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#1 Jan 08 2005 at 7:34 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Well, I would like to know what combination of proffs. will make me the most money. I would love to test it out myself (like i did in FFxi and wrote a fishing guide as a result) but as I live in Europe, the game hasn't been released yet.

So I would like to know which craft would make me the best profit (which craft items are really wanted and sell for a good price?).

I am going to become a Human Paladin.
#2 Jan 08 2005 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
76 posts
I'd say long term, Enchanting should fetch you big bucks at the end of grinding it up to top, but then it's the hardest tradekill to undertake imo as it takes green or higher items with which to make the items needed to actually enchant anything=(

Failing that and looking for short term profits, I would guess that having two gathering skills would bring the money in(Skinning, Mining and herbilism are your choices, linked to leatherworking, engineering/blacksmithing and alchemy respectivly) as other tradeskill users will always need surplies

most professions have a way of balancing out themselves and each, but when I think of long term profit, I think of Enchanting, as when high level, who is going to pass up the oppitunity to gain +5 on a item stat here and there, long as the price is right!

Personally, I'm going to go for engineering and mining, which is very low profit but for a priest, should be very useful=)

#3 Jan 09 2005 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Thanks for your great reply.

Anyone else who got some good ideas that wants to share them here, please?
#4 Jan 09 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Good
10,564 posts
most people who want strictly money-making tradeskills will go skinning/mining. There is a huge market for these, and they sell quickly and well. Although personally i wish there were more flowers on the ah f/ time to time...
◕ ‿‿ ◕
#5 Jan 09 2005 at 3:44 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Well if you can make the most money with skinning/mining then I'll probably go for that.
#6 Jan 09 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
Well since you havnt started the game yet you have nothing to buckle down to. =). My advice to you would be this, DO NOT GO INTO A TRADE SKILL THAT CREATES ITEMS! this may be letting out a secret, but hopefully nobody on my sever seees it =). leatherworking, blacksmithing, etc are all great, but you will not make large amounts of money off of them. If you want to make money you will pick up leatherworking/mining. these two skills get you the most used items by the workers who actually build the items.
Huge profit will be made through the skinning industry. Ok here goes. do no bother getting leatherworking. 1. there are better items in the act house for a cheap price, cmon 1-5 gold at higher lvls for a nice item is nothing. doing my plan over my characters life iv maxed out at 107 gold and im lvl 38. People LOVE HIDES!! DO NOT FORGET THIS. when someone buys an item from the auct house they need armor kits. people who buy new gear every 3-4 lvls are the market you will hit home with. When it comes to getting this gear then adding the +24, +32, armor bonuses to your gear you will find your hides selling like mad. For those who dont actually have the ability because they are blacksmiths, or waht not they will buy the leather for their guildmates to build these arrmor kits for them to apply to their gear. when they need this every so few lvls you will cash in. Next.
THIS GENERATION IS IMPULSE BUYERS!!! always... always... always set a buyout. this is a rule. cover your grounds too, look at what you are selling and go even 50 copper less then the lowest price. people look at the buyouts because we are interested in INSTANT GRADIFICATION!! we dont wanna wait 5 hours and possibly be outbid on the item we want, then to rn back the AH to rebid on it. IMPULSE buyers and needy buyers are the market you will hit home with.
As for mining, the same goes for it, NEVER SELL THE PLAIN ORE!!! people who dont want smelt it always go for the smelted. smelting takes a while, we al know this, you can tell it to smelt 100 ores then you can leave make dinner and come back only to smelt the other 100, then puet those 200 together to make 100 bronze... woopty doo. SMELT FOR YOUR BUYERS!
next: to make money with mining NEVER SMELT 2 TOGETHER. here is why. in AH you will see (i'll use themost basic units because some people arent as high as some) Copper and tin.
20 bars of copper will cost oh say 35s bid price, 50s buyout. some people will spam this and have 5 or six of these 20 bar auctions up. then you see Tin just under it, 45s, 65s buyout, and multiples for it. then just below it you will see Bronze (a product of the two) for 60s, 90s buyout, you have look at EVERY INSTANCE BEFORE YOU POST YOUR PRICES!! you will always loose money when you smelt 2 together, let them build what they want, the consumer is always right.
next: some people use the basic smelts (copper, tin) to get their own skills up, you will occasionally get the buyer who is buying your product for the soul purpose of getting their skill up in that area, therefore dont do ALL the work for him, some people buy the lesser items because they wish to do it themselves for their OWN benefits. THEREFORE USE VARIATY!!!
dont be discouraged if your auction doesnt sell the first 3 times, you will still make 150% profits in 95% of the cases, keep putting it up, it WILL SELL.
I hope this has helped.
#7 Jan 09 2005 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
Ok, since u r a paly, then blacksmithign would be be good, just so u could get ur self stuff, but for money wise, no. Everyone is a blacksmith. Enchanting is the best bet, everybody in IF is always asking ppl for enchantments.
With Enchanting, i picked tailoring. tailoring isnt that bad for money, who doesnt need good bags? everyone wants to have the most slots that they can, and ive sold 10 slot bags for 50sp, but that may be a lil outa the normal. Also, when selling the bags, dont raise the initial price, cuz u arnt the only one selling them, and also put at least 3 at a time. Also, like that Cloth guy said, ALWAYS put a buyout, ive spent an extra 50sp on somethin, just cuz i needed it now.
Engineering is somethin that ppl dont really look to much into, but its more to buff ur char, not for money. A lot of the things that u make in enginneering only other engineers can use them. But i have paid a lot of money for some scopes (+dam for guns/bows), but thats really it.

(Go with the Enchanting, and u can get a gather skill for the 2nd one, but i got tailoring and its working fine for me, gl with it)
#8 Jan 10 2005 at 8:47 AM Rating: Decent

You can make close to 10 gold a night sometimes by just doing skinning/mining

The economy is pretty haywire right now at least on my server. The selling prices for the equipment are WAY underneath what the cost is to build it...hence the farmers (skinning/miners) are making a BOATLOAD of money.
#9 Jan 10 2005 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
989 posts
By the way, when you put 2 bars together you get 2 bars back. So instead of 1 stack of copper for 50, 1 stack of tin for 65 (total of 110) You can sell 2 stacks of Bronze 90 (180 total). Maybe the poster above didn't know that, but it's pretty handy to know. His prices were pretty accurate for my server too :P

Most of my bronze goes for 1g/stack.
#10 Jan 10 2005 at 11:21 AM Rating: Decent
Well, on Elune, the bag market is pretty much flooded and the price per bag is WELL below what the materials to make the bags would sell for individually (especially at silk+). I have 2 tailors but I don't do bags much except by request or if an alt needs them.

Your best bet for pure money making is skinning and mining. They have no overhead (production skills often require vendor bought items to create things, in addition to the gathered bits) and the producers will always need your goods. As it stands now, I have two pure gatherers (skinning/mining and skinning/herbalism) and they make enough to outstrip all my producers (except my enchanter but I don't enchant for the public much). Granted, I only have one producer over 200 skill (Muriel has 206 leatherworking) and my higher tailor doesn't pump out her best selling items at a high rate (and almost never without enchanting it before AHing) but even I can see that selling the raw materials would profit me far more than making stuff that'll only sell for 75-90% of its cost.

#11 Jan 10 2005 at 5:08 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Thank you very much indeed, for all your great and useful reply's!

So as a summery of this all, to gain the best profit possible, I should go Enchanting with Mining/Skinning. Then only one more thing:(remember, the game hasn't been released here yet, so I can't do any real research myself)

Is there a bigger demand for Mining than for Skinning items?

EDIT: Typo

Edited, Mon Jan 10 17:25:24 2005 by Outlandos
#12 Jan 11 2005 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Or is the demand on Mining items as big as the items you obtain with Skinning?
#13 Jan 11 2005 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
Outlandos wrote:
Thank you very much indeed, for all your great and useful reply's!

So as a summery of this all, to gain the best profit possible, I should go Enchanting with Mining/Skinning. Then only one more thing:(remember, the game hasn't been released here yet, so I can't do any real research myself)

My apologies, I should have clarified myself and fully disclosed the details. I will emphasize the following point as strongly as possible because it, in my view, is extremely important:

DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT take enchanting if you want to make money!

I will qualify the above statement and tell you exactly why. I apologize for "yelling" but it is a VERY important thing to keep in mind.

In order to raise your enchanting skill, you must disenchant (i.e. DESTROY) items of green or better quality. These items COULD be sold for a decent amount in the auction house. By disenchanting these items, you receive reagents that are used to place enchantments on items. Enchanting supply vendors DO have some of these reagents but in very, very limited quantities. Up until around 40 skill, you get skillups from disenchanting items. After that, you do not and the only way to get skillups is by enchanting things. It becomes a vicious cycle where you're destroying green/blue/purple items to cast enchantments to raise your skill. In addition, there are only a handful of enchantments that folks will want before the 200+ skill area (minor beastslayer, lesser impact, lesser stamina, maybe health to chest, etc). Until you get to that level of skill, most of your enchantments will be largely wasted (or just filler since it won't be a major selling point on an item).

My Mage, Rinda, has a full guild supplying her with items to disenchant. In return, any enchantment I can perform is done for guildies and their alts for free. Without this kind of arrangement, Enchanting can be (and is, from what I'm told) a very frustrating and money-losing proposition.

In your original post, you implied that you wanted professions that provided the best "bang for the buck" and offered you the best chance to make money from the very beginning. Enchanting does not fit your criteria. In fact, unless you are one of the 5 or so top skilled enchanters on your server, the profession will bleed your cash reserves dry (because the prices you can charge for enchantments will be determined by the people with higher skill and better access to reagents than you have).

Again, I say that skinning and mining will be your best bets for cash production from the moment you train them until level 60.
#14 Jan 11 2005 at 7:13 PM Rating: Good
909 posts
DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT take enchanting if you want to make money!

Just had to put in my vote that enchanting can be very profitable if done correctly. I'm partnered with one and we had our mount money at level 30. I'd even go so far as calling it the only tradeskill with the ability to make high end profits.

My vote for most profitable would be mining/skinning.

Not trying to brag, (though it was a tad fun) just putting in my 2 copper.

Edited, Tue Jan 11 19:14:23 2005 by slgray
#15 Jan 12 2005 at 12:34 AM Rating: Default
As most people say the best way to make money is definetly skinning/mining, which it is. The only problem is in my respected field of exprience i found it best to create a seperate character.

A rogue that skins/leatherworks, this simply because of the fact that rogues are great for farming. After lvl 15 as a rogue i was never under 10 gold due to the fact that i got skins so frequently that i could make so much **** as a leatherworker to sell to vendors for fair prices.

The blue items that rogues can make sell pretty nicely in the AH, and with a fair lvl rogue you can hunt the materials for these quite simply.

In the short run you will of course get a great deal of money doing skinning/mining, but in the long run with a little extra work, it would be best just to do the professions best for your character and take the time to get that mount money.
#16 Jan 12 2005 at 6:50 AM Rating: Decent
slgray wrote:
DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT take enchanting if you want to make money!

Just had to put in my vote that enchanting can be very profitable if done correctly. I'm partnered with one and we had our mount money at level 30. I'd even go so far as calling it the only tradeskill with the ability to make high end profits.

slgray, you are of course correct. But what was the opportunity cost shouldered by you and your partner prior to the windfall period you experienced? I know very well that enchanting can be a money maker, but then again, I also have more than a handful of enchantments that people will pay for PLUS my materials are "free" (in that, I don't have to worry about the opportunity cost).

My Mage is level 17 right now with 150 enchanting skill (capped until she hits 20) and 150 tailoring skill. It takes no effort to make a lesser wizard's robe and add 25 health to it and sell it for 2-4 gold. Or buy a bracer from AH for 10-25s, tack on 3 stamina and resell it for 40-75s. But, it did take a great deal of effort on the part of a guild to get an enchanter to that level of skill.

For someone starting on a brand new server, enchanting is just not the way to go. While you CAN make some money off it (if I made my mage my main character and levelled her exclusively, she'd be at Artisan inside of a month given the number of disenchant items she gets per day and how much I play. And that's where the money comes in in torrents, from what I've seen), the same can be said for EVERY profession. But, as you later said, skinning/mining is the best money.

I'm sorry if I gave the impression that enchanting cannot make money. It can. But so can every other profession under the right circumstances. I have a tradeskill conglomerate of sorts (2 leatherworkers, 2 tailors, enchanter, smith, and the rest are gatherers) and I've made nice gold with them. But the cost has been slower levelling, which I'm okay with since the goal is for each of my 5 regularly played characters to have mount money in hand prior to level 40 (like your example).

Skinning and mining have NO overhead (which means it costs you nothing out of pocket to create marketable goods, before auction fees) and all the money you make is pure profit (assuming you're skinning/mining while in the process of questing/grinding). The same cannot be said for the production skills.
#17 Jan 13 2005 at 3:55 PM Rating: Decent
I guess i dont get it. is the point of the game to gather as much money as you can?
#18 Jan 13 2005 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
79 posts
Its not the point of the game, does anyone above say that? Its just nice to know how you can make a nice profit, so you might enjoy the game even better, and that's the point of the game.

If you made an account to post useless things like that you are better off on the Official Blizzard boards I quess...

EDIT: typo

Edited, Thu Jan 13 17:17:31 2005 by Outlandos
#19 Jan 13 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
well i want to get good money but i want to make some stuff for myself so is skinning/ leatherworking that bad???
#20 Jan 13 2005 at 9:50 PM Rating: Decent
i just want to have money in time for my level 40 mount but be able to have decent armour and btw can i do 3 proffesions like skinning/leatherworking/enchanting???
#21 Jan 14 2005 at 1:52 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Well all those concerned about affording mounts shouldn't worry. By the time you reach the mid twenties, farming mobs will net great profit. Thats the best thing about this game.

I took up leatherworking/skinning because I love to be self sufficent. Other games that I have played never kept to the idea that as you level your character, you can keep your tradeskills at pace. I love having the ability to create something now that I won't be able to wear for another level or 2.

All the tradeskills can be profitable, even enchanting eventually. I agree with all that say mining/skinning is the most profitable. But thats only if you want to be completely worry free about money. Just know that with whichever trade you choose, if you do it right (meaning gather your own materials, or team up with someone that has an entirely different set of tradeskills and exchange goods)it can be a great way to earn extra cash.

Money is not what drives this game. It availabilty is abundant. Which means you don't have to base your decision off of what will only work but rather what will work to the highest level.

I have a Hunter skinner/leatherworker who has never had to buy armor. A mining/blacksmith rogue who makes his own weapons. And finally a warlock who is my tailor/enchanting fool. Now all do well except of course the warlock but I save money on the Hunter and Rogue which offsets the exspense of the enchanting. And if you do decide to go with enchanting, I would suggest a secondary skill of tailoring only if you do not choose mining/herbalism/skinning. Tailoring materials are almost completely drops from humanoids, which means you can salvage good skills without having to rely on others gathering skills.

Hope this helps.
#22 Jan 14 2005 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
Thank you so much for clearing that up for me. I was trying to understand why someone would just hurry through the game gathering raw materials just so he/she could say ya i have tons of virtual cash look at me. But never developed the charater with a profession that helps create anything useful. I guess i will post elsewhere since my post are just useless anyway.

thank you for your time
#23 Jan 14 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
61 posts
Some people set different goals in games. While for most it might be to get to the highest level the fastest, others may want to get to 100 gold by level 20. Professions aren't for everyone. I personally love creating things, especially when they are useful. Some try to experience every bit that a game like this has to offer and others have much more drive to push forward towards that specific target or goal.

What impresses me though is not so much how some of the posters have made so much so quickly, but rather the way that they did it. Making the system work for you is not an easy task, and lot of people have gone beyond that and figured it out, and even shared it with others.

Based on previous games, money was such a huge factor that its only natural people become concerned about how to make it and make it fast in this one. This game has a few exceptions to that. Bind on pick up items, high level drops from instances, etc. help keep the economy out of the spot light. Will it stay that way? Hopefully, but rest assured it will never be as bad as other games from the past (oops did it again :-P).

Raptahske, you can choose 2 main professions such as leatherworking, blacksmithing, engineering, alchemy, tailoring, ehchanting, herbalism, skinning and mining. (Am I missing one?) You can only choose 2 of those.

The secondary skills : cooking, fishining and first aid have no limit, so you can be all 3 of those as well as 2 of the above professions.

#24 Jan 14 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
Try Tayloring its one of the best because every player needs bags and taylors supply that need also it is realitively easy to get the resources to level it up. 8 slot bags sell really well and you can begin making plain ones at tayloring 95. I joined a large guild where many of my friends will send me wool cloth needed for the bags for free or what they would sell it to a vendor for. The bags almost always sell at auction. 6 slot bags can be made early but do not sale quite as well as 8's or 10's its a fast money maker!

to make red or green bags you have to be lv 110 for green i think and 115 for red runecloth bags also sell really high but it is hard to find the pattern and they take a high lv of tayloring to make
#25 Jan 15 2005 at 11:17 AM Rating: Decent
I'd also like to toss in my 2 copper. I'm a lvl 26 hunter, with leatherworking/skinning, and let me tell you, leatherworking, while "profitable" is a slow process. I have to buy fine thread for most higher-end leatherworking items, and that's 1s per. So, I go to sell the product for, what, 1s 45c? But, if I sell my skins, I make TONS of money. I level mostly in Duskwood, and I kill the Rabid Dire Wolves and Starving dire wolves. I take them two at a time, and then skin them, mostly getting light leather. I can sell a stack of 10 light leather for 1s 50c, and that's without spending a dime. But then I go ahead and waste that profit on leatherworking, which is a waste of time for me. I've decided to drop leatherworking (even thought i'm at like 130) and pick up something else. The above posts on enchanting have sort of made me think, but as a hunter, I'm gonna need all the skill bonuses I can get. I have a lvl18 warrior as well (boring, to me...I don't recommend a warrior) with mining/blacksmithing, and I rarely make a profit on that too. Its a vicious cycle with the creation-based professions. They are more for using your own items rather than selling them. The only problem with mining is that most of my friends are Paladins/Warriors, and they have mining. So only soloing would really benefit me like that. Which is why I think enchanting might be fun. I usually do 1 VC run per day, and there are some good green drops, but the thrill of Thorium Mines is pulling me towards mining. I had like 10g before, and then I got pissed off at Skinning and bought like 20 stacks of medium leather, taking me down to like 8g just to raise my leatherworking skill. Totally useless until a higher level. In my guild, I have a leatherworking (leader's alt), an enchanter, and probably every other profession. But because I want a big profit being past half-way to a mount, I think I'm going to take up mining.

Sorry for the long post lol.
#26 Jan 17 2005 at 9:31 AM Rating: Decent
squirreludecker wrote:
Try Tayloring its one of the best because every player needs bags and taylors supply that need also it is realitively easy to get the resources to level it up. 8 slot bags sell really well and you can begin making plain ones at tayloring 95. I joined a large guild where many of my friends will send me wool cloth needed for the bags for free or what they would sell it to a vendor for. The bags almost always sell at auction. 6 slot bags can be made early but do not sale quite as well as 8's or 10's its a fast money maker!

Like most things, this is totally dependent on server. On Elune, the above is not the case. I'll give you a personal example.

My Mage has 178 tailoring skill. My big money maker to date has been shirts. Stylish and Swashbuckler, mainly. On Elune, wool bags go for 15-25s each. Sure, there are folks who set their prices at 50s-1g but the bags find themselves in the seller's mailbox more often than not. Wool cloth sells for 45-60s per stack. My math tells me it's more profitable to sell the wool than to make it into bags. And let's not get into silk bags, which require a material only available to skinners (heavy leather) or from the AH (where it's absurdly priced, most of the time). Could I do silk bags? Sure! Camryn's got 200 skinning skill, Tearra's at 170ish, and my Paladin is at 140ish. But with the way the market currently stands on my server, it's not worth the trouble. I'd rather take that silk and either sell it outright or turn it into shirts which offer a ~64% profit margin.

squirreludecker is right though. People always need bags, especially when a server first opens. BUT, you have to be among the top skilled people to get top dollar (silver? gold?). Otherwise, you have to farm your own components and avoid buying parts from AH (which will be inflated due to perceived rarity, at first). When the server first opens, the people who will make the most scratch from day one are going to be the suppliers and the people at the forefront of levelling.

Which category do you see yourself falling into?
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