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Shiva Story( A FFXI Story) Chap-1 WelcomeFollow

#1 Nov 09 2007 at 11:37 PM Rating: Good

<<< Putting it through some crappy blog service so it will be easier for people to read, please, tell me how im doing^^

(Alot shorter this time, shorter segments for low interest readers XD

edit: feel free to criticize, only way to make me better as a writer

Edited, Nov 10th 2007 2:43am by Starilae

FFXI: A Story Chapter 1-Welcome to Vana’ Diel

Was the air really this chilly this high up in the air? Maybe its being on a massive flying boat thats making me freeze my balls off. Yeah… its not the air at all, or in a sense. Maybe im numb all over because not 20 minutes ago I was at home, watching some crappy TV show. Its hard not showing face to circumstances like these. Well maybe because the hottest girl I’ve ever seen in my natural born life was talking to me like I was some kind of baby. She did seem to have a lot of authority though. Master bard of Vana’Diel. She sorta ran over what exactly this place was that we were going to… well not really. Basically told me not to be frightened by the inhabitants and to stay away from most goblins…. Basically im still clueless as to what this place is.
Yeah.. That’s why I’m showing how scared I am. My teeth wont stop chattering.. Its making things hard. I feel as though my knees will buckle from the weight..
“Are you ok Mason?”
She is even hotter when she opens her mouth…..
‘Mason? Are you ok?” With a startled look, Adaria put her soft hands to Mason’s Forehead.
“Jeez, your so cold, I knew those normal Hume clothes wouldn’t be enough… Don’t worry though, ill soon have us in Vana’ Diel in no time, and we can go to Jueno’s Merry Minstrel for a warm drink! I think you would like that place. Its sort of like the StarBucks on this planet, just a lot less stares….” Adaria’s Cheeks was reddening, but Mason didn’t know for sure if it was the cold or not.
“I do believe we are high enough so no Earthling eyes shall see the process.” Foxfire’s strong tenor voice seemed certain, he was itchin to go.
Adaria strode forward… Bowing her head in what seemed to be a pray, she muttered something to herself. From Behind her cloak, she drew a very handsome looking flute. Long in splendor with the most brilliant in gold weaves.
No… I had to see everyone elses faces.
Of course, Shelle’s face showed outright fear. It was painful watching her. Star was almost holding her in place. He embraced her, and stood as a rock behind her, also watching the spectical now taking place.
Lennith looked totally uninterested. Her mind was on the grizzled up Kabob now in her little paws.
Foxfire had withdrawn to the captain’s quarters, Readying himself for the flight ahead.
Taking a deep breath, Adaria stood stalk still, in the middle of the airship deck. Her body began to sway a little bit, as if finding a tune. And then, she began to play. Instantly I felt it, from the very first note. Its very hard to describe the intensity of the feeling. The music flowed from her flute as my mind began to clear of all other thoughts.
Adaria was instantly our guides, and I was no longer afraid. As her music went on, I felt the need to close my eyes. As I closed them, I noticed I was in a whole another place. I was floating in a colorful vortex. At the end of this vortex was the classic white light. It was almost too simple to think that that white light was Vana’diel.
Yeah, I was wrong.
I floated, what looked to be, in my best description, a circular doorway, and on the other side of this doorway, nothing but whiteness. I looked back, just to see where I had came. I much preferred the vortex of color than nothing at all. The omnipresent music kept up its tunes, telling me to be patient. That’s when I knew, I was on a whole new level of thinking.
The circular hole was gone and it was just me in this void. I think I was there for days, im not sure. It seems that really, there was no time at all, there was seriously nothing but that whitness, my thoughts, and Adaria’s music. Then, as sudden as a bolt of lighting, whirls of dark greys and stone, and what looked to be a sky, ascended upon me. I could feel the cold nip of what seemed to be winter air. But with all these new changes, I was still no where, and I felt like nothing. Seeing something new had aroused me a little. It made me blatantly happy. Then I could hear something. Whoomp whooomp whooooomp. I recognized the sound… what was that sound!
If I could just remember what that sound was, I would realize where I was. Still floating, I thought hard about that sound… yes… It was the Airship’s turbines! I’m on the Airship!
It hit me so fast, I felt as though I would faint. Things, objects, roared into my mind, into my eyes. I could see rocks and ledges, o and Snow! I could feel the Deck below my feet. I could the strange garments on my back. Then I finally thought to try and look for myself. I raised my hand up to my face. I know it was there but I couldn’t see it. Slowly, it appeared, right in front of my face, Good ole hand!
Things began to soar around me… so fast, making me want to hurl. I then realized I wanted to hurl, that I could feel myself getting sick. I was so relieved!
The song… It began to slow down, it was nearing its end, thus, I was nearing the end of my journey. I then saw her, swaying to her own song, Adaria, on the airship deck, looking right into my eyes, right into my heart. I think she was telling me it was good to come in, to come into this new world around me. I could see everyone standing about.
Sort of shocked, Shelle spoke some inaudible garble that fell out of her mouth. Star grinned. We were here.
The song then ended, with a note that sounded like it was pleased with itself. Adaria then lowered her flute and stood silent for a second. Smiling radiantly she threw her arms up in the air.
Welcome! Welcome home to Vana’Diel!
Chapter 1-2- Surprisingly powerful
Like a foolish child I ran over to the ledge of the deck to see this world. My heart sank. We were in a barren wasteland. Snow everywhere, and nothing but rocks and little ridges. It seemed to stretch for as far as I could see.
“Why have we come to Behemonth’s Dominion?” Star, letting go of Shelle looked over the ledge himself.
Star’s mouth then opened but nothing came out. He was interrupted by a white shiny orb. It had flung out from under his Surcoat and was now floating snugly above his head.
‘What the heck is…” Shelle was also interrupted. The same little orb thing had materialized in front of her chest. Floating in that spot for a second, it shot into the air above her head.
“Wow, its pretty! It looks like a giant pearl.” Shelle’s voice of that of a 3 year old, tickled at such magic. That annoyed me….
“Oh no, that’s why we are here….” Star let out a little groan. “I’m not getting any rest today am I? Please Adaria, would you so kindly play me a ballad and a minne?” Star seemed to ask gingerly, sorta of sheepishly.
At once, without a word, adaria pulled out another instrument from behind her cloak. This time it was a little wooden harp. Strumming on it for a few seconds, the first song was maybe 15 seconds long. From out of the harp came little musical notes. They swirled around only for a moment before materializing into a pure bluish light. The light went everywhere in all directions. The light sort of landed on me, covering me up for a second. It had a strange feeling about it, very warm.
The second was almost the same. This time a different song, but instea of the blue light, there was a darkish yellow/brown light. It made a sort of design around me, putting its golden touch all over my body. Instantly I felt the difference from this one, I felt invincible, well almost. This was the Minne. I felt as if I would take a bullet and not flinch.
I didn’t get to enjoy the feeling long before I saw the oddest thing. Right out in front of the airship, what looked to be a man in Dark purple or blue armor flew like a bullet out from the cloud under us. I saw his face just for a second, it was pure surprise. that’s not all, right on his tale, looked to be a half grown dragon, about the size of a car. Its yellow and blue colors was a shock to the sky about it. This I would come to learn later, was a dragoon.
“ What the hell was that thing!?” Shelle was now looking into the sky above us, where it had disappeared. It had gone so high, it seems like it went right up into the upper atmosphere.
“That my dear, is my friend Dracociant, ace Dragoon.” Star smirked as he looked away from the side of the ship. “All right Foxfire, they seem to be right below us!” Lennith had called out. Picking herself up, she prepared for combat.
The ship began to plumet downward.The clouds below us looked like walls o marble waiting to be crashed into. Crashing through the clouds for all of a minute seemed like a eternity. I so desperately wanted to see what was below the cover of the clouds.
Then, we broke cloud cover, and below us was a scene of pure chaos. Hundreds of people below was running and dashing out of the way of of 4 story high, football length long raging purple bull with ginormous horns.
“Looks like we made it in time, seems Dracociant had gotten hate because all the tanks seems to be KO’ed. Shelle’s eyes were wide in terror. “O your not seriously going down there Star.” Shelle could see bodies littered about the ground everywhere, those were probably the tanks.
Star jumped up on the ledge of the ship. Pulling his Blue and white shield from his back, he strapped it to his left arm. He then pulled out his Excalibur. Tucking it neatly behind his shield, Star seemed ready to make a dive.
“Maybe You should wait Star…” Adaria half ran forward, looking up at Star pleadingly. Nah, he wasn’t listening. The scene got worst below.
Turning around to look at Shelle one last time, he grinned. “ I’ll be fine hun. King Behemonth doesn’t scare TANKS like me!” Star Laughed, purely exhilarated. Looking down below, the scene had gone from bad to worst. Picking up three people by his horns, King Behemonth flung them all about 60 feet in the air, letting them hit the ground with a thud. They didn’t get up.
The monster then tuned its attention towards a group of about 20 people, standing far away. They were casting many spells it seemed. All sorts of lights began to form all over the beast’s body, and all sorts of things I could recognize, like a clock spinning retroguage till it stopped. I could tell what those guys where doing, trying to stop it from making it to them. Out of no where, another person had appeared. Hitting it with a Ball of yellow light, which didn’t seem to change the beast barreling course, a man dressed in a red body armor and yellow poofy leggings, was trying to get the attention of the beast in vain.
Gasping, Adaria turned away.
“Yep, its time I got going.” Jumping over the side of the craft, Star pulled his shield in front of his face in a astonishing downward barrel right towards the monster’s head. It was maybe 600 feet from the airship to the monster. Hearing Shelle’s screams only made me wish more that Star was really that freaking cool and was gonna actually land without getting hurt. Seconds after Star’s jump, Dracociant shot down like a bullet, flying right past star, Harpoon in a downward thrust.
Things were happening way to fast, but, I was starting to tell that there was method to this chaos below. Things started clicking, All before star hit the ground…. Slamming into the huge monster, the Dragoon pulled his harpoon out of his back, and then turning his attention from the monster, looked towards the sky. He was the only one that had noticed.
The Man tried to grab the attention on the monster again. A grand red light flashed the monster right in its face. It Stopped for a second and looked at the fellow, now with these two gruesome looking knuckle/blades ready to take some hits. Then flames Erupted around him, his body was up in fire! It was magic from one of the people standing back, the monster lost all attention for the man and went barreling for the soft mages, he didn’t make it far.
Slamming into the monster at full falling speed, square on the top of his head, Star made a fantastic direct hit. The Behemonth’s body shook as if in slow motion, and his face went into the ground from Star’s blow, his back legs was up in the air. leaving a small Crater where its head once was, King behemonth stood up like a champ. Shaking his head and getting the snow out of his eyes, he stood up and looked at the now landing Starilae. His gallant white and gold armor made it hard to keep my eyes on him against the white snow.
There was a shocked silence from everyone around, nobody moved, and neither did King Behemonth. The airship turbines lowering towards the ground now, broke the silence. King behemonth started to run like a bull with his horns down, right at the little Starilae.
Raising his hand in the air, the same white bubble magic from before appeared, but not on Star, but in the form of a flash of the brightest light imaginable, right on the monster’s face.
Running out of the way, The monster totally missed Star. It realized fast its folly, and shook its head madly, trying to get the sting of that light out of his eyes.
<Sentinel>! Instantly a blue crystal dome appeared around Star’s body in perfect symmetrical coverage. Turning his attention from the monster, Star looked towards the stunned man from before, the one that was trying to get the monster’s attention.
“Lunimar, Leader of the StariKnights, Rally your troops, we have a fight to finish!” Star’s Voice was crisp and demanding.
About 30 or so feet above the ground, the airship was at a hover. Touching Shelle on her shoulder, Adaria too went to the ledge of the ship. A white beaded staff was now on her back and she seemed ready to fight also. Lennith right behind her was shaking her head, not at all amused at Star’s actions.
“Showing off is gonna get him killed, lets see how cool he is when a freakin meteor smacks him in the head….” Both Jumping off the ledge together, they touched the ground and did a little barrel tuck roll.
Rashelle only stared at her lover, who she honestly thought was gonna die. I could tell she was holding her breath for the moment a meteor was to destroy Star.
Lunimar had his senses back, and he was indeed now seeing things. Waiting for a brief second knowing KB would charge again before she settle down to normal attacking, Lunimar stood, ready to attack.
Charging in just like before, KB roared in anger, determined to hit this little man, determined to crush him, grind him to bits. Star didn’t even try to move this time. Sword drawn, and shield ready Star took the full force of the blow. Time all but stopped. The king’s snout was snug against Star’s wall of protection and his shield. King Behemonth had run right into a brick wall. Stopped, cold in his tracks, their eyes met. Silent was the two, both measuring the other’s skills. King Behemonth then decided not to take this human lightly, he was amazing powerful. His fight was not with anyone else, he wanted that man dead more than any other.
Then, right in his face, an arm came out of the man’s chest. It had a dagger and two forceful hits made him roar in pain.
<Shark Bite>! Lenneth was all over that monster. Star, drawing his sword, Slashed the monster again right in his face. Everyone was attacking it, like millions of ants trying to take down a cow.
Lifting up his head, he pitted a roar from deep from within his chest. I could see his muscles tightening from where I stood. It was like a War Cry, giving him Strength. Swinging his horns wildly, he Smacked Star right in his stomach, sending him flying. The Blue Shield had lit up again ready to receive another blow. Recovering in mid air, Star landed on his feet neatly, and ran all out at the monster now galloping towards him.
<Provoke>! Star had produced the same red light as Lunimar from earlier enraging King Behemonth further. Then, right before meeting him for a clash, Star then got ready to smack him with his shield. His Shield seemed to charge with energy, and all of it was to be released on KB’s vulnerable face. <Shield Bash>! The king hit the ground and Started to slide from his massive bulk. People with all sorta of weapons was all over him, perfect time to strike the monster, while he was down.
On top of his back and running for the back of his head, Lunimar was gonna get him from his blind spot. Punching him 3 time, letting the jagged edges of his knuckle Blades dig in, Lunimar then got ready to attack with full force. The sound was loud and clear, Like a hundred muffled blows, The soon to be familiar threads of light around him was the tell tell sign of a weapon skill, and one of the most powerful I would ever see.
“Asuran Fist”! Blue Light leaped out of his fist on every blow, causing the monster to stagger with every blow. My eyes couldn’t catch them all, it looked like hundreds of hits, but was over pretty fast.
Taking a deep breath, lunimar lept off of the monster’s back. On his way down, inches from the monster’s purple hide, he gave it a few more licks, each one harder than the last. Running to the back of the monster, still on the ground, Lunimar stood and punched. 4 or five people came running forward, each one stopping behind Lunimar. First was a guy with a HUGE axe. He was a tall man like Foxfire, an Elvaan. First a little red light, and then a softer blue light appeared on both hands of the man. It looked as though he was going to strike Lunimar, but I was wrong. Spinning around in a wild circle, holding the huge axe with one hand, and gaining momentum, he got enough force and was in an all out spin. <Steel Cyclone>! With a grunt, the fully powered weaponskill was ready, letting go of his cyclone, the axe and the man flew through Lunimar’s body and collided with the monster.
Soon after the collision, it caused a mini explosion of power, all over King Behemonths body, it seemed to be an eruption of pain. It then turned into an orb of eruptions, covering his body. Then, out of no where, Magic’s of all sorts of colors went on to appear over the monster’s body, only to be sucked up by the huge orb of light.
Seconds later, after all the magic had met its mark on the Burst of energy, it was not over. Exploding one last time, It erupted into a huge array of lights and colors. It was so blinding I had to close my eyes. Its roar was that of a raging fire being sucked up by a vacuum, and King Behemonth was the vacuum, holding all that fire, all that destruction.
I looked up to see Much was different. King behemonth’s fur was now well darkened or not there, blood oozed out of places not before even there. Rising to his feet slowly, King Behemoth, now looked sad. He knew he was going to die. But the hate he had for that Paladin was too powerful to break.
Looking into the sky one last time, KB did a pitiful cry/whimper. It was like a pray, asking the gods to lend him help one last time.
“NO NO NO!” Foxfire was running away from the ledge back to the captain’s quarters.
“What the hell! We aren’t Leaving Star! What the hell is going on?” Shelle was now pleading with Fox to tell her what exactly was going on.
“No time darling, we must remove ourselves from the vicinity, Starilae will be fine.”
Letting him go, Rashelle took a deep breath and turned her gaze to all the people below, now getting smaller and smaller. They were in a scramble, some Hastily casting magic, some trying to run far away. Star, lunimar, Lennith, nor any of the people that was close to the King did not move, they were already to close to get away.
Star was casting Cure magic on everyone, they would need every bit of HP for what was coming from the sky. The heavens seemed to be pissed off. The clouds, swirling in black mush let us know. Little flashes of light Showed us its warning. That’s all the warning we would get.
Lunimar, walking up next to Star, only Stared at the Dying Beast. The King seemed to be happy with itself. It’s eyes Turned from the Sky to Starilae, and right after a blood spattering cough, it smiled. It actually did a toothy smile, pure evil. It was jubilant, knowing these pestering people would be dead soon after him. With that, he dropped his head, and hit the ground with a wild rumble.
King Behemonth was dead, but it wasn’t over quite yet. Looking towards the sky, Lenneth did a stagger. “You know, forget this Star, im not taking a meteor today, I told myself I was over all that crap a year ago, its no fun, and its just a little too painful for me, so im out. I’ll Probably have all the Loot from ole KB ready before you guys even realize Meteor has come down.” And With that, Lennith turned tail and ran…. Fast. In seconds, she was already ahead of most of the fleeing mages.
“So Starilae Has returned….Looks like we are as good as drunk tonight.” Lunimar’s tenor voice was very calm. He brushed back his short spikey blonde hair and put his Claws back beside his legs.
“You cant imagine how much ive missed you Luni.” Star was somber. He turned to look at his best friend, who was still looking up into the sky. He almost hadn’t changed at all. Star was happy for that, his heart beat hard, finally realizing he was home, and with his friends. He didn’t dare look around him at the other few people standing about, all he knew like borthers and sisters. He was afraid his tears would show.
There was no time to cry. Above them, above the airship, and now breaking through the thick swirling clouds came a humungous rock. It was seriously the biggest thing I had ever seen, ever. It was Meteor, and it was so big, gravity was being distorted all over Behemonth’s Dominion. Flaming and breaking in little places, the huge rock seemed to be falling slowly, but that was a lie. Going thousands of miles per hour and gaining speed per second, that rock was no joke.
Seeing what they had left Star behind for, Shelle only opened her mouth. Figiting for a brief second, She fainted. I ran over just in time to catch her limp body, and I too wanted to just pass out. I too wondered how the hell ANYONE , even super humans could withstand something like that.
The ship began to Rock Violently , trying to break the pull of the huge rock, still miles above them.
“Star, I hope you know what you are doing, I really don’t want to be in this place without you…..” And with that, I stood over the ledge to try and see where my sister’s Boyfriend was. Was this the end, at the very beginning?

Edited, Nov 10th 2007 2:56am by Starilae
#2 Nov 25 2007 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
bump damnit!
#3 Dec 26 2007 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
I enjoy your stories, ^^. Been a long time Star, I remember StariKnights very very well. I do miss it. Talinon, Zaesti, the whole group! Even Pavio and all the drama he loved to cause. Remember when he would get mad and drop his pearl? We'd have to play hide and seek with him for hours trying to find him to give him a pearl back."If you really care if I'm in your shell you'll find me" -sigh- The good old days, before sky and sea when everything got all serious and complicated. Party for hours, you were with me the first time I went to the Crawlers Nest and laughed when I was all "Ooooo isn't this cool?" Healing your thf for all I was worth. lol. Even as thf you managed to pull hate... I still talk to some of the members from long ago though sadly it seems most of them have faded into the mists. Well I'm told by your beloved that I am in this story somewhere, though I have yet to see it. I am NOT dead. Obviously I am alive and well and typing... lol. Let me know when I make my appearance and until then I look forward to reading of your adventures in Vana'diel.

#4 Dec 27 2007 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent
Why bump something that hasn't been finished Star?
#5 Dec 29 2007 at 7:15 AM Rating: Default
lots of editing dear, lots of editing. trying to put up our l super site, go to work, finish college, and play the game just a lil... and get enough sleep to do it all over again the next day ^^, i promise ill have the story up by the end of the week ^^

And kitty, im so glad you read up on me ^^, your in the story too, every person i ever cared about or admired is in this story, lol. you will see.
#6 Dec 29 2007 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
3,285 posts
O god I wonder what part i play as
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