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The does and don'ts of EnchantingFollow

#1 Jul 08 2005 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
Ok I just started a new character and picked up enchanting. I know the basics as far as what can brake down into what and how to enchant something. My problem is with making money. When do I start enchanting for others, when do I go from free with donations appriciated, and when do I switch to out right selling my enchants. Also what sell and what doesn't. I have been trying to get as much info about all this as I can and frankly even the guides are vage. Info would be greatly appriciaded about all this.

Evis 47 Warlock
Guppie 10 Mage
Durotan Server
#2 Jul 08 2005 at 5:06 PM Rating: Decent
632 posts
well... it depends on your other prof.

if you can easily make green items with that (such as tailoring) just disenchant everything yourself and if you feel you are running out of money, sell the reagents themselves

if you find yourself AH-whoring for items, you wont really make money off of it until you hit about 300, and even then it will take forever to come back to even.

i find that if you are a small town with fairly low leveled people, you can give a "i sell enchants, cheap" yell, but in big cities, there WILL be people that are better than you and that would out sell you because they get their things for free

usually, if you are doing things ilke tailor/enchant, so you get your reagents for free, just sell them at a pretty low price and you will make a lot of business, i would definetley suggest though making it to around 250 1st... if once again u have that second prof. or guild or anyone that can give u the reagents, you will find its quick and easy to do. Thats when you can start making mass money... until then, your best bet is either to sell them to low leveled peeps. or to just sell your dusts, shards etc. on the AH to others, but the only time i do that is if i absolutley need money now. i try to save them for later on.

and if ull give enchants out 4 free tell me where u play, ill make a char. just for that ;)
#3 Jul 08 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Enchnating goes great with Tailoring to a degree.
You need high enchanting to do anyth8ing good with it.
My main is a tailor / enchantor, so its cool.
Best thing to do is go around killing creatures that give you tons of greens items or a majority drop of green items and up.
Disenchant them and you wount need to pay for supplies, tailoring same thing. I kill humans and creatures everyday and get tons of linen, i made 90+ bolts of linen cloth and got tons of tailoring points.
I go around and enchant bracers for free or 1s sometimes, untill i can enchant more the that.
But enchanting is like the best proffesion for money making, but you lose alot of money and it isnt a beginer proffession.
#4 Jul 08 2005 at 8:47 PM Rating: Decent
My trades are still relatively low, (80something enchanting/ 100ish tailoring) and I give away free enchants.

My strategy is,(for tailor/enchanter mainly) find a small town like Goldshire or Nothshire Abbey, and kill all the humanoids in the area, get a bunch of linen. Then use it to make lots of little green items, and disenchant them. When you have lots of regents, start inpecting newbies and offering to enchant their stuff. :D

You really don't make any profit this way, but it's almost to raise your skills, atleast..(and there's always the occasional person who'll donate)
#5 Jul 09 2005 at 10:31 PM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

so far you guys have the basic idea down. make your own green items, and you won't be one of those players who roll on everything in instances because "you're an enchanter".

i feed my enchanter with a tailor and leatherworker. it works great. i am up to 225 skill at lvl 25, so i can't advance further until i hit lvl 35 or so, really more like lvl 40 to get to uldaman. but that's another story.

the other idea you have down is that enchanting is not a trade to take up as one of the first ones you do. it does suck up money. eg, instead of selling my cloths and leather, now i use them to make things. or instead of selling off my manufactured items, i send them to be disenchanted. due to having an enchanter, i just removed about 3 ways that i could have used to make some kind of money back on the things i create.

what's the other expensive thing? well it takes 2 linen cloths to make a linen bolt. it'll soon be 3 wool cloths to make 1 woolen bolt, 4 silk cloths to make 1 silk bolt, and 5 mageweave cloth to make 1 mageweave bolt. ouch..that's a lot of money going to tailoring trade..and then getting disenchanted for materials.

and finally, all those threads and materials add up. your money is slowly being drained instead of being filled up.

i was able to get as high as i did, as fast as i did, because i had a bank roll to depend on. you certainly can take it slower. but in my case, i mostly did it fast because i prefer using my bank space for other stuff besides materials for enchanting, tailoring, or leatherworking. so in order to get rid of those, i had to make cloth items, or leather items, or enchant enchant enchant.

as for when to start charging? i gave away +3 stamina to the bracers for free in goldshire and westfall...even then, few people came. but other enchanters doing that same enchant to level up were able to sell it for 25-35s in Ironforge.

choose your customers, location, and time of day. experiment. maybe you can't sell all 40 of your available +5 Spirit enchant, but if you manage to sell 15 of them to some players, that's still good and when you're tired of yelling for enchants and want to go off and do something else, just enchant on yourself to free up inventory and go.

#6 Jul 10 2005 at 4:10 AM Rating: Decent
My main has enchanting at 290 and mining at 245 (i dropped blacksmithing, and i suggest not doing what i did, dont go with mining no money in it). To start off i got to lvl 45 before i ever took up enchanting. I dropped my blacksmithing and started it up. I suggest having at least 50 gold around to help out. For the first few days all i did was bid on every green thing i could in the auction house for under 20 silver. Then after bidding alot of money out(you wont get all of them but you still win alot) i did SOLO runs in the deadmines. I would usually have a few potions for hairy situations and alot of bandages. The deadmines is in my opinion the best area to get low lvl green items quickly, not to mention all the blues that the bosses drop. Because you are soloing the area you also get every item you want which is nice because i leveled my enchanting up to about 60 just from disenchanting things. Then just to get rid of all the mats and stuff i would enchant the same pieces of armor over and over to lvl it up. Yes this does waste money but no one wants to buy crappy enchants. Well MAYBE +2 beastslaying once in awhile (that enchant drops in the deadmines). I did this for awhile until i got my enchanting up high enough that i could do at least +5 damage 2h and +3 1h. Those do sell but not very often. Because i waited so long to take up enchanting i was easily able to get into uldaman to get all the enchants i could. Now the hard part is coming up with the money to get some of the higher end enchants, you should have +4 1h and +7 2h and those sell quite often. If you aren't getting many materials now they are very easy to come by in the auction house. You should be making a few gold off of each enchant now. Also dont disenchant EVERYTHING you get, some stuff sells very well. Get some money and buy the higher end stuff like Fiery Weapon (my best selling enchant, this has paid for its self many times over) and icy chill. Now you should be selling quite alot of enchants. The rate your skill goes up will be slow because the enchants are expensive but you make good money and you shouldn't have problems buying new enchants at this point (except crusader, whos going to pay 600+ gold for it???). I hope that my personal experience may be helpful, it sure helped me having a lvl 60 that i happened to meet at a local Lanwerx (internet cafe) tell me to lvl up to mid 40s low 50s before taking it up. Good luck fellow enchanters.
#7 Jul 10 2005 at 5:56 AM Rating: Decent
34 posts
Just a note, if you can dissenchant then you can make loads of gold. It just takes time - I spend about 30 minutes a night and in about 5-6 weeks have made over 600g and leveled my enchanting to 290. I know people say the ah is a bad place to do stuff. but with a bit of effort you can make so much gold. I normally bid on about 100 items a night and then disenchant everything i get to sell the regents. You soon learn what you get the most shards from. remember the higher level the item the better quality dust and essence you will get. I started with just 3 gold and currently have over 240gold on me and have spent over 500gold on equipment, have all my skills I could possibly get and also have all the good enchants, icy, firey, demonslayer, etc. which i rarely do for people, unless they are guildies or friends.

To sum it up a level 1 character with a small donation of gold can make a lot, it just takes time.
#8 Jul 10 2005 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
Here's my setup:

Level 28 paladin (stopped training) - Tailor 225, Leather 225
Level 53 hunter - skinning 300, enchant 190 (dropped goblin eng'g yesterday)
Level 49 warrior - blacksmith 263, mining 209 (dropped gnome eng'g two days ago)

1) I'll send my hunter to the deadmines, get greens, wools, and silk;
2) send all cloths to my paladin;
3) then send the hunter to wailing caverns, get greens and light/medium leather;
4) send all leather to my paladin;
5) again, send my hunter to the yeti caves in feralas, get heavy/thick leather;
6) send all leather to my paladin;
7) logs off hunter, logs in warrior;
8) send my warrior to thousand needles, get copper, tin, iron, silver, gold, and mithril
9) do #8 three rounds, you'll probably end up with 3 bagfulls of ore (i did) and some silk from centaurs);
10) go tanaris, smelt, smelt, smelt.
11) forge green copper/bronze weapons(and weapons alone);
12) send all forged weapons to my hunter for disenchanting;
13) logs out warrior, logs in paladin;
14) sew, sew, sew;
15) send all sewn items to my hunter;
16) ahh finally time to train, logs out paladin, logs in warrior;
17) train in Searing Gorge;
18) Ooops! One hour is up;
19) Logs out warrior, logs in hunter;
20) Dis-enchant everything in your mailbox;
21) Buy a noob chest, gloves, bracer, shield
22) Enchant, enchant, enchant (you may choose to give free enchants here);

And watch, your enchanting skill shoot up, I did these yesterday, my hunter's enchant shoot up from 1 to 190, and I still have a lot of dusts and essences (I got tired);


Why light/medium leather? For strange/Soul dusts.

Why heavy/thick leather? For Soul/Vision/Dream dusts.

Why smith weapons only? For essences. Higher probability.

This is perhaps the cheapest way to level up enchanting - to make your own things to disenchant, spending 9s to sew a lvl 36 leather armor is cheaper than spending/bidding 29s on it. Some guides proposes to bid/buy green items from AH in a price of [level of item] - 7, this is ok if your going to buy/bid on lvl 10-19 items, but above that its getting expensive.

But then again, this is my way. You may not have the same chars that I do. So, good luck.

Be independent. Let your other chars feed the other. AH is for rich people.

Edited, Mon Jul 11 05:30:01 2005 by Luthienne
#9 Jul 11 2005 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
When going for the master Artisan in Uldaman

1. Do not forget to bring GOLD, 12g is enough. 5g for the artisan training, and 7g for all the recipes that she sells. I went there with the help of GREAT strangers (Zeigis and Dew), and I only brought 4g74s. Gladly these two people was willing to lend me some gold.

2. Bring a bagfull of Vision Dust (12 slots full is more than enough). To level your skill from 225 to 250. You may want to bring some shards and essencess too if you want.

I am going to bed now... Very Happy... Was able to level my enchant from 1 to 260 in 2 days. I guess I'll be farming again tomorrow.

Thanks Zeigis and Dew. I wont make it this far if you guys weren't there.
#10 Jul 12 2005 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
I didnt start enchanting till L40. I found that as teh best to do, since you can solo ( a pally) Deadmines and Shadowfang Keep. At that level, you can go down into Gnomeregan witha group and have an advantage. I offer to take others down to finish quests as long as i get most green and blue items that are not upgrades for others. The easiest way to level enchanting is to Enchant items before you Disenchant them.. This way you gain a skill level and dont lose any (or at least many) reagents. I leveled my way to 275 within 5 levels and now charge for enchanting. I go to lower level areas and offereed free enchant, also give them away for help with spec quests and so forth, along with giving away them to Guild memebers as well. I find it best not to spam IF and SW for enchanting, but to watch and see who asks for enchanting, then determine a price according to what they want and what the reagetns are. I use this site as a guide to an approx estimate what to charge

Hope this helps you out. I am on Cenerion Circle and will gladly give out some green level enchants to anyone needing them (if i have reagents of course) so kinda help level myself. I am at the point now that most enchanting skills i have require shards =(. I use a UI that actually tells me what the item DEs into as well, so i can see if i even need the reagent. I often give away green items to lower level enchants then myself to help level. Good luck in you Enchanting endeavors...
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