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300 Alchemy Money MakingFollow

#1 Sep 22 2005 at 2:49 PM Rating: Decent
How does an alchemist make money at 300? I know I can go gather tons of herbs and make healing potions, but that takes eons. I managed to get the recipe for Flasks of Supreme Power, which I can make on Frostmane (ps Rodcet) but I haven't been able to sell any. I thought of making Goblin Rocket Fuel, but again, it takes weeks to farm the Rum. I can also make Greater Shadow Protection Potions, but no one seems to buy those either. Is there some recipe that Alchemists can really cash in on or are we doomed to pauper-ness forever?

Rodcet-60 Rogue, 300 Herbalism/Alchemy, Frostmane
#2 Sep 22 2005 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Try crafting Elixir of the Mongoose, that seems to sell well.

Any pot that acts like an extra BoP item, will always make you money.
#3 Sep 22 2005 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
What is BoP?
#4 Sep 23 2005 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
107 posts
BOP = bind on pickup
For me swiftness potions sells well. Obtaining the recipe it will cost a bit.
#5 Sep 23 2005 at 10:09 AM Rating: Good
901 posts
Well, I'm only Alchemy 235 right now (hoping to push to 250-ish soon, as soon as I buy my mount), but I can make a slight profit off of healing/mana potions and the underwater breathing potions.

I usually put lower level herbs that I pick up (briarthorn and swiftthistle) to use making swiftness potions, which come in handy for me, and sell at a nice profit if I don't buy the herbs.

Its not MUCH of a profit on all those items...but it can still add up over time. I'm sure some higher-level recipes would bring in some too.

Also, some of the transmutes might be worth looking into. Arcanite and water to air to name a couple, depending on the prices on your server.
#6 Sep 23 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

so basically what you're saying is, the potions that will sell, you dont really want to go pick the herbs. the potions that don't necessarily sell, you have some of the herbs to make them.

if you're on a pvp server (dont remember what frostmane is), then the pvp potions will sell well. but for those on a pve server, the following list may not be best for you to make.

that includes the healing potion that does about 1000 HP heal, the higher level mana potions. swiftness potion, free action potion, elixir of demonslaying (for those enchanters who need it), elixirs of agility or mongoose, frost oil (for a quest on alliance side), shadow protection, fire protection, elixir of defense (the +150 and +250 def), stonescale oil or use the oil to make the potion it is used for, etc. i find that nature protection doesn't sell too well on my server, i guess people just think of druids as punching bags, not anything to be afraid of like the mages and warlocks with fire and shadow protection.

every 2 days you can also sell your transmutes for a few gold if you dont need the transmute yourself.

this is just a small list of potions which you can start from to make alchemy profitable to you.

#7 Sep 24 2005 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
231 posts
Collect herbs make the potions you will use yourself from them sale rest for gold then make sure you do a arcanite transmute every two days.

There is no real profit in alchemy unless you can get a rare recipe but herbalism can generate 10 gold peaces a day once you get to around level 20 and up to 40 gold peaces in the level 50 range.
#8 Sep 25 2005 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
if you wanna make some cash you can go to silverpine forest and collect a view swiftthistle...

swiftthistle sells good per stack since all the rogues need it or if you have the recipe ake swiftness potions :)

all the low lvls like it since they have no mount
#9 Sep 26 2005 at 6:58 AM Rating: Good
901 posts
Just this past weekend, out of a total of four hours collecting herbs (2 hours on Friday, 2 hours on Saturday) I make close to 50G. That's at level 40 (had to make up for the money used buying my mount).

I found that Stranglekelp, Wild Steelbloom and Kingsblood sells best on my server (Swiftthistle doesn't sell too well).

But, all herbs will eventually sell, some just sell faster than others. I've sold very few things (a few healing/mana potions, and some underwater breathing potions to test the market)...I just use it mainly for myself and for friends, basically. Herbalism is where its at. Smiley: grin

Edited, Mon Sep 26 08:10:23 2005 by Chadness
#10 Sep 26 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
I am lvl 175 alchemy, and sell 5 healing potions for approx 1-1.5 gold at the AH.
If you go to the wetlands, you will find liferoot and kingsblood in abundance and make easy gold.

I sold 30 bottes of this for 6 gold clear in approx 3 hrs, while questing

Edited, Mon Sep 26 20:47:18 2005 by Audaciousone
#11 Sep 27 2005 at 4:24 AM Rating: Decent
761 posts
I don't know anything about Frostmane but if there's guilds there that do outdoors raid bosses (Kazzak + Azuregos) and Molten Core then there's a market for Greater Protection Potions (Shadow, Frost, Fire) right there. Try contacting them directly and make a supplier deal.

Frost Oil sells very well on my server, it's used for a quest in the Badlands as well as for DM North tribute runs. Elixir of Shadow Power is used in a warlock quest so also usually sells well.

There's some potions used in PVP play (Free Action, Swiftness) - try selling them at the PvP battleground entrance.

Arcanite Transmute should be good for a few gold every other day with basically zero effort, either by selling the service or simply by buying Arcane Crystal + Thorium, making a bar and listing it on the AH with an uplift.

Elixir of Mongoose, Major Mana Potion and Major Healing Potion sell ok but not great.
#12 Sep 27 2005 at 11:08 AM Rating: Good
Ghost Dye, Greatre Fire Potion, Major healing/mana pots, Elixir of Mongoose, swiftness, free action, Greater Agility. Sell pretty well on my server. Frost oil sometimes does but goes slow. IMO herbalism is wehere the money is at, alchemy is just for yourself/friends/guildies.

What I do is goto a plac eI know I can find lots of 1 or 2 specific herbs that I might need. and just farm and farm. Generall I can get quite a bit in a matter of hours. I will then make myself a few potions of what I need. Usually just some healing pots and an agility one or two. Then sell the stacks of herbs on AH for 5-10g each. easy money.
#13 Sep 28 2005 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
A_Player_01: Yeah! Yeah! OOZE YOUR DADDY?!
A_Player_02: ...
A_Player_03: ...
A_Player_04: ...
A_Player_05: I swear to god I wish this game had a "punch you in the face" command.

.... OOZE YOUR DADY?!.... hahahahahahahhahhaahhahahhahahhahhahha
#14 Oct 01 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
Free Action Potion FTW, with the new instance since the last patch (ZG) these potions are selling for heaps. I think it's because it's the only thing that lets you free yourself from the spider boss. Anyways, the ingredients are easy to get and cheap to buy (especially compaired to things like blindweed and gromsblood). I sell 5 stacks for 5g on my server.
#15 Oct 05 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Decent
Im a 290 alchemist on Illidan and i sell, kingsblood goes for about 4.5g a stack, stranglekelp 4g a stack, and fade leaf for 10g a stack. Also gromsblood goes liek 18g a stack for me and its the easiest thing to find in decolace i can find 30 of them in 1 hour by killing stuff in a circle.
#16 Oct 11 2005 at 10:53 AM Rating: Decent
You can sell alchemy for money easily i depends on who you talk to where ur money. exp you can sell most potions on ah for good money if sold in stack and the herbs sell good too. There some iteams in quest that can be sold for cash (aka forst oil for one quest). u could talk some people in to turning iron to gold and and charge a flate rate. (50s) u can also make stuff like rage potions for woriors for cash, elixars of the monguse to rouges, potions that restore mana and health the magic users, elixar of water breathing sells at ah for good cash. like i said it depends on the people you sell to.
#17 Oct 12 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Good
rage potins can be good but those mats can be annoying to collect unless you just by chance find someone who is going to throw some out.

dont forget about arcanite transmute.. if there is a choice between arcanite and gold you do arcanite as they all share the same cooldown. Trust me. Its normal to charge 3-4g for a transmute. Or if you have the cash buy your own stuff and sell the bar.

Also the intellect potions sell decently well to lower lvls (pre 60 raiding). But the mongoose, health/mana, free action are definate money makers. Heck as a hunter I use mongoose (made with my alchemist) mostly in MC and stuff like that but its some good stuff. And EVERYONE uses health pots, PvP ftw.
#18 Oct 13 2005 at 4:06 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
IMHO if you need to ask this question, you probably need to find a new trade. I know on the 2 servers I'm on alchemists and herbalists are often the richest people you run into.

1. Transmute Arcanite - The lowest I've seen a xmute go for is 5g a pop, I usually sell mine around 7g. Thats every 2 days.

2. Anything PvP oriented: Free Action Pot, Elixer of the Mongoose, ect. You WILL make a killing on these.

3. Almost any ancillary xmute, the results from these typically sell real well.

4. If you are a herbalist, then Kingsblood was/is still selling at a insanely high rate due to the Thorium Brotherhood quests. For some reason alot of the other herbs are selling for major money too, I haven't played my Rogue Herb/Alchy for a while so Don't know the motivation behind the recent herb craze.

Hope that helps
#19 Oct 18 2005 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
Hi - 300/300 herb/alch. A lot has already been covered here, but I'll add my 2c with as little repetition as I can.

As an alchemist, your bread and butter will be arcanite transmutes. Look at the AH for the prices of arcane crystals and arcanite. On my server I can buy an arcane crystal for 21G and sell an arcanite bar for 30-31. Thats 9-10G profit every 2 days. I tend to make more money this way than other people I know that do the transmutes directly. I don't mess around with the other transmutes (metals) unless you got the life/undeath/air/etc transmutes, which can also bring in cash (but the recipes are expensive/rare)

Secondly, I find that herbs generally turn a better profit than potions. Not sure why this is, but it's what I've seen. The one exception may be major healing potions, which sell for about 10G a stack on my server. For best profit, I tend to split my herbs into stacks of 5. I find it easier, for example, to sell 4 stacks of 5 at 3G each than to sell 1 stack of 20 for 10G. (the one exception, for some reason, being dreamfoil, which tends to sell well in stack of 20, probably because the major mana potions each require 3 of them).

In general, I don't go out of my way to go herb picking, its not really an efficient way of making money. But always pick up what you see while you're grinding. For example, at 300, sungrass might not be of much use to you, but that level 40 alchemist who can't get to the hinterlands without being split in half will pay good money for it.

Pretty much any high level herb will sell well, the best I've found are Dreamfoil (major mana pots), plaguebloom (both very plentiful in plaguelands and felwood), golden samsan, mountain silversage (a little harder to get). Each of these go for upwards of 10-12G a stack.

Also, gromsblood and fadeleaf both sell very well, stack of 5 for about 3-3.5G. Ghost mushroom sells for about 1G a piece, but you have to go out of your way usually to get it.

Paladins require arthas tears for their epic mount, so this also sells well. I find felwood to be better than plaguelands for this herb.
#20 Oct 18 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
How and where can you sell an Arcanite Transmute? I always offer on the trade channel when I'm in Orgrimmar, but I've never had any takers.
#21 Oct 18 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
I find that herbs generally turn a better profit than potions. Not sure why this is, but it's what I've seen.

As with any tradeskill the ingredients will be worth more than the results because people who are leveling generally will get tired of having to collect the mats, and will buy them off the AH so they can power level thier tradeskill.

I believe this is why the herbs will always sell more than the pots.
#22 Oct 18 2005 at 1:28 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
As an alchemist, your bread and butter will be arcanite transmutes

or Essence transmutes, finish the scholo quests for a real money maker, either 5 gold for arcanite, or make 9 gold buying and trasnmuting on the AH.
#23 Oct 18 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
or Essence transmutes, finish the scholo quests for a real money maker, either 5 gold for arcanite, or make 9 gold buying and trasnmuting on the AH.

At 60, 275+ alch skill level. Go to scholomance and do The Butcher quest thing.. Get the trinket which allows you to speak with a ghost vendor that can sell you the recipe water to air.

On Darksorrow. Water tend to sell for 5-10g and air 15-25g.
And afaik its a 1day cooldown only.

Also for water grind elementals in felwood.
Transmute and you got a air = cash..

All what ive writtin so far is from what ive read myself and discovered.
Im a 56 Night Elf Rogue with 300/300 alch/herb.. Im a bad money maker as im too lazy but i tend to buy a arcane crystal now and then and sell the arcanite bar.. 5-10g profit.
Else im just using others for friends and myself.

Links to "water to air" stuff:






Another high lvl income thing.. Bloodvine (ZG).. Here are the links for that: Blood Scythe for Bloodvine Formula: Enchant Gloves - Advanced Herbalism +5 Pattern: Herbalist's Gloves +5

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