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#1 Feb 22 2008 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
Here's a little story about farming motes of air yesterday.

Well they have snakes around there, so one got in my way. I killed it. Another Hunter (Alliance) swoops down when the mob was at 10%. He shoots it once. I know what he's trying to do, so I try to wait until he leaves. So he sits down. I killed a few after that, seeing how the skin must be that wonderfull that you're going to steal someones mob. Drops cobra scale (very low rate).

Well I'm tired of waiting for this yahoo to leave. So I loot the mob. I start skinning it right after, but as soon as the loot box came up... it disappeared. He stole my hide (prolly cobra skin too). Then he did the classic "Bur, blah blah blah" which translated into something like "Zomg I got a cobra scale. Haha I stole it from you" Anyway I reported him as spam (I'll prolly get in trouble, but I'm hoping he cursed or something to get him in trouble =)

Seeing how after you loot a mob, there's a slight delay in the skinning icon... that's going to happen everytime yes? I thought I could beat him to the punch, but that delay killed me.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2008 11:50am by GYFFORD
#2 Feb 22 2008 at 8:51 AM Rating: Good
lag maybe?
#3 Feb 22 2008 at 8:55 AM Rating: Good
2,101 posts
Should have walked away, when he asked "are you going to loot that?" Say "nope I'm not helping you skin my mob, shoo shoo". I would rather no one have it then to risk him stealing my loot.

But yeah that delay sucks, I've had it where I shift+click to auto sloot, spam shift+click to skin only to have the skinning "cast bar" go just a hair short of completing to get the notice "that item is in use" meaning the other guy skinned it that tiny bit quicker than me.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2008 11:55am by SynnTastic
#4 Feb 22 2008 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
I thought about lag too, but from lv 10-70 that 1/2 second delay after I loot has always been there. It still could have been...but my server/internet connection was doing really good all night.

I should have just walked away.

I just can't understand why they can do that lol. I mean, after you kill a random mob, someone else can't just walk up and loot it (unless he's in your party). Same should apply to skinning/mining (rock elements), Herb (Plant mobs). That should be greyed out to other people.

In other words if you don't kill it, you can't get it. I admit in Nagrand when people are slaughtering the hunter quest talbuk mobs, clefthoof, etc... I'm stalking around them. If it's a Hordie, I'll ask if he minds if I skin them. If he says 'go for it', I hit the mob with a few arrows to help him kill faster: win/win. If he says no, I just move one... kill my own. Finally if it's an Alliance, since they can't understand me... I'll stand around watching them. If they run off leaving it there, then I take it. After that I throw a few arrows at the mob to help them kill faster: win:win

I guess changing it would tick people off, not changing will continue to tick people off (when things like this come up). Lose/lose situation :/

Oh well... guess I needed to vent a bit. It was pretty shady what he did.

Edited, Feb 22nd 2008 2:20pm by GYFFORD
#5 Feb 22 2008 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
12,049 posts
Same thing happens with the Ancients in Skettis when I herb them. Some Horde character will usually come up and herb them at the same time, and sometimes the loot box opens and I literally watch the items disappear before my eyes before I can get them.

It's an open loot, and highly annoying.
#6 Feb 22 2008 at 2:23 PM Rating: Excellent
2,101 posts
They could just time adjust it.

I mean a dead mob lies on the ground for what? 30 seconds? 1 minute? Whatever the time limit for dead mobs still visible have the 1st half of the time only accessible for looting and skinning/herbalizing/minning(yes herbalizing is not a word, but I don't care and you know what I mean) by the person and/or group that killed him, then the second half of the time it is free to be looted and skinned/mined/herbed by anyone.

This way people just running by can't steal your skin, at the same time if someone is killing all mobs in the area only looting specific items, some random Joe could come along and loot the vendor trash the killer of the mob decided not to loot and skin any mobs. It gives priority to the killer but still allows others to eventually skin if the killer is not a skinner.

It's win/win the way I see it.
#7 Feb 22 2008 at 3:47 PM Rating: Default
There has to be a glitch involved. If Gyfford tagged the kill, he will get first shot to loot and first chance to skin it. If he goes out of range that might change. Usually game will error in your favor, I was only person around and I killed it then it say "that would be stealing" if I auto- loot too quickly.
#8 Feb 22 2008 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
291 posts
alcattle the Braindead wrote:
There has to be a glitch involved. If Gyfford tagged the kill, he will get first shot to loot and first chance to skin it.

Doesn't appear to be that way. A while back I killed a mob and maybe half a second after I looted it another horde (!) came running up on his mount and skinned it out from under me. I didn't skin, but I still thought that was pretty rude :/

Loot goes to the tagger. Skin/leather/scales goes to anyone who's the quickest. Unfortunately, the act of looting, makes you slower to actually skin it and the non-looter has a good chance to steal it.
#9 Feb 22 2008 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
Whatever the time limit for dead mobs still visible have the 1st half of the time only accessible for looting and skinning/herbalizing/minning(yes herbalizing is not a word, but I don't care and you know what I mean) by the person and/or group that killed him, then the second half of the time it is free to be looted and skinned/mined/herbed by anyone.

I think if they ever do tweek that.. that'll be a happy medium for everyone... excpet the ninja'ing person. So in that case everyone wins. I was thinking 10 seconds cause skinning takes like 2 or something... but if you get a link and have to kill that you'll lose it anyway.

Think 20-25 seconds would be more than enough time for a dealy.

Good idea. Hope Blizzard reads Alla forums Smiley: wink If so look for it in 2.5 or something lol.
#10 Feb 24 2008 at 8:56 AM Rating: Good
12,049 posts
Good idea. Hope Blizzard reads Alla forums.If so look for it in 2.5 or something lol.

Just to check; isn't 2.4 the last big patch before WotLK? Or is it just the last content-adding patch?
#11 Feb 25 2008 at 6:50 AM Rating: Default
Just to check; isn't 2.4 the last big patch before WotLK? Or is it just the last content-adding patch?

apparently if WotLK is delayed they will add another patch, but i doubt it will be 'major'
#12 Feb 25 2008 at 11:31 AM Rating: Good
384 posts
Not a problem on a PVP server >.>

Just kill the hunter.
#13 Feb 25 2008 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
2,101 posts
Raisse wrote:
Not a problem on a PVP server >.>

Just kill the hunter.

And if it is someone of the same faction?
#14 Feb 25 2008 at 1:03 PM Rating: Excellent
797 posts
To help minimize people taking your skins, I suggest the following:

Have autoloot off. Open up the loot window but do NOT take the drop until after you see the other toon try to start skinning. Now take the drop loot and start your own skinning. His skin will fail and you will get the skin.
#15 Mar 20 2008 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
429 posts
It was mentioned on blizzard form this is frowned on. If you got someone ninja skinning under your nose, you can report it. With luck you can skin the next 3 days without him/her following you around.

Or you could not loot it for a few minutes. Go and kill another 1 or 2 and leave them unlooted. The ninja skinner would give up and look elsewhere since he can't loot your kill and can't skin it unlooted.
#16 Mar 28 2008 at 1:11 AM Rating: Good
979 posts
It just goes to show what fools are about with the ninja attitude , if i am on my skinners i will skin others kills but only if i am sure they are not going to skin them , and yes i will help them kill even if they are the opposing side .

Blizzard do frown on the ninja attitude but there are always ways to get away from fools like that , anything from a quick log out or waiting for them to either move on or start killing themselves , to see them squeal when you try and skin their kill is funny as they always seem to run off
#17 Mar 28 2008 at 8:40 AM Rating: Excellent
3,644 posts
SynnTastic wrote:
They could just time adjust it.

I mean a dead mob lies on the ground for what? 30 seconds? 1 minute? Whatever the time limit for dead mobs still visible have the 1st half of the time only accessible for looting and skinning/herbalizing/minning(yes herbalizing is not a word, but I don't care and you know what I mean) by the person and/or group that killed him, then the second half of the time it is free to be looted and skinned/mined/herbed by anyone.

I've been playing WoW for 3 weeks now i think. I was shocked that this WASN'T part of the game.
In FFXI (the las mmo i paid for) all loot is already dropped into your bag/party box.

But in other games (MS, ToP, few others) Items dropped can only be picked up by the one who killed it. But if they DON'T then others can.
The wait is usually 40sec or so.

They really should change it so if someone isn't going to loot the body/skin/whatever it, the dead corpse doesn't go to waste. But also change it so the person doing the killing gets a chance to do the skinning.

Or change it so you don't have to loot the body if you don't want, but can still skin the corpse.
I have found having to loot the body 1st gets annoying when all I want is the skin. Then I have to stop farming to open up my bag(s) and drop and hit YES to all itesm I don't want/need/wish they never showed up in the bag.
Slows me down on trying to make coin >.>
#18 Mar 28 2008 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
I don't recall this being discussed as a major issue back when I had skinning on my Hunter (months ago) so I'm assuming it's a new trend (and mostly on PvE realms...on a PvP realm, you'd just pound them (or they'd pound you) and eventually it would get old and they'd move along.)

If it keeps happening, I can see Blizzard stepping in and changing the mechanics of the system...maybe. One thing I've noticed about Blizzard is that they seem to try really, really hard to not penalize the "victim" in an effort to maintain fair play. Maybe it could be a 5 second window after a corpse is looted where only the person flagged as "owning" the corpse would be able to skin/herb it...after that it would be fair game to any passerby. You have to know the asshats stealing other people's skins/herbs like that won't bat an eyelash if Blizzard suddenly changes it so that the days of following a miner/BS around skinning his kills is no longer an option because the mechanics had to be changed to suppress the behaviors of idiots.

Gotta be frustrating though...very frustrating. If it was a PvE realm, I would have reported him. If it was a PvP realm...well, find a PvP solution because that's what a GM would tell you to do.
#19 Apr 02 2008 at 4:36 AM Rating: Excellent
342 posts
I think there is a mod to automate the skinning. I was followed by this guy who would do a strange, repetitive dance beside my kill. I think his UI mod was spamming 'skin' commands. He ninja'd one or two before I caught on and refused to loot if he was nearby. If you think you can click really fast to beat a guy like this, think again.
#20 Apr 02 2008 at 6:57 AM Rating: Good
4,574 posts
AureliusSir wrote:
I don't recall this being discussed as a major issue back when I had skinning on my Hunter (months ago) so I'm assuming it's a new trend (and mostly on PvE realms...on a PvP realm, you'd just pound them (or they'd pound you) and eventually it would get old and they'd move along.)

Sadly, this has been an issue since the game first started. People don’t discuss it very often because it falls into the dead horse category and people have come to expect such behavior even if they don’t like it. Of course, someone eventually gets to the point where they need to vent and we get another thread about it. I don’t have a problem with that. I get just as frustrated as everyone else and its nice to be able to vent every now and then.

Of late I’ve had more problems with people trying to cut in on the mineral node I’ve started mining than with my skinning. I’ll be happily mining away when someone run up or flies in and tries to jump in and take the rest of it. Normally what I do is leave the loot window up until they go away. Every once in a while I get someone who won’t leave so I’ll start doing the dishes or watch some TV. I’m flexible and it amuses me to see how long they’ll stick around. But sometimes that isn’t an option.

My latest character was leveling his mining to 300 so he could start mining in Outland. I was killing and skinning yeti in the Winterspring cave and mining when the nodes popped up. I got one hit on a rich thorium node when a level 70 horde character ran up and took it from me. As my pet was fighting for his life while I mined, I didn’t really have the option sit and wait. I got my point in mining, but I still felt it was very rude.

I was starting to get upset when I had a bit of an epiphany. Instead of getting upset, I felt sorry for that player. Here’s a person who feels that steeling a few bits of thorium ore in a video game is more important than his honor or self respect. That is a truly sad thing. I feel that in an environment such as WoW where there are little or no consequences to our actions, we are more truly who we really are than when we don our masks to interact with other people in the real world. So, in my opinion, those players who have no regard for others when they play WoW are fundamentally jerks in the real world. So while we may lose out on some skins or ore, we are at least better people then they are and that’s far more important.
#21 Apr 03 2008 at 2:39 PM Rating: Excellent
389 posts
Calabar wrote:
I was starting to get upset when I had a bit of an epiphany. Instead of getting upset, I felt sorry for that player. Here’s a person who feels that steeling a few bits of thorium ore in a video game is more important than his honor or self respect. That is a truly sad thing. I feel that in an environment such as WoW where there are little or no consequences to our actions, we are more truly who we really are than when we don our masks to interact with other people in the real world. So, in my opinion, those players who have no regard for others when they play WoW are fundamentally jerks in the real world. So while we may lose out on some skins or ore, we are at least better people then they are and that’s far more important.


Although I wonder what it says about me that I'm generally nicer ingame than I am out of it...
#22 Apr 03 2008 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
ItsaGaAs wrote:
To help minimize people taking your skins, I suggest the following:

Have autoloot off. Open up the loot window but do NOT take the drop until after you see the other toon try to start skinning. Now take the drop loot and start your own skinning. His skin will fail and you will get the skin.

The trouble is, if you've got the loot window sitting open with the loot waiting for you to take it, the game still interprets it as the loot being on the corpse. Loot on corpse means it can't be skinned. If it can't be skinned, the guy waiting to skin the mob you killed won't be able to start the skinning process.

We're talking about a very short delay, and if I were the kind of asshat who would skin a mob someone else killed without waiting to see if they were a skinner themselves, I would position myself by the corpse and spam click my mouse pointer over it. Fastest clicker wins.

You wouldn't need a long delay. Even restricting it so that a corpse can only be skinned by the person tagged with loot privileges on the mob for 5 seconds after the corpse becomes able to be skinned (or mined, or harvested for herbs) would be more than enough. Note that this window would have to begin after the normal loot was removed from the corpse. In other words, you could kill (for example) 5 mobs without looting them at all, then go back around, loot them, and for 5 seconds after you loot each one you're the only person able to skin it.

Anything longer than 5-10 seconds would take away from one of the more "generous" aspects of the game. There were times as a skinner where I would come across piles of corpses scattered all over from someone who was grinding mobs but not interested in skinning them. It always seemed like a nice bonus. Put a long delay on being able to skin them and it would lose some of its flare.

Edited, Apr 3rd 2008 5:12pm by AureliusSir
#24 Apr 08 2008 at 9:37 AM Rating: Excellent
4,574 posts
I thought mining was already set up that the first person to hit the node got the loot, while anyone else got the "stealing" message.

It’s on a per swing basis. Even if one person got in the first swing, someone else could run up and beat him to the second swing.
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