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how to make cash fishing!!!!Follow

#1 Feb 02 2006 at 1:06 AM Rating: Good
first when u just get the skill ( this could be a long term project) level it up to about 40, once there go to the pond right in front of the wailing caverns. fish there and sell the deviate fish ( they are worth a bit i havent fished there in a long time so check the AH for median prices) once you have leveld your skill to about 150 buy some bright baubles and head to tanaris. go to the dock at steamwheedle port and cast there. during the winter there is a chance to catch " winter squid" have them cooked to make " grilled squid" these add a 10 agility buff that lasts for 15 min. a stack of 20 goes for around 2-3g.
also, you can sell firefin snapper for about the same.

there are clams that you can catchby fishing or aquire by killing the nearby turtles. the " big mouth clams" dont sell for much but there is a chance that there is a pearl inside. i have caught over 30 clams with black pearls about 15 with iridescant and 3 with golden pearls which go for 20g each ( about ).i also had enough luck to catch a clam with a golden and an iridescent in it.

but the one thing i have made the most cash off of are the stonescale eels. these you can sell to an alchemist or raid guild for quite a bit. i sell stacks of 20 for 10g. i did this so often that i bought my mount at lvl 30. i had to wait 10 lvls to use it but i didnt have to scramble for cash once i got there. they arent a rare drop and they are useful

i hope you find these fishing tips to your liking Happy fishing!!
#2 Feb 02 2006 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
Prices are a bit different on my realm.

20/Deviate fish: 1 - 1.5G but spotty sales. Sometimes they don't sell. That's the main reason I stopped catching them.
20/Firefin Snapper: 1 - 1.5G These prices are consistent. On occasion, they may go as high as 2G/stack.
20/Oily Blackmouth: 1.5 - 2.5G Also consistent. Prices have dropped to the low end of the range lately, I think it might be the schools.
20/Stonescale Eel: 15 - 20G. As with you, these are the main money makers. I've had occasional sales for up to 22G, but not often.
Winter Squid/Summer Bass - unsellable, even when cooked
Sagefish/Greater Sagefish - unsellable, even when cooked

Small Lustrous: 20S each
Iridescent: 50S each
Black: 1.5G each
Golden: 7-10G each

A lot depends on what the current prices are at the AH, but you are absolutely correct in saying that fish can make you rich. Keep track of current prices at the AH by using Auctioneer. It's an add-on I can't do without.
#3 Feb 03 2006 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Wow my server's really screwed up then lol

Firefin and blackmouths never sell for more than 30silver a stack and the AH is always full of them

the eels are 10 gold a stack if your lucky usually they go about 5-8 gold a stack.

the pearls are about the same though
#4 Feb 04 2006 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
I recently started an alt on Khaz Modan, and the price difference was the first thing I noticed. There were a lot of people selling oilies and firefin for 2S each (equaling 40s/stack). I bought all the cheapies and re-scanned the AH to put some proper prices up. - it's still way less than on Scarlet Crusade, but better than before. It took me a bit longer to make my first gold there (L12), but now that I've got the first one, the rest should come easy. I made the run from IF to MH at L11, dying only once on the way (an orc shot me at Dun Algaz).
#5 Feb 06 2006 at 4:16 AM Rating: Decent
ohmikeghod the Venerable wrote:
I made the run from IF to MH at L11, dying only once on the way (an orc shot me at Dun Algaz).
This was extremely stupid of me. The Lunar festival is the best way to get to MH.

Make sure you have the gryphon post in Ironforge tagged
do the fireworks thing to get the lunar invite
Use the lunar invite to get to moonglade
Tag the gryphon post in moonglade
go to where the Darnassus dancers are, and use the lunar invite to port to Darnassus
Go to Ruth'eran village and tag the gryphon post
Take the boat to Auberdeen, tag the gryphon post there.
While you are in Aub, you might as well do the Blump Family Fishing Pole Quest and get that +3 fishing pole
Take the boat to Menethil Harbor, tag the gryphon post there

Now, you can fly to Menethin Harbor from Ironforge anytime you want to do some money fishing.
#6 Feb 06 2006 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
135 posts
What about Bay of Storms fishing?
#7 Feb 07 2006 at 10:30 AM Rating: Default
638 posts
Menslay wrote:
What about Bay of Storms fishing?

You know, I keep reading that it is supposed to be so great, but that hasn't been my experience. It takes a long time to get there and then back to any vendors or the Auction House, you have to be level 300 and use +100 lures to catch fish and you still miss a few, and the drop rates don't seem to be that much better than Steamwheedle Port, which you can fish at 150 and just be a short run from Gadgetzan. In the time it takes to get to the Bay of Storms, and for the cost or lures, I seem to be able to catch enough in Tanaris to make up for any deficiencies in the fishing.

Just my experience - your mileage may vary.
#8 Feb 09 2006 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
After reading this thread, I've had the most fun doing the following.

1. Buy lures in Orgrimmar.

2. Fly to Gadgetzan.

3. Run to Steamwheedle...hit any fish schools there.

4. Swim south to Waverider Beach. Fish schools.

5. Swim further south to Riggers Cove. Fish schools, avoid pirates.

6. Work your way back...schools should have re-spawned.

That circuit usually takes five lures.

Anytime, fish the open water when the schools are fished out (don't want to waste the lure...and you can catch winter squid, big mouth clams, and stonescale eels that way). I don't fish the schools for the fish, but for the boxes!

Don't forget to auction the zesty clam meat in Gadgetzan. A stack of ten is needed to obtain artisan cooking there, so you can easily get 1 gold for a ten-stack.

Per fish prices on my server are approximately:

firefin - 7-8s
blackmouth - 8-10s
stonescale - 75-90s
squid - 7-10s (cooked)
#9 Feb 10 2006 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
Sorry I didn't catch where you find stonescale eels? I am a night elf and I have a fishing skill of 150 and only lvl 12 if that will effect finding them.
#10 Feb 14 2006 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
Stonescale eels can be found on the coasts of Tanaris, Feralas, and Swamp of Sorrows.
#11 Feb 14 2006 at 8:45 AM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I appreciate all the info here, I'm finally starting up fishing after blowing it off til now.

Mike, you mention Menethil Harbor as a good fishing spot. Do you happen to know what lvl fishing you need to start catching fish there, and is there a particular area you recommend? Just outside of town or somewhere further inland?

Thanks a lot.
#12 Feb 14 2006 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
638 posts
Vretil wrote:
I appreciate all the info here, I'm finally starting up fishing after blowing it off til now.

Mike, you mention Menethil Harbor as a good fishing spot. Do you happen to know what lvl fishing you need to start catching fish there, and is there a particular area you recommend? Just outside of town or somewhere further inland?

Thanks a lot.

It seems to be around 100, but you'll have a lot of fish getting away until you're at 150. I've found the best way to fish menethil is either on the docks (seems to be about 3:2:1 albacore/oily blackmouth/firefin) or to just run north along the shore fishing the spawns (mostly firefins, some oilies, occasional wreckage).
#13 Feb 14 2006 at 12:13 PM Rating: Decent
Vretil wrote:
I appreciate all the info here, I'm finally starting up fishing after blowing it off til now.

Mike, you mention Menethil Harbor as a good fishing spot. Do you happen to know what lvl fishing you need to start catching fish there, and is there a particular area you recommend? Just outside of town or somewhere further inland?

Thanks a lot.

I got an alt there at L6, and started fishing there with only 50 points. Buy lures, they will prevent a lot of "your fish got away!" notices. The lures can be purchased from the trade vendor inside the inn.

There is a spot to the north of the pier where a debris pool spawns, I usually fish there. I've only caught the pool twice...
#14 Feb 14 2006 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
I've had great luck fishing the coast of the lake in the Alterac mountains. Lots of Floating wreckage spawns there. Generally two on the entire eastern coast. Also a large number of Greater sagefish spawns that produce trunks pretty regularly. (Greater Sagefish sell on my server)
#15 Feb 14 2006 at 7:07 PM Rating: Decent
Good guide, i may have to try fishing more often!

But dont forget catching good items; IMO catching "the 1 ring" at level 12 fishing was the fastest money I have made fishing so far...

Keep up the fishy work...
#16 Feb 15 2006 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
i caught stonescale eels in STV too, quite rare though
deviate fish and stonescale eels = $$$$
i wish blizz would put lures in tanaris its annoying when you get there only to not have any
and as for alterac valley....
electric eel and plated armorfish dont sell at all becuase they have no use (wha?)
#17 Feb 16 2006 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
Sorry I didn't catch where you find stonescale eels? I am a night elf and I have a fishing skill of 150 and only lvl 12 if that will effect finding them.

A stinkin' elf! You smell pretty, now shoo shoo!

To not miss fish at Steamwheedle, you'll need an adjusted 300 fishing skill. You'll catch cod, yellowfin, eels, mightfish, big mouth clams, firefin, blackmouths and winter squid (now) there.

I usually work the schools from Steamwheedle to Rigger's Cove and back (take a half-dozen lures if you need them) for the boxes (I actually get bummed when I catch a fish out of a school Beware sharks and pirates...don't mess with the turtles.

Of course, fish the open water for the other fish.

I've had great luck fishing the coast of the lake in the Alterac mountains. Lots of Floating wreckage spawns there. Generally two on the entire eastern coast. Also a large number of Greater sagefish spawns that produce trunks pretty regularly.

I used to fish the shores of Lordamere Lake until I could cook up better mana-producers than Sagefish Delight (such as Nightfin Soup). A trip along the eastern edge of Lordamere Lake could bring in 50-60 Greater Sagefish.
#18 Feb 17 2006 at 5:16 AM Rating: Decent
120 posts
Thorium Brotherhood:

Stonescale Eel: 50s
Firefin Snapper: 2s
Oily Blackmouth: 1s 50c

I don't know about deviate fish and squid; there aren't any up for auction. Only one seller had the eel up, so for all I know they might be overcharging for the server.

Edited, Fri Feb 17 05:36:56 2006 by Hamasi
#19 Feb 17 2006 at 10:29 AM Rating: Decent
Hamasi wrote:
Thorium Brotherhood:

Stonescale Eel: 50s
Firefin Snapper: 2s
Oily Blackmouth: 1s 50c

This is quite different than on my server (Scarlet Crusade - Alliance AHs)

Stonescale Eel: 16-20G/stack (80S-1G each)
Firefin Snapper: 1G30S-1G80S/stack (6S50C-9S each)
Oily Blackmouth: 1G60S-2G40S/stack (8-12S each)

I think that a lot depends on how mature the server is. If a lot of rich L60s are power-levelling alts in alchemy, the result is a bit of inflation.
#20 Feb 21 2006 at 9:29 AM Rating: Decent
Huh, i guess no one really likes Savory Deviate Delights on your guys servers.... that makes me a little sad. i fish up a stack of deviate fish, cook them right up and make 15-20g in the auction house within about 5 hours. someone is always wanting to be a pirate or a ninja...
#21 Feb 26 2006 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
Amazing how different server economies can be. 7-10g for a golden pearl? 30g for one on Proudmoore.
#22 Feb 27 2006 at 7:31 PM Rating: Decent
I have also fished eels off the docks in the Hinterlands. Great for us alchemists.
#23 Feb 27 2006 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
looking at Deviate fish from a PVP viewpoint: People don't just want to be "pirates and ninja's" but Tauren do want to be harder to target (i.e. smaller target). I'll let that soak in for a minute and you can see a practical use for this wonderfully easy to catch fish. FOR THE HORDE!
#24 Feb 28 2006 at 12:14 PM Rating: Decent
My main (NE Druid - 43) just started fishing, because I didn't know you could get it along with regular professions. So sue me! :D

My alt (Orc Hunter - 18) has it up to 150, and I'm loving the boxes I keep picking up! I've found three greens that I can use already, and a bunch of other stuff to sell. It's worth it, even at the low levels.
#25 Feb 28 2006 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
728 posts
I just got the Savory Deviate Delight Recipe so I will fish for Deviate Fish at times when Stonescale Eels don't bite (noon 'til 6 PM).

A five-stack of Savory Deviate Delight sells for one gold.
#26 Mar 01 2006 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
where can i get firefin snappers? i am a level 60 druid eith fishing in 150 with a lure of 100
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