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Money, money, moneyFollow

#1 Jan 06 2006 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
So what is your experience with getting monney in WOW? Do u think it is better to grind some good drop rate mobs, or pick some proffesions like minning / skinning or herbalism /minning? Or do u prefer to watch the auction and buy cheap, sell expensive?

I want to know your opinion..=)

#2 Jan 06 2006 at 9:48 PM Rating: Decent
804 posts
All three make a descent wage. I prefer to double gather, than the others. If you act before the world event is completed, you can make higher ammounts of gold for items such as linen, silk, linen or silk bandages (requires first aid), copper or iron ore (requires mining), and copper or iron bars (also requires mining). There are also different types of fish that are required for the effort (requires fishing and cooking), and also different herbs (requires herbalism).

Unless you want the rep bonus from turning the goods in, I would suggest just selling them on the AH at the same price as everyone else is selling the same item for. You could undercut if you need the money fast, but even at the currently inflated prices, you'll still sell the items. Don't worry about gouging the buyer because its the high level people who are trying to raise their rep and too lazy to farm the items themselves who are buying the items for the inflated prices. Anyone who isn't willing to pay your prices can go farm it themselves.
#3 Jan 09 2006 at 2:57 PM Rating: Decent
188 posts
I made a lot of money for my mount by just farming low level things. On my server, everyone goes mad for linen and wool especially. Then next came my professions. My main has Herbalism and Alchemy. I found that not too many people were buying the potions but everyone wants herbs!!! I was making some mad cash selling stacks of Swiftthistle for 7 gold. Also, one of my alts has mining so I'd just put those on the AH for about 10 silver less than everyone else's. Tee-hee. Mine was bought every time!! Woot!!
#4 Jan 10 2006 at 7:07 AM Rating: Default
I dont even bother buy gold of the intanet! and also sell engneering stuff i make loads of of selling gnomish universal remotes. they sell from me for about 7g and i make about 20g a pot making mechanical squirrels i have a page front and back of people pre ordering stuff before i make it i make on average 50-100g a day the life of an engineer rocks ur sox...=P

Edited, Tue Jan 10 07:14:41 2006 by dwarfengineer
#5 Jan 10 2006 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
267 posts
I work the auction house. I don't bother with epics or things that are uber expensive. I stick with commodity items, things people need all the time and will buy. Nobody *needs* an epic weapon, but they do need a few other things to have at least a halfway decent time in the game. I won't give my secrets though. ;)

Farming for mats is for people who like to do things over and over and over and over and over and then some more. I get sick of it. I like to keep moving and doing a variety of things.

I do well with Tribal Leatherworking. I'm on a newer realm though, and my items sell pretty well. Even a bunch of the normal leatherworker items.

I'm considering dropping Skinning and taking up Tailoring at some point, just because I don't use skinning much. I buy more leather on the AH than I skin.
#6 Jan 10 2006 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
In my experience, there is only one profession that makes consistent money, and that's fishing. One hour of fishing/day below level 35 bring in about 5G/day. After you get to Tanaris, that changes to 15G/day. There isn't any need to save for a mount, because you can meke enough in one day to pay for it.
#7 Jan 10 2006 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

one hour for 5-15g from fishing is pretty good.

all these ideas are good and like schida says, do them all so that you're not stuck doing any one thing.

i personally dont like to grind-farm for more than about 1 hour. it's fun to see some nice interesting drops, maybe get some cloth in the process. after that, im more interested to do other things.

so use a combination of all of these and even your lvl 5 alt can have 4x 16-slot bags soon as he leaves the first area.
#8 Jan 14 2006 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
Personally, I find Grinding about the same as fishing or Herbalism in time/money ratio. Course, I still grind to get the greens for my Enchanter, but for just pure cash, Fishing and Herbalism is hard to beat.
#9 Jan 14 2006 at 12:39 PM Rating: Good
i like gringing mobs with nice drops as well...i usually get really good luck...ive had 2 epic drops and im lvl 45 one is kand the decapitator and another is a boots of avoidance which i sold both at the AH...i love gold...but i havent had enuf luck for those to drop again so i can use em. i regret i sold that kang...i shouldve used it...
#10 Jan 15 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
there are tons of posts out there about getting more money. Many of them deal with techniques that either require you to be high level(ie to hit certain areas) or to have money to start (ie day trading the ah) I decided to give a BASIC guide for new People on how to make money. My first few characters were scraping by to just get enough money to do their training till almost level 30. Since then i've changed tactics a bit and still learn new things.

The money making guide for the NEWBIE:

1. So your level 1 and you just starting out your first character on WoW or you have a few but have never been good with cash. Don't worry about to much till you hit level 5. Just kill everything and get to level 5. On your way to level 5 SAVE the following items.
Every linen cloth
Every recipee you get
Every green item you get.
Now, you could save other white items such as meats and stuff that drops but you can use those in cooking to make yourself food that will eventually give you increased stats. Linen you can use to make yourself bandages as well, up to you to save them or not at this point.

2. At level 5 you can now train in TRADE skills. It is very tempting to get the "right" skills for your class. Warrior you say? sure take mining and smithing. BAHHH, that only leads to the poor house. IF you want money and GOOD gear then choose TWO collection trade skills. Collection trade skills are herbalism, mining, and skinning. Blacksmithing, engineering, alchemy, tailoring, enchanting, leatherworking are all PRODUCTION or CRAFTING type of trade skills. If you choose a crafting trade skill you will only use up everything that you have gathered using your collection skill and more than likely you will be tempted to buy more off the internet to support your nasty crafting habit.

3. But you say that you want to craft the items and you want to get the good stuff and have better items. THIS is a guide to MAKE money, by taking two COLLECTION skills and selling all the items you gather you will:

a.) make lots of money
b.) have really good gear for your level (that you buy with all your cash you got from collecting.)
c.) have large bags to collect more stuff.
d.) and still have $$ left over.

4. But you say you REALLY REALLY want to do the crafting skill, keep in mind, you can always SWITCH skills later. Especially after you buy your first mount at 40. Take two gathering skills now and make mad cash after 40 you can buy your mount then drop one of the collection skills that does not support your new crafting skill. By going this route instead of taking crafting at the start, you have tons more cash, your mount, your fully trained for your class, and NOW it will be tons easier to collect the items you need to level up that trade skill. People have done this route and maxxed out their trade skills in a few days and STILL have lots of money left over.

5. And if thats not enough to convince you consider this. I recently created a mage. At level 5 i took mining and skinning. By the time i reached level 10, i was fully trained i had all 12 slot bags, i had the gear i wanted off the AH and i had over 12 gold. And all of this came from selling only the ore, unfortunately at the time light leather wasnt selling for much.

6. All those green items you saved at the start that you couldnt use, sell them on the ah when you have a little cash to put them up. By selling them to the vendors your only robbing yourself. That lvl 5 wand may sell to a vendor for 1s, but by putting it up on the auction hall you could get 10s. Even if you dont think the item will sell you can almost always sell on the ah for MORE than a vendor will give you, especially early on.

7. What collection skills should I take you ask? Good question! This is really up to you, especially if you plan on doing a crafting skill later on. Here are some suggestions.
a.) FIRST rule, either take mining and skinning or take herbalism and skinning. do NOT take minging and herbalism. Mining and herbalism share the tracking skill for those nodes, you can only have one up at a time. So if your looking for mining nodes and have up your detect minerals ability you will NOT see any herbs, and vise versa.
b.) If you plan on doing a crafting skill later make sure you take the skill that will support your planned crafting skill. i. e. if you plan on doing blacksmithing or engineering later on take mining now. This way you won't have to level up two skills just the one.
c.) Mining tends to make more money early on, and herbalism tends to near high end. Copper bars can sell for 75s to 1g20s a stack on most servers, easily. and that is the first ore you can mine.

8. Fishing.
Early on fishing will not make you any real money, unless you know some ppl that are just starting to level up cooking skill. BUT, it can save you money by collecting your own food. ESPECIALLY if you are a hunter, after all you have to feed that blackhole of a pet you get at level 10. Its better to fish for free food than buy food. When you get to the low to mid 20's you can start to make money at fishing. Firefin and Oily blackmouths sell decend on the AH. There are more later on but lets keep this for new ppl.

9. The WAR EFFORT. Right now there is a world event going on to collect stuff. Ore from mining, Bandages, herbs, cooking, leather from skinning, etc. Check what these guys are asking for and do that. You can get magic items in the supply boxes they give you. Now, you can either trade your stuff for them, or you can take advantage of this and sell your stuff on the AH as prices have really gone up since this event started.

10 Pricing stuff on the auction hall (AH)
if you put up a recipee good chances are there will be a few others on there. If you put up copper ore, peacebloom, linen cloth etc there will probably be lots. Do a search on the ah for those type of items and put close to the going prices. If there are tons on there put for a little less than the AVERAGE person has it for. IF there are very few say, copper bars, then put for a little higher. As gathered items used in trades skills are usually in higher demand. For your magic items i usually do a search for similar type items(ie armor,leather, pants) and campare to items of similar level then price on the high side. If i don't think it will sell,ie its a really crappy item then i may sell for less. You will soon get a feel for what items sell better. For example, stuff that has "of the monkey" is usually a good seller as hunters and rogues go after it like candy. But also keep in mind, hunters and rogues wear leather early on so even though it may say "of the monkey" if its on cloth it likely won't sell.

Hopefully these few tips will help those starting out.

Cyanic, 60 Rogue
#11 Jan 16 2006 at 2:45 AM Rating: Default
bloodwulf wrote:
8. Fishing.
Early on fishing will not make you any real money, unless you know some ppl that are just starting to level up cooking skill. BUT, it can save you money by collecting your own food. ESPECIALLY if you are a hunter, after all you have to feed that blackhole of a pet you get at level 10. Its better to fish for free food than buy food. When you get to the low to mid 20's you can start to make money at fishing. Firefin and Oily blackmouths sell decent on the AH. There are more later on but lets keep this for new ppl.

I made it to Menethil harbor at L10 - died a few times getting there, but once you get the flight path, you don't have to worry about dying to get there any more. ...and anyone can get to level 10 in 2 days of playing. ELves can get to Menethil Harbor at Level 5, and they can get to the Darnassus AH without having to die (yes, it's a bit out of the way, but it is safe). I don't understand why you have this as a profession that is only good after you reach L20.

bloodwulf wrote:
9. The WAR EFFORT. Right now there is a world event going on to collect stuff. Ore from mining, Bandages, herbs, cooking, leather from skinning, etc. Check what these guys are asking for and do that. You can get magic items in the supply boxes they give you. Now, you can either trade your stuff for them, or you can take advantage of this and sell your stuff on the AH as prices have really gone up since this event started.

On my server, all of the easy stuff is already filled. Leather, cooked fish, etc. are all gone. Still, prices are a bit higher than they were in December - I don't expect that to last long.
#12 Feb 24 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
on both severs i have played i have never seen that much demand for an item especially mechanical squirrels for 20g they barely sell for like 1g on my server

Edited, Fri Feb 24 14:31:47 2006 by Drizzthunter
#13 Feb 28 2006 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
4,297 posts
my first toon: (30g on him atm)
45 warr - 295 herb/ 300 skinning

alt 1: (20g on her atm)
20 warr - 170 leatherworking/ 180 enchanting

alt 2: (130g on her atm)
20 warr - 225 alchemy/ 100 mining

started alt 1 solely to make light leathers from all the ruined leather scraps my main made while leveling up. picked up enchanting to disenchant all the wacko "of the falcon" green drops and such. turns out there are a couple leatherworking patterns that disenchant into nice essences worth several times the medium leathers they take to make. also... guild lowbies can meet up with my alt 1 and walk away with +95 health and +48 armor from enchants and armor kits, makes a big difference in the level 15-20 range.

as for alt 2, alchemy is the big story there.

just for ***** and giggles i flew my main to menethil and did a circuit run of the wetlands and arathi... in 2.5 hours of farming herbs and skins i ended up netting 50+ gold from the pots and leatherworking de's. i've spent too much time in the ah with alt2 lately though, trying to buy herbs for low prices to protect my pot sales. next order of business is to get main to 60 for epic mount and stuff... i know i'll have the $$$$ when the time comes...

just wanted to add - ppl usually balk when they hear i have 3 warr toons... i started the alts for the professions only to help out my main, and i really did not want to learn another character class... my next toon will be a warr smith/eng... maybe to hang out and have fun in the 20-29 bg's.... plus i get niiiice compliments from priests i PUG up with...

Edited, Tue Feb 28 10:55:41 2006 by axhed
#14 Mar 15 2006 at 1:59 PM Rating: Decent
120 posts
I have a level 51 mage with mining, herbalism, and fishing. I've never sold a rare or epic drop.

I currently have about 750g.

Just gather/mine/fish when you're out questing, and spend your cash wisely. Most rares and epics sold on the auction house aren't worth their high prices with all the BOP drops from instances that'll keep you well equipped through 60.
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