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Money MakersFollow

#1 Dec 13 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default
Just a little poll: What professions or profession combos do you all feel like are the best money makers? Personally I have alchemy and herbalism on my main and blacksmithing/mining on my alt. So far it look slike the smithing is not going to bring in much cash until that toon reaches much higher levels.

The alchemy on the other hand has made decent money from journeyman on. Herbs can bring in a few c also.

Just thought I'd ask for the sake of newbies who don't know or want to know.
#2 Dec 13 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Let's look at what people have to say on the first page of this forum, neh?

Money for Mount;mid=1134006762296861504;num=4;page=1

I NEED HELP FOR GETTING MONEY;mid=113444246370126438;num=3;page=1

Should I drop enchanting? (for skinning/herbalism, etc);mid=113443925226371967;num=2;page=1

Herbalism vs. Mining;mid=1134141735138468151;num=9;page=1



Profession or quests (whicch makes more money?)?;mid=1133911575243921643;num=3;page=1

Saving up for mount;mid=1129352677233866029;num=22;page=1

All of these are asking one question: HOW DO I MAKE MONEY?

If newbies want to know, they have all of these topics alone on the first page of the forum, along with a sticky, to tell them potential ideas.

My own idea?
1-40: Gathering profession
40-60: Drop a gathering (probably skinning) for a production skill. Or keep two gathering. The best way, really? Play the AH. Some will call it immoral, but it is effective. Buy low, sell high. I don't condone buying everything and raising the price, though.

Sorry to get annoyed at this, but the way you worded it made it look like a thinly veiled attempt at asking what all the topics above ask: how can I make money without working for it? Short answer: you can't.
#3 Dec 14 2005 at 11:47 AM Rating: Default
I can see how you read it that way. I should have read what I wrote before posting. I've got a good handle on making money for my main. There is a ton of info on this subject in the forum - true. But it's usually area specific or deals with only one or two profesions. My goal was to get an idea from players that is easy to understand instead of the opinion of a select few or the forum mods. My idea of making good money might not work for someone with less time to deveote to gathering and farming.

So please excuse me if I offended anyone. It does seem that there is an unwillingness to help though. Sure - anyone can grind out a few toons and try different professions. What if you don't have time? I'll tell you what - you come to forums like this one and read the info. You spend a long time reading because everyone's opinion is different.

My goal was to get a lot of opinions in one spot on one post to read through.

Anyone that has an opinion on a profession that tyey feel is a good one for newbies please tell us why. Please do not scoff at me for asking a question or tell me where to look for a PARTIAL answer. Those are well defined.


Edited, Wed Dec 14 12:18:35 2005 by nyghtreaper
#4 Dec 14 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
It does seem that there is an unwillingness to help though.

Just look on the Trade Forum. There are tons of posts like this. It's not that people don't want to help, THEY ALL READY HAVE!, and in some cases multiple times.

Here's some advice.

1) Farm
2) Buy Low Sell High on the AH
3) Fish

Now you go out and figure out what to farm, what to buy and or what to fish. The answers are here and on your servers AH.

As for your poll, I would say Enchanting looks like a good money maker at lv300. i see the prices being asked and wonder how people can pay for them all the time. THEY ARE HIGH! Work for tips and you could do very well.

Edited, Wed Dec 14 13:36:24 2005 by Manon
#5 Dec 14 2005 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Ugg, cant even awnser, every reply looks like a flame.
Good job LockeColeMA thank you.

#6 Dec 15 2005 at 11:09 AM Rating: Default
Umm, can you not read? I know what I'm doing and where I'm going. I was trying to compile a helpful how to for newbies. I get asked all the time about what to do, where to go, and so forth. I am looking for a simple link I can give people and say " go there". I can see this forum is not the place. Too many flamers and all powerful no it alls. I asked a question and I didn't get any good answers.
#7 Dec 15 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
My first toon did herbalism/alchemy. I have stuck with it but found some things sell well while others do not. When my stuff sells well in AH I usually get around 3 gold per batched item. All together, this profession has made me the most money.

My second toon did mining/engineering. Not a very good profession for selling stuff at AH. You have to have hi level engineering skills just to use the stuff an engineer makes. But I have a blast with the iron grenades I make. I do make a gyronochromatom ( I think that is how you spell it) it is about the only thing I have discovered so far that can sell ok in the AH. Usually around 75 silver each. I usually make 6 or so at a time. I choose this profession because the toon is a pally and I need something to pull when soloing. Throwing iron grenades at NPC's works really well.

My latest toon does tailoring/enchanting. Too early to tell, but in the begginning stretch, this is a money sinker. Occasionally I get tips for enchanting, but I choose this due to my higher level alts always farming for items, and not able to sell them very well in the AH. So I just mail them to my enchanter and he can disenchant the item for the essence/dust. I have a ton of it and will go to the AH to see if I can sell it at all.

#8 Dec 16 2005 at 12:35 AM Rating: Decent
nyghtreaper wrote:
Umm, can you not read? I know what I'm doing and where I'm going. I was trying to compile a helpful how to for newbies. I get asked all the time about what to do, where to go, and so forth. I am looking for a simple link I can give people and say " go there". I can see this forum is not the place. Too many flamers and all powerful no it alls. I asked a question and I didn't get any good answers.

Making money guide for newbies (L20 and below):

Section 1: Trade skills that will make you money
1.1 Skinning
1.1.1 If you are a hunter, this is a must-have. You can always locate creatures on your mini-map.
1.1.2 If you are any other profession, take this trade skill only if you don't car to see lots of rotting carcasses lying around.
1.2 Mining
1.2.1 This is a good trade for making money - blacksmiths and engineers are always too busy making stuff to go out and look for materials.
1.3 Herbalism
1.3.1 This is a good trade for making money - alchemists are always too busy making stuff to go out and look for materials.
1.4 Fishing
1.4.1 This is a great trade for making money, but you have to become a high enough level to get to the areas that produce the good fish. Good fish for Horde (L10+) = Deviate fish found in the barrens Good fish for Alliance (L15+) Oily Blackmouth (Darkshore, Wetlands) Firefin Snapper (Wetlands) L15 is needed to survive wetlands (yes, I know that you can get ther at lower levels, but you might die getting there or to the AH if you are an elf)
Section 2: Selling at the AH
2.1 Get a good add-on. Auctioneer is recommended.
2.1.1 Scan the AH at at least once a day.
2.1.2 In general Auctioneer will give you decent prices for your trade items.
2.2 If you don't use Auctioneer, look at the prices that your item(s) are selling for and price yours a bit lower.
2.3 Don't even try sell trade junk at the AH. it's a waste of money because they don't sell.
Section 3: Farming green items.
3.1 If you are a newbie, this is beyond you. Don't even think about trying this.

OK, there you go - you can expand on this as necessary.

Edited, Fri Dec 16 00:39:54 2005 by ohmikeghod
#9 Dec 17 2005 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Well, out of the toons I use, I've found that Skinning/LW are bringing in the most money. With an abundance of leather, it is actually pretty easy to level LW, and just from selling the items I make to a general goods vendor, I have made around 5 gold (and I'm not even level 20)
#10 Dec 17 2005 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
If you are a leatherworker, something you can always make money on is armor kits...
#11 Dec 18 2005 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
My first toon did herbalism/alchemy. I have stuck with it but found some things sell well while others do not. When my stuff sells well in AH I usually get around 3 gold per batched item. All together, this profession has made me the most money.

You hit the bullseye with that! I notice one week fire oil sells well or that blackmouth oil does well ; ect ect .. its very sporadic and changes with supply and demand. Some alchemy items will also do well and hold their price. I myself and doing well with herb/alch.
#12 Jan 15 2006 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
from what ive seen and done, getting two gathering skills works best if all your concerned about is money. My suggestion is to take mining and skinning.

Mining makes more than herbalism early on, at high end its the other way around. But to start take mining. Skinning as the second because if you take herbalism its tracking will interfere with the tracking of minerals for mining as you can only have one or the other up at a time. And as far as if it works, at lvl 10 my mage had already dropped skinning as it was not selling well at the time. From almost exclusively copper ore, by lvl 10 i had all 12 slot bags, the best gear i could get on ah, and i had over 12 gold, and that wasn't even really trying to farm ore, i just mined it on the way to my killing and questing.

mining in my opinion is the best STARTER money maker.
#13 Jan 21 2006 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
I have tried several professions as to how to make money. my first char was a lock so my mount was free, so i went tailor/enchant. This is not a good combo for making money at all. Enchanting gets you great money after you get it to skill 200+. Starting my next toon i went enchant/skinner. At the same time i started another toon mining/herb. I find that enchanting/skinning is the best combo to make money as a newb or for any reason. herb/mining was effective at making money, but not as effective as enchant/skinner. At lvl 22 i had the 100g for my mount going enchant/skinning. just remember the key is to sell all your mats that u DE from enchanting, once you get higher lvl and wanna continue enchanting,ull have lots of stuff to lvl it up.
#14 Jan 22 2006 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
On my first toon I went with Leatherworking/Skinning, to me for making money it was practically useless. For most things I made selling the materials would've made more money.

For my second try I went Tailor/Herb

This was pretty decent money. Herbs sold great in the AH and bags always brought in some good money. I don't know how well this does on higher lvls but currently that toon is lvl.22 and is sitting on about 16G. Which is not bad at all for that level.

I've started a brand new toon and this one is Mining/Herb. Most people don't pick this because of the conficting gathering radar. But it only takes a few sessions to get used to it, you just switch back and forth every 10 seconds or so. So with this one I have about 8G and he's only lvl 10. Once I build a nest egg of 20G I'll play the AH a bit when I go there to unload goods. I'm quite realistically expecting this character to have the full ammount for the mount by lvl 25.
#15 Jan 23 2006 at 6:37 AM Rating: Decent
982 posts
Auction house is really the best way for fast money,
As said before: Buy low, sell high.

Mining (or other) can be a solid income but not fast. Its the basis so you're able to speculate at AH.

For example, 1 week Blight (polearm) was around 5g on AH, i saw him many times for 10g+ so i bought 3 of them and sold them 2 weeks later for 2x14g and 15g, meaning:

14g - 5g = 9g
14g - 6g = 8g
15g - 5g = 10g
27g profit,
overall i spend 15min time in making 27g.
#16 Jan 23 2006 at 12:00 PM Rating: Decent
638 posts
Gorp want gold. Morp got gold...

Gorp kill Morp. Take Morp's gold.

Now Gorp got gold.

Gorp want more gold. Morg got gold...

Okay, so killing mobs isn't the fastest way to earn money, but it has to be the most fun!
#17 Jan 23 2006 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
Dont sell made items. Sell the supplies. People love to power level their stuff then sell the items to friends or use themself.Kind of funny actually. They spends lots of money getting to high potions (im alchemist/Herbologist) and find out that to make the potons cost more then waht they sell for. Flasks do work tohugh i hear. sell one of those bad boys for sack o' cash. P.S. Where do people tend to find new recipes? i know whit ones are vendor and make money reselling on AH, but is there a hotspot for green recipes?
#18 Jan 24 2006 at 1:48 PM Rating: Decent
194 posts
I've done all the professions to 300 on at least one toon. I've found I make the most money from mining (selling materials). It does take some time, but if you don't care about mindlessly running around a big circle, it's easy cash. Skinning is also a decent source of cash, especially when you get to rugged leather. On a busy night you can often find skinnable corpses piled high in areas with beast-related quests.

Generally I start with 2 gathering skills (skinning + mining or herbalism) and swap one off once I get past 45 or so.
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