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how to make cash fishing!!!!Follow

#52 Apr 11 2006 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts

Any other way of fishing is highly inefficient and is not reccommended for making money.

a guildie of mine made 160g fishing stonescale eels for two hours.

Edited, Tue Apr 11 12:21:51 2006 by axhed
#53 Apr 11 2006 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
I make 25-35g per hour fishing for stonescale eel in Ferelas...
#54 Apr 12 2006 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
728 posts
IMHO fishing to catch fish for money will loose you money. This is for the simpel fact that grinding mobs will give you approximatly 5-10 g per hour. This can not be done with any kind of fish.


At level 25, you're going to net 5-10 gold per hour grinding mobs?

At level 25, you certainly can make 10-20 gold per hour catching and selling stonescale eels off Wavestrider Beach.

That, too, is a simpel (sic) fact.
#55 Apr 13 2006 at 6:10 AM Rating: Decent
wouterk wrote:
Any other way of fishing is highly inefficient and is not reccommended for making money.
Wrong! I make about 15G/hour when fishing for Stonescales.
#56 Apr 13 2006 at 6:43 AM Rating: Decent
im now a lvl 25 horde undead rogue with 170/225 fishing with a +3 pole in hillsbrad i can cook but i really dont kno were the hell i should fish!!!!!!

hahaha sry u haven't gotten responded to. anyway, being at your current stage, i would suggest you fish sagefish. there are TONS along the river in hillsbrad, and the cooked ones yeild much benefit to the consumer. should you earn for more, go to straglethorn vale and fish for greater sagefish. the benefits are a lot better, and the chests you can pick up are beautiful.
if you're looking for money, fish blackmouths and firefins along the southern coast, near southshore. just watch for the naga and murlocs there.

just a little side note... being a shaman rocks when you go fishing! i can cast waterwalking on myself and fish just about anywhere! bwahahahah! one question: if you don't fish in deviate schools in the barrens, whats the rate at which you catch them?
#57 Apr 13 2006 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
Stonescale prices are even better after 1.10! woot.

Geez I love fishing. I was decked out with all travellers backpacks before level 30 from fishing. Hit fishing 225 at level 33, and had to wait to talk to Nat Pagle. It was painful uncapping fishing at level 35 I can tell you.

The poor, poor people on my server were subjected to seeing a large naked cow man running from zone to zone holding little more than a large fishing pole.

On my server the current prices are approx:

Stonescales: 26-30g per stack of 20
Oily blackmouth: 3-5g per stack
Firefin: 1.5-3g per stack

black pearls: 2-3g stack
golden pearls: 25g each
zesty clam meat: 3g per stack of 10

I stopped checking deviate fish prices ages ago as sales were always sporadic making it unreliable as a constant source of income.
#58 Apr 13 2006 at 4:30 PM Rating: Decent
Diztract wrote:
im now a lvl 25 horde undead rogue with 170/225 fishing with a +3 pole in hillsbrad i can cook but i really dont kno were the hell i should fish!!!!!!
At L25, you can go to Gadgetzan with no problems. Be sure to click on the flightmaster for shorter trips in the future. Once you are in Gadget, head for Steamwheedle posr (on the coast). Fish for stonescale eels off the pier.
#60 Apr 14 2006 at 7:58 PM Rating: Decent
Wow, excellent information. I will be sure to try this and if I get it to work, I'll write it up on my website.

Please don't.

Trying to make a "tips" webpage that's bordered with nothing but goldselling advertisements is a lousy and roundabout method to try and get people to buy gold.

Why are goldsellers now trying to look like normal forum posters in the hope forum readers will click their links?

Please go away.
#61 Apr 16 2006 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
WowGoldGuru wrote:
Wow, excellent information. I will be sure to try this and if I get it to work, I'll write it up on my website.

Would you like me to give you credit? (if no response then I will give you credit for it).

Can't wait to try this!
I don't want my name associated with any site that sells gold. If you plagiarize my posts, I will contact your service provider to get you shut down due to the millenium copyright act.
#62 Apr 17 2006 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
728 posts
Once you are in Gadget, head for Steamwheedle Port (on the coast). Fish for stonescale eels off the pier.

I prefer to head south from the pier. You're more likely to encounter schools and wreckage (as a diversion) and it's simply quieter. If you're also an herbalist, you can pick the kelp, too. The rate of catching stonescale eels is the same.

If you get down to Rigger's Cove, you can be entertained by folks attacking the pirates while you fish. Just be careful to not catch the pirates' attention yourself.

Oh, and beware of hammerhead sharks. They bite.
#63 Apr 17 2006 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
TheNuckel wrote:
Once you are in Gadget, head for Steamwheedle Port (on the coast). Fish for stonescale eels off the pier.

I prefer to head south from the pier. You're more likely to encounter schools and wreckage (as a diversion) and it's simply quieter. If you're also an herbalist, you can pick the kelp, too. The rate of catching stonescale eels is the same.

If you get down to Rigger's Cove, you can be entertained by folks attacking the pirates while you fish. Just be careful to not catch the pirates' attention yourself.

Oh, and beware of hammerhead sharks. They bite.
I do that, to, but he said he was a level 25. It's not really safe to go wandering all over Tanaris at 25. You have a huge aggro radius, and will probably be making a corpse run or two. The pier is a pretty safe place to fish from.
#64 Apr 18 2006 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
thanks for those great hints about fishing. But now I have two questions that greatly concern me:
what do you do with all the extra fish. Spotted yellowtail, glossy might fish, and so on... I can cook them and they would seem to come in pretty handy. I cannot sell them, is there a way to just give them away, or should I just junk them! I have literally hundreds of those pesky critters. My bear is getting fat from all the fish. Also, is there a "public" ironbound locked chest opene!I don't know any rogues, I am playing mostly solo...
#65 Apr 18 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
728 posts
I do that, to, but he said he was a level 25. It's not really safe to go wandering all over Tanaris at 25. You have a huge aggro radius, and will probably be making a corpse run or two. The pier is a pretty safe place to fish from.

Wavestrider Beach is safe, too. The turtles are docile. You have that section directly south of Steamwheedle and the beach past the rocky outcropping. If you stay on the beach, you won't encounter anything dangerous. I wouldn't wander the desert, though.

I usually monitor guild chat when I fish, so the sound of someone else's bobber is an issue. Besides, I like having the schools to myself.

Rigger's Cove can be an adventure. I've done that at 30ish, but you gotta be careful.
#66 Apr 18 2006 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the information guys i have a guildy who makes about 50G a day selling herbs in the AH and it always bothered me how naturally it came for him but fishing is something my toon can do well and with these spots and tips i have a feeling money should come easy ;)
Good journeys
#67 Apr 19 2006 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
Speaking of deviate fish does anyone remember which creature(s) drop the savory deviate delight recipe?
#68 Apr 19 2006 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
dferrier wrote:
Speaking of deviate fish does anyone remember which creature(s) drop the savory deviate delight recipe?
#69 Apr 26 2006 at 8:32 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
I read this thread a little while ago and decided to try it. Before investing much time leveling fishing, I checked the prices of stonescale eels on the AH. On my server a stack of stonescales can go for 30g on the weekends, and 22-25g during the weekdays.

I started from fishing level 0 on my level 30 alt and about 25 silver. I fished for a little while in Mulgore till about level 50 and then went to the deviate pools. I got to about 140 there, then went to booty bay to buy the book for 150+.

I tried to fish in bb right next to the guards, but people 1shot ambushed me and jumped in the water and escaped the guards. I thought maybe they'd get tired of it, but after about 10 minutes they didn't relent, so I gave up on that. It was really hilarious but it made me wonder how I was going to catch stonescales in tanaris without getting constantly griefed.

I went up to grom gol and fished from 140-155. The reason I did this is because I needed a bunch of Bristle Whsiker Catfish to level up, and this seemed like a good place.

At 155 with some Aquadynamic Fish Attractors I conveniently made, I went to tanaris. It was no trouble to get to the fishing area avoiding mobs, but again I was only level 30. As soon as the alliance noticed me, it became a camp fest.

I then looked up stonescale eels and realized that Revantusk Village in the hinterlands had about the same catch rate as Steemwheedle Port. I went up to Hammerfall, ran south to the river, jumped off the bridge, and swam east, then north up to Revantusk. It is slow going, but no mobs and I figured its quicker than running thru the 40-48 mobs in the Hinterlands.

Once there I got the flight path and can fly from UC now. I fish right by the level 55 guards and have not been bothered once.

In a few hours of fishing eels there, I made 150 gold and reached the 225 fishing cap. Now before I log, I fly out there and fish for about 30 min. This makes me 6-10 gold and is plenty now that I have enough money for my mount. The other nice by product of this is that I constantly have piles of other fish to use as food. I hand them out in instances like a mage.

It looks like the alliance could do the same thing from Feathermoon as it has about the same rate as Steemwheedle.

Aparently azshara has the very best catch rate, but i'm happy with the rate I can catch them in Revantusk.

Thank you to the OP for this great advice. I'm not going to say that this will work on every server, but all you have to do is check out the going rate for eels and see if it seems worth your time. They are an important item for high end raiding, and there is probably a market for them. Good luck!
#70 Apr 30 2006 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
I recently started an alt on Khaz Modan, and the price difference was the first thing I noticed. There were a lot of people selling oilies and firefin for 2S each (equaling 40s/stack). I bought all the cheapies and re-scanned the AH to put some proper prices up. - it's still way less than on Scarlet Crusade, but better than before.

Ah HA! It's all your fault! YOU'RE the reason the economy on "my" server is shot!
Oh, wait.
You're Alliance.
(Just kidding anyway.)

I recently started fishing in earnest. I have the nice quest reward pole from the Hinterlands. Deviate fish just don't make as much as they used to so I only fish them up for my friends. I don't have the recipe for savory deviat delight, but a friend does and he cooks them up and we dance around like idiots in Org for hours on end. Good times, good times...heh
I must say, I had no idea you could fish up clams. As a skinner/leatherworker, I usually just kill those turtles in Tanaris. Sometimes they drop clams (meat + pearls), sometimes they drop raw fish for cooking skillup, and sometimes I can skin me some turtle scale. There's a wild leatherworking quest that takes 72 turtle scales to complete (!) and the drop rate is only something like 25% on those suckers.
Not to make this a leatherworking thread, but please, for the love of Bob, loot your kills of mobs like this so people who DO skin can get the rareish scale drop.

Aaaanyways, I have ONE point left to go in cooking to get to 300 so when I get home I am going to go back to fishing in Camp Mojache (Feralas) and hope to get more sunscale salmon and even some eel if I'm lucky. Wheeha.

EDIT: w00t! 300 cooking! Now that's maxxed along with skinning. Still working on everything else - fishing's only around 200 at the moment. The eels went for a gold apiece on my server and my 20-stack of oily blackmouths went for 2g within a couple minutes of putting it up. Perhaps I underpriced them. Hmmm...
Oh. Not sure quite what the deal is with the Tastyfish around Booty Bay, but I finally saw them. Fished them all up and handed them into a repeatable turn-in mob in Booty Bay for a few silver per 5-stack.


Edited, Tue May 2 07:40:36 2006 by Tepetkhet
#71 May 02 2006 at 12:23 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
Oh. Not sure quite what the deal is with the Tastyfish around Booty Bay, but I finally saw them. Fished them all up and handed them into a repeatable turn-in mob in Booty Bay for a few silver per 5-stack.

Those are for the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza. Starts 2 PM Sunday. First one to turn in 40 Tastyfish wins the best fishing pole in the game (or a trinket that turns you into a fish...your choice).
#72 May 03 2006 at 3:53 AM Rating: Decent
well like the author of this thread my server is big money for fisher men. on my server 20 oily black mouths sells for 2g fire fin the came and the others are high to.
#73 May 04 2006 at 3:09 PM Rating: Decent
as nice as the wintersquid are cooked, and some of the other cooked fish. I think alot of boils down to the fact that these are probably the last thing's ppl are looking for on the AH's. Stonescale's are definitely the best cash bet for fisherman.
#74 May 05 2006 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
as nice as the wintersquid are cooked, and some of the other cooked fish. I think alot of boils down to the fact that these are probably the last thing's ppl are looking for on the AH's

That's why you tell everyone that they are there!

I've never had trouble selling grilled squid at auction. The other fish you're right about (although sagefish delight were selling at 1g/5 when they first came out). The others I keep for myself and my adventuring parties (I actually go out and kill things on rare occasions).

When someone does something for me (e.g. open a locked box) I will tip with fish. Every rogue likes a grilled squid or mug of black label.

#75 May 08 2006 at 1:14 PM Rating: Decent
In my experience the most profitable area to fish for anyone with a minimum fishing of 100 and level 18 is Stonetalon Mountains, in the circular pond located just a touch NW of center on the map. I wouldn't recommend it for Alliance on PvP servers, but definitely for everyone else.

I don't have time to go into details, but suffice to say that the spawns/area ratio is the highest for any map currently in existence. If Sagefish sell on the AH, this is where you want to go to make very serious cash. Even if they don't, approximately 1/8 spawns is floating wreckage which routinely yields bloated fish (think level 44 and 45 rings) and many bolts of cloth and leather.

I would recommend fishing this until you hit level 30-35. At that point you could move on to the coasts of either Tanaris or STV. Tanaris for the eels, STV for higher spawn concentration and floating wreckage.

I don't recommend moving up earlier than these levels because you'll find many schools to be inaccessible and the end result will be a decrease in profitability due to having to be more careful and/or dying. Also, it's very frustrating seeing that floating wreckage spawn sitting there unattainable because of nearby mobs.
#76 Jun 04 2006 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
does anyone know what the approximate rates are for stacks of 20 of stonescales/firefins on the server Stormrage? I can't get on for a while, but i want to know...

Edit: I asked this on the official stormrage forums, but the only answer I got was from someone who didn't even know how to spell "I"...

Edited, Mon Jun 5 12:06:05 2006 by lightslayer
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