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Fishing.. why?Follow

#1 Dec 01 2005 at 12:10 AM Rating: Decent
ok, first I apologize for the noob question.. new to the game.. but what good is fishing? I see a few items you can catch, and I don't work cooking.. I was reading that people are cutting open their fish, and finding things inside.. but I can't find HOW to cut 'em open?? do you need cooking/skinning or something? please help.. what good IS fishing???

***Edited for spelling.. probably STILL some typo's but oh well. ^^***

Edited, Thu Dec 1 00:11:10 2005 by GarouNoir
#2 Dec 01 2005 at 2:17 AM Rating: Decent
As an alchemist I need certain fish as reagents to make potions. Currently I am trying to lvl up my fishing so that i can get Stonescale eels because they are uber expenive (I think a stack of 20 costs about 15g to 20g on my server). Hope that helps.
#3 Dec 01 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
355 posts
Fishing is an excellent way to pass the time while drinking beer.

That said, there are several types of fish that you can catch that, when cooked, give excellent buffs. If you're not using your cooking in concert with fishing, well, you're losing a lot of possible benefit. +mana regen, +health regen, +str, +stam, +agi, etc.

I think what you're referring to on cutting fish open is when people catch "bloated" fish. These fish, when caught, will have a "Right click to open" notation on their tooltip. You can find some semi-precious gems in them, but they're fairly rare and shouldn't be counted on as a source of income.

The best benefit of fishing (other than drinking beer) is the ability to catch stonescale eel, firefin snapper and oily blackmouth. The first two of these fish are used in mid- to high-level alchemy potions that are of great utility in high-end content such as MC, BWL and Ony. This makes the value of those fish very high, and I've recently been selling stacks of stonescale in the AH for 25g. I would imagine that some guilds have a "Master Fisherman" that stocks their alchemists gratis (I happen to do that for The Tribe on Aggramar) but many guilds are composed of more hardcore players that would rather pony up the cash than waste their time fishing. Which is to the fisherman's benefit.

Anyway, long story short, fishing is useful, but definitely not for everyone. Hunters should have it maxed just for the free pet food, but for most others it's completely optional.
#4REDACTED, Posted: Dec 01 2005 at 9:49 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) fishing is gay in the game and in real life quit it and get a real job *hint hint* mining or skinning
#5 Dec 02 2005 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
Fishing is a good way to pass the time if you are discussing something with a party member or another player and don't want to be distracted by mobs. But more importantly, for hunters anyway, what you catch can be used to feed your pet if it is the type that eats fish. I have a pet that eats the fish I don't care for... :D
#6 Dec 03 2005 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
82 posts
I did some fishing when I played FFXI, but I wouldn't reccomend it unless you have a guild or friends whom you can talk to. Otherwise you will get incredilbly bored.
#7 Dec 05 2005 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
Fishing is a good skill for anyone who can't heal themselves with magic shuch as rouge warrior hunter.etc you show take cooking if you are talking fishing because most godd recipes use fish. plus it is a secondary skill so it doesnt matter if you take it or not u can take all secondary skils
#8 Dec 05 2005 at 5:27 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
The best thing abut fishing is that you can pass the time, just like in real life.

The gold from it really is not that great, and it will take quite some time to get that skill up. But the skill is easy to use.

On the plus side though is also that skillups come fairly easily, and sometimes you have nothing to do while you wait, so catching fish fills in that time.

Cooking is also great, but also a little boring, as it takes away time to go hunting for the proper meats, oftenI find myself hunting low level mobs, just trying to find the meat to cook, because fishing is a little sporadic in results.

Why do I fish? Because I like to spend my free time chatting in the guild, and I help out with so many instamces, that you have to do something while you wait.

Do not take fishing or cooking looking for money, instead take them to buff yourself, and pass the time while helping out others.
#9 Dec 05 2005 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
755 posts
I fish. It's relaxing, after 6 hours of pwning stuff... and what everyone else said. Stonescale Eels fetch 1g each on my server. I made 30g A DAY for 2 weeks straight, allowing me to buy Widowmaker, a Helm of Fire, and a third bank slot on 3 of my alts.
Oh, and i get a free supply of Elixir of Superior Defense from my tame alchemist buddies.
Think of it this way; no instance in the game will net (pun intended) that kind of cash at level 48 (where i am atm).
#10 Dec 05 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
just trying to find the meat to cook, because fishing is a little sporadic in results.

I'm gonna have to disagree with that. If you fish in Booty bay, you will catch a ton of Rockscale Cod to cook, if you fish in Tanaris you will catch a ton of Yellowfin. Point is, if you want to lv cooking on certain types of fish, it is more than possible to pick an area and catch the required fish to do so, AND do so in a short period of time. You can catch tons of these fish in only one hour of fishing.

In fact I say fishing is the best way to lv cooking. Without question from lv 225 cooking to 300, is going to be the easiest lvs for me right now. Just as long as Winter Squid can get me to 300.

Fish Tanaris and you can save Yellowfin and Zesty Clam Meat to start the ball rolling. Then Winter Squid kicks in at lv240 cooking. I know it's overkill, but hey I got a Pet to feed to :p, but I'm sitting on over 240 Yellowfin, 200 Z.Clam Meat and about 180 Winter Squid.

If that doesn't get me to 300 cooking I'll be shocked. If anyone has experience getting cooking to 300 doing this PLEASE post how sucessful you were. Thanks :)
#11 Dec 05 2005 at 8:52 PM Rating: Default
Fishing is a thrill. A few days ago I caught a twenty pound Murloc in the Wetlands. He tried stabbing me with his dagger, but I had a sword so I cut his head off and put his bodie parts in a nice pot of stew. The king of Iron Forge enjoyed it very much, and gave me an exhalted reputation with his people.
#12 Dec 05 2005 at 9:22 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
It may be that you can find areas that almost garuente your catch, but when your cooking skill is 20, an your fishing skill is 25, things do not match that easily.

The biggest problem I have while I fish, is knowing if I am in the right area to level.

Also fishing and cooking take a back seat to other things, like skinning, minning, xping, first aid, and questing. You know, the things that help you grind.

Maybe if someone made a GUIDE for both horde and allaince, on which areas to fish to level, it would be a little easier. But who has level 300 fishing, and the time to write a guide?
#13 Dec 06 2005 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Pirogo wrote:
It may be that you can find areas that almost garuente your catch, but when your cooking skill is 20, an your fishing skill is 25, things do not match that easily.

The biggest problem I have while I fish, is knowing if I am in the right area to level.

Nope, it's easy. I'll have to do a bit of research to really get into it but the Brillant Smallfish or whatever there name is, are great for lving cooking early on. You can catch those in any low level area. Also the Mudjaw Snappers can be cooked after you lv on the Brillants.

Second point, you are making a very common mistake in thinking that you will level up faster in different areas. This is wrong. You can lv fishing to 300 in the Canals in Stormwind if you wanted to. The only thing that level and the area you fish in dictates is the type of fish you can reel in. Low level fishermen won't be able to catch Stonescale Eels or Yellowfin. So you won't be going to Tanaris just yet.

#14 Dec 06 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
GarouNoir wrote:
ok, first I apologize for the noob question.. new to the game.. but what good is fishing? I see a few items you can catch, and I don't work cooking.. I was reading that people are cutting open their fish, and finding things inside.. but I can't find HOW to cut 'em open?? do you need cooking/skinning or something? please help.. what good IS fishing???

The reasons I fish:
1) Money. Certain fish can be sold for lots of gold. If you catch clams, you can get pearls. You can also catch crates and locked boxes which contain valuables.

hmmm - there doesn't seem to be any other reason for me.

However, Hunters can use fish as a cheap way to feed their pets, and you can use fishing to level your cooking ability.

As far as cutting fish open... You don't. The fish that contain stuff inside will be clickable (click on it in your pack, and whatever is inside will show up).
#15 Dec 06 2005 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
its just another mmo timesink, its really quite boring...
#16 Dec 07 2005 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
1. Reagents for alchemy (as mentioned)
2. Cash (fishing is free, the results sell)
3. Cooking advancement (yes, I reached 300 with fish recipes), effects and for cash
4. Feeding pets (cat, crab, etc.) for free
5. The extra bits that can be fished occasionally
6. Killing time while waiting for boats
7. Some fishing quests for exp (2 in Darkshore alone)

For an initial outlay of 1 silver for a rod, that's a pretty good return.
#17 Dec 07 2005 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts
3. Cooking advancement (yes, I reached 300 with fish recipes)

What did you take to 300? Winter Squid? Darkclaw Lobster? I'm getting ready to make the push to lv35 and have stores of fish saved up to hit 300.
#18 Dec 07 2005 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
Boring verry boring
I like to buy an trade
but what do you do when you miss the boat?
poke your nose? or make some cash any way an7y want to buy a iron fishing rod? i got plenty!
#19 Dec 29 2005 at 9:09 AM Rating: Decent
145 posts
What did you take to 300?

Salmon from Feralas.
#20 Jan 02 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent
Getting cooking to 300 with fish is easy as pie as logn as you have the fishing skill to get the neede fish. Personally, I like to do the fishing quest and cooking quest together. This way I save all the fish from the fishing quest (namely squid and yellowtail) and once the cooking qust is turned in I just level it right away. I was able to get 300 cooking from 225 with approximately 100 yellowtail and various other fish I needed to cook. Obviously, cook what is green first and on up this way you get as much skill as you can from what you caught. 100 yellowtail should do it though or put you darn close (maybe 290 at the lowest)

Plus the yellowtail are the easiest to catch in my opinion. Great drop rate off Steamwheedle port in Tanaris. Just fish off the dock - you'll get some nice firefins and stonescale eels there too while fishing for the yellowtails. Then you can sell those to alchemists and such.

I hope this helps.
#21 Jan 02 2006 at 7:47 PM Rating: Decent
candykane wrote:
any way an7y want to buy a iron fishing rod? i got plenty!

Why do I doubt this? The Big Iron Fishing Pole is (at best) a slightly better than 1% drop from the lobster traps off Desolace. There just aren't a lot of them around. I went through over 200 traps, and finally got it as a drop from one of those Drysnappers.

"Plenty"? poles don't stack, so they take up multiple slots. I'll assume bank slots, since filling a pack with poles seems counter-productive. Not only that, but they sell fast enough at 20/25G that there shouldn't be a surplus.

Buy and Sell? Trying to take over the market on fishing poles, are you? What do YOU sell them for, hmmm?
#22 Jan 20 2006 at 2:35 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts
I agree with the majority of what is said. Good points on food for pets, why not level a skill that is secondary and take the buffs. All good.

There is the time issue for fishing. Here is how I see it. If the server is a little wonky or the world is overpopulated (more often than not lately) then I will stop and fish because it seems to not be affected as much by lag.

Sometimes after a particulary arduos day of killing (or questing with folks with the tactical skills of guppies) it is a nice way to mellow out and slow the brain down. Kind of like fishing in real life, step away from the chaos and stop to smell the roses (and make money).

#23 Jan 22 2006 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I fish for money.

I fish to help our guild alchemists.

I fish because I enjoy it.

Yes, I enjoy it. In the morning especially, while sitting there having coffee and trying to wake up.

My fishing and cooking are both 300, and I did it with relative ease. To me it makes the game feel more interactive, and my character more well rounded.

The guild warriors love it when before an encounter, I start handing out the +20 strength sandworm recipe (keep forgetting the name)

Or the Winter squid recipe +15 to agility for hunters and rogues.

Rumm Tumm Tubers for the intelligence users.

An extra buff is an extra buff. And it's good to have for yourself or your guildies if the recipe won't help you in particular.
#24 Jan 24 2006 at 7:29 AM Rating: Decent
Why fish? Simply for Savory Deviate Delight which sells well (3-5g per stack of 5) on most servers :D.
#25 Jan 24 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
I love fishing, even in rl. It's one of the easiest things to do in this game and I leveled two skills at the same time since I could cook the fish I caught. And now that they've put in the floating wreckage and the fish schools (oily blackmouth, firefin snapper, sagefish, and greater sagefish) it's easier to target my fishing if I need something particular. The wreckage is just a bonus, I actually fished up a trunk with a really nice plate helm I can wear next level.
#26 Jan 27 2006 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
Personally, I enjoy fishing. It's nice and calm and when I get tired of attempting to level it's nice to just kick back and do some no mind work. Plus, I have alchemy and cooking, so it's really a three-fold venture for me.
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