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Profession unfairness in groupsFollow

#27 Apr 06 2009 at 11:54 PM Rating: Excellent
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HandsOfDeath wrote:
Twirdman wrote:
Then you have herbs and mining there is no way a non miner or herbalist can get these thus only the people who can get the item roll.

I still don't understand why disenchants are handled as they are. With what you said here, if only 1 miner, for example, entered a group for an instance came across a mine. It's that miner's mine, because nobody else can do it, right? Why is that same logic not used on disenchants? Only an enchanter can disenchant something. So if they get the item (like a mine really) and they disenchant it (similar to mining a mine), then why is it that everybody in the group gets to roll on the results? Sure, they helped the enchanter get it, but the enchanter also helped the others just by being in the group.

It just doesn't make sense to me why enchant mats are rolled on, while other professions aren't. An item for an enchanter is the same as a mine, corpse to skin or plant. Just because the others could use that gold from the enchant mats, doesn't make it right. It's not the enchanter's fault the other party members picked another profession. Same goes with mining. If say I a mine was in an instance and the enchanter's next enchanting rod requires something made with that material, why do they not get a roll on the minerals from it? The other players helped get that miner to the mine, so they should get a chance at the materials, as with others wanting the enchanting materials from a disenchant.

An enchanter turns something that already has value into something of theoretical higher value. Since the item they sharded has some value to everyone, they turn it into a higher value item as a kindness to others. If instead they choose not to do this, then everyone still can roll on an item of value.

A miner, on the other hand, turns something with no value to anyone who cannot extract from it into something of value.

We have this thread every couple months. And every couple months, people fail to grasp the simple concept of the initial value of an item D/Ed vs the non-value of mining nodes or unskinned mobs.
#28 Apr 06 2009 at 11:56 PM Rating: Good
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
HandsOfDeath wrote:
The reason I'm so upset about this is due to my poor luck at rolling for the abyss crystals. After my 3rd run of de something into one and failing, and also seeing that some people some how type up a false roll count, I think rolling for them isn't just unfair to the enchanter, but also the entire group, if someone does do a false roll.

Explain what you mean by "false roll count". Because the only thing I can think of fitting under that is ridiculously easy to spot and you'd be a fool to miss it.
#29REDACTED, Posted: Apr 06 2009 at 11:59 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Actually, those "fake rolls" were showing up yellow, as with any real roll. I only caught it, because the players were doing things like "So-and so rolls 1000 [1-1000]" and one even did something like "So-and-so rolls 8946263 [1-100]". Both of which showed up as yellow text, just like my own real roll did. The only way to tell the difference was the obvious numbers being not normal.
#30 Apr 07 2009 at 12:04 AM Rating: Excellent
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HandsOfDeath wrote:
one even did something like "So-and-so rolls 8946263 [1-100]".

I'm gonna need to see some screenshots.
#31 Apr 07 2009 at 12:16 AM Rating: Default
I didn't take any screenshots, but I guess I should have. Considering everyone else's arguments on the subject of profession mats rolling, I kind of agree with all you, but I still don't think it's right. Granted an enchanter takes an unwanted item into something valuable, but with mining, herbalism, etc., those mats are also wanted by other people. The only difference is the gold value. Anyway, I don't like people tricking me into thinking they won something that they may not have. If I see such fake rolls again, I'll be sure to screenshot it.
#32 Apr 07 2009 at 7:28 AM Rating: Good
1,419 posts
I didn't take any screenshots, but I guess I should have. Considering everyone else's arguments on the subject of profession mats rolling, I kind of agree with all you, but I still don't think it's right. Granted an enchanter takes an unwanted item into something valuable, but with mining, herbalism, etc., those mats are also wanted by other people. The only difference is the gold value. Anyway, I don't like people tricking me into thinking they won something that they may not have. If I see such fake rolls again, I'll be sure to screenshot it.

No, the difference isn't the gold value of disenchanted materials vs ores/herbs. The difference is that you CAN'T obtain ores/herbs without the profession, meaning the nodes are worth absolutely nothing to anyone without the profession. The items you are disenchanting into shards ARE worth something to anyone. They can be vendored for a few gold. If you get all the shards, you're taking gold away from other people because they could have vendored the items. If a miner gets all the ores, it does not inversely affect you or anyone else in the group, other than the 2 seconds it takes to clink at the node to get the ore.

I really don't see how you can't grasp this concept. Stop putting straw man arguments like people doing fake rolls and look at the problem directly. You're trying to put more reasons into why disenchanting for a run is a bad idea when actually, it is nothing but a personal choice. The only argument I would support you in is that DEers increase the value of unwanted gear for everyone who has the chance to roll on it, meaning they should receive some sort of payment. Otherwise, the differences between mining/herbing and disenchanting explain perfectly why the practice isn't done the way you want it to.

The difference to you personally?

If you DE for the run:

You will need/greed while everyone else need/passes. At the end of the run, everyone rolls for the shards you have. If you have 3 shards in a 5 man group, the odds of getting one shard are pretty good.

If you don't DE for the run:

Everyone will need/greed items and you will get 3 individual rolls at 3 individual items, so you actually have the chance of walking away with 3 shards, but have a lower chance of getting one shard.

Your choice.
#33 Apr 13 2009 at 1:09 PM Rating: Excellent
My hunter is an enchanter. As has been said many times already in this thread, there is no reason for an enchanter to have a greater right than anyone else to gear that isn't needed by a member of the group. Again, as has been mentioned, if you skin, herb or mine and you don't tap a node, then the mats that would be gained cannot benefit anyone else in the group that doesn't have that skill. However, as has also been mentioned, those pretty purple pants you want to disenchant for your own reasons (whether to get the crystal for your own enchant or to charge some rube for maximum profit when enchanting their gear) can be vendored for money by every single party member, meaning that even the un-disenchanted gear has value to all.

Now, as far as deciding to DE or not in groups, you have a couple of choices. You can choose not to tell anyone you DE, and roll for each piece. That way, there's a 1-in-5 chance you might get it each time. Then just don't DE until the party disbands- if you win one of those 1-in-5 rolls. Conversely, you can take every unneeded BoP item and DE them, and roll on the mats afterwards. Depending on the length of the run, the number of bosses, and the number of items that drop that aren't needed, you could get 3 or 4 shards. If you roll at the end, and say something like "Okay, there are 3 shards - top 3 rolls get a shard", then you have a 3-in-5 chance of getting a shard. I like those odds better.

Personally, unless the party ticks me off, I DE.

HandsOfDeath wrote:
Twirdman wrote:
Honestly do you think you are the only one who needs enchants. what do non enchanters not get to enchant their gear because if so I should really tell all the people I've done enchants for.

Of course I don't think I'm the only one who needs enchants, but those without enchanting can buy the enchants they need off the AH, just like someone without blacksmithing has to do so, when they want something that requires bs mats. For example, the rods enchanters need to do their enchants, they should get to roll on what miners get from mines.

I can't even begin to explain how bad an argument that is. First of all, it's been explained that without a miner, you wouldn't profit from the untapped node, an unpicked flower or an unskinned corpse. Second, if you want people to pay for your enchants, you'd better bloody pink up for the rod you need to do the enchants. You want to profit from your profession at everyone else's expense, from what I've read of all your posts in this thread.

All I get from those who are against it this idea, is that rolling on the disenchaned materials helps lower the price for enchants for the winner. It also helps them with their repair bills. However, the same would be for the mines, skins, herbs, etc. Granted, it might not be as much as disenchanted materials, but every little bit helps.

I have been trying to maintain my patience with this thread, but this was the proverbial last straw. You want to complain that everyone else is so greedy and unfair that they won't let you take all the unneeded gear and DE it for your own benefit- and yet you say that you should be as entitled to things that you wouldn't even have access to if there wasn't someone with herbalism/mining/skining? For emphasis: it is not the same. You can sell pants, shoes, a spear or a mace. You can't sell an untapped node. Get it in your head. If you don't want to DE, fine. Don't. But don't then whine that people are still taking your pants.

LockeColeMA wrote:
Nah, it's not fair. Does all the Frostweave go to tailors?

I've never seen people fight over frostweave. And no, it all doesn't go to a tailor, because almost all users use it. If not for bandages, then they sell it. It also takes no profession to get it.

That "whoosh" you heard was Locke's point going way over your head.
Longtail | Evilynne | Maevene | Kornakk | Steelbelly
#34 Apr 16 2009 at 9:06 AM Rating: Good
My 2 cents, for what it is worth. This is a dead horse, but oh well, here goes....

1. Sharding BoP gear then distributing them to the group, in no way decreases your chance of getting a shard. It is the same if you all rolled separately on the BoP gear and they vendored it while you sharded your spoils. This is fair, and everyone gets an equal chance. If you wish to DE for others, then you are doing a good deed by increasing everyone's profit.

2. I actually see some merit to the point that miners, herbalists, skinners get an advantage.

a. So lets say the average BoP blue vendors for 5g. And for the sake of argument, the shard sells on the AH for 10g. Everyone in the group has the ability to earn 5-10g per run (if the enchanter is willing to DE). Per my first point, there is no unfair advantage there.

b. On the other hand you have your nodes. Lets say that for non-miners a cobalt node has no value (0g). For miners a cobalt node = 5g. Under the current standard operating procedure, 4/5 people will get 0g and the miner will get 5g per node. Without the group, the miner could not mine the node and thus without the group, the node has no value for the miner. The miner, by virtue of being in the group, turns a 0g into 5g.

So for that run 4/5 people have the ability to earn 5-10g on BoPs while the miner has the potential for an extra 5g per node. The miner has an advantage that the others do not. The argument that a node has no value for non-miners (0g) does not make sense because without the group, that same node holds no value for the miner.

3. My real argument for the OP is that maybe, I didn't choose mining or enchanting. Maybe I chose JC and Blacksmithing. Maybe because of my choices in careers, my character is more powerful than the miner because I have gems that he can't use and I have sockets in my gear that he doesn't have. It was my choice not to take up mining (I could have had a shot at the 5g, but I didn't). I dps/heal/tank better because of my choices. I have a clear advantage over the miner in this respect and he in no way is entitled to my advantage. Therefore, why should I be entitled to his advantage?

#35 Apr 17 2009 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,602 posts
The currnt system of group sharding, when managed right. Offers you more oppurtunities for shards than you would normally get.

This is done by obtaining all the BOP blues/purples that drop that arent needed in a run. If no one needs any of the items, this can range from lets say ~3-5 shards [mostly blue, most often 1 abyss]. The enchanter rolls with the others together. top roll gets abyss, rest get the rest. The lowest get nothing if there were less shards than party members. You have a greater chance of getting a shard due to this. Meaning with the many heroics you run, you can get a greater frequency of shards.

Now if you dont do this. You roll against each and every item each time it drops. thus you have a lower chance of getting a shard, just as much as the others have a chance of getting that bop blue drop to sell. In total you will get much lesser shards than the previous method.

thus not profiting as good as you would have with the other method.
#36 May 12 2009 at 7:26 PM Rating: Decent
Of course I don't think I'm the only one who needs enchants, but those without enchanting can buy the enchants they need off the AH,

Two obvious answers to that statement -

1) So you want people to give you the DE results so that you can then sell it to them on the AH when they need a chant?

2) You can buy the mats you need for chants off the AH too.
#37 May 13 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
30 posts
If you don't want to lose enchanting mats roll greed with everyone else on the item to see if you win it to DE it.
This makes it the same as when people roll on ore, herbs and skins (although skinners never roll they just go mad and skin everything in sight).
Admittedly you have a lower chance of winning the item than say the miners in the group rolling on a node, since all group members normally roll on unwanted loot.

Don't need/greed and make everyone pass without allowing them to roll on the mats as that is unfair.

- say you will not DE items, everyone will greed for them - if they want any BoE item/s they win DE'd do it after the instance for them.
- don't say your a enchanter and then DE the items you win outside the group.
- if you do greed unwanted loot for DE sort out the rules for it first - DE'er always gets something (optional - why should you be guaranteed loot when if you had all greeded no one would be guaranteed loot which would be fair), others are based on rolls (this'll work for Dream Shards, taking the only Abyss Crystal may **** them off but that's a group by group thing).

It's your choice how you use your profession, just because you can DE for the group doesn't mean you have to.

So stop wasting time QQing and get out there and get your mats!

Edited, May 13th 2009 10:53am by Zyven
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