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Zulkheim Region Takeover (Windurst)Follow

#1 Aug 30 2009 at 12:56 AM Rating: Decent
Is it possible from Windurst with only a few people?

If I were to trade a bucket of unused gear.. what's the best gear to use? Is it high level gear? High-cost gil? How much points do you get per equipment?

I have two friends (one of them my girlfriend) with me who speak of the takeover over dinner every once in a while :(

So I traded about 45 maple wands to the NPC and the bar didn't even budge. Is there time needed before you'll see the change?
What's the best way to take over this region? Should I trade one item at a time instead of 8?

If anybody can answer, or better yet, anybody wants to TAKE THE REGION OVER FROM WINDY (woot), let me know pl0x. I've been playing maybe a year and we've never had Zulkheim once -_-.


Thanks :)
#2 Aug 30 2009 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
3,285 posts
Gl with that. We got the bar to move once but it never moved enough to change the outcome.
#3 Aug 31 2009 at 9:24 AM Rating: Good
851 posts
If I ever go back on my character, all I know is I'm still ???-Profit!-ing from that time when all of the noob zones switch control. Great people who enabled that... great people...
#4 Sep 01 2009 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
69 posts
This is how region take-overs are done, as my old-old LS used to do:

1- Get about 30-40 people participating. Saturday night and Sunday morning, right before the tally.
2- Those not native to the nation that's doing the take-over are helpers, PLers, runners, synthers.
3- The natives EXP in parties, low EXP and skill-ups are fine. IIRC, the mobs have to be at least Even Match. Just make sure that only natives gain EXP.
4- The runners get cheap ingredients and crystals from all over Vana'diel and deliver them to synthers.
5- Synthers synth cheap equipment.
6- Natives trade equipment to outpost NPC.

Remember that the region control indicator only changes every hour.

Doing this a few weeks in a row, we got all three nations access to the hard outposts (Saruta, Raunfore, Gustaberg).
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