ridiculous to buy wool (insert your most hated AH component price) at AH prices. I'm not saying it doesn't have flaws, but I just think it's a step in the right direction.

Honestly, the leather farming part doesnt bother me at all.
It's easier for someone at my level to farm for leathers then to farm to buy leather even at a quarter the ah price.

The point about materials being more expensive than the end product is quite true. It's rather irrational, but it's the players that made it this way, not Blizzard.

But even as a leathercrafter I would support silk and such being sold by an NPC. It's just not readily available in comparison to most other materials.

Bottom line, I can go out for ten minutes and farm a stack of leather, a fraction of the time and frustration they have to deal with.

BTW: Farming in Wetlands agains Fey Creepers I had a 10 slot bag drop in five kills. I'm going to farm them for a while longer to see what kind of luck I can get with another one. Two slots isn't really a big deal.
#13 Mar 30 2006 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
Another reason why bags cost more than kits may be because you need kits every time you upgrade your armor. It's a consumable so people aren't willing to buy something they know they're going to lose the value of as soon as you use it. Bags are forever reusable and tradable (except the new profession bags that are BOE). When ready to upgrade your bag you (hopefully) get the value of the bag back after you auction it.

Of course on my server, anything lower than a 16 slot bag now floods the AH (making them very cheap, often much less than the cost of mats), and even those 16 slotters are pretty common. I bought all my Travellers bags for 4g each while making a mooncloth bag cost me 20g in mats or 8g if I converted the felcloth myself, which made making mooncloth bags pointless. Prices are flucuating since the patch but I don't expect the trend to be that much off.

Personally I have alts with both 300 tailoring and leathercrafting and what was said about tailoring being more of a pain to level is right. I'm still selling those kits I leveled off of. They sell for less, but they're a pretty stable source of income - if very slow. I sell at least 1 or 2 kits a day for around 70s each. Not bad for doing not much.

Edited, Thu Mar 30 17:54:33 2006 by Aavelon
#14 Mar 31 2006 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
Actually, crafting for a profit can be done, even at AH materials just have to know how to do it. For a good guide on that, check out the "Guides" section to the left and look for the one by GeneriKB. He gives a good amount of advice, though he doesn't see the profit in alchemy(oh, it's there...and I'm not talking about ArcXmutes, those are small change).

Better yet, why don't I link it: GeneriKB's Guide

Kelethera, after you read this guide, you'll see why being able to buy the materials from vendors would be a bad thing. I have no idea what level you are, but gathering skills are how low levels(1-40) make real money(unless you're me and do tailor/enchant on your first character and don't sell a single enchanting mat on the AH until about level 45).

Again, to all, try GeneriKB's advice. You'll find that your lower level characters will have more money than you dreamed possible. I know it has worked for me(level 28 alt sending tons of gold to level 51 main just because I don't have enough startup capital to make money after I went broke on my twinking project). Yeah, if you decide to stick with a crafting profession at low level, you won't level it as fast, but you will level it eventually. (I recommend deciding on a ratio of mats you use to level to mats you AH...probably 1:5 or 1:10 being good, the former to level crafting faster, the latter to make more money.)

I hope this helps.

EDIT: Forgot to mention: if you want to take up crafting for a profit, pick up the addons auctioneer and reagentcost. That way you can just look through your recipes and see what can be sold for a profit, just beware trying to sell stuff when the high price is set by only a few instances of the item being listed, unless it's a really high end item.

Edit: Just read to the bottom of the comments section on the guide(usually only halfway through them before I have to get back to work) and GeneriKB was joking about not seeing how to make money with alchemy. My bad.

Edited, Fri Mar 31 03:11:23 2006 by Poldaran

Edited, Fri Mar 31 03:14:54 2006 by Poldaran
#15 Mar 31 2006 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
OOO brilliant idea, quit ur ******* and go start tailoring.

Why should THAT armor-creating profession be allowed to make bags when leatherworkers can't?

Kelethera, j00 said it.

Blacksmithing is a profession that lets you make weapons and mail (and later plate) armor.

now correct me if im wrong but doesnt BS make armor too?

Hmmmmm, if so then why doesn't that prof. have the ability to make bags?!?!?!?!

What would rather carry around? a Cloth bag tht weights next to nothing with all ur stuf in it, it gets wet and it's soaked. OOOOOR a leather bag that's heavy on it's own with ur stuff in it it's even heavyer. Then it rains, and now your weigthed down
even more.

Little advice, use some commas and periods. Also, there's this really cool invention on ur KB. It's called an enter button.

Happy flaming =p
#16 Mar 31 2006 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
ok this has probably been said before but ill say it again firstly there are many impractical things in this game secondly y the hell are u complainging LW is easier to lv then tailor (unless u are a twink or baught gold ) trust me i have both thirdly y are u complaing tailors need leather u should just trade leather for some bags seeing as the silk bag needs heavy leather fourthly bags are realy preaty cheap in the AH fithly does it matter u can drop Lw any time u watn
#17 Apr 04 2006 at 9:49 PM Rating: Default
who the **** cares? Travelers Backpacks are like 5g you newb, making a first character on a realm you could easily have 4 travelers backpacks by level 20. Tailors sell their bags for less than mat cost is anyway, so what are you ******** about? And don't complain about LW not making money, if you want to ******* make money, go gathering and quit your *********
#18 Apr 05 2006 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
I like bags made from Onyxia, personally.
#19 Apr 06 2006 at 1:29 AM Rating: Decent
I have a 29 mage that I did tailoring with. it has helped me because when I was super poor I could buy the stuff for 10 slot bags because silk is fairly cheap and I already had heavy leather from my other profession skinning. I am lucky to be past wool, as was already mentioned, because it is so hard to get when you aren't willing to dish out 80s for a stack because you only have 4g and you need it all for your new skills, and some items because even with a high enough tailoring level to make stuff for myself there is still gaps in my armor between tailoring and drops from the instances I am limited to do. I haven't played this character in a long time because I like my druid more so i don;t remember what level my tailoring actually is but I do remember that if it weren't for me being able to make 15-30s on each silk bag I would never have gotten new spells or anything for that matter. I think this pretty well shows not only how hard it is to level tailoring when you can't just spend between 45s (silk most of the time) and 1g 20s (Mageweave and Wool well wool is more around 80s). Leatherworkers have it good, they got it made. And if you really want to complain just think, you can live off of wool bags, if you have to, untill level 25 and hopefully by then you can dish out 7-10g for one travler's backpack or even 2-4g for a nice 14 slot bag of some sort. Overall stop complaining Leatherworkers still have it made and tailorers really don't. I also want to say that I didn't mean to come across mean I just wanted to get my point across, also I still like being a tailorer becasue I think it really helps my mage!
#20 Apr 06 2006 at 2:31 AM Rating: Decent
This is why I have alts. These little toons make the things that my main needs and I don't have to pay a ridiculous price. If you don't like the way things are, make an alt who can make the bags. Problem solved :D
#21 Apr 07 2006 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default
this thread is a serious noobfest.
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