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Dragonscale, Elemental & Tribal. Lets talk.Follow

#52 Apr 23 2005 at 4:26 AM Rating: Decent
im a hunter

my guild is full of rogues

i have a druid alt

now personally i want to go mail, i dontthink illbe crafting aything my hunter uses more likly ill be going for the scarlet mail set

so shoud i go tribal to help out my guildies?
#53 Apr 26 2005 at 2:09 AM Rating: Decent
As I have checked all recent topics I didn't find anything about a crafting spec called shadow weaving. Not on the boards but I am pretty sure I ran into an NPC in UC that told me about the fine arts of shadow weaving. He is in the mage quarters and I will check it out again when I'm home today.

He said something like this.

"Betweem darkness and light are the shadows. Weaving those would make the most brilliant armor, I think"

I had to translate it from german and I can't remember what he said for 100% but it was something along those lines.
I am a leathercrafter (skill 230) so I thought it might be a hint about a skilltree but nobody knows about it.

Did I get it totally wrong? Is he just talking nonsense or is he refering to something totally different? I have absolutely no idea.

Shadowweaving sounds to me like something pretty nice for a little rogue orc girly like me so I went like "Tell me more about it!" but he said no more and didn't give me a quest or something...
#54 Apr 26 2005 at 2:10 AM Rating: Decent
edit ... double posting.
We had server problems here ^^


Edited, Tue Apr 26 03:28:54 2005 by SakikoTaruLove
#55 Apr 26 2005 at 2:13 AM Rating: Decent
same as above, and the one further down.
I feel very ashamed for being so impatient and reloading a page in a board...

Edited, Tue Apr 26 03:33:36 2005 by SakikoTaruLove
#56 Apr 26 2005 at 2:28 AM Rating: Decent
same as above, I'm really sorry

Edited, Tue Apr 26 03:34:34 2005 by SakikoTaruLove
#57 Apr 26 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
Everyone talks about which path is best for rogues, but what about us shamen? Doesn't anyone ever think about poor defenseless shamans?

It seems that dragonscale is reasonable for those of us who solo a lot, but I am confused about tribal (which sure sounds like it should be good for us troll shamen) and elemental.

Seriously, help me out. Do it for the shamans.
#58 Apr 27 2005 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts

Right now the only specialized branches of leathercrafting are Tribal, Elemental and Dragonscale. I believe Shadow weave is a form of cloth crafting, but you'll need a cloth crafter to verify that. Sorry I couldn't be of any additional assistance.


Which path is best for a Shaman. I believe that between the three crafts Dragonscale would be the best. I say this only because of the high armor value of the mail. Since Shaman's enter combat in melee range all the time, it is hard to think that leather armor would provide adequate protection.

That isn't to say that tribal and Elemental aren't affective. Stat bonuses aside, once your in melee an additional 300 armor from your mail would provide so much additional protection that it would easily over shadow any stat awards granted by the leather. (unless leather armor was blue or purple.)
#59 Apr 27 2005 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
I am a 300 Elemental Leatherworker and let me tell you, if I had it to do over again I would go tribal. What class I am has nothing to do with it. Lets face it. By the time you get to level 60 and have 300 leatherworking you will be able to sell or trade for what you want.

Why skip Elemental??

When you kill a creature for tribal specific leather you will still get other leather if you dont get the specific kind.

When you kill a dragon for dragon scale you will still get other leather if you dont get a scale.

What do you get when you kill an elemental? NOTHING. You dont skin elementals. Half of your ability is unused. And you still will need rugged leather to make the elemental item. So you have to go off and kill othere creatures besides the elementals to make your elemental leather items.

I am seriously thinking of starting over from scratch on my darn leatherworking.
#60 Apr 28 2005 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
355 posts

Excellent post. I've never been a elemental crafter or tribal for that matter. It never occurred to me that you'd have to hunt Elementals. I can see why now that you'd say you would have rather choosen either of the other two classes. Yikes.
#61 May 03 2005 at 8:01 AM Rating: Decent
I choosed to be a Dragonscaler.
Do i regret?
Time being im finished the quest!
Now i'm trying to grind for Worn Dragonscales for my breastplate and gauntlets!.
Thats a lot of work/time. I was grinding Swamp of Sorrow -finished all the dragonkinds there and got 4 scales!!!
Also done Dustwallow Marsh - i didn't finish them all but
used a lot of time. 6 scales!!

I have 14 scales now! - Grinding for 3-4 days.
This really suck!

I'm a LvL 50 NE Hunter, 300 skinning and 270 Leather.

Takes another week i think =|-(
#62 May 03 2005 at 12:58 PM Rating: Decent
355 posts

Ok this isn't going to help you immediately but it will help, I hope. I started my dragonscale quest at level 42. Just as soon as I could. I did the grinding just as you have and got really upset at the length of time it takes to get scale. If that weren't bad enough you need 30 + scales for some of the recipes. I became very discouraged. As a matter of fact I stopped crafting dragonscale completely from level 260-285.

I tried crafting scorpid items. This is working well to increase my skill. I was able to get from 260-285 in about a weekend. I was happy about the skill level but disappointed with the fact that I wasn't crafting scale. Then I went on my first raid.

During my raid on UBRS my raid group (15 or so people) killed many many dragons. Red, blue, black by the dozens, and quickly as well. After skinning as much as I could I received by days end 6 black dragonscale and one of each other color and about 60ish rugged hide. Not a bad haul if you were to ask me.

This has helped considerably but I still feel as though dragonscale works need help from Blizzard and here's why.

# 1. Our recipes require far to much scale to produce our item quickly or even at a moderate pace.

# 2. The resulting product isn't impressive enough with either armor bonus or stat bonuses to help sell the goods.

# 3. I believe our drop rate of scales is far to low for the lower level creatures. At the higher levels in UBRS and BRS and other such instances, the drop rate is pretty good for scales. But for a lower level crafter to earn scales it is in itself a quest. Please award us with reputation (perhaps a repeatable quest that gives X reputation).

With these few problems fixed you might see an increase in dragonscale crafters.
#63 May 04 2005 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
18 posts
I got the pattern off the quest guy in Feathermoon. The NPC that gives you the Wild Leather Quests. He occasionally sells one "rare" LW pattern every once in awhile. So what I did was...hung out killing the Long Tooth Runners on the island while I waited for the glove pattern to be in his inventory. I would just go back and check what he had to sell every 15 minutes or so. The first check I got a green whelp pattern, but the next time I got the glove pattern. I spent some more time there, may as well, Runners are skinnable, and I got a second glove pattern and sold it on the AH for a really good profit. The Living Shoulder Pattern is also occasionally in his inventory, just a heads up. So, don't waste your gold at the AH, spend an afternoon skinning Runners instead.
#64 May 05 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
355 posts
Kiynia That's excellent advice rate up for you!
#65 May 06 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
355 posts
Ok I'm adding this to the first post.

I just came to the understanding last night that I would need a "Salt Shaker" in order to create Cured Rugged hide. This item has a 3 day cool down, the hide is needed in the 290+ item creation and not in just a single piece either. Make sure to have an engineer craft one for you just as soon as they have a chance to do so.

You won't regret it.
#66 May 18 2005 at 4:58 AM Rating: Decent
Hey Guys,

First time posting so bear with me ..

I'm a Lvl 43 Druid, im in the middle of completing the wild leather quests (: just cause i fancied doin them :), originally i heard that Tribal leatherworking was a good way to go .. then i was told differently, that i should go for Elemental Leatherworking .. now im totally confused lol.

My druid is Feral based and so i rely pretty heavily on Agility for crits and such, i understand that elemental leatherworking is best for agility stats but from reading the posts above it seems like most rogues and such that use agility like me are told to do Tribal.

Can anyone clear this up for me and give me a definite answer on which would be best for me ? .. im willing to try the elemental grind if i have to but i dont want to waste my time :)

Thnx in advance :)

#67 May 18 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
355 posts

There are one thing to consider before making your final choice between Elemental and Tribal. Once the armor you are making is no longer they same you are wearing, what then will be your goals with this trade?

By bringing this up I'm trying to show you how your farming might be affected. For example when farming for dragonscale or chimera leathers, you are skinning mobs that will still drop skins that you can use or sell as armor kits. But when farming elementals for their cores (earth core, fire spirits etc..) you will encounter times where nothing drops at all from the elemental and even if a grey item drops, the ratio of income earned from skin vs income earned from gray drops is by far lower.

Don't misunderstand me though, I'm not trying to dissuade you from taking Elemental. It is a wonderful trade that allows you to create some very unique items. The amount of items you can create with Elemental rivals tribal and far exceeds dragonscale. Which ever way you decide be it Tribal or Elemental please bring back to this forum what you've learned. Your insight into this craft will help many others.
#68 May 24 2005 at 4:37 AM Rating: Decent
Thnx i will :)

I'm finding it a pain getting my way through the wild leather quests at the moment .. i just dont have that much money that i can buy all the turtle scales and grinding turtles is just soooo dull lol :)

Well .. im almost there so theramore is my next port of call to get the last scales i need lol, tribal leatherworking is something i think ill try out for a bit. I've taken a look at a few of the recipies and they look pretty good .. once i hit it i'll post some updates on how im finding it :)

In the meantime .. anyone know of a good place to get some cash for a rather cute lvl 44 Feral Druid ? lol

Post again soon

#69 May 24 2005 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
216 posts
To the post above:

Just wanted to let u lnow that the Turtles at Tanaris Beach have a far higher drop rate for Turtle Scales than the ones at Theramore. I know that Whacking turtles for scale can be a dull undertaking, but after a while they actually tend to drop some serious items and lockboxes as well to make it worth ur while. Being a lvl 43 feral based druid u will have absolutely no problem with bashing ur way to 100 scales in an afternoon - that will take u a long way to the specialisation quest. And remember that in trying to level ur leather working skill u may craft items that u dont think u will need for the wildleather quests - but the bracers for ionstance u will need two of later on so dont go sell them after u have created them. just a little heads up to u and all future wild leather workers. Personally I am also a Tribal leather worker, but that is due to the fact that I am a balance druid relying on spells thus far. But eventhough I am thinking about respeccing my talent build to Restoration primarily I will be able to benefit from the Spirit bonuses - I have a feeling I will be needing that extra mana in endgame dungeons...take care
#70 Jun 14 2005 at 7:23 AM Rating: Decent
There is a way into searing gorge thru the badlands so you don't need the key.

the way in thru the badlands is between Kargarth and apocryphan's rest.
#71 Dec 21 2005 at 5:44 PM Rating: Default
437 posts
A very useful post so this is partially as a bump.

Which is best for a Druid?
#72 Dec 23 2005 at 11:54 AM Rating: Decent
355 posts
Which is best for a druid?

If you haven't hit end game yet and you want to keep working on your leatherworking I'd say your best bet would have to Tribal leatherworking by far.

Why Tribal?

Well as a dedicated leatherworker you've already spent hours in Uldaman or Days in Tanaris either way you know all about farming for mats and like more of us. You don't want to go far for any one kill. This is where Winterspring comes in. this little community located at the top of Kalimdor is out of the way and rarely visited by anyone other than leather crafters.

The mobs are close enough together that grinding goes very quickly but not so close as to endanger you during a fight. You'll find here a wealth of Warbear, Chimera and an additional assortment of skinnable mobs. Plus this is a great location for mobs level 53-60.

My hunter Beldinn spent weeks up here and made a fair penny selling that which he skinned.

Tribal is by far the easiest and perhaps even the most useful of the three possible paths you can take. Good luck Druid and may your blade never dull!
#73 Dec 23 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Heya crafters,

I've been reading up on posts here for endgame leather crafting and I'm still not sure which route to take. I'm only a level 11 NE Hunter but I like to know where I'm going when I start something in a game. Like I know I'm going Beast master on talents with some marksmenship to back it up. I'm skinning everything I can and making some leather at the same time. I've checked the stats on the Dragonscale, Elemental and Tribal and still don't know what would be best for a hunter? Should I even look at what I can make for myself or go with a money maker and buy something totally different? What do endgame hunters wear? I've heard that Dragonscale is a great way to go but I dunno about the agi stats on that. Do hunters even use either one of these 3 sets? I've seen this one Scorpashi set that looks sweet but is only level 40ish... whats there for me towards endgame? Extend your infinite knowledge my way please ^.~

Thank you,

Whitegandalf / Crazzyfury
#74 Dec 23 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
4,877 posts
Whitegandalf / Crazzyfury , If my memory serves me correctly you are the recent FF convert right? If so it wont take ya long to figure out the reason that crafting is eazy, is becasue the wares you make are not the best in the game(a few exeptions), being so eazy and that anybody can do it, NO CRAFTING JOB IS A MONEYMAKER, That is not to say their is not a living to be cut out of a crafting porfession, but if ya want a money maker, just gather stuff and sell to the crafters. This will blow your mind, the materials are worth more than the finished product.
Realisticly, you choose a crafting profesison baised on one or two endgame items, and the dragonscale cape is that one item, and it rocks, I have sold the making of one(where somebody else brought me the mats) and just for making it got a 10 gold tip.

So here are the pros of Dragonscale leatherwroking, especialy in your case.
Honestly you will only ever use 2 types of the basic Dragonscale items, the dragonscale gloves(mmmmm extra cirt on gloves), and then black dragonslcae items(4 pice set but you wont be getting one pice till you party up and go to the MC with a guild and get the pattern for the epic pice)but as far as the remeining Black dragonscale stuff, they rock becasue you can get them without ever going in to a instace(although it helps insanely to get in to BRS). so even the super casual player can grind out dragonkin to get the scales needed and oooo ya a huge ammount of them too. I never said this was the best way to go, but it gives a hunter a opurtunity to get some good fire resist gear.

Lots of folks hate this set and say "No AGI" well remember RAP(Ranged Attack Power) is exelent for susstained dammage and with 3 pices of the set get ya "Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 2%"Essentaly the ammount of Crit that 108 agi will get ya, but on the level 40 dragonscale gauntlets and your cursing.

With all that said, you can find better in a instance, Hands down, so why craft? for fun, for convience, for someing to do, and not to be Mr.Greedy pants that only wants money, but thats OK Too, if ya want money, just gather stuff and sell on the AH.

Hope ya enjoy WoW

#75 Dec 23 2005 at 5:21 PM Rating: Decent
109 posts
Thanks Capitolg, thats some helpful tips there. I didn't know that crafting was kinda pointless for money making. I just might take up just gathering to make some money. I have a friend who showed me the game thats a blacksmith so mining could help him out. Kinda wanna do what you said though... do crafting cause I can. So we'll see.

#76 Feb 14 2007 at 11:49 AM Rating: Decent
385 posts

So , lemme get this right , at lvl 40 my Tauren hunter can WEAR mail armor but continue to make leather oriented goods ? ... at the moment I'm lvl 35 and leather working is only 98 at the moment (been slackin') but now I'm really trying to pick it up and improve my skills before I hit lvl 40 ... Still new to the game , first MMO aswell .
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