At 62 you could probably only be a key monger. But, since you haven't been in there, you don't have enough cruor to buy stacks of keys. Unfortunately, to fight effectively, you will probably need to be 70 for the visions zones; and maybe 75 for the higher scars/heroes ones. Once you get to 70 though, one good worm party could get you to 75 + max merits and 50-75k cruor. (If you have the items for the next level cap quest, you could probably zone, do the quest, come back and get level 80 in the same party/alliance)
At about 75 you could do some bastion battles in the scars zones. I accidentally gained a whole level for BLU in just over an hour doing those one night. You get some nice cruor and bastion points (empyrean legs) too.
On the bright side, with FoV and GoV, it is pretty easy to level up solo/duo/trio.
Send a tell if you want to duo some GoV. Once you get 70 you can do a little low man stuff to get enough cruor to unlock some conflux and etc.
XI: Erdrick: Hume RDM, BLU, SMN, GEO - Shiva.
"Well, I make no claims to genius. I let those who see me in action do that."
RM from