I took a break since 2004 (Well I quit due to time, but I have a bit more time now) and I still have my old Lotb pearl, problem is there is no one it. So does anyone know if Lotb is still alive on Shiva. Yoshime and Darcy stand out most in my mind, along with Merovingian.
i also took a break since about that same time. very few names i remember at all but kitsume i remember Merovingian i sort of do also. i see xellith posting here regularly. so at least 2 names will be familiar when/ if i return.
lotb is still around, look for ammut, bakuretshunter, aarron, ezekeil, maleko or vaughanian. just a few sacholders i can think of off the top of my work addled brain. welcome back.