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Alucardrip possible return....Follow

#1 Jun 30 2009 at 6:48 AM Rating: Good
148 posts
Alucardrip possible return.... So I'm thinking about returning to FFXI and was wondering if there are any good end game LS's and social LS's left... Also any of my old friends troll this forum lol??? Is Shiva still and fun server? Oh and last but not least is this game still fun after all the new updates and things like that? The last time I played was September of 2008
#2 Jun 30 2009 at 6:59 AM Rating: Good
201 posts
Welcome back

No one quits, ever.

Ichiban (social)



Blah blah, yatta yatta, etc etc
#3 Jun 30 2009 at 7:02 AM Rating: Good
148 posts
lol well you do have me there... I have def taken a few vacations from FFXI but I never delete my character just deactivate him... Oh yeah one more question I know returning home is over but do yall think I will be able to get my character back because if not I will not be back until that is open to us returning players again...

Edited, Jul 1st 2009 10:50am by AlucardRIP
#4 Jul 04 2009 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
3,285 posts
I remember you and if you come back /welcome back ^.^
#5 Jul 06 2009 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
445 posts
Of course you're coming back now. I just quit. Makes perfect sense. Murphy's law and whatnot, you know?

Anyhow, good luck getting your character back.

- Sida
#6 Jul 06 2009 at 5:28 PM Rating: Good
148 posts
lol awww that sucks I was able to reactivate the content id's and am downloading the updates now... hey sida if u have any killer gear I can borrow log back in and let me ill never sell it and ill send it back if I ever quit... lol when I log back in I have to remember who has some of the few pieces I lent out when I was gone
#7 Jul 06 2009 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
445 posts
Sorry, man, no can do. Grim has my account now, along with my gear. Besides, it's all rare/ex anyhow.
#8 Jul 06 2009 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Yeah, Sida made sure to sell off anything on his account, including the things he borrowed from me, without compensation.
#9 Jul 17 2009 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
5,055 posts
SirEaglestrike wrote:
Yeah, Sida made sure to sell off anything on his account, including the things he borrowed from me, without compensation.

yeah because someone whos retired and doesnt even play ffxi anymore surely had a use for that gear he/she sold off... now if you wre actually still playing/active ingame and he sold your stuff you let him/her borrow without compensation THEN i could sympathize/care but you quit so from the time you quit unless otherwise stated/made clear anything you let someone borrow prior to quitting then becomes theirs to do with as they pleasesince youre no longer around to give it back too anyway.

That would be like you being my neighbor and you let me borrow your lawnmower, then the next day you die, since youre dead youre not around for me to give that lawnmower back too thus its now mine so if i wanna sell it or whatever Im free to do so as a dead man has no use for it. Now if you went on vacation out of town for like a year while i had your lawnmower and there was an understanding between you and i that it was just a vacation thus meaning youd be back, THEN I have no right to sell your lawnmower as its still yours and youll be expecting to have it back when you come back from your vacation. So did you tell anyone (or the person in question sida) that when you quit to go play WoW it wasnt gonna be permanent and you planned to come back some day?
#10 Jul 18 2009 at 1:11 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
I was reactivated last month, Sida's last month with an active account. He gave me my Blau back and an Amemet+1, I gave him a Blau, a Forager's and other things like a Tatami shield and all sorts of DRK and PLD gear I had around for random reasons (herc ring and stuff). I signed on after a year and a half away from the game to an account unable to adequately play any job, aside from being carried by my Mandau. It wasn't a good way to return =P

I didn't delete my character and I didn't give away all my stuff when I quit because I figured there'd be some reason for my return down the line. Hell I impulsively gave away a stack of gil and SH (or +1, I'm not sure which I had back then, lol) on my last truly active day a year and a half ago when I had planned to keep it all. I didn't ask that person for my stuff back, but Sida wanted me to activate last summer so he could take my stuff as he was leveling PLD up and wanted my Blau for super 1337 BRD stabbing.

Anyway, I'm sure most people are going to be thankful for Sida, he helped keep me away from the game, lol.
#11 Jul 24 2009 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
445 posts
Right. That's exactly what happened. I didn't pay for your account for the month, taking your things only at the end when you said you were done. You weren't an enormous jerk the whole month.

Furthermore, you gave me a good amount of time to prepare to give you the things I took back. You didn't spring it on me a few days before I quit or anything. You certainly didn't wait until I had given most of my possessions away.

Also, as far as I'm concerned, the way you harassed my friends to wake me up while I was pleasantly sleeping, you should be happy to have gotten anything at all, never mind the best I could do on short notice.

I appreciate all the things you did for me, LoH, including helping me through CoP and ToAU, and all the other things you did for me "because you were bored". But the time where I needed things from you is over.

In short, you were useful before. Now you're just annoying. Eat a *****.
#12 Jul 24 2009 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Right, I talked to your cousin, in the middle of the day, to call you to get my stuff back once. I then waited another few days to get anything back at all, and got nothing over the last few weeks. You talk as if I came to you June 30th and said "GET ME MY STUFF" but I was back in the early part of the month and with the wonderful way SE does its billing that means you were active for weeks after I informed you of my return and that I wanted stuff back.

I'm not sure what happened to you, but I've been an enormous jerk since forever, it's part of my amazing personality, you were fine with it when I was helping you. I helped you for months, when I had nothing to gain from it (since I didn't care to merit and what good is a brd outside of merits?) but apparently acting like a ****, no change from usual, after I quit is able to nullify it all.

I don't know exactly why you became who you are now, but you're wrong.
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