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Fishing spotsFollow

#1 Aug 05 2005 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Ok i a lvl 34 hunter and i need to know where the good fishing spots are for my like lvl 70 fishing (i know its bad im a lvl 225 cooker). So can anybody tell me the spots i need to fish to keep gaining higher lvls in fishing. Oh and im alliance if that helps any. Thanks.
#2 Aug 05 2005 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
If you just want to level up your skill, Stormwind would work. I do not know what level is required, but at my skill of 87, someone told me that Menethil Harbor would be good.

The problem with leveling up in a low level area is that you do not catch as much, only the low leveled fish. I do not know if this applies to other fishable items, such as armor or not... someone else would probably know though
#3 Aug 05 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Well, I powerleveled my fishing from 0 to 188 since yesterday. I went from 1 to 90ish in Elwynn Forest, then I went to around 130-140ish in Westfall (found three chests and a message in a bottle; all contained worthless items). I then went to Red Ridge, but only stayed there until about 150 or so.

At 150 I went to Menethil, until where I am right now. Actually, at 180ish, i went to Theramore, but I missed too many catches for my taste, so I'm back at Menethil with a billion Rainbow Fin Albacore :-P

So far I like Menethil the best. It has a chance to catch both Oily Blackmouths and Firefin Snappers (although I have a LOT more of the former than the latter), and the fish still give me decent skill-ups. The only problem is that the fish aren't raising my cooking, which is stuck at 169. I need more Catfish from Redridge to level it up to 175 so I can take the fish from Theramore to cook them :-P

Oh, I also found a white-colored Small Locked Chest from Menethil. I haven't opened it yet, but I'm not too hopeful of anything good :-P
#4 Aug 05 2005 at 1:25 PM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Forgot to mention, I have a Strong Fishing Rod, which gives +5 skill. It's limited quantity and solf by Old Man Hemming, the same guy who gives you the Fishing Manual, in Booty Bay. Worth picking up if you don't have a Big Iron yet.
#5 Aug 06 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
Ok thanks alot ill try all those.
#6 Aug 07 2005 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
What you seem to be missing is that it does not matter where you fish to skill up. Location only determines if you can catch successfully, and what type of fish you will catch. You can actually fish the lowest lvl zones like Ironforge all the way to 300.

Fishing is unlike most every other profession. The lvl of the fish you catch do NOT help you lvl faster. The only real reason to go to a higher level zone to fish to fish while skilling up is if you want to use/sell/cook the fish you catch while you are leveling...I hope that helps.
#7 Aug 08 2005 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
It has been my observation in Menethil Harbor that the chance of catching oily blackfish or firefins goes up greatly at night. I catch two or three times as many at night than daytime. I don't even both fishing there during the day. My fishing is in the high 100s and Menethil Harbor is still increasing my fishing skill quickly.

I caught a bottle too. It had page 4 of a diary in it. Can't really say it is worthless until, I assume, you have all the other diary pages and see what that leads too. I have caught a few crates on Southshore also.
#8 Aug 09 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Barrens is good for deviate fish, and if you leather work you catch deviate scales. Zoram strand in Ashenvale has a decent drop rate for firefins, though if you can fish when the server is in "night" status, go to Steamsheedle port in Tanaris for Stonescale eels to AH, Clams that drop Black Pearls, and the fish you'll need to level cooking from 225 to 300 in about an hour, once you pop 40 and do the artisan quest. Don't forget, often times if you can't fish in an area, the 100 skill from an aquadynamic fish detector will let you. They're hard to keep in quantity if you buy from merchants, but any Engineer can crank 'em out by the dozen. If you like black mouths, head for Booty Bay. Finaly, in a few levels head up to Feralis for nightfins from the verdantis river. Also for any druids or high lvls out there reading this, Moonglade is good for nightfins and Red Gill, and not alot else. Some salmon and lightning eels,(hope they make an Alch recipe for that somday). Grr, I got long on this and didn't really answer the question. As already stated, you can level fishing anywhere, it's just what you want to catch along the way. These are or once were my hotspots as a lvl 47 fishing fan. One parting shot, NEVER fish without bait. You catch fish sooner in the meter with bait, and more catches in less time=faster skill up. The game DOSE NOT mistake your baited skill for your raw skill and make you catch more fish to gain skill because your skill is raised.

Edited, Tue Aug 9 09:53:49 2005 by Tulankamein
#9 Aug 09 2005 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
300 fishing here... I found that you can lvl quickly if you do the 10 lvl per area like start in Elwin forest then Westfall..etc per lvl mobs. What you find out about fishing as a hunter that a lot of pets dont eat fish, and the highest fish you can catch the salmon the pet doesn't get the 35 happiness at about lvl 57 if I remember right. I have not sit and fished in a long time due to this. Fishing helps your cooking talent (300 here too) a lot though free leveling from cooking the fish. As far as the catching the health poition, engineering, crate, boot... It is few and far between. I have found that if you fish in one place for a long time you will start missing fish and it is time to move on, weither this is true or not to the stat ppl I dont know. I do know this fishing is still fun to me and I went to desolace to get the big Iron fishing pole and I continue to do it when not helping the guild. Oh one more thing about fishing I have found that if you move you will find your self in a different level spot in the same water..crazy but true..
#10 Aug 09 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
The pools in the Barrens where the deviate fish can be caught are fairly low level. I stood at one of them a few days ago and took my skill from about 150 to 225 so that I could do my artisan fishing quest.

I have friends who just started playing WoW. So I took my cooked deviate fish, a few stacks of them, to Brill and started passing them out. It was great fun. That undead town was suddenly overrun with human pirates and human ninjas.

The point here being that you can raise your fishing skill in one spot. If all you want is the skill then just fish someplace where none of the fish get away from you. Don’t fish anyplace else unless you want a chance to pull in specific catches, such as the deviate fish.
#11 Aug 18 2005 at 2:19 AM Rating: Default your instruction book...or any guide...or just pay attention to the game. Where you fish does determine how fast you go up. Also, there are some areas where you can not fish until you reach sufficant level. is different from the other proffesions...but building skill is the same..just it doesn't tell you what the body of water you are fishing cons... :(
#12 Aug 18 2005 at 3:25 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
I'm a hunter just like the OP, now level 46 and I fished purely to make getting to 300 in cooking easier (Rockscale Cod, anyone? ;) ) and to get stonescale eels, oily blackmouths and firefin snappers for my alchemy profession.

After a slow start fishing in Darkshore and then Menethil Bay to about 100 (I was around level 23-24 latterly), I moved to Southshore to fish up to around 135 and then stopped fishing for a while. At about your level now (34) I moved to do the Stranglethorn quests and took up fishing in Booty Bay. I powerfished over about 3-4 hours from about 140 to 225 in Booty Bay just so I could do my Artisan Fishing quest with Nat Pagle in Theramore(remember to carry on fishing up a few skill points once you get the 300 cap to evade the dreaded fishing cap bug).

Latterly I used nightcrawlers to decrease the number of fish getting away - you can't level when you get that message so I wanted to minimise the number of times it happened. I also noticed that when I started fishing every 3rd or 4th successful fish would yield a skill up. At around 225 skill it's every 5th or 6th successful catch before you see a skill up. I wish that Blizz would introduce an audible signal that you have a bite, after all fishermen in RL use those! LOL

My fishing is currently at 258 skill and I'm fishing in Steamwheadle Port and Feralas (for the stonescale eels).

Best of luck to you. :)
#13 Aug 18 2005 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
Only two places I ever fish:

Wildwind Lake, Feralas
Zorham Strand, Ashenvale

I make:
Nightfin Soup, Poached Sunscale Salmon, Fire Oil, Free Action Potions.

Good to pass time between WSG matches.
#14 Aug 19 2005 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Fish in Storwind or Goldshire until your skill is 90 or 100, then you should go to Redridge Mountains. you can fish there until 150 easily. Wetlands is fishable until 175, then go to Botty Bay to get that fishing book and level in Booty Bay till your fishing is 225! Theramore is also a good place to fish when you are trying to get to 225 fishing.
#15 Aug 25 2005 at 6:31 PM Rating: Decent
Strange you mention that. I THOUGHT it was my imagination, going from 0-150 skill, but in another post I posted about some almost rediculous luck on a fishing trip in the The South Seas. It was at night. But I have been back since during the day and caught lots of nice stuff but oddly enough, not a SINGLE oily. The first time I caught almost exactly the same amount of Firefins as Oilies but this time I caught 46 Firefins and ZERO Oilies. The Stonescale count was down about 50% from the previous trip as well. But the Summer Bass and Big Mouth Clam count was UP.
Was it possible that since I was gaining SKILL at a rapid rate that it effects WHAT is caught? IE, Skill Gain=High level fish? Or vice-versa?
Anyways, that was enough to convince me it is NOT merely rumor, that the time of day definately has something to do with catches. Have to do some more testing to see what other catches it effects.
#16 Sep 06 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
Where can I buy receipes for fish?
Where and what time of day is best for Oily Blackmouths?
#17 Sep 07 2005 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Sep 21 15:20:28 2005 by Rooz
#18 Sep 08 2005 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
Finally found oily blackmouths...

I found some in Longshore. There is a qst out of Westfall that requires Murloc eyes. The eyes are in Longshore. Its a coast area and you'll even see some half sunk pirate ships and a few small islands off the coast.
I had real good luck at one spot, where a half sunk ship is and it looks like lodged on a small island with a tree. There is a wooden box there also. Its far enough off the coast the warriors dont mess with you. I caught 8 in 2 hours.

Where can I buy receipes for fish?
Where and what time of day is best for Oily Blackmouths?
#19 Sep 09 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
Don't think anyone mentioned it, but you can also buy the +5 fishing poles from the fishing vendor by the dock when you leave Teldrassil. And I got my fishing up to 150 partly in Darkshore, partly in Menethil (got a locked box with some wool in it there, and a message in a bottle something about attack bananas), and a few points in Booty Bay.
#20 Sep 13 2005 at 8:57 AM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

8 blackmouths in 2 hours is actually low, but glad you found a spot.

it seems after getting the level to fish at menethil harbor, everywhere i fish after that has a chance for firefins or blackmouths. so just keep fishing, you'll catch them while catching other typs. the only place i remember which didn't have those 2 fish is the river in Southshore..but the docks (ocean) does have those 2 fish also.

#21 Sep 23 2005 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
i fished in ratchet up to like 190ish, and moved to booty bay for like 10 lvls on my 2nd character, but with my main i fished in ratchet to 210(was slow, but got oily blackmouths for friends), and moved on to other places to get to where i am now
#22 Sep 27 2005 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
zoram strand for oilys and firefin :D

Anyone have an estimate on skill needed for winter squid? Or, for fishing at steamwhatever port? :D
#23 Sep 27 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
As far as I can tell there is no set level to catch certain fish. Winter Squid is only caught in the winter time, or so I am guessing since I often fish at Steamweedle Port and at wavesomething Beach just down from the pier. I just started catching the squid and have noticed I am no longer catching Summer Bass.

My level of fishing is at 225 and I have to use the +100 lure to be able to fish there. (although the +75 lure has also worked) I find the best fishing is at night, I catch way more eels then.

Hope this helps.
#24 Sep 28 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
I have been catching Winter Squid in Feather Moon Stronghold. (Already?) My skill is 238. Feather Moon as a good mix of Oilys, firefin, stone eels, and winter squid.

#25 Sep 28 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Quote: your instruction book...or any guide...or just pay attention to the game. Where you fish does determine how fast you go up. Also, there are some areas where you can not fish until you reach sufficant level. is different from the other proffesions...but building skill is the same..just it doesn't tell you what the body of water you are fishing cons... :(

Actually, I think Drunkweezel is right. I can literally time when I'll get a skill-up now when I fish. It takes approximately 3 1/2-4 minutes. But it is steadily rising. It is my belief that fishing location has no bearing on how fast you skill up. Well, it might; I believe you only get "skill" from catching. So if you miss a lot, you are effectively gimping yourself in leveling your skill.

Anyway... I am around 285-290 skill now. If you really love fishing enough to bring it to 300 and keep using it, try Steamwheedle Port in Tanaris. You have a chance to catch Big-Mouth Clams, which have a very small chance of dropping Golden Pearls (which sell on my server for 15-35 gold). However, I must admit you will not make any money quickly this way; in fact, you'll make a lot more slaughtering the non-aggressive turtles around the port to find Clams off them. Not to mention they have speckled shells that sell nicely, and they can probably be skinned for Heavy-Thick Leather (just guessing based on their levels).

However, STeamwheedle also has decent rates for Firefins and Oilies (I think), and a chance at Stonescale Eels (pretty low). It makes it good for alchemists.
#26 Oct 09 2005 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
For a Tauren Druid:

0-50: Coast of Durotar (for the occasional chest)
50 - 100: The Barrens (for Deviate Fish)
100 - 150: Zoram Strand, Ashenvale
150 - 200: Booty Bay
200 - 225: Moonglade (if you're level is too low) or Steamwheel Port (for Stonescales)
225 - 275: Steamwheel Port, Coast of Feralas
275 - 300: Bay of Storms, Azshara
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