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Can you make a living with Engineering?Follow

#1 Dec 12 2005 at 5:07 AM Rating: Decent
My Engineering skill just topped out at 315 and I'm now wondering if there's anything I can make that turns a profit.

I understand that most things an Engineer makes have low resale value because they can only be used by other Engineers, who can usually make the items for themselves. I took the profession for fun items and grenades and sunk well over 150g in leveling it up. Now I'm poor and armed to the teeth hehe.

At the moment I seem to be able to turn a small profit on Thorium Shells, although the market is easily flooded and the profit is minimal. Is there something I should try making that has a reasonable capital outlay and makes a decent profit? Scopes? Rifles?

Suggestions or links much appreciated.
#2 Dec 12 2005 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
761 posts
It's mostly a utility / fun profession rather than a money-maker. Having said that, there's some useful items you can try.

Check AH prices for the materials used for making dynamite. If you get lucky (depends on your servers AH prices) you can buy cloth + stone and make dynamite, then vendor the dynamite at a profit.

You can usually make some money from made-to-order Dark Iron Rifle, Flawless Arcanite Rifle or other uncommon schematics such as the Flame or Shadow reflectors. The repair bot schematic is easy to get and you may be able to sell the bots to raid guilds.

The Bloodvine items require Zandalar faction and materials from Zul'Gurub but sell for 300-400 gold, good stuff if you can get it. Same applies to the MC drop (Core markman rifle).

Thorium Shells (or arrows) are as you say a constant but small source of income, you can do the same with pets (mechanical squirrel) or quest items such as Gyrochronatom, Advanced Target Dummy, Hi-Explosive Bomb and Unstable Trigger. EZ-Thro Dynamite I and II may sell, although personally I've not found a great market for it.

You can also make Green Lens items, these sell quite well to enchanters (guaranteed shard) and some of the versions sell well to casters.

Finally you may want to check out the ticket hand-ins at the Darkmoon Faire, Thorium Widgets are the main repeatable level 60 hand-in but there's other low-level hand-ins. Getting tickets this way is limited to engineers but some people may buy these items off the AH rather than make them on their own, especially if they picked engineering specifically to get the epic neck and intend to drop the profession again.
#3 Dec 12 2005 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Great answer. Thank you very much.
#4 Dec 12 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
You can make piles of money selling Mats, as with all the crafting porfessions, most folks know somebody in game that can do just about anyting for the mats, the only real money making crafts are ones that make items that have a cooldown timer like Mooncloth, purified deeproock salt, and transmutes.
#5 Feb 17 2006 at 6:39 AM Rating: Default
120 posts
You can make some steady money off of mythril gyro-shot, thorium bullets, and thorium arrowheads. That depends on whether or not some idiot is flooding the market to power level.

If you have good advertising you can also make some money crafting the high end guns for other players. Your profits would come from the crafter's fee, since it's usually up to the buyer to supply the mats that may cost as much as 300g.

I also found that discombobulator rays and flash bombs sold for a nice profit. However, most people don't know about them, and unless you search for them on the ah you'll never run across them.
#6 Feb 20 2006 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
I am a Mage lvl 47, my engineering skill is at 275, I can make about on an average, 20 to 25 gold per day, goblin rocket helmets sell really good since only goblin engineers can make them, anything from iron ore and up sells really well, heavy blasting powder sells well, and goblin rocket fuel recipe sells well, guns and scopes seem to be a pretty hot item and of course the occasional quest item, bullets seem to always sell, since people always need them, it's not as high paying as some other skills but very possible to make money at
#7 Feb 20 2006 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Engineering parts for quests is also a good way to generate $$

The best one is for Eastern Plagueland quest requiring 8 unstable triggers and 8 Hi-Exposives

Darkmoon Faire turn-ins is also good,,,gnomes can turn in from Racial trait +15 ENG

When in AH check for those parts,,i.e.Bronze tubes,Gyrochroatoms,Mithril casings and those mentioned above.

Gadgetzan AH is best for Mithril casings,,close to quest area in Un'Goro
#8 Feb 20 2006 at 10:47 PM Rating: Decent
honestly i think you should go around and sell to hunters your hand made ammo for silver and then just do that for a couple hundred people
#9 Feb 21 2006 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
honestly i think you should go around and sell to hunters your hand made ammo for silver and then just do that for a couple hundred people

Ya and listen to "You want me to pay What for ammo", player crafted amo is great for when someboy is powering though a trade, but the cost of the mats Vs. what you can charge(when vendor amo is so cheap) is a low ratio, I am Dang sure we have coverd the money makers with parts and a a set of bombs for "It is asking a lot"Quest.
#10 Feb 21 2006 at 3:12 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I’ve always felt the best way to make money from engineering is from the mining profession that most engineers also have. But there are a lot of good suggestions in this thread.
#11 Feb 28 2006 at 7:14 PM Rating: Decent
SCOPES....SCOPES....and MORE SCOPES.....I'll spam WTS AccurateScope/DeadlyScope/SniperScope PST... and get flooded with inquiries. I carry 5 of each scope on me at all times because of that. The goblin rocket helmet help me to get my mount but I haven't tried selling those lately because Scope sales are so good. If you could get your hands on a Sniper Scope schematic....ur in the money.... Engineers definetely can make money....TRUST ME!
#12 Mar 01 2006 at 9:02 PM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

i love mithril casings..i can sell 1 for as much as a stack of mithril bars because it's a quest item.

but don't just depend on one item. use them all and change things up when the market is good/bad for a certain item.

if the DM fair causes thorium widgets to skyrocket, sell those. but don't list so many that the next 2 guys sell theirs for 5 silver less and all yours are returned.

learn how to use the AH during all times of the game season and you can sit back and watch the money roll in.

#13 Mar 07 2006 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
Sell quest items: (some of which can be bought from engineer suppliers) like Bronze Tube (I love forcing the prices of these down on AH) are required for a quest in Darkshire, gyrochronatoms for a quest in the Badlands (gets you a trinket to run fast if you complete) Mithril Casings are required for the Chasing A-Me 01 quest in Ungoro so throwing a few in the Gadget AH might turn some profit. That's Asking A Lot in the Eastern Plaguelands requires 2 Thorium Bars, 1 Golden Rod(Blacksmiths), 8 Hi-Explosive Bombs, and 8 Unstable Triggers.

Sell plans: I don't think there is a limit on how many Inlaid-Mithril Cylinder plans and goblinrocket fuel recipes you can make (per specialization) but many black smiths like making the cylinders and then selling them to engineers (or leveling with them). Also you might pick up a plan when you are in some BFE area like winterspring and sell them to lazy ppl on AH....just wait until I have gotten them before doing this :P.

Sell Devices: Dynamite, scopes, pets and thing that non engineers can use they might buy.
#14 Mar 08 2006 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
Well, a few months have gone past since I hit the level cap on Engineering. I'm now pretty certain that there is no real money to be made in Engineering, unless you're willing to put in a lot of sales time and effort. Which I'm not. I'm just too lazy.

The thing is, I don't care any more. Every copper I invested in the profession was worth it once I made my Shadow and Fire reflectors. These two items alone are enough to justify the skill for me. They are both a bit rare and no caster ever expects for his big attack to come bouncing back. They augment my resistance gear nicely too.

Thorium grenades have saved my neck several times. As a rogue it's nice to have an AoE up my sleeve for places like Scholo and Strat.

Thorium bullets make me popular with Hunter friends.

The repair bot always goes down well in big instances.

That's enough for me. For now.
#15 Mar 08 2006 at 2:46 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
lol ever seen a combusted fireball bouncing back and foruth?, I got in a "Fight" with a engenering mage, i recoginsed his combusted fireball comming, so I put up a flame relector, and not sure why, but apperntly so did he, it went back and foruth 3 times before my timer went up and it hit me, then I prompty resisted it.

But LutherLumpa I jsut cant sit on my hands, You chose not to sell stuff, that dose not mean they do'nt sell, the only profesison it is EAZY to make money on(other than gathering) is alchemy, every other trade has to find the sellers, make them, and compeat with others tring to sell the few things that sell. It is not limited to Engineering, not one dang bit, the tone you take with a comment like
. I'm now pretty certain that there is no real money to be made in Engineering,

Realy forces folks to beleive the misconception that their is no money in the trade, and their is, you just have to work it like everybody else. I am happy that you do not regret your choice, but would like for you and others to realise, the "Cant make money with "Fill in the Blank"argument is a myth, and the reality is included in your post at the end of the previous comment.
unless you're willing to put in a lot of sales time and effort. Which I'm not. I'm just too lazy.

Ya this says it all, anybody that wants moeny, will put time and effort in to it, it is not adult behavor to say I dont want to work, but want money; man my job scuks becasue they wont pay me for not working.
#16 Mar 10 2006 at 12:25 PM Rating: Decent
I was quite clear that I'm simply unwilling to put much time and effort into making money with Engineering. Personally I prefer play the "kill the big monster" part of the game. This generates all the gold I need to make cool engineering toys. I'm only a casual player and I already have a satisfying day job. I have no need for play mechanics that require me to work hard. That's just my play style I guess.

You don't have to tell me what adult behaviour is. I'm probably old enough to be your father.

I'm not forcing anyone to believe anything. Do whatever you enjoy.
#17 Mar 10 2006 at 12:39 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Can you make a living with Engineering?

This was the thred header, folks awnserd your quesion with lots and lots of good examples of how to make money doing it, 9 Folks gave relevent and Dang good ways to make good money with the tradeskill, They took the time to respond, and you come back with a comment like.

I'm now pretty certain that there is no real money to be made in Engineering

So if it is not your view, it is worng ?, tell me how asking you to work to make money out of a trade is not childish?

ou don't have to tell me what adult behaviour is. I'm probably old enough to be your father.

No numarical age defines adult behaivor, this is a example, you posd a statement, it was disproven by folks that were tying to help, and dispell a untruth(as their is lots of money in the trade for those willing to work it) and even after all this work others have done to try and shine some light situaion, you restate your comment; The same false comment 9 pepole wanted you to see was wrong. So how is that not childish? Sicne you didnt figrue out how to make money with it, and somebody else did, come on.
#18 Mar 12 2006 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
I dont understand why you keep using the same incomplete quote. I said:

"I'm now pretty certain that there is no real money to be made in Engineering, unless you're willing to put in a lot of sales time and effort. Which I'm not. I'm just too lazy."

I don't contradict any of the excellent replys to the thread. You are getting all worked up about nothing.

Maybe this is because text lacks tone of voice. My initial enquiery was genuine. I honestly didn't mean to sound rude. There was no need to get personal.
#19 Mar 14 2006 at 11:35 PM Rating: Decent
310 posts
Personally selling guns is the most money ive gotten out of engineering. Other than selling an ornate spyglass to some of the members in my guild for 50s or so(they love the thing!), there isn't too much you can really sell. Engineering is mainly intended for fun, not really profit(as noted earlier).
#20 Mar 20 2006 at 3:04 PM Rating: Default
***** the MONEY!!!!! You guys sound like a bunch of commie Chinese Gold Farmers!!!! Being an Engineer is not about the cash,it is all about the STUFF!!! There is nothing more entertaining than useing the Gnomish Mind Control Cap,that you had the pride in making, and dueling someone on the boat between continents and useing it to walk the poor hapless schmuck off the side of the boat. There are also the times when you are in a huge brawl in a dungeon and you use your Shrink Ray and it backfires and your whole party becomes smaller than what a Gnome packs in his pants. Engineering is all about the pure fun it allows you to have. I will gladly fill up all my slots in my pack with useful trinkets than be one of these Tauren ******* Sacks that spam up the chat with WTS WTS WTS. Do it for the STUFF cuz for an Engineer it is statistically impossible for you to make money at it cuz ya sink way too much dough into it. Besides if I see someone asking in chat asking for an Engineer to make a quest item, I make it for FREE!!!! Why do u do this u might ask? Cuz it is the right thing to do plus it pisses u AH price drivers off. Well that is my 2 cents so try not to spend it all in one place and please try and remember...
"Life is tough....
But it's even tougher when your STUPID...!"
#21 Mar 21 2006 at 2:20 PM Rating: Decent
The best money making I have found with an engineer is selling extra blasting powder at the AH to other engineers. There are a vast majority of engineers out there who buy all (or at least most) of their powder for dynamite, bombs, shot, etc. and who don't go around to the numerous vendors who sell rough and coarse blasting powder for practically nothing (maybe 48c per coarse) or dig it up themselves. Coarse blasting powder sells best, with an average price of about 1g per stack of 20. This money can be had by non-engineers as well, it requires only a bit of patience and an open bag/bank slot. Just keep checking at all engineering suppliers for extra coarse blasting powder, and if my calculations are correct you will be making roughly 90s or more per full stack of coarse blasting powder. Heavy stone/blasting powder sells well too, seeing as how a prime Darkmoon Faire donation is fireworks.

The only suggestion I would have is to check the rock market and the blasting powder market. You can make a killing if you put up the right items. I paid for about 1/3 of my mount on blasting powder and rocks alone. ;)

Hope this helps some. Other suggestions have already been mentioned: guns, scopes, gadgets, etc.
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