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Please help me with this Hard Decision.Follow

#1 Oct 02 2005 at 6:41 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts

Allow me to describe the problem :

I am a 60 warlock 300 tailor/enchanter. I have put tailoring to great use making for example [Robe of the Void].

In my guild there are many over Enchanters one or two which have the top-end recipes, and if I need and enchant they can do it for me. This makes my enchanting skill almost useles. There are two things I can do which are of some small use.
1) Try to sell enchants in a city which is not the best of fun and not a great money spinner.
2) Disenchant items and sell AH.
Neither of these are fun or earn me much money unless I buy the best recipes : Crusade / INT +22 - etc etc.
Most guys needing this stuff have access to a guild enchanter anyway.

Solution :

I want to ultimately take on a skill that I can actually use to an advantage. I am considering ENGINEERING for all the great gadgets - or maybe mining.

I'm fed up with being on a run watching other people pick up thorium veins - or even special Zul Garub Thorium whilst I offer to disenchant other peoples unneeded loot into shards - for which they make the profit.

Hang on. LWs and Miners make money on there skill. Then they make money on mine. Hello. !!

Anyway, as you can see I almost made my mind up - but I just cannot bring myself to hit that button to unlearn enchanting - after all the work and money I have invested into it.

I really want to hit that button. But I just can't do it. I need your advice to know I am doing the right (or wrong) thing.

Can an experienced Miner or Leatherworker tell me what sort of money they are making from that skill (selling at AH), or an Engineer tell me whether they would swap for enchanting ?

(btw. I have alts and guildies that can supply engineer with stuff incase you are thinking Tailor/Engineer aren't ideal bedmates)

thanks for listening.

#2 Oct 03 2005 at 12:51 AM Rating: Decent
Ya... i aint xactly pro... my highest lvl char is a lvl 39... but all i have to say is its gonna be really really hard work /BOOOOORRRIIING if u wanna make some real cash off of a new trade skill... leatherworking is gonna have you running round noob zones killing baby creeps for leather... while noobies laugh at u... same with mining, cept instead of just running into the mine nodes, you'll be LOOKING for them... Ive noticed something bout WoW and thats that when you're LOOKINg for something you cant find it, when you're not looking its just there while u running round doing quests. I find that alchemy is pretty good even at lvl 60 cause A) buffing self B) sell higher lvl potions for mucho gold to those who need. (water breathing, swim speed, etc.)

On the other hand, couldn u disenchant any drops you dont need too? if you're going for some tier blank armor sets then it really doesntt matter whatever u find right? this is just some noob lvl 39 talking so ya... dont even have to pay attention... what do i no?
#3 Oct 04 2005 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
More input from another relative noobie:

My guild, too, has a high level enchanter. I've used my enchanting skills (under 225) to effect on weapons/armor for myself, my son, and my alts. However, it's a gold drain for sure--even though all of the above supply me with greens and blues to disenchant. I'm the guild's high level tailor.

Regarding engineering--I don't know nor do I know what mats are necessary for engineering. I suspect mainly the fruits of mining.

Regarding mining, I have 2 alts that do mining--still fairly low lvl. They gather metals/gems to feed my son's blacksmith and my leatherworker and my tailor/enchanter. They also sell the ore and bars in the AH and make a small profit. However, consider that, as a miner, you'd be gathering materials, for most of which you won't have a need. You'll have to dispose of the fruits of your labor in the AH. And, as the post above pointed out, you'll be traveling noob zones fighting other miners for nodes in the beginning. However, since you can probably go anywhere you want, you'll probably lvl quickly.

Regarding leatherworking--you'd have to buy all your supplies in the AH, which makes it less likely to be a money-making skill. Even though my LW doesn't supply all of her own leather (I have gatherer alts), I can't see that she can make any major moneymakers--with the exception of hillman cloaks, especially when sold in southshore. And those greyed out long ago, so she's not getting skillups. She's over 200 but below 225 LW.

Regarding other gathering skills, the same applies. I have 2 skinners that feed supplies to the leatherworker (who is also a skinner) and the other alts that need leather. However, those that don't ALSO have the leatherworking skill have to carry around stuff that they can't process (unless they throw ruined pelts rather than trying to salvage them into something). For me, it works out nicely. I make a (very) small profit on leather in the AH. At least on my server, it sells fairly well but if you put out a bunch at once, at least half will go unsold regardless of price.

Just my (not so humble) opinion. :)

#4 Oct 04 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
Personally, I’ve never felt it was a good idea to take up a profession to make money. I’ve always thought it best to pursue a profession because you enjoy it. And if you can then find a way to make money from it all the better. So, are you enjoying your two current professions? And do you think you would enjoy others better?

My problem was that I enjoyed too many professions. My solution was to make a bunch of alts and have them pursue different professions. That way I’d get to enjoy them all. The process has been a slow one, but it’s worked thus far. Have you considered taking mining and engineering on one of your alts instead?

My level 60 rogue has skinning and mining. This has worked out well for me, as he’s able to farm cloth, leather and metals/gems for my alts. It also helped when he needed to raise money for his first mount. But I must tell you that outside of instances the competition for high end metal is insane. No sooner does a thorium node appear than then ten characters have swung their picks at it. Perhaps it’s better in instances. I’ve not gone to many of them since hitting 60. But in the outside world farming for metal can be a major pain in the backside.

If you are truly unhappy with your professions then by all means delete them and find something you enjoy more. But be certain that another profession can bring you more enjoyment. Also consider how you would feel about your professions should your guild break up. Hopefully that won’t happen, but it’s something to consider.
#5 Oct 04 2005 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts
Yeh I have the alts too collecting herbs leather and mines.

In fact without two alts with mining I wouldn't feel confident about taking up Engineering on my MAIN. The Alts will feed through the resources.

The whole point is of course that with Engineering I can use it to my advantage in PvE and PvP.

I can put Enchanting on an ALT. Just means alot of work.
#6 Oct 06 2005 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
well the only two profitible professions really are cloth and alchemy, but gather profession would probibly be better than two crafting ones... skinning is good for money but if your not going to lw then you don't benifit from some of the better drops, mining is a pia you will be compaing for limited resources and won't be able to do anything with them except sell them, potions on the other hand always sell weither you make a profit is going to be on how well you understand how the AH trends are moving{big time investment here}, the other option is to go eng and make a second char to mine for resources for you or just buy what you need and grind lvl 55 mobs to make money for hobby since eng stuff needs eng skill to use but most of it is fun to play with punny funs{funny puns} will have some of the resouces from cloth but prob not so much the lower lvl stuff... of course you could always wait till nov to find out what the expansion is go change...
Vlor Vas'Drakken
#7 Oct 07 2005 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Ok, here are some things our guild enchanter is doing and how he is making his cash. Like you his secondary is tailoring.

1. Have your guild institute a donation policy. If they want cheap enchants have everyone in the guild donate at least two green+ items a week. DE them and either sell the mats or make some enchants for your guild and charge a lower cost than someone in a city would.

2. Corner the market. Get a recipe that you don't see all that often. On our server it happens to be the +15 agil enchant to weapons. Over the course of a week monitor the day to day prices of your enchant on trade chat. Then undercut the price by to 10 gold. You will essentially corner the market on anyone looking for that enchant.

3. Sell the mats. I can't even begin to tell you how much money I have seen people make with selling Enchanting materials ie: large radiant shards, and nether essences BIG SELLERS on my server. It is pretty disgusting actually.

Ok those are three things that our guild/enchanter does. It may not work for you but it just might. Onto the next subject.


If you are looking for money stay with enchanting OR pick up to gathering professions ie: mining/skinning herbalism/mining something like that.

There is some money to be made in LW however. Armor kits sell pretty well depending on the market.

Other items do sell but it varies server to server, day to day. One day big vodoo mask is a great seller next day you put 4 up and no one is even biting at a 1gold buyout. LW, Tailoring, Blacksmithing...all of these are based on patience and moving product at the right time.

So in closing I say this, stay with enchanting. Undercut the market and work the AH with Dis eschanted mats. But hey it's your character do what YOU want to do.

49 Hunter Orc
Commander of the Ohnoes
#8 Oct 07 2005 at 12:32 PM Rating: Good
267 posts
The grass is always greener on the other side. Sick of watching miners/herbalists gather all the free stuff? Remember they spent lots of time skilling up those profesions, to be able to pick that stuff. You want it bad enuff to level that profesion up?
Best advice is take a profesion you like doing! Any profesion will make you money, unless you hate doing it(a leatherworker who makes no items, makes no money!). There is no best profesion! In the long run, the profits/costs will even out(so my warrior friend can make 200G profit by selling one arcanite reaper, in the same time frame it will take him to make+sell 1 reaper, I can make 200G profit by selling LW items, many items smaller profit per).
#9 Oct 07 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
whatever you do, DO NOT GIVE UP ENCHANTING. Enchanting is one of the best ways to make money if only for the fact that you can DE BOP items and sell the shards. Go farm SM cath and get 2 small radiant shards per run. I just can't imagine why you would spend all the time and money to get to 300 and then drop it because there are other enchanters... Sheesh any trade skill you are going to have competition. Just stick it out and try to get those high end enchants. Crusader and +22 int are what EVERYONE wants and demand will exceed supply.
#10 Oct 07 2005 at 6:18 PM Rating: Decent
648 posts
Thanks to all for the very good points raised. I have some questions !! and a little more clarification.

Most - If not all my activity is to improve my Level 60 lock for both PvP and also for gear. Any alts I have are there for a little relief and also to support my main guy - kbd warlock on Dragonblight EU.

For grinding purposes I am levelling up my rogue who has Skinning/Mining - when he reaches the position to solo SM I could take up (dis)enchanting for the two small radiants - in my experience - going through SM with lock is do-able but not particularly fast (not as fast as a rogue might be).

Making money at AH - Can I not do this with an ALT as well - in fact I have an AH mule (for anonymity), and I pass the disenchants that way. If I was to lose enchanting I can still disenchant with ALT - EXCEPT for BoPs.

The point Nekar made about "grass is greener" was a good point. I think giving up enchanting for a gathering profession is not a long-term strategy - I had "Engineering" in mind right now. Those gadgets can really help in battles. So can enchants - but I can get all the enchants I need without having it as a profession.

Thanks to all those who have responded - I have lots to think about now and I very much appreciate your opinions.

#11 Oct 11 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

i have several hundred gold worth of enchanting mats. if you dont make the money by enchanting, you can make some by selling the mats.

your guild sounds like it has a lot of high-level players. i would say keep on your enchanting. when you get those same recipes, your guild now has 3 people who can do them.

also, as much as i like my guild and im loyal to it to a certain degree, i also know that i may not be in the guild forever, or the guild may not be around forever. so i still take the crafting skills that i like, not the ones that will benefit the guild. eg im a LW/skinner..i can choose 1 of 3 paths for LW. but i'll choose the one i want, not the one the guild wants. this sounds selfish but if you dont want to work a craft to 225 or 300 again, you should think about what you want to do.

when i was doing LW, i had two characters who skinned. this helped a lot...whereever those 2 chars went, they could skin animals they saw.

imo this is a great way to really level up a skill with multiple characters feeding the gathered resource instead of just the one character.

#12 Oct 11 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
i have enchanting 300\tailoring 300 on my charac , i hit lvl 60 with 10g only, after that i went to farm for some good recipie, started with crusader and found one, lost the roll, 2 dayz after dropped again and thank god i was alone :D , after that i went to get some reputation with thoruim brotherhood so i can buy +22 int , at the same time i go with every raid or group to scholo and strath hopin to get life stealin and unholy, meanwhile i sell 14 slots bags from cloth that i have collected each day and sell mooncloth every 4 dayz, now i have all these recipies and i got 20-25g tip just by enchantin those if they bring me mats, i got my epic mount and some decent amount of money now ^_^ , u have to do a hard job to get the high lvl recipies not by just standin there or u want to buy them from AH, hope u dont drop enchanting its a very intresting proff :), only recipies left for me drop inside MC and i hope i can get them soon

Edited, Wed Oct 12 00:42:56 2005 by sephirothg
#13 Oct 17 2005 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
293 posts
I have already done, what you think of.

I dropped Enchanting at 207 and gone for Tailor/Engineer when I reached Level 47. I originally planed to have a alt who takes engineering, but I love my WL to much atm to play anything else. So I ended up buying my skill (up to 194) and already have most of the green and all the white Blueprints up to 200 and can say, it only costed me 20 Gold for nearly 200 Skillpoints. I know, the first 200 are the easiest, but Enchanting costed me an enormous amount of nerves, time and resources. It didn't produced money, it destroyed it. I know "when you hit 300 and work your *** off to get the right formulars, you will earn plenty of money jadda, jadda, jadda", but this is a game and I wanted to get my job for fun - and it was not. Engineering on the other hand is going to eat up money too - but I don't have to stay around to get a lousy profit of 5-20 Silver at Level 40+. I can use all the stuff I make for myself and give a thing or two to my friends.

As a last thing let me point out, that you can always get an enchantment with every or none jobs, but only one Job let's you use and create those things you always wanted to play with...
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