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New theme song for all you cheaters and RMT out thereFollow

#227 Aug 02 2006 at 2:21 PM Rating: Decent
SophusTehNewb wrote:
So relate him to Kramer so we can move past that and find out why y'all hate cheese so much.

Too much cheese will constipate you, then you will act like Loh does!
#228 Aug 02 2006 at 2:26 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
You're still trolling a server forum you don't have a character on anymore.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2006 at 3:30pm EDT by SirEaglestrike
#229 Aug 02 2006 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
SirEaglestrike wrote:
You're still trolling a server forum you don't have a character on anymore.

Your still living in your parents basement, so what is your point?
#230 Aug 02 2006 at 2:31 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
/typical lame comeback

You're still not doing any work at work

#231 Aug 02 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
SirEaglestrike wrote:
/typical lame comeback

You're still not doing any work at work

I was just kidding, so you actually do live in your parents basement?
#232 Aug 02 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
In this heat, definately better than my room upstairs...always a nice cool 60-70 degrees (it's a finished basement too). I take care of my bro while he's recoving from ACL surgery.
#233 Aug 02 2006 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
Think Takumaku is God? Wanna be just like him?
WELL YOU CAN TOO. In just a few easy steps

1. Crack your knuckles when replying to long posts
2. Keep reminding yourself your winning the flame war even if its 7 people vs you and you cant find anyone to stick up for you. If you keep telling yourself this you will actually start to believe it, even tho it isnt true.
3. Talk sh*t to other people on topics you have absolutley no clue about...If they bring up you dont know anything, tell them a friend told you. (which isnt true cuz u have no friends LAWL)
4. Remeber you are God. If someone agrees with you, then everything they said is true. If someone disagrees with you that person is a ******.
5. If you cant think of a good comeback you can always remind them how intellectual you are and how they fail to hold an intelligent conversation.
6. Remind everyone else that they are forum trolls and have no life when you actually make more posts than them, and dont even play FFXI that much.
7. If you attempt to do something and fail, randomly start flame threads attacking everyone who can do what you cant. Example: Attempt to get Mr.Argus bots, when you fail. Take a strong offensive against all botters and tell them how bad it is and what a great person you are for saving the FFXI community from it.
8. If steps 1-7 fail. Remeber to keep posting and crying for as long as it takes until everyone gets tired of posting and you ultimatley win by default.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2006 at 9:29pm EDT by HICSurfer
#234 Aug 02 2006 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
Oh what fun! Time to put these fools in check, yet again.

Vanhelios wrote:
<3 2 weeks off of work. Who is worse, the guy who plays the game or the one who talks about stuff he will never be a part of on forums. Again you fail to legitimately reply to a post. Word of advice taku, be quiet when the big kids are talking because you are far too uninformed in the matter of HNM/Botting/FFXI. Kill Kirin yet? i hear he's hard..

I had a lot of fun with Kirin during my time with HoCD. I think I was up to my 4th Kirin fight before I left for a bit to play WoW. I never thought I could of kited Kirin as long as I did sometimes while playing my black mage. Blink and Stonesking are lifesavers. I camped HNMs for a while too when I used to play more often. But staring at the screen for hours on end, prior to the pop, isn't exactly my idea of entertainment. Although, I had a lot of fun helping out with King B. There was a lot of suspense in evading those attacks. Good stuff and good times. But alas, living for HNMs wasn't my cup of tea. Especially when there's a lot of content to explore. That's just my playstyle for FFXI. I could care less if a group of 1337tards doesn't approve. Furthermore Van, you pretty much fail at posting period. You can't really hold an argument on your own. You do nothing but piggy back on other people's responses.

HICSurfer wrote:
Dude obviousley vanh, takumaku camps HNM all the time, I mean what HNM LS wouldnt want such a great player like takumaku in their LS. Ill bet right now they are all arguing over who gets to deny him first.

Takumaku wrote:
Sounds like a bullsh*t attempt at flaming. I don't know the whole story behind LoH, nor do I care to hear it. But almost every end-game person I've spoken with has had nothing good to say about your linkshell. And even if every other HNMLS does bot, at least they're not d!cks about it. I think that's where Zenmetsu is falling short, and why they're hated. Because they plain suck as people.

Yes and your a shining example of what we all should be when we grow up, im suprised they dont put statues of u inside a church. And look again, I DONT KNOW THE WHOLE STORY BEHIND LOH, but ur still gonna talk sh*t about yet again something you dont know. Why dont u go reread anythread on allakhazam or KI, they all turn into LoH Flame fests at one point or another, including this one.

Hey everyone, next time you see takumaku die, do /point and /laugh. That will get you a good 15 pages of crying out of him on a forum. Then we can all have something to read, and by all i mean people on other servers coming into flame him. Lemme see if i can dig that old thread up.

Edit: Well that was pretty easy to find.
Warning, many players ended up butthurt during the creation of this thread, and are still whining about it to this very day.;q=81008

Fixed your warning message there. Seemed more appropriate.

Contrary to what your simple mind might believe, I had some good times in Wasp and HoCD. Going to sky, BCNMs, doing dynamis, and fighting CoP wyrms was always a blast. Never had any complaints on my performance. Pretty much did my thing as a BLM, listened to the officers/leaders, got the occasional drop, and above all else, had fun. In other words, I had a good taste of everything. I look forward to having even more fun with my current linkshell. I doubt I'd have much problem getting in any other end-game LS if I wanted to. Especially when most of them despise Zenmetsu anyway.

As far as LoH goes, I consider him the lesser of two evils. At least he tries to articulate his reasons when people criticize him. Where as you and your buddies here do nothing but try to flame by calling people b!tches, f@ggots, and stupid. Not a lot of originality

HICSurfer wrote:
Takumaku, you're a stupid head

You could of just posted this, and end up coming across the same way. Oh well, so much for saving yourself some trouble.

I love how you brought back that old AurorasDawn thread. That was just classic. The only person outside of Shiva that went out of his way to flame me was some yaoi Elvaan. Shortly after that thread was locked, I discovered the guy makes a hobby of trolling drama threads on other servers. Pretty much some idiot looking to pick fights that don't involve him in the least. Where as there was another outsider that came to agree with me. Those were the only outsiders to my recollection. However in this case, Zenmetsu's actions and usual BS affects a lot of end-game players, and turns many off to FFXI end-game on our server. I remember back in the day when HNMLS used to abide by a unwritten code of conduct that made things fair and fun. That's what turned me on to FFXI end-game in the first place. I admired the comraderie and mutual respect. It was a shining example of the quality playerbase that FFXI used to have.

When I came back from my WoW hiatus, I found out that AurorasDawn had broken up. No surprise there. Also, it didn't come as a shocker when I found out that some of their bigger knuckleheads joined Zenmetsu. It's actually quite convienant that Zenmetsu exists. Now, all of the bigger asshats on the server are in one linkshell. Making it easier for the casual player to decide who he/she doesn't want to group with. I mean look at the stellar cast you have: Takeno, Omfg, Vanhelios, Razzik, Galbar, that Icegem chick, and whomever you are. I don't think I've ever heard anything nice being said about those players.

Also, good luck on trying to rally the entire server to your cause of tossing emotes my way. Am I supposed to be intimidated or something? I remember some of the old AD people tried the same thing, and it fell flat. Nobody really cared. I also remember how they tried to flood my mog house box, lol. That wasn't really a big deal either, due to the fact I NPC'd it for a little extra gil. I remember asking some AD members to send me more stuff. Since I needed the extra gil to level up my cooking skill. Even with all their pathetic attempts at griefing, I still managed to make new friends and have a lot of fun in-game. But anyway, unless you have GM privileges, there's nothing you could really do to affect my time in this game. Especially when a majority of the server dislikes your shell to begin with. Nice try though.

Like I said, powerless.

HICSurfer wrote:
Dude Takeno, Kirin is well beyond Takumaku's realm of HNM. Go read the thread i posted. OBVIOUSLEY ullikummi is the most zomgwtfbbq L337 HNM in FFXI. I mean dude that thing only pops like 4x a day.

I found a video of Takumaku playing Unreal Tournament. I could only imagine how he acted the day he died to Ulli and got /laughed at

I'm guessing you're a former AD member. It's too bad I never really perished at the hands of Ullikummi. That's a common mistake. However, some of my former Wasp teammates had that misfortune. Takeno being one of them, I think. It's real funny how you bring up Ullikummi; when I personally watched AD perish to Mother Globe. I had a good laugh at that. Doesn't surprise me you'd join the same linkshell as Omfg. Birds of a feather I suppose.

I think it's cute how these guys are digging up videos of strangers across the internet and saying "LAWLZ DAT'S TAKU, DURRR!". I could easily scour the net for a picture of dog droppings and say it's Zenmetsu. But then again, I'm not that simple.

Takeno wrote:
Takumaku.... I didnt want to go to this but I guess its time.

You are the biggest hypocrite in here. Remember when you signed up to Rustymetal's forums in thebisckmarkbitchlist or some sh*t like that? yeah you little ***, you signed up for a botting, hacking, flaming forum. You saw all the videos of speed hacking, POSing among others. And what was your response? You liked it *****, you even wanted to get them, but since you dont have them you come here and talk sh*t about the people that do have them. Little bullsh*tting ******, stop being a hypocrite like Sanumanu (which got banned for POSing assaults) or Kummy(which did the same thing).

Just stop making yourself look even more stupid by posting about something you dont know like... umm/... yeah the HNM scene. Cuz kirin isnt HNM scene.

Takeno, maybe if you actually took the time to read the majority of threads on that website, you would of seen that most of it's content dealt with several things. Most of it being rival HNMLS flaming each other, flaming SquareEnix, flaming SoE, and all-around goofing off.

Yeah, some of those guys practiced using cheats, but not everyone on that website was there for that. The 3rd party programs were only one part of that website. Most of it had to do with creating a free, unregulated forum, where players could speak their minds about SE/SoE, GMs, and HNMLS BS without the worries of being censored, or flamed by mindless fanboys/girls. As a matter of fact, Rustymetal had created a seperate forum within the website specifically for 3rd party programs. A forum that was only open to certain users, not all of them. I was never apart of that clique really. I just loved the fact it was a great place for players to speak their minds without being censored.

In other words Takeno, the world isn't black and white. It's painted in shades of gray. Just because someone posted there, doesn't mean they subscribed to the use of the 3rd party tools. Most of the former posters there were there for the same reasons as I.

Icegem wrote:
By the end of the third page i lost the will to live because my eyes were bleeding... WoW Takumaku basically repeated everything he said on KI nearly a year ago on here. I would do the little quotes that hes so fond of but then i would be as stupid as he is.

As if you would have anything interesting to say anyway. Also, you have to remember I'm talking to nearly the same set of people as I did on KI. The same set of people that love to argue in circles, and really haven't changed at all. The only difference being they all fall under one banner now; which makes this a lot easier. Why would I treat them any differently now?

Well, that was fun kiddies. Now I know most of you like to post in the middle of the night, or the buttcrack of dawn following my posts. However, I'll be out of town for a couple of days, and I'd like for you to save your half-assed responses until later this weekend. Until then, happy adventuring ^_~

#235 Aug 02 2006 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm, caught this on the way out.

Think Takumaku is God? Wanna be just like him?
WELL YOU CAN TOO. In just a few easy steps

1. Crack your knuckles when replying to long posts

It's healthy to crack your knuckles once in a while. Nobody wants carpal tunnel

2. Keep reminding yourself your winning the flame war even if its 7 people vs you and you cant find anyone to stick up for you. If you keep telling yourself this you will actually start to believe it, even tho it isnt true.

Obvious case of tunnel vision. Try reading all the pages within the thread, not just the last one. A lot of people share a strong dislike for what you represent. Dealing with one Zenmetsu member would be too easy. It takes several to equal one complete mind.

3. Talk sh*t to other people on topics you have absolutley no clue about...If they bring up you dont know anything, tell them a friend told you. (which isnt true cuz u have no friends LAWL)

You obviously never bothered to read the other pages within this thread. I know quite a bit about the people I'm talking about(i.e. Omfg)

4. Remeber you are God. If someone agrees with you, then everything they said is true. If someone disagrees with you that person is a ******.

The only people here disagreeing with me are Zenmetsu members. Where's the rest of the server to come to your aid? Not that what you say is true, but by following rule #4, that means that Zenmetsu are retards. Hmmm, ok. Anyone else outside of Zenmetsu have a problem with that?

5. If you cant think of a good comeback you can always remind them how intellectual you are and how they fail to hold an intelligent conversation.

I'm sorry, did you even have any good comebacks?

6. Remind everyone else that they are forum trolls and have no life when you actually make more posts than them, and dont even play FFXI that much.

Already addressed this. More of the same Zenmetsu circle-jerk. Been posting on alla way before this thread, and before I took a break. As I'm sure you people have your own post collections on other websites, including this one.

7. If you attempt to do something and fail, randomly start flame threads attacking everyone who can do what you cant. Example: Attempt to get Mr.Argus bots, when you fail. Take a strong offensive against all botters and tell them how bad it is and what a great person you are for saving the FFXI community from it.

Never really attempted anything by myself. FFXI is a community driven game. I've helped others attempt certain feats with very few failures. This is only the second thread I've played a big part in. And in both threads, I'm dealing with the same people. People that are widely hated by most for their lack of tact. Never had any major problems with anyone else. Also, bear in mind I wasn't the original poster in this thread. Still a great song BTW.

8. If steps 1-7 fail. Remeber to keep posting and crying for as long as it takes until everyone gets tired of posting and you ultimatley win by default.


This is turning out to be pretty fun. I'm interested to see whatever else you can come up with for me to tear down. If you decide to quit, then that's cool. But I don't mind going on either. Whatever route you decide to take, I'd be more than happy to leave it here. I'm not as petty as you to bring it elsewhere.

Edited, Aug 2nd 2006 at 11:30pm EDT by Takumaku
#236 Aug 03 2006 at 2:58 AM Rating: Decent
1,029 posts
God damnit Taku can you ever post anything that isnt 5 ******* pages long.
#237 Aug 03 2006 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:45pm EDT by Icegem
#238 Aug 04 2006 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
What changed that?
#239 Aug 04 2006 at 4:25 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Aug 4th 2006 at 5:29pm EDT by TakenoMNK
#240 Aug 04 2006 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:45pm EDT by Icegem
#241 Aug 04 2006 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent
Icegem wrote:
we are having so much fun at your expense so i must thank you for that. Enjoy your vacation as we will miss you so much...

Hmmm, a typical response.

Usually people say things like this in order to save what little dignity they have left, by pretending to laugh it off. However, your earlier posts carried a very different tone. You were doing a lot of struggling to defend your position. I'll give you brownie points for that. But hey, if pretending to laugh it off gives you some sort of solace, then more power to you I guess. Wouldn't want you to get an aneurism or anything.

Under different circumstances you and I might of become friends. But you hang out with turds, Cadoine. And by defending these idiots you've dug yourself a hole in which you're gonna have a hard time coming out of. Your closer friends might not think ill of you, but others might. Some Zenmetsu members are shunned by those they once considered in-game friends. Kramer is a perfect example. Not only did he join their shell, he assimilated their conduct as his own. The in-game legacy he left behind(Wasp, a.k.a. Illuminatus) won't even take him back. If I were you, I'd play it a lot smarter than your LS mates by being cool and low-pro. Guys like Van, HICSurfer, and Omfg are knuckleheads. If you go out of your way for them, they'll just drag you down with them.

Icegem wrote:
Icegem chick's ingame name is Cadoine, and actually until i joined Zenmetsu a lot of people had a lot of good things to say about me.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. If you really like being apart of Zenmetsu, then stay with them(can't imagine why you'd want to). But whatever you do, don't start acting like them. I read about the thing with Nanoface. Don't sink to that level. By steering clear of that juvenile mindset, you'll save some face, and have an easier time of being accepted again by the rest of the community when Zenmetsu disbands, for whatever reason.

Furthermore, if I'm coming off as a little nice, it's because I'm in a very good mood right now. So I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.

I was looking forward to hearing from HICSurfer again. Oh well, I guess he didn't have the zest for this.

EDIT: I'm actually curious to know what Takeno posted before his edit. How many times did he say f@ggot, *****, or f*ck? I always picture him as some obese kid with a red face, pounding on the keyboard.

Edited, Aug 5th 2006 at 2:02am EDT by Takumaku
#242 Aug 05 2006 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Aug 5th 2006 at 1:59am EDT by Takumaku
#243 Aug 05 2006 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
222 posts
Are you happy with your decision or do you wish for it to be another way?
#244 Aug 05 2006 at 5:37 AM Rating: Decent
Since I didnt bother to read any of the 2 posts I just kinda half-skimmed through them, didnt see any response about what I said so I posted something about it. Though, later I was told you did so I deleted it.

You can think anything you want about me. Dont have to tell you how I look or who I am. One thing though lol, not fat, no red cheeks, lucky me lol.

I dont really care about your opinion because it doesnt do anything. Just a bunch of words. Zenmetsu wont end because of anything you say about us and how bad we are, blah blah blah, etc... Also its kinda funny how you "judge" ppl's flames and say they suck or w/e like you are some sort of expert about it. you know people do have good and bad flames but not every flame directed to you is bad. Oh and the same old excuse to justify when you get owned "Im having fun here" is just kinda repetitive now, PLZ MASTER OF THE FLAME TAKUMAKU, MAKE A NEW GODLY EXCUSE THAT YOU CAN USE FOR ANYTHING. /bowYEAHRIGHT

#245 Aug 05 2006 at 6:04 AM Rating: Decent
takumaku wrote:
Hmmm, a typical response.

If anyone has a typical response to anything its u. Refer to my post on how to be takumaku if you have any doubts. Take that list and reread all your posts and about 90% of them will fit with one of the numbers there.
#246 Aug 05 2006 at 11:52 AM Rating: Decent
TakenoMnk wrote:
Since I didnt bother to read any of the 2 posts I just kinda half-skimmed through them, didnt see any response about what I said so I posted something about it. Though, later I was told you did so I deleted it.

You can think anything you want about me. Dont have to tell you how I look or who I am. One thing though lol, not fat, no red cheeks, lucky me lol.

I dont really care about your opinion because it doesnt do anything. Just a bunch of words. Zenmetsu wont end because of anything you say about us and how bad we are, blah blah blah, etc... Also its kinda funny how you "judge" ppl's flames and say they suck or w/e like you are some sort of expert about it. you know people do have good and bad flames but not every flame directed to you is bad. Oh and the same old excuse to justify when you get owned "Im having fun here" is just kinda repetitive now, PLZ MASTER OF THE FLAME TAKUMAKU, MAKE A NEW GODLY EXCUSE THAT YOU CAN USE FOR ANYTHING. /bowYEAHRIGHT

The same thing could be said of your opinion. It's more or less a stalemate, no? It's not as if you or your LS have any power over me whatsoever. But don't you think it's a little more than a coincidence that my opinion is echoed by so many others on this server in regards to your LS?

HICSurfer wrote:
If anyone has a typical response to anything its u. Refer to my post on how to be takumaku if you have any doubts. Take that list and reread all your posts and about 90% of them will fit with one of the numbers there.

And yet you have no retort for anything I posted in response to your ridiculous list. Refer to the italicized portions. Basically you're saying you've got nothing new for me, pity. Once again you're dancing around in circles.

Also, I took a look at the Nanoface thread on KI. Boy, you guys just love making enemies don't you? I saw a few posts that summarized what your LS is really about.

Erkaan wrote:
I don't wanna get started. First off, the Zen people need lives since I refresh the page every 5 seconds and find like a comment from every single one of em replying on this. Cuz that's all they do all day, is bot sh*t and talk trash about everyone on the server. They're like grandmas at a hair salon gossiping about their daytime soaps. @#%^.

Then when they kill sh*t and talk about their HNM prowess, they try to talk like they're the pioneers. When in reality, the only way they've claimed anything is with the super-bots they're given upon joining the LS, and killing with numbers... for like the 4 moths that they've actually been an LS, haha.

Some of their players have skill, which I can respect. But you can't get any respect when you **** off everyone on the server for acting like asses and playing dirty. They weren't even an LS when we were killing the big HNMs and everything. They're some new upstart LS that has taken in the rest of the crap thats LS'less cuz of their bad playing skill and horrible acct/gil buying fixation they have.

What's sad is Zen has somehow pulled some decent players into the shell that can help them kill stuff. Make like AurorasDawn, CocoaBongo, Apathy, etc etc, and just get ur drama in before you all disband, like all the other ****** upstart LSes before you. Then we'll have about 2 months of freedom before Omfg secures a few more new accounts with his saved up allowance and gathers his herd of annoying tards again to ruin the game for another block of time.

QFT, and funny as hell I might add.

This is basically what you and your LS represent, HICSurfer. You can try defending it, but it's just like polishing a ****. You can shine it up all you want, but it's still a piece of crap. It's only a matter of time before Opie and company get the axe.

Edited, Aug 5th 2006 at 12:57pm EDT by Takumaku
#247 Aug 05 2006 at 11:56 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Aug 8th 2006 at 4:49pm EDT by Icegem
#248 Aug 05 2006 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Icegem wrote:
In response to Taku, i wasnt at the Nano fafnir and im really glad i missed it, I had so much respect for that ls because it used to be one of the greats and to think they had to resort to that to have a laugh at our expense just saddens me. Im also not pretending to laugh at anything thats being said because i really am enjoying our little headbutting conversations. I used to be in another HNMLS until i quit that scene for a quiet life but now im back and loving it. Dont count on Zenmetsu dissappearing either, i cant see that happening for a long time as we are growing stronger ^^

A balloon can only get so big before it pops.
#249 Aug 05 2006 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
#250 Aug 05 2006 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
Calvern.. see above ^^
#251 Aug 05 2006 at 1:07 PM Rating: Decent
By the looks of it, by the time "the balloon pops" all our mages will have dalmaticas + our BSTS adaman hauberks lol. Zenmetsu wont dissapear anytime soon.
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