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Saving up for mountFollow

#1 Oct 14 2005 at 11:51 PM Rating: Decent
Well i am a lvl 27 warrior at the Vashj EU server and i am closing in to lvl 40 but i am broke (2g 11s) but i have the professions herbalism/alchemy and all the 2ndaries. I was wondering if some of you experience players could help me save up money to my mount, i am new to this game and basically ive never had more than 5 gold. This could be because I just dont know what to do and thats why i seek your help. If u could just give me a few advices or tips that would be awesome.

Ty in advance
#2 Oct 15 2005 at 1:57 AM Rating: Decent
Ok mate here is wat u need to do: 1st most ppl start saving from around lvl 32 that means higher lvl mobs so more money (but starting to save from lvl 32 is realy hard most ppl dont have enouch money when they get lvl 40) so saving on lvl 27 is a good start. 2: try using your proffesions to make money i have never been an herbalist or alchemist so u wil have to ask someone else how u kan make good money with that prof. 3: i wouldt say do all the quests u kan and then grind (grinding = killing mobs over and over again around the same spot) u need to pick a spot where u get the best money and the best xp also when u grind long u get a chanse that green/blue items drop these kan get u to more money or even help power up your gear. 4: if u realy kant get enouch gold try borrowing from a friend and make SURE TO PAY HIM BACK if u do not u wil get a bad name,dont look at this as begging just ask him friendley if he does not want to borrow u the money dont push him maybe he needs the money to. 5: if u borrowed money try farming near the coast of tanaris with the turtels they drop good. I hope i helped u out mate!
#3 Oct 15 2005 at 2:00 AM Rating: Decent
Thnx alot man everything u said sounds good to me i will do as u recommended but i still need help with my professions, i dont know how to make money on alch/herbalism?
#4 Oct 15 2005 at 5:15 AM Rating: Decent
oook... lol this is the thing bout alchemy//herb/ dont make potions!! sell ur raw herbs in AH im not sure of prices but from wut friends and guildees say... its amazing money so try n get the prices down and thats a good start... about the whole grinding idea... i started grinding when i was lvl 20 by lvl 35 i had 45+ gold and that was w/o using ANY profession lol and the grinding goto a nice spot 2-3 lvls lower than u kill beasts and collect EVERYTHING they drop except light feathers... they r waste of space and time go vendor all the animal parts they drop like... fuzzy paw n other stuff like that actually if u goto southern barrens to the lvl 22-24 area is rlly good hope this helps sorry so long :P
#5 Oct 15 2005 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
if u have herbalism its good to sell the fadeleaves to rogues (if u have herb lvl high enough) it gives great moneys
#6 Oct 15 2005 at 3:03 PM Rating: Good
everyone should first learn to spell, then i have to say lv 27 is not closing on 40

go do BFD and when you are high enough level do graveyard runs in SM and sell the herbs.
#7 Oct 17 2005 at 9:44 AM Rating: Good
247 posts
As was said before graveyard runs in SM are good (there's a nice bit of gravemoss in there that sells well).

For Alch/Herb, which I am, to get my mount I sold Swiftness potions, these babies sell better than their raw ingrediants. Also lesser invisibility potions sold well. You also have to think about the amounts that you sell your potions in. Most people dont need a stack of 5 invis potions and selling them by the 1 will yield more sales and at a better price, you get the idea. Just think about it from the buyers perspective.

Selling fadeleaf and goldthorn, infact any mid level herbs - even kingsblood, should make you lots of money... just farm the relavent areas - type in the name of the herb into allakhazam's search bar (see left) and it will list what areas contain these herbs .... then farm your *** off :)
#8 Oct 17 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Excellent
4,877 posts
Flomo has it, Do as he says. allong with that, Shadow oil sells well(needed for leatherworkers), as dose Frost Oil(needed for quest/a few patterns/DM tribute runs), and maybe even a few others dependent on your server, but overall just sell the herbs.

Professions aside,their are some things to rmember, and they are rough for you(as a warrior, more on this in a bit). The number one thing that stops folks form having money, in the whole game, The freeking AH, This place is your bane, DONT BUY HERE. The AH is a giant Conveiance, Their is nothing in the AH you HAVE to have, sure you may want it, but dont need it.

The bigger issue is that you are a warrior(A verry Gear dependent class) and when Mount time rolls up, you are stuck with a second delema, New armor, now you have to pick and choose what you realy want. As a warrior not having plate is just silly.

Ok so at this time i still see the possiblity of success, if you try at it. Here are a few ideas.
1) dump your porfessions. Take up skinning and mining, Sell mats on the Ah, by the time you get to 40 you should be selling Mith, and that can get you some big cash, as well as some Thick leather(good cash if sold at AH),spend a chunk of time getting skinns and ore each time you play, and post them at the AH. If you stikc to it, dont buy any new sutff(just get drops instead of buying gear) or trade bars of metal/skins for armor/weapons form a current smith. If you stik to it and remain storng, you should have about 110 gold by 40, then you can dump skinning and take up smithing, power level it to make youself some plate(or buy it, you shouldnt have a money curnch till 60)

2) sell you herbs and potions, dont buy stuff form the ah, and grind Humans for cash and cloth.
#9 Oct 17 2005 at 11:26 AM Rating: Good
247 posts
Ah yes I forgot! As Capitolg said individual Frost oils sell for silly amounts as it is needed in a quest to get the Niffty Stopwatch in the Badlands. The herb you need for it is dotted around alterac. Good lil' earner.
#10 Oct 18 2005 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
I just did the samething with my main ( NE Hunter ) and the way I found that worked well for me was, I grinded on the dragon whelps in the badlands. I was hoping for an egg, but didnt really think I would be lucky enough to get one. I would kill, loot, skin, rinse, repeat. Any decent loot drops went to the AH, and everything else went off as vendor trash. I would fill up my inventory, hearth back, sell, head back to the Badlands. Stopping to fill up on arrows everyother trip. It didnt take as long as I thought it would, made the cash fast. Although it did take me to 43 level to find out that trick and finally get my mount. Good luck to you man.
#11 Oct 18 2005 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
I made enough money for a mount by L32, and I didn't use herbalism or skinning (my main professions). The money came from fishing. Oily Blackmouth and Firefin Snappers make great money at the AH, since alchemists are unwilling to go catch them themselves. Of course, I'm a warlock, but at that time I didn't know that I didn'y have to pay for a mount.
#12 Oct 27 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
You know, when I was a druid back in pre 1.7 era, i had the same problem.. but on spinebreaker, and maybe this is because of lvl 60's trying to tweak their alts, you can make gold very quickly through selling raw materials on the AH.

I'm level 29 with my hunter, I have 45 gold. I've spent 20+ so thats' roughly 70 gold right there... and that has come from selling copper, tin, and wool cloth.

That's ridiculous.

On spinebreaker, 20 wool cloth goes for 1 g bid, THREE gold buyout.

THREE gold.

#13 Oct 28 2005 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
that is a great one
#14 Oct 29 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah all i have to say is buy decent greens pre 60 not those 300g purples and blues that are out done by an easy drop green 5 lvls later.......Also mining makes crazy money. 1g a stack for copper ore that has about 10 trillion nodes outside both AH cities spend 1 day grinding those and slowly AH them over a week youll get good money (dont swarm the AH at once youll just sell like 3 then get the rest back)

Edited, Sat Oct 29 15:31:01 2005 by stainlessteel
#15 Nov 07 2005 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
Dude I am SO making a char on Spinebreaker! Good tips all but on my server (Shadowsong) everything is underinflated-I found an axe that sold for 35g (price on AH when I found it), so I listed, it didn't sell, and 2 days later there were a few going for 12g. Finally ended up selling it for 10g...made me so mad, I listed on AH 3 times.
#16 Nov 07 2005 at 11:24 PM Rating: Decent
I do Elemental Leatherworking and on my Anonimus server I OWN THE AUCTION HOUSE for Stormshroud stuff... its rediculouse... i have 600 gold for my epic mount at 54 muahahahaha and thats after buying all that i could buy to advance my gear... I OWN
#17 Nov 15 2005 at 8:29 AM Rating: Decent
63 posts
hey for the guy going to spinebreaker. whisper me, my name is hibiswift and i'm norde!

woot! yeah, i had 180 gold when i reached 40, bought my mount and enchanting reagents, down to 3 g :(

my my what a money sink enchanting is.
#18 Nov 18 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
Two comments about the Auction House:

1) As mentioned earlier, buy NOTHING there. You don't need it.

2) If you have an item that usually sells for a good sum, be PATIENT. If the market is flooded with the item and the prices have dropped, put the item in the bank for a couple of days and check the AH again later.

For example, TheAllotrope had an axe that normally sells for 35g. If it didn't sell the first time, and after that the prices were down to half that, TheAllotrope should have waited and tried again after a few days (or even a week). When the market came back up (and it always does eventually), he would have made his 35g.

Also, if you pick up mining: Sell copper ore; do NOT smelt it into bars. The raw ore tends to go for 2x the price of copper bars.

#19 Nov 19 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Decent
89 posts
It actually took me over 2 weeks to sell. The price never went back up, it just kept falling. And I was only able to play on weekdays anyway so I couldn't take advantage of peak weekend times.
#20 Nov 19 2005 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
Also keep in mind at you level the money it costs to learn new skills is over 1 gold. So you want to keep atleast 5 or so gold handy just in case.

#21 Nov 28 2005 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
If you have patience to make the AH your friend, take herbalism and mining. My new gatherer is at lvl 27 and has a little over 40 gold with all new equip. I only gather as I am questing but I make sure that I grab everything that shows up on radar and post on the AH before I log out. Keep your prices competitive ( Equal to slightly below the average..and I mean slightly..Don't need to drop your pants to ruin the market and lose your profit potential) and put it in for 24 hours. Also, post on the AH ALL items that you come across. I sell everything that I can't immediately use, including food products for people trying to level up their cooking. The low level herbs sell for small amounts but add up quickly and the ore and bars make larger profits to really boost your gold. The green items from random drops are just icing on top. :)
#22 Dec 06 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
OMG tjcleaner, u said to vendor trash light feathers lol
I sometimes just farm those 4-5 gold per 20 on deathwing its needed for mages slow fall....

IMO best way to make your mount money is 2 gathering professions mining/skinning or herb/skinning, i made my mount money before 40 and i have already made the 3/4 of the money back in 2 lv's. Drop your other profession and pick up another gathering, then sell everything on AH, linen's, bars, leather, and any greens u get. Also if your gonna grind try grinding on mobs like worgen in duskwood where they drop cash and can be skinned.
#23 Dec 07 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
Buy and trade buy and know where to sell!!!
people always want exotic things
buy cats form the cat woman in sw you buy for 40 silver sell ad AH gatestan for 1-2 gold :) Same goes for horde the dogs!
mithril casings sell good there as well i sel 2 a day for 1,5 gp a piece buy them at ah for 50-60 silver ;) sel even more in the U crator . Same goes for the frost oil just walk in the badlands at bussy houer friday saterday sunday night at 8 mention if any body neads it! life root SV you always sell 8 :)

Honer goes a long way the more you have the cheaper things become
my ram only cost 64 gold play a lot of BG dual and do quest

Drop alcamey for now get a profession at lvl 60 or if you have tons of money if you want. Just mine and herb sell it all! dont skin there are way to may people doing that. If you do this alone in a week or two you have your mount.
i make about 20- 40 gold a day buying and selling! find it more fun than lvling my caracter LOL.

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