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how to make cash fishing!!!!Follow

#27 Mar 02 2006 at 12:31 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
where can i get firefin snappers? i am a level 60 druid eith fishing in 150 with a lure of 100

Schools of firefin near Ratchet. You may not need a lure.
#28 Mar 06 2006 at 3:30 AM Rating: Decent
Burningheart wrote:
where can i get firefin snappers? i am a level 60 druid with fishing in 150 with a lure of 100

First of all, get your buns to Booty bay and buy the book that will get you to 225 fishing. Staying at 150 for your level is unconscionable.

Then head for Menethil harbor. fish there until you get to 225. You'll get lots of Oily Blackmouths and Firefin Snappers. throw the rest of the fish away.

Once you reach 225, go to Theramore. On an island in the bay, you'll find Nat Pagle. He will give you a quest that will allow youto raise your fishing to 300.

#29 Mar 06 2006 at 11:08 AM Rating: Default
One thing guys! Don't try to lvl fishing in high level waters! U get fishing by having successfull fishing and that can be done in low lvl waters. Try Savory Fish or something else so u make money. I fished alot in Barnes and after 275 in Tanaris(after being lvl 45) Eals. Oh, why lures??? Lvl up! Lures are a waste of money. Only time u need them is @lvl300 when fishing in Azhara...
#30 Mar 06 2006 at 11:18 AM Rating: Decent
Chosenorc wrote:
One thing guys! Don't try to lvl fishing in high level waters! U get fishing by having successfull fishing and that can be done in low lvl waters. Try Savory Fish or something else so u make money. I fished alot in Barrens[sic] and after 275 in Tanaris(after being lvl 45) Eals. Oh, why lures??? Lvl up! Lures are a waste of money. Only time u need them is @lvl300 when fishing in Azhara...

I went from 225 to 300 in Tanaris (with +75 lures). Why? The cooking quest is in Tanaris, and part of it is fishing for clam meat. And, as long as you are fishing for clam meat, you might as well fish for eels there, too. ...and you don't have to be L45 to fish there either. It's easy enough to get there in your mid 20's and fish safely. The turtles don't attack you and the road from Gadgetzan to the beach is always clear of mobs.

Lures are not a waste of money, as Chosenorc states. They help you catch fish faster and reduce the number of missed catches. Anything that makes more money than it costs can hardly be considered a "waste". Now, I normally don't use +100 lures - I use +75's, which when added to my Big Iron pole and the +5 fishing hat = +100. The +100 lures last 1/2 the time of the +75's as well as being more expensive. But then again, I use +100's on Sundays at the tournament, just for an extra edge.

Edited, Mon Mar 6 11:24:26 2006 by ohmikeghod
#31 Mar 06 2006 at 11:38 AM Rating: Default
The time to fish is the same, the lure only incresses the success rate. I don't remmember very well, but vhen I did the cooking q I didn't use any lure, as a matter I don't think I ever used more than 5 lures ever!
#32 Mar 07 2006 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
Dednad wrote:
looking at Deviate fish from a PVP viewpoint: People don't just want to be "pirates and ninja's" but Tauren do want to be harder to target (i.e. smaller target). I'll let that soak in for a minute and you can see a practical use for this wonderfully easy to catch fish. FOR THE HORDE!

Looking at Deviate fish from a PVE viewpoint: People don't just want to be "pirates and ninja's" but Gnomes do want to be in line of sight (i.e. taller target).

#33 Mar 08 2006 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
121 posts
Chosenorc wrote:
The time to fish is the same, the lure only incresses the success rate. I don't remmember very well, but vhen I did the cooking q I didn't use any lure, as a matter I don't think I ever used more than 5 lures ever!
Ah, but the higher the success rate, the faster the skillups.
#34 Mar 08 2006 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
Lures are not a waste of money, as Chosenorc states. They help you catch fish faster and reduce the number of missed catches. Anything that makes more money than it costs can hardly be considered a "waste".

Agreed! What are you going to do? Fish the Barrens oases for a few gold per hour, or fish the Tanaris ocean for tens of gold per hour (at the cost of a few silver)?

Gee, I had to use shiny baubles to catch those stonescale eels...
#35 Mar 08 2006 at 10:08 PM Rating: Decent
im a lvl 24 on uther horde undaed rogue were should i fish im lvl 110 fishing and right now at X roads the deviate fish sell 4 1.5 a stack but is there any thing better?
#36 Mar 08 2006 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
im also leather/skinning if that makes a differecne
#37 Mar 09 2006 at 4:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,288 posts
As a currently 37 Warlock, I make frequent trips to Tanaris, Steamwheedle Port for Stonescale Eel fishing trips. I'm currently at 271 fishing and use a Big Iron Fishing Pole (+20), +2 Fishing enchant on my gloves, and +75 Bright Baubles.

As it stands, I get about a 9.8% catch rate on Eel, nearly double what I got before I hit Artisan fishing. I plan on entering the STV competitions once I've got my Felsteed, but I know full well I'm unlikely to win. Setting my goals a little more realistically, I'd like to get lucky and win that side prize of the +5 fishing hat.

All in all, I currently make about 25 gold an hour fishing. The "patience barrier" protects my fishing profession, with very few willing to take the time to level it the way I have.

Edited, Thu Mar 9 04:48:50 2006 by Sanvyn
#38 Mar 09 2006 at 10:26 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Lures are not a waste of money, as Chosenorc states. They help you catch fish faster and reduce the number of missed catches.

I don't normally disagree with Mike, as he knows his stuff. But I am very curious on this highlighted sentence. So far as I know, nothing increases your speed at catching fish; it is entirely random.

Ah, but the higher the success rate, the faster the skillups.

I don't think this is what the poster was talking about. At a certain skill level, you simply won't miss fish in a zone (I believe it is 300 in Tanaris for complete coverage ^_^).

What I thought Mike originally meant was that lures increase the speed at which you pull up a fish. In other words, you pull up a fish in 10 seconds average instead of say, 15. I thought this because he said:

But then again, I use +100's on Sundays at the tournament, just for an extra edge.

Any comments, Mike? Interested in any evidence you have, with numbers or not. If it can be proven, I will advocate using lures in the Sticky; but right now, I believe it is completely random and speed is not due to fishing skill at all. Why? Because at skill level 1 you sometimes pull up a fish almost instantly, and at level 300, I still need to wait for the entire channeling bar to finish before I get a bite at times ^_^
#39 Mar 09 2006 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
I wish there was a map of some sort that says which places have what level in fishing requirements.. As some places sounds to require more to catch somthing..
Btw.. On my server i can sell deviate fish with buyout for about 4gG for a full stack.. that aint bad as at least 1/10 of the fish are deviate..
#40 Mar 11 2006 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
Those are some horrid prices

BlackRock on a good day

Deviate fish - 10-12g a stack
BlackMouth - 3-5
Firefin - .75 - 1.5
Stonescale - 20-40g
Winter squid - 3g uncooked

Those are good days, though. The secret is to wait for low supply periods and price your fish at a decent price. No reason to waste time fishing if your gonna get crap for money.
#41 Mar 12 2006 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
Ziggyny wrote:
Dednad wrote:
looking at Deviate fish from a PVP viewpoint: People don't just want to be "pirates and ninja's" but Tauren do want to be harder to target (i.e. smaller target). I'll let that soak in for a minute and you can see a practical use for this wonderfully easy to catch fish. FOR THE HORDE!

Looking at Deviate fish from a PVE viewpoint: People don't just want to be "pirates and ninja's" but Gnomes do want to be in line of sight (i.e. taller target).

Looking at Deviate fish from an Alchemist's viewpoint: Elixer of Giant Growth, anyone?
#42 Mar 12 2006 at 12:20 AM Rating: Decent
LockeColeMA wrote:
Any comments, Mike? Interested in any evidence you have, with numbers or not. If it can be proven, I will advocate using lures in the Sticky; but right now, I believe it is completely random and speed is not due to fishing skill at all. Why? Because at skill level 1 you sometimes pull up a fish almost instantly, and at level 300, I still need to wait for the entire channeling bar to finish before I get a bite at times ^_^
Without a lure, I normally get about 28-30 casts per 10 minutes. With a +75 lure, I normally get 35+ casts per 10 minutes. There also seemed to be less missed catches (and yes, you can still miss catches at 400 fishing [300 skill, +20 pole, +5 hat, +75 lure]).
#43 Mar 12 2006 at 9:15 AM Rating: Decent
can i get stonecale eal with fishing 150??
#44 Mar 12 2006 at 11:19 PM Rating: Decent
im now a lvl 25 horde undead rogue with 170/225 fishing with a +3 pole in hillsbrad i can cook but i really dont kno were the hell i should fish!!!!!!
#45 Mar 14 2006 at 7:28 AM Rating: Decent
Burningheart wrote:
can i get stonecale eal with fishing 150??
Yes. lures are recommended, so is the book to allow your skill to go to 225.
#46 Mar 14 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Oh my. I love my server then.

On Eredar, I regularly sell 1/2 a stack for 20-22g.

On Sunday, I sold 82 of them for 140g to some alchemist in IF. Thanks for the buy.
#47 Mar 14 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
I'm coming back to WoW after ~6 months and am going to pick up fishing to help with alchemy. A couple of people have mentioned following schools of fish on the coasts - I thought that you could fish pretty much anywhere (unless you get the message that there are no fish there, of course). Do you have a higher success rate when you actually cast your bobber into an area with fish?

I know that for the fishing tournament there are specific schools of fish you need to aim for, but has this been changed for all fishing?

#48 Mar 14 2006 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
A couple of people have mentioned following schools of fish on the coasts - I thought that you could fish pretty much anywhere (unless you get the message that there are no fish there, of course). Do you have a higher success rate when you actually cast your bobber into an area with fish?

I know that for the fishing tournament there are specific schools of fish you need to aim for, but has this been changed for all fishing?

You can fish anywhere an still get the regular mix o' fish.

However, there are also specific fish schools (firefin, blackmouth, sagefish, greater sagefish, deviates and wreckage) that will yield a much different mix of fish.

For example, from a firefin snapper school you will either get a firefin snapper (maybe 80% of the time), stranglekelp, or an unlocked chest. Wreckage will yield a chest, rum, bloated fish (contains gem), or stranglekelp.

There are different chests for different areas. Higher level chests contain better items, and they are usually level-appropriate for the area. I do a little happy dance whenever I see wreckage.

If you are going after a particular type of fish (e.g. fishing the tainted oases for deviate fish) it is to your advantage to search for and fish the schools rather than stand in one spot and catch mostly other types of fish.

Predictably, the price of these schooled fish has dropped because they are consequently quicker to catch.
#49 Mar 14 2006 at 1:40 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks! I thought that that was what the schools of fish must have meant. I'll keep an eye out for them as I level up. It's too bad that the prices on fish have gone down - have they increased the drop rate for the savory deviate delight recipe at all? On my old server (Silverhand) it was hardly ever on the AH, and when I did see it, it was 50-100g or more. I really hate farming, so maybe I'll just get lucky...

#50 Mar 14 2006 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
i catch and cook Deviate fish and sell 5 for 2.75g on mal'ganis - made about 33g yesterday from them

the recipie cost 17-30g on my server
#51 Apr 11 2006 at 8:09 AM Rating: Default
IMHO fishing to catch fish for money will loose you money. This is for the simpel fact that grinding mobs will give you approximatly 5-10 g per hour. This can not be done with any kind of fish.
However, fishing can be highly profitable, when done well. There are 3 ways how i think fishing can compete with other kinds of grinding:
- cast in crate circles
- cast in firefin snapper or blackmouth circles
- CAST IN ELEMENTAL WATER CIRCLES (found only in Azsharra)

the last one is highly profitable, because there is about 25% chance that you will find essence of water in it, which is on my server worth of around 8-10 g.

Any other way of fishing is highly inefficient and is not reccommended for making money.

Edited, Tue Apr 11 09:17:24 2006 by wouterk
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