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Why most ls suckFollow

#27 May 01 2006 at 10:01 AM Rating: Good
154 posts
AGM is a THF I belive, gotta expect them to have different goals than others.

Now that's not fair. That's like saying all DRKs are EMO, wait a sec...

Reading all the posts after mine make me so glad I'm not in a HNMLS. They symbolize everything I hate about this game - obsession with items and gil instead of teamwork and fun.

That is with anything in which items/gil/status comes into play. Believe it or not, people are assh0les. We ALL have a % of assh0lery in us, but others wear it like a
wife-beater fulltime.

When joining a HNMLS, make sure you are with people that you can trust to some degree. Its far too easy to ***** ppl over on this game, can't do **** through a cable modem. But I think it's ppl's lusts to be "the top dog" and crap that can mess things up. Nothing wrong with wanting to be the best, but try not to walk over others on your way to the top.

I've known so many ppl since I first started that was pretty cool. Now they have good gear and high lvl and it's gone to their heads, makes ya wanna reach out and slap them. Instead of letting their virtues help them grow, they just let it change them. Gil and e-peen +1s have changed them. Then you have ppl with power that abuse it, the worst kind of *******.
#28 May 01 2006 at 11:07 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Rated everyone up. Not only was this a good read, but it never broke down to flaming. It's also helped me gain new respect (and insight) into some of you guys that I see every day. Thank you.
#29 May 01 2006 at 2:05 PM Rating: Good
nieko, your post was fantastic. anyone who is rapidly approaching lvls 65-70ish and thinking about joining an end game linkshell should read this thread. with an end game linkshell you get drama, frustration, and sometimes just plain anger. BUT at the same time you have the potential to make some great friends, help people, acquire great items, work with a team, accomplish awesome goals, gain experience in new situations, learn even more about your job, and just plain have fun. i think the pros much outweigh the cons when youre in a good linkshell and as long as youre willing to contribute and take problems to your leaders when you have them, end game can be awesome.

now if we could stop the inter-linkshell squabbling one of these days....
#30 May 02 2006 at 8:52 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
I must admit after playing this game for such a long time, the most disappointing part of the game is the end game, the greed ruins it period. I am finding that out in both the mmorpg I play. I have turned wow into a mindless third person shooter nothing better than being able to kick someones **** if they made it so you can attack anyone at will it would be so much better lol.

With FFXI I sadly can't do that but atleast this new expansion has me back and I admit having a blast leveling BLU because of the versatility and differences in playstyle it brings the ability to solo a bit and even the frustration of trying to learn a spell is fun again.
#31 May 02 2006 at 4:00 PM Rating: Good
5,055 posts
Time to throw my 2 cents in. So far no flaming has started and I dont plan on starting one myself so Id prefer it stay this way.

Now in regards to fairness and people that complain about bein in an HNMLS for x amount of time and get nothings (as im sure we've all heard) what one person said in a post seems to be a great solution for that. Sell ALL drops and split the gil evenly if you want that Osode save up and go buy it. No one may be getting the items they want but theyre one step closer to being able to buy it. That way none of the "why did x get that drop before me when Ive been in this ls longer or put in more time than x" drama

Also in regards to point systems if your ls has been around for 1 year + thus most of the people that have been in that ls around that time have a buttload of points. You get a new member lets say today who has 0 now all those old members go to every event for the next 6 months only adding to their points and so is the new guy. Hows he ever gonna get anything if 99% of that ls is always gonna have more points than him? You might as well just exclude him from the point system and say (lets assume hes a thf "wait until our other 6 thfs get their hecatomb gloves then your next in line"

Now finally in regards to mandatory LS events. If you ask me (like a previous posted said) I dont think anyone should be dicating what I have to do and when i have to do it. After all im the one paying 13 bucks a month for this character thus Im going to decide what i feel like doing with it when i feel like doing it. HEck if i buy a house I'll be damned if i let someone walk into it and tell me i couldnt take a **** on MY carpet (assuming i would do a thing like that). I bought it so if i wanna destroy it let me do it.

Like Meara said if you dont show up you dont get anything which makes perfect sense to me. If you dont go to work yu dont get paid am I right? So if i decided to only go to an LS event once a month that my problem I shouldnt getting kicked from an LS for not doing so but at the same time Id be a fool to expect to get anything out of it, which Id have no problem with. Now you might say if youre not gonna go to events half the time then why join the ls in the first place. Well not sying this is true but maybe I just needed a dynamis ls and the particular dynamis ls i wanted to join requires that youre a member of that hnmls to be apart of their dynamis.

One final note on my problem with "mandatory" ls events A few people i kno win particular seem to NEVER get anytime for themselves due to mandatory ls events or needing points (which forces them to go whether mandatory or ot) to get certain stuff). Now if you have mandatory ls stuff that happen about 3 times a week (which it seems) or stuff thats not mandatory bt you "have" to attend if you want points. Now youre like any "normal" person and work 40 hours a week and sleep 8 hours a day (which is like work 8 hours a day 5 days a week then sleep 8 hours when you get home) then you have to deal with mandatory ls stuff seemingly everyday. Thn wer edo you find time for yourself ingame? Aka helping youre non ls friends, lvling a new job, doing new quests/missions or meritting one of your old jobs?

I mean am i supposed to wait until i have EVERYTHING i want that can be done without an ls done first (like cap all my merits) before joining an ls? Well unfortunalet with stuff being updated and added to this game on aregular basis by the time I wuld have achieved that something new would be there to add to that list and now ihave yet another obstacle in the way or me getting/doing everything i want first. So if that would be the case then those people might as well stay LSless

In regards to friends like i said earlier about helping "non ls freinds" I dont care what LS I may be in my friends take priority ove any ls/ls event. Why? Because they were there for me before i joined that ls and theyre going to be there when the day comes that i get kicked from or leave that ls. Thus i wouldnt wanna mess that up. Unlike most people that join HNMLSes (or at least the people i know personally). For example before a certain person (no one in particular just using this as an example) joined an HNMLS we were inseperable If i needed something in he has online nomatter WHAT he was doing hed drop it and be there for me and as would I for him/her. Then they day they join an hnmls and I want something then its "I have sky farming or limbus" to which id say "those arent mandatory" then the reply would be "yeah but i need points".

Then the next day they want something from me when they have what they ls designated a "free day" (which is you ask me if youre in a game and you have to have a desinated "free day" like youre at work inagme everyday and the rest of the days arent free but instead "work days" something is wrong) They ask me for something. Well of course Im doing absolutely nothing at the time but just because of the events from yesterday I tell that person No. then i get "Why/ you arent doing anything right now I couldnt help you yesterday because i was busy" To which Id say "Well I was busy/had things to do that day yuo needed coffer/Af help. I was also busy that day you needed help with Riverne Site A01 and Promathia fight" "Yet I still helped you" I mean I dont log on to stare at my character So anttime Im logged on and its beeen over 30 mins Im busy. If nothing happens in 30-60 mins of bein logged on I log off (unless ive fallen asleep from waiting).

So to end this post my REAL friends ingame come before anything else inagme. By real freinds i Mean the ones Ive had for quite awhile not those "freinds" that ae in the same LS as you and treat you like a freind should and with the utmost respect then when they day comes that you leave or get kicked out of that LS they complete disown you and talk about you in ls behind your back and want nothing to do with you anymore since youre no longer in their ls (i wont say names but you know who you are). Like this one person i know that had a freind in ls that was gonna let him borrow 1mil for whatever reason. Then that person left the ls now all of a sudden his "friend" cant let him borrow the gil anymore.

Finally the E-***** thing For those of yo uthat think I have a bad persoanlity and whatnot in game. The way i act in game is mellow compared to how I am irl Im much worse so about the onlu false thing about me inagme is teh fact that Im a lot more toned down and act a bit more cicvil ingame than i do irl which should be a good thing. Im not the type of person that overlloks things in that if i hear or see or someone is doing something I dont like Im going so saw something. As you can see by my thread people give me too much **** ingame for me to act all cheerful like all is right with the world" So sometimes i may come off as a bit rude or whatnot but thats more of a defense than anything else.

But on the same note I dont care if Ive trusted you for years The first time yuo slip up even slightly Im gonna be on you. For insatnce most people will defend their LS/leader even if they know that something isnt right (like the certain ls/leader that isnt on this server anymore). Well Im notthat type of person if your doin something shady I wouldnt care if you let me in on it Im STILL going to have something to say about iti if nothing changes then I guess Ill have to let other people know about it as well. So if im in your ls and you bot or w/e the case may be believe me Im going to say something and everyone else is gonna know about it and yes I am the same way irl I would care if you were my own mother, son or daughter If i find out theyve been robbing banks or doin something illegal Im turning thier a$$es in. Even if they are giving me a cut I know the day will come when i get caught so rather than put myself through that Ill just end it on day one.

Dont get me wrong no ones perfect and i dont expect everything to be done the "right" way but there are sometime when foul play or whatever you want to call it is ok like a little lying here or there and hat not but there are things that are just completely inexcusable. So i fthe thing in question is minor then i wont say anything but its ists definately a major issue thats an different story.

So for those of you that think you know me you dont have to think anymore as Ive just put in all on the table for you. Now Im done. Im not in the mood for flames as from what I recall i didnt directly flame anyone and if i did I didnt intend too but if yu choose to flame me instead go right ahead.

Edited, Tue May 2 17:19:16 2006 by DuoMaxwellxx
#32 May 02 2006 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
damn that was a long post. :(
#33 May 02 2006 at 5:13 PM Rating: Default
Endgame events involve lots of team work...

Know that I think of it Kirins Osode takes alout of effort to even get. You first need to kill all NMs in sky for God pop iteams(Farming), then you need to kill the gods for Kirin pop iteams, Finaly you get a chance at Kirin for the osode. All that tacks a long time, and plently of team work. Sharing it seems best.

I liked it how a former linkshell of my'n had mandatory dynamis. Having close the maximum amount of players aloud in dynamis made the mission go alout beter then having only some members show up. The basic idea of dynamis is for one person to get there relic weapon, and everyone alse to get the chance for relic gear...

Eventualy some iteams drop that can be crafted into useful gear for linkshell members. When there is no more need to craft those iteams, it seems best to sell and split the gil.

At some point a group of friends always say "We need to work together, so we can do endgame events". Those players form the foundation of a endgame linkshell. They make rules so everyone stays happy. The basic idea is to help each other reach goals. Some players are after wealth, power, fame, and fun. The ideal linkshell would make it possible for all members wishes to come true, within reason.

At other points in the game one or more players decide to make a linkshell baesed on the idea of useing others to gain what they want. instead of working together they leech. These are simply just scams, and they tack away from the fun for all!

If your interested in endgame join up with friends you trust. Create the foundation of a fun for all linkshell and plan out together what goals you all want to reach. It only takes around 18 players for Limbus, around 34(I think) for the new dynamis areas, and somthing like 64 for the normal dynamis. Most mission like Shen, Allistor Antillion, and Hakutaku only really need an ally+(18+ add party) for things to be safe enough~

my 2 gil
#34 May 03 2006 at 12:47 AM Rating: Decent
525 posts
Depends on the LS, (duo mandatory events). There are things that people are expected to go to , like dynamis, HNM pops/camps, sky, sea, etc. No ones going to police people and start breaking pearls, but if you joined a LS that did all this and aren't showin up, I think you're in the wrong place.

#35 May 03 2006 at 12:53 AM Rating: Decent

Gotta still have some kind of requirements for attendance in an end game linkshell.

You may pay to play the game but that does not excuse you of responsibilities to the group to which you belong.

You choose to join a linkshell and you have the right to leave whenever you wish. But you still have a responsibility to the shell.

I have mandatory Kirin fights if you are online. If you're not online you are not required to come online to go.

I also have a rule that you cannot attend other Dynamis runs if they would interfere with the linkshell run. You don't have to attend our run but you can't go to another run.

You have to weigh your responsibilities versus your rights in a linkshell, just like you do for things in real life. You're still dealing with real people behind the characters.
#36 May 03 2006 at 3:36 AM Rating: Decent
5,055 posts
Well mandatory Kirin fight I can see.. Ive heard of him being beatin in 45mins. Worse case scenario probably 2 hours and its not like youre going to be fighting kirin everyday or probably not even every week. Thus i wouldnt mid giving you or anyon eelse a MINIMUM (notice i said min and not max) or 45mins-2hr of my time a week. Then Ill have the rest of the week to myself if thats what i choose to do.

Sky farming howvere isnt what it used to be. Back then it was fun now its about as fun as camping lizzy or valkurm emp (im talking before they dropped rare/ex stuff). Back then youre entire ls could be in different parts of the world (ingame) you send one ls member to check on Zip if hes up you had more then enough time to gather youre whole LS (or however many you needed to kill him) together and go up to sky kill him and leave just as quick. Nowadays you actually have to stand there camping it because you got gilsellers plus whatever other ls up there waiting.. Of course holidays are different lol i love going to sky on holidays... nearly everyone is gone.. i dont know how many times i killed zip in one day last christmas (and thanksgiving) it was so competiotn free id even let him wlk around for about 30mins w/o a care in the world before claiming him lol.

About the Krin fight bein mandatory if youre online and not if youre offline lol come on Meara thats only obvious. You didnt have to point that out :p I doubt you or any other LS/leader no matter how l33t they may be is sadistic enoough to call youre house and tell you to "get your a$$ online" for whatever reason. LOL though id love for someone to try that Ill b eglad to curse em out over the phone then give em a piece of my mind lol Though i do remember back in the past (aka when VN board were popular (they same dead now) and EK was still around) I do remember an LS whos name i wont state actually did require certain members to give out their phone number for that exact reason. Dunno if they still do it now though.
#37 May 03 2006 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Dude the real hardcore HNMLS do call members to get online makes me laugh but yes that is 100% the truth they collect cell numbers and home numbers as a part of joining the ls. How do you think certain shells constantly get the claims to certain HNM and members seem to be always on. They actually camp in shifts in both jp and us shells.

Edited, Wed May 3 11:14:59 2006 by kenshynOnShiva
#38 May 03 2006 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
154 posts
Dude the real hardcore HNMLS do call members to get online makes me laugh but yes that is 100% the truth they collect cell numbers and home numbers as a part of joining the ls. How do you think certain shells constantly get the claims to certain HNM and members. In both jp and us shells.

That's when you draw the line. That's waaaay too hardcore, and not even fun.
#39 May 03 2006 at 9:48 AM Rating: Good
557 posts
Honestly; I hate to label anything when it comes to linkshells. I believe there's a home for everyone who plays this game and it might just be that it's a journey for them to find out where they really fit in.

What I can see, however, when it comes to linkshells, is that sometimes, just like in real life, people only *hear* what they want to hear when they apply; they may have their own expectations and it becomes vastly different once they are in for awhile.

Perhaps they are not meant for a structured, rule oriented setting at all and would rather march to the beat of their own drummer and belong to a more social linkshell?

Or, maybe it's the *grass looks greener on the other side syndrome* and they will wander aimlessly from linkshell to linskhell never truly fitting in anywhere.

Here's my two cents on it anyway...What makes us a bit different is that most of the people that I know, who stick with linkshells, desire more than just items, gear or gil.

They stay for camaraderie, friendship. They are team oriented and they stay for the desire to see and help others succeed. They desire to better themselves and help others to do the same. It's a family. And just like a family, *you* work through issues and problems and tough out the tough times and come out stronger as a result.

Being part of something bigger takes work, commitment and often times giving more than getting... being respectful and kind to your peers.

In the end, and regardless of what we desire; where we've been and where we want to go; it's all a journey. Bottom line? Enjoy it.

#40 May 03 2006 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
So far I have yet to be in an LS that requires phone numbers from anyone. But I know I have given my friends my # and tell them to call me if anything happens and I'm needed. I know others have done this as well.

If you have any problem with a 'mandatory' rule, just don't join that LS. Simple as that. When you apply to join an LS, you agree to their rules, this is on many applications. If you don't agree with the rules, don't join the LS. Go and create your own LS if you really want to do some of that stuff. Then notice how you have to make those rules for the LS to function properly. I've seen it happen many times.
#41 May 03 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Default
In my experience I have seen four basic types of Linkshells:

1) Greed Linkshells. These Linkshells are composed of a few core friends who are the leaders. These friends have the all pearlsacks and one of them is always the LS monarch. By default, the LS ends up changing rules constantly to enable the leaders to get the most gil and items in the shortest amount of time. Yes... these linkshells do exist. Examples are an LS bank with no one knowing or keeping track of the money, Dynamis sponsored only by the leaders so they can keep coins, lack of structure for things and rules being changed, etc. The LS always has very high turnover rate and usually dies within a few months. There are exceptions.

2) We are UBER and you SUCK Linskhells. These linkshells are usually well organized and composed of the hard core gamers (college students flunking out of school). They do not have points systems and drops are dictated by the LS Leader. The main driver tends to be the accumulation of items and a very strong competitive drive. These LS want to be the first to kill the piexelated dragon, the BIG HNM, etc. You can usually pick out the members because they like to insult or degrade other Linkshells and/or players. They get stuff done but are EXTREMELY annoying. They always have players who bot, cheat, and other stuff but will deny it.

3) Noobs who love everyone. These are LS that are composed of players new to the end-game. They can't wait to camp HNM because they have never fought one and really want to get that pull. Sky is so cool!!! Everything is fun until they realize only a few LS get the HNM claims. They can never understand why the HNM always spawns purple. The turning point is when they ask who is this Nela guy and what is a bot exactly...... After 3 months about 60% of the LS leaves for the UBER or social Linkshells.

4) Old LS that never really gets stuff done. These are the older LS with older players. They do good at Sky but can't get a Dynamis going and never pull HNMs. They are very concerned about what other LS think about them. Good introduction to the end-game for new players but most leave the Linkshell after a very short time for greener pastures.

I don't know. I guess alot of it depends on what you want out of the game. There are suprises. I was in an LS that was doing great but the leader left (he was a great guy and will be missed). The LS changed to a Greed LS. Nonsense about splitting coins at Dynamis and only leaders could lot them.... Long story that does not matter. The upside... you can just drop that pearl baby =P.

#42 May 03 2006 at 3:56 PM Rating: Good
Dayem... I feel just like I read through the "War and Peace" of Shiva Linkshells.

When this thread started I made a concerted effort not to make any post on the comment due to my intense loyalty to the only endgame LS that I have ever been a part of. To that effect, I really don't have much to say about systems or the "fair" way of doing things. Yea I have felt like so and so didn't deserve X item before me and whatnot, but I never griped about it or made threats or caused LS drama. So basicly my laisezz-faire[(sp?) means hands-off] attitude towards this thread stood ... until yesterday.

Well I stopped in my old school LS that i have had since I was sans subjob, and stayed there for awhile ... which I guess has been a rarity these days since my commitment to my other "endgame" has has taken precedence. I must say that I did fall off in respect to being with that other group of people... and its not b/c something happened or drama started or I didn't like the system... it's because I slowly drifted out of sight. I guess what happened is my oldschool "family" LS didn't consider me a part of their family anymore. With tons of new faces every time i entered and a revamping of what their goals are { i'm guessing } ... I wasn't really welcomed anymore. I mean at first I was kind of surprised when the leader{and long time virtual friend} sent me these comments in /tell, I just kind of accepted it though, not wanting to cause extra problems for people I have respected for a long time.

My moral is this: Even though "endgame" seems very attractive for many people...make sure you realize just exactly what it is you are sacrificing before you make such a hearty commitment.

To tell you the truth, I may not have ever joined up in endgame if i knew what kind of timedrain and social drain it would lay on top of me.{the same might go for FF in general but thats a whole different story} Since I have new RL working conditions to deal with i have waaay less time to chill ingame. So i find myself clicking on my LS calender link while @ work and checking out what times during the week I can come and be a part. This basiclly forced my hand in not being able to kick back to my roots as much as I would like. So they may feel like I have cut ties or burned my mind it never was that way one bit. I still love and wish the best to all my oldschool heads... I hope you achieve and obtain everything your dreams may conjure up.

In Conclusion, go with where your heart is. My lust for supremecy took me away from the people I cared about for a long time. Make sure you guys think about what you stand to lose and not only about what you stand to gain
#43 May 04 2006 at 7:33 AM Rating: Good
532 posts
Krugerwill wrote:
The LS changed to a Greed LS. Nonsense about splitting coins at Dynamis and only leaders could lot them.


You had stated before Kramer left that you didnt like Kalten (the new Leader). When we reorganized, you stated you would most likely leave. You cant stand him. Then we had 1 dynamis and you quit cause a leader was gonna sponsor it.

Our policy was and always has been that we allow any member, Leader of non-leader, to sponsor a dynamis. We make a list and stick to it.

Everything our LS does is to help promote our members. Our leaders tend to be the poorest.

As leaders, we do it without expecting anything in return. That's why our LS is successful.

Krugerwill, I just hope you wouldnt flame the LS that has always been fair to you. Your problem lied with personality differences only.

Good luck to you. I wish you the best. Your a good player and loyal person.
#44 May 04 2006 at 12:14 PM Rating: Default

If I wanted to flame your LS then I would have included the name in the post (at least). The post was more a joke with extreme and over simplfied comments. Maybe alittle truth (on a very general level), but that depends on your perspective.

Do you want to be flamed? I have not thought about your LS in weeks. I do not care what your LS accomplishes. I do not care what others think about your LS. I have friends who are in your LS, but I don't care if they are in your LS.... I hope that makes sense. The reason why --> I am not in your LS man...LOL.

Yes, I am as loyal as a Golden Retriever.


#45 May 04 2006 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
Gentleman, Gentleman, Gentleman

This post with a hardcore Flame name has suceeded in not having a Flame Post until 40+ replies down. KW honestly... there really is no reason to go all out like you did in that last post. I have never had an ill sentiment towards you ever... even when you left. I am just dissapointed that you chose to come at us like that in your last post. I mean...if you don't care about this... or you don't care about that...that is your own decision. However...when you make a post like that you happen to make it everyone who reads Shiva's forums business. If you wanna go ahead and flame me or whatever or air out your personal grievances in a public forum then again ... that is your own decision.

The reason why --> I am not in your LS man...LOL.

If you are not in our LS...then just let it be. I hope you find what it is you are looking for out there.
#46 May 04 2006 at 1:34 PM Rating: Decent
374 posts
Popcorn anyone???

Edited, Thu May 4 14:52:26 2006 by Agrias
#47 May 04 2006 at 2:41 PM Rating: Default
I'll take a bucket Argy, this could be getting juice, especially since most of the people who complained to me were from wasp, and others who were upset at starting over from scratch after serving faithfully for more than 2 yrs in Kalten's spinoff ls. Bullsh!t makes Girly very angry.

Edited, Thu May 4 15:49:39 2006 by agirlyman
#48 May 04 2006 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
557 posts
agirlyman wrote:
I'll take a bucket Argy, this could be getting juice, especially since most of the people who complained to me were from wasp, and others who were upset at starting over from scratch after serving faithfully for more than 2 yrs in Kalten's spinoff ls. Bullsh!t makes Girly very angry.

Last post on this subject for me. There isn't a person in our linkshell who had to *start from scratch* - except perhaps those few people who had left before Kramer left and decided to come back again.

Everything remained the same except the name! And, as you so tactfully put it Agirlyman, that's no Bullsh!t!

<3 Femmy *wink

#49 May 04 2006 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
This is all old news...

Krugerwill told me he didn't leave Wasp, it disbanded. After Wasp krugerwill joined Jedi, and asked me to join it aswell. Know I know how good a linkshell can get from my experince in Wasp so I left Jedi couse I didn't think the leadership was good enough.

Oh wow! this so exciting!!

Not really!

Wasp is gone!!! get over it...
#50 May 04 2006 at 3:15 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Fem, I think he was referring to the people who joined a new LS and had to start from scratch there.

Btw, since I can't resist....

*stands on the corner*

DRAMA! Get your DRAMA here! Free DRAMA! Two for a dolla, make your DRAMA holla! Come get your DRAMA!

#51 May 04 2006 at 3:28 PM Rating: Default
I start flames to keep the Drama-Lama feed, couse flames are what the Drama-Lama eats.

Edited, Thu May 4 16:29:15 2006 by HolderPaltek
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