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A Skinner's Pet Peeve: What really chaps my hide...Follow

#1 Mar 03 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Good
357 posts
Short Version: I hate it when other people try to skin the corpse that you just killed. There should at least be some type of delay before just anyone can skin someone else's kill.

Long Version:
I had someone just run up to me after I just killed a beast and start skinning it just after I looted it. I guess you can say it's a different type of "corpse camping" as we all heard of before. Anyways, he/she didn't even say anything, they just went about their merry way and continued to kill other beasts. I then said, "Hey, I'm a skinner too LOL" but was just ignored--not even an acknowledgement or apology. So, I started following that person around and then skinned one of his/her kills. He started saying "out!!!" or "bad". His one word phrases led me to believe that he had limited english speaking abilities. I don't want to jump the gun and call this person some RMT seller/farmer, but this was the first thing to come into mind. I used to play FFXI and that game has a major problem with those types of people, but I really really really don't wanna talk about that.

Anyways, I just wanted to vent about this type of pet peeve. I don't mind if people I'm in a party with or friends try to skin a beast we collectively killed together. It's almost like a friendly competition to laugh about. Whether you are a rogue or not, what I don't like is some stranger coming along snatching your skin/hide.

It'd be nice if there was some sort of time delay before your (or your party's) skinnable corpse becomes free for anyone to skin.
#2 Mar 04 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
220 posts
I've had that happen - but usually only when I kill 3 to 4 in row and leave them lie. That's my problem - but the peep should be more observant. But if he saw you kill - he ought to wait till you move away - if he doesnt - well the toons have real people behind them - so..... there are some thieves in this word.
#3 Mar 04 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Dont ya have to loot them before they can be skinned? Atleast on my server even if their is no loot somone has to loot it before skinnig. The solution seems simple to me, dont loot till you are ready to skin i have had folks get angry and tell me to loot stuff because they cant steel my hides. so rather than get angry i just loot/skinn one at a time, even if i have left a pile of bodies
/my 2 cents
#4 Mar 04 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
If someone suspicious is standing near you while you're looting, then you can either pause in loot mode until he buggers off or you can exit out of loot window, leaving your loot on the corpse until he buggers off. Ninjaskinners suck.

The same principle works if someone tries to ninjamine you. Their technique is to time it just right between you looting your ore and starting the next mining attempt. Well, if you pause in loot mode with the window open, they can't start the next mining attempt until you've taken what's in the window.
#5 Mar 08 2005 at 7:22 PM Rating: Decent
145 posts
I hate it when a non skinner kills a beast and doesn't loot it, it makes me cry.
#6 Mar 09 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
I must confess. I have stolen a hide or two... The first time was innocent I simply didnt stop to think "Is that person a skinner too?" The other time was opportunistic, as in, I happend to be running by as the other guy looted... and helped myself to the skin... I realized this thoroughly pissed him off and quickly apologized for my greediness. It came back around to me yesterday when I got robbed. lol. What goes around always comes back around. My apologies.
#7 Mar 11 2005 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
What I usually do, if I see someone killing skinnable beasts, I wait around and see what they do. If they run off and leave the corpse laying there, then I go up to it and skin it. But I never go swipe it out from underneath them.
#8 Mar 11 2005 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I hate it when a non skinner kills a beast and doesn't loot it, it makes me cry.

heh heh, I was doing that other night with an alt and people were yelling that they were looting corpses so people could skin then and it dawned on me, wasting good leather.

So I started looting corpses so the skinners could continue their trade :)
#9 Mar 11 2005 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
I had someone just run up to me after I just killed a beast and start skinning it just after I looted it.

Ninja skinners are jerks and they'll get what's coming to them in the end. Don't worry about them.

Personally, if I see someone loot a kill and then take five steps away - that is a sign that they are not skinning it. I don't care if you "were going to skin it eventually".

If you're doing multiple kills and don't want to waste time skinning until much later then how did you have the time to loot the corpse? If it's looted and you've left the corpse, it's free for all. Don't /w me and complain about how you were eventually going to come back to it.

What I won't do is take a skin if someone is standing over the corpse or is fighting an add within a few steps of the corpse. Everyone's started a skin and then had a beast pop up behind them to interrupt them. That makes sense.

#10 Jun 28 2005 at 12:05 PM Rating: Good
Ninja-ism is just *wrong*.

Thus far I've seen it with all my alts' skills with the exception of Enchanting. There is no excuse not to know if someone that has killed the beast, fought their way to the chest/mine/herb intends to harvest the fruits of those labors.

Intent - Assume that someone that has gone to the trouble to get NEAR that resource is fully intending to harvest it. If they are engaged nearby, simply doing a right-click and whisper will allow YOU to ask if they intend to harvest said resource.

I've been amazed how many times people have replied with some shock that someone asked when I asked their intent. The tool is available for all to use, yet apparently isn't all that much.
*shakes head*

That said, if there is noone close (within sight) to a skinnable critter I will assume that said critter is up for grabs and get the little knife busy. But, if I err on that I will at least apologize.

To help any decent sorts that might be wondering if I intend to skin my kills, I try to do so as soon as the sharp things quit whizzing around in the air too. That *may* mean that I have to step 6 steps away from my last kill to close on another irritated critter. I also will (typically) heal (other party member, pet or self), eat and sharpen weapons before I start 'harvesting'.. that is simple prudence. I've been jumped by unseen or respawns too many times to *not* be as prepared as possible.

This does NOT suggest I'm relinquishing the rights of the victor at all. And I will be sure to /t anyone that presumes otherwise.. ;)


I have had the almost evil pleasure of letting kismet come around on ninjas too. :) My favorite to date was recently in Westfall. My warrior alt killed her way into a mine and harvested a nice load of Tin. Following her in, a slightly lower level was working on an occassional Defias. She'd get a couple Defias further in.. start axing on them .. and the lower level started working on those around my warrior.

Okay, he's trying to be helpful.. right? Well.. maybe. More and more it seems that he's letting me play meatshield for him. Let the mobs aggro on me.. slip in a first lick here and there and 'drop off' the mobs for me to finish... something about aggro there is strange.. but. I can live with a little of that.

But, as I set into the three Defias at the silver vein ahead.. he waits and zips in for the silver just as the last of those 3 fall, pick in hand and going for it. If the game was coded to allow it, he'd have put the pick in my head!!

I watched him.. and waited... muttering wonderful thoughts to myself. Ahead.. there is a copper vein. He heads for it.. but quite short runs afoul of a gnoll.. and a Defias. I walked on by that little group and started harvesting copper, watching the battle off to the side.

I know it sounds bad.. and it kinda is.. but I was grinning a little as his health dwindled and failed.

"B*tch!!", he types out /s.

I /t'ed him to ask why in the world would he call me such a thing? His response, 'You took my copper and let me die.'

I told him, "No. We aren't in a party, your survival is your problem. Would that be 'your' copper in some manner similar to 'my' silver you ninjaed?"

He said, (I loved this part..) "That was MY silver!".

I LOLed at him and said, "So, I can kill my way to a silver vein, kill off mobs there so YOU can zip in and mine said silver without the slightest consideration .. because it's YOUR silver?"

He said, "Arguing with you about this is a waste of my time, I got what I wanted."

"Oh, and because *I* walked over (and I did indeed toggle off running) and got the copper.. ie, I got what I wanted, I'm a 'b*tch'? Nice logic."

Oddly, that was the last I heard from that one. :)

In other circumstances, had he bothered to make any effort to converse, I'd probably have helped him get some ore and romp through the mobs. But, I guess I just didn't respond that well to being 'used', eh?

Anyway.. Down with Ninja-ism!!

Sorry about the ramble .. ;)


#11 Jun 28 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Decent
428 posts
Just ninja back guys.
Stop fighting and follow the ninja around and scoop up what he was looking for.
He will get pissed, will flame you and go away.
Problem solved.
#12 Jun 29 2005 at 12:40 PM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I’ve had similar problems as I’m sure everyone has. But I’d like to offer up a story from the flip side of that coin.

A while back I was leveling up my paladin, trying to reach level 40 before Blizzard added in a quest for my mount. Hey, it was a great way to motivate myself. *grins* I spent a lot of time among the ogres in the snowy regions above Southshore. It was a great spot for single pulling mobs, looting silk and digging up mithril and truesilver.

Unfortunately, at least for me, this is a well known spawn spot for miners. High level characters would often ride through making their ore rounds. So competition was often fierce. Though I would have liked to have collected all that ore, what I mainly wanted were the skill points. Figuring I had nothing to lose I sent a tell to the person who beat me to the mithril node and asked if I could take a hit on it for skill if I didn’t take the ore. To my surprise he said sure. Over the next week or so I asked many others and every single person I asked allowed me to take a swing at the ore to raise my skill. They even let me dig at the truesilver. One lady went way out of her way to group with me each time she found a node so I could follow her to it and try for a skill point.

So any time I have a bad experience in game I think back to all those kind people who helped me and trusted me not to steal their ore.
#13 Jun 30 2005 at 4:45 AM Rating: Decent
Basicly any "Stealer" is bad/wrong, Or as I like to say, "Badong" hehehe.....anyways Yes, killstealers/orestealers/skinstealers/ect are much annoying.

I myself like to do the sorta ninjaskinner type deal, but in a good way. Usually I'm not alone when I'm exping/grinding/questing, so if I see someone kill a beast, but not skin it, I jump from the shadows, or a grass-covered cliff and skin the mob they just killed. I assume they didn't need to skin it, or didnt have the skill. If I skin something and someone comes up to it, and tries to skin it, I just sit back and know I'm getting the loot first, and just laugh at them.

Killstealers bother me more than anything, but thats off topic.
#14 Jun 30 2005 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
what i do is kill like 4 things DO NOT LOOT right away go to first one loot skin loot skin and so on. I have seen alot of this happening. If i do see people out killing i send them a message asking if it is okay to skin what they just killed..its called courtesy....HOWEVER i have seen horde wait for me to kill loot and try to skin, but this happens on both sides seen alliance doing it to horde.
/ rude people like that
#15 Jun 30 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
Yea... I see why thats annoying, I am a bit of a skinner myself (Its around 95 or so, I'd have to check to be sure) Although I never had this problem I will occasionally skin other peoples kills but only after they have been dead for some time. If I see the person obviosly isn't a skinner I'll sometimes skin their kill just after they loot it but only if I'm in between monsters and I most certinly won't skin another skinners kill.

I can't possibly imagine why someone would want to skin another skinners kill. Even though I'm new to World of Warcraft I am no stranger to the MMORPG world. I still occastionally play a game called "runescape that has a simmilar problem. So I'd know.
#16 Jun 30 2005 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
I can't help you with the ninjaskinners, more than what's been said here: Kill, but don't loot until you're ready to skin, hold the loot open as necessary.

But for you who skin and worry about whether or not you can skin a corpse?

I have a key set up with a "say" macro that says "Hi, I'm a skinner, are you going to skin that?"

If you don't get an answer in say a fair period (say the five second rule; But I got for 10 seconds) then in my opinion it's yours. Just don't go "saying" while the other guy is in battle and can't reply to you. You may as well just ninjaskin it if you don't care if they answer.

Truthfully, skinning isn't nearly as bad as mining, in my experience. I've actually been *standing on* a mitril lode in the searing gorge, killing a spider that was agroing the lode when someone came up and mined it out form under me.

"Hey! Did you think I was killing that spider for my health?"
#17 Jul 01 2005 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
Whenever I skin someone else's kill I ask if they're skinners before I start, unless they're alliance, since I can't communicate with them. In that case, I wait until they get a nice distance away before I skin it.
#18 Jul 01 2005 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
1,724 posts
Yep, this is much worse in mining than skinning. With skinning, I just wait until they've looted and moved on. Most people seem to do the same. But, in mining, it's not uncommon for someone to run up and start mining a deposit while I'm actively swinging my pick on it. It's an unabashed attempt to steal the ore deposit and they see nothing wrong with it apparently.
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