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Is it worth while to... Please readFollow

#1 Mar 15 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
I have a mage that is tailoring/enchanting and am looking for a secondary profession(first-aid/cooking/fishing)

My problem is that I'm unsure if I'll be able to afford it and still be able to continue my main ones.

I was thinking about going with fishing because there is no cost(but time consuming)or first-aid so that I could use my spare linen ect. to create bandages.

I want to get my mount at 40 and I am not spending anything on enchanting except for the spells(from the trainer) because I'm disenchanting the stuff I make from tailoring and the stuff i find.


Any opinions?
#2 Mar 15 2005 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
i would suggest starting all 3 asap. first aid is nice for that used of excess linen/wool/silk cloth (most of the bandages heal hps faster than food), and if you combine them to make heavy linen/wool/silk bandages, they sell for more to vendor than the 2 pieces you used to make it. mind you not much more, but more is more. and as far as cooking/fishing. they go hand in hand. imagine even just cooking raw fish into cooked. they hp regen is almost doubled if not more for all of them, and you can cook on almost any type of fire (no need to buy wood/flint) and you save money on not buying food. i know you are wanting to save for steed but until you hit 30 (with some exceptions) you wont find drops (money or equipment) that will save you the $$ you need for steed. especially if you are disenchanting everything you collect/make.
currently my main is lvl 48 and is 300 in fishing, cooking, 1st aid (kind of sad i cant get them higher) but they have made me $$ and saved me $$ in the long run.
#3 Mar 15 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Good
First aid will take up quite a bit of linen, then wool, then silk, then mageweave and runecloth.

If you use it for tailoring already, you may not want to start splitting it between the skills.
FA is great... just not sure how it would work with tailoring.
(You can use FA while swimming, unlike food...its faster to heal AND you can use it in combat - if your tank is doing his job you can pause casting for a sec and heal yourself.)
#4 Mar 15 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
535 posts
Also mages don't really use FA since they either kill something right away or will probably get toasted in a few seconds... of course, my mage is only lvl 21, but i know within a few seconds if i'll win a battle or not. So maybe wait til you're at done with the fabric in tailoring then use it for fa?
#5 Mar 15 2005 at 6:28 PM Rating: Default
its not worth it to make another profesion especealy not if ur a mage and fishing pointless anyway cooking is good for the buffs of stam and spirit when u get later on but u do get alot of that in quests and if u want to make em just get it up to the part where it starts to buff u when u eat it im not sure if higher lvls of cooking do more ok
#6 Mar 16 2005 at 12:29 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Also mages don't really use FA since they either kill something right away or will probably get toasted in a few seconds

Wow ,Thats a bold statement form someone that says they are level 21.

Never ,and I repeat myself never underestemate First Aid This has to be one of the things most overlooked by lower level folks, and most that do end up regretting not having it by level 40 or so(so they end up going back and farming linnen, wool,silk to level it up). This is manaless healing we are talking about, sure I guess if you never want to be in a party or dont want to recduce down time then ignore it. Mages have nice tools to keep mobs preoccupied... but you are still in combat, cant eat, but you can use a Bandage. So when things dont go as planned you dont have to just give up like recomended, instead snare em... and use a bandage... it is a whole new fight. They also work in a pinch when healers are out of mana or when things are just not going well. I have bandaged my way out of a group wipe more times than I would even want to start counting.


its not worth it to make another profesion especealy not if ur a mage and fishing pointless anyway cooking is good for the buffs of stam and spirit when u get later on but u do get alot of that in quests and if u want to make em just get it up to the part where it starts to buff u when u eat it im not sure if higher lvls of cooking do more ok

Not sure if it is OK at higher levels... and you are offering advice, I am just flabbergasted. Fishing useless? Well to start, Fishing feeds cooking (to a point you may have to cook some non fish every now and then)so one is a way to level the other. Fishing also gives stuff that is not food, oily blackmouth and firefin snappers as well as a few others are used by trades and can be sold at the AH. I have pulled lockboxes out of the water as well as scrolls, and patterns for trades.

The later level cooking items rock some with fantastic Buffs that can be used by you or your party mates.

I could go on for days and days but I will leave it at this, listend to booker and dreemzzzz they would seem to have the right ideas rather than short sighted advice

Edited, Wed Mar 16 14:04:31 2005 by Capitolg
#7 Mar 16 2005 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I love all the secondary skills. I was worried when Blizzard revamped the trades and named them professions back in beta, limiting each character to only two. But I was greatly relieved when they made fishing, cooking and first aid secondary skills and allowed us to take them all if we so desired. I happen to think they are all fun as well as useful.

As others have said, first aid is a must. Even if you don’t use it all the time, you’ll be happy you have it when you need it. Tailoring may slow down your first aid skill, but it won’t stop you. One of my alts is a tailor, so all my characters fell behind on first aid as they sent him all their cloth. But eventually you’ll move on to wool and not use linen anymore. That’s when you can use linen for first aid. When you move onto silk you can use wool. When you move onto mageweave you can use silk. My level 48 rogue is finally using heavy silk bandages and he’s a happy camper.

As a mage who can summon his own food and drink, fishing and cooking won’t be as useful as if you were a hunter, for example, but unless you really don’t like the process of fishing I’d suggest giving it a shot. Higher level foods can provide you with stat buffs that are always useful. And some foods are just fun to make and eat, at least for me. And if you have friends who practice alchemy, they will love you forever if you can supply them with the fish they need for their craft. Not a bed deal at all, if you ask me, considering there’s very little cost involved.

#8 Mar 17 2005 at 6:52 PM Rating: Decent
4,575 posts

bc you're a mage that can summon food and water, i would not use FA right away on the mage.

let's say you wait till you're lvl 20 mage to start FA. at that time, using a bandage that heals 66 HP isn't too useful. so you can go straight through to heavy linen bandage and even some wool and heavy wool before you reach some bandages that are useful at your level. that is about 60 linen to get 50 points, 80 linen (for heavy linen bandage) to get the next 30 points, 30 wool to get the next 20 points, etc

total so far: 140 linen + 30 wool = 100 points in FA

if you were to do that to start out, you would still use about the same cloth amount to get the points. but at the same time, since you level much slower than levelling the FA skill, you will use additional cloths to heal yourself back up after or during fights.

total so far: 140 linen + 30 wool + xyz more cloth = 120 points in FA, maybe more since you're using the skill more, you'll get more skill-ups during the course of play.

also at level 20, you can more easily kill the humanoid monsters that you would need for linen and wool, thus your tailor character and mage character will benefit.

by this time you probably have a good tradeskill bringing in some money, including your tailor char, or you have some nice loot sometimes. so as you keep levelling, you can keep your FA going with wool, silk, mageweave, etc

#9 Mar 18 2005 at 12:43 AM Rating: Decent
141 posts
You know, I didn't realize so much on FA...I was gonna leave it until I read on about it. It's true that FA is not looked at really highly. I thought that it was a good idea to do what Bluegale said.

let's say you wait till you're lvl 20 mage to start FA. at that time, using a bandage that heals 66 HP isn't too useful. so you can go straight through to heavy linen bandage and even some wool and heavy wool before you reach some bandages that are useful at your level. that is about 60 linen to get 50 points, 80 linen (for heavy linen bandage) to get the next 30 points, 30 wool to get the next 20 points, etc

Very helpful! Thanks! I thought it was a good idea. Why didn't I think of that? O_o

Edited, Fri Mar 18 01:15:02 2005 by ViviOrunitier
#10 Mar 19 2005 at 11:18 PM Rating: Default
It is best to max everything really. If you can, why not? But honestly, since you are talioring and enchanting, and this is your first character, you have a very high chance of not getting 90 gold when you hit 60. I can however say that enchanting pays off in the long run. You can jack up those prices and people will almost always pay for it.

About secondary professions. Cooking is easy to up. Just save the animal parts when you kill them. Since you are talioring you will have to grind out those low levels of FA, but once you hit silk+ types of cloth, you shouldn't be having too many problems. At one point I had 15 stacks of extra silk (sold em), and now again I have 12 stacks. Mageweave starting to come in.

And fishing is just annoying... I'm going to do this when i hit 60 heh...

Edited, Sat Mar 19 23:17:52 2005 by tsaitsai
#11 Mar 19 2005 at 11:31 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Take cooking and fishing.

Next, sit aside in a city with a fishing spot {if your allaince, go to stormwind, if your horde...not sure, i think you can fish in the undercity, but no sure..any horde players know for sure?}

Spend one night {I leveled fishing up 100 points in under three hours} fishing. Next, take all those fish, and start cooking. Find the right recipies-again, for alliance, I'm pretty sure there's a place in Ironforge that sells fish-based cooking recipies, not sure for horde. You can easily get your cooking up for the what, silver or so it costs to buy a rod? Get your fishing up, then find new places to fish-you'll start pulling in a decent profit once you find oily blackmouths and other alchemy-based fish.

Now, as for the cooking...right, even at lower levels, how can 15 minutes of +6 stamina and +6 spirit be bad, especially when it takes you, what, 8 seconds? Chalk it up to normal downtime, and get back to killing with your 60 additional hp. And the bonuses only get better as you level.

As to first aid, yes, it does kick ***. That being said, since your a tailor/enchanter...I'd advise against it for now, least until you get your primary skills up close to the cap for your level.

Hope this helps.
#12 Mar 20 2005 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
As a mage i would find fishing/cooking useless, since u can conjure items .. imo
#13 Mar 20 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
144 posts
As a Paladin, I ignored First Aid. Now that I realize that you can use a bandage during a battle, I'll save a few stacks of the fabrics I've been dumping on the AH and take up a new skill.

I certainly agree with the other posters about the value of Cooking and Fishing. Take some time to level them for the buffs and the bucks.
#14 Mar 23 2005 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
if you are non healing, FA is a must, just buy some stuff off the AH, sell your shards and stuff and keep yourself alive
#15 Mar 23 2005 at 6:36 PM Rating: Good
36 posts
in my oppnion you should get all the secondary skills firstly because you can. second cooking turns what would be vendor trash into items you can use and costs very little. third because first aid will use all the excess cloth you get and the bandages can come in handy in a tough spot that is easy to come by as a mage. lastly fishing is a good way to burn time when your wating for say a group to form or a raid to catch up or when the finnaly do add battlegrounds it is a good way to burn time wating for your turn without getting involved with anyting. these are just my oppnions and they work for me.
#16 Mar 24 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
There really is no good reason to not pursue all three secondary professions. I apply this to every class, and to every combination of primary professions. Yes, tailoring and first aid compete for resoures, but juggled properly, there's zero problem. Heck ask your buddies for the cloth drops they get, turn them into bandages for the skill up, then give them back to your buddy to sell, or whatever. Heck, BUY cloth, turn it into bandages, sell the bandages for a profit, and spend the profit on tailoring supplies!

Cooking and fishing complement each other. This is most illustrated by the fact that close to many fishing suppliers and trainers, is someone selling fish recipes! This is where patience truly pays off, when you spend a mere hour fishing and cooking up a few stacks of health restoring food, the use of which doesn't sit on your potion timer. Or fish up a stack or two of blackmouth, firefin snapper, etc., find the nearest alchemist or AH, and sell!

All three skills really are asking only for a little patience and persistence, and in return you get mana free heals, timerless heals, and very sellable material. A no brainer!
#17 Mar 24 2005 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
Or fish up a stack or two of blackmouth, firefin snapper, etc., find the nearest alchemist or AH, and sell!

LOL...easier said than done. My main has herb/alch (switched from leather/skin). let me tell you, Blackmouth's...yah, not so hard to catch...Firefin snappers...Good luck with that. After an hour, I had like 20 OBM's, and 5..yes FIVE...FFS. I was fishing the Zoram Strand, I don't know if that has anything to do with it, but lord knows...those are so hard to catch. I can't really fsh Stranglethorn since my main is lvl 32 and that's still a bit too low. So, while I agree with most of what you said...that part made me laugh.

ohh and cooking is good to get early, or else you have to go back and kill alot of prarie wolves to get that stringy wolf meat. Fishing is just so dang boring. I mean it's boring IRL, it's even worse in WoW. At least IRL I can smashed while doing it. Getting drunk while playing wow...not so much. Especially when fishing. That just means I'll fall asleep way too fast.
#18 Mar 25 2005 at 5:27 AM Rating: Decent
761 posts
Go south from Zoram Strand to get to the Veiled Sea. Much better BM/FF results there :-)
#19 Mar 25 2005 at 9:36 AM Rating: Decent
Baradin Bay is good firefin territory. Coast off Stranglethorn too, it seems.
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