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Why most ls suckFollow

#1 Apr 27 2006 at 8:15 PM Rating: Good
Now you know I've been in quite a few ls, but I have noticed, and heard complaints by many people in other ls. Seems to me, the majority of the ls are the same, usually only the leader's friends, and people who kiss their *** get the best gear, or drops. They expect everyone to follow the rules, except a select few. I've seen people in the same ls for over 2 yrs, show up for just about every event, and never get ****, other's have had to start all over from scratch when the ls merged, or changed name, or folded. There are good ls out there, you just have to do your homework, and listen to word of mouth.
#2 Apr 27 2006 at 8:31 PM Rating: Good
thats an odd random post. but i kinda disagree. i find that any linkshells or linkshell members i dislike comes from 1 thing and 1 thing only..... THEY'RE JERKS. too many people hide behind the "im on the internet and you cant touch me" thing. every 5'5" 185 pound nerd thinks theyre a hardass when they take on the role of 75 elvaan pld or 75 taru summoner. too many people dont believe you should respect people in game and out of it even if you cant be punched in the throat for being a douchebag in game. ive never claimed im a cage fighter in training or anything but if someone treated me IRL the way theyve treated me (and others) in game, id knock the living **** out of them without a second thought. THAT is the biggest problem.

oh and the fact that everyone thinks they have the biggest e-***** =\
#3 Apr 27 2006 at 10:14 PM Rating: Good
836 posts
THEY'RE JERKS. too many people hide behind the "im on the internet and you cant touch me" thing. every 5'5" 185 pound nerd thinks theyre a hardass when they take on the role of 75 elvaan pld or 75 taru summoner.

#4 Apr 27 2006 at 10:56 PM Rating: Good
398 posts
I think Ayazz just summed it all up in one post...
#5 Apr 27 2006 at 11:00 PM Rating: Decent
Yup! some linkshell suck big time. It's all about making good friends. Those that just join end up being the fodder, sometimes!

We all roleplay, even if not intentional. I myself try to stay honorable. I don't scam or steal, and keep the Mentor icon on. I belive in fairness and overall fun for all! It's really important to me that everyone has a good time. Thats kinda why I speak out at the wrong-doers or so I think they are.

I wouldn't go knock anyone out in real life for something they do ingame. The way I see it Paltek is a complety different person then me. Kinda like split personality. Sure someone is not going to like how I posted about there scam or told about there lies. I just do what I damn well please.

There is no controling others, or controling anything, just wether you are good or evil.

Anyways those that are mean to others, and do wrong by others always get whats comming to them no matter what. I myself am kinda weak and fearful in real life. So if anyone tried to attack me over a game I would stick my fingers in there ******* eye sockets and dig my teeth into there throat. But thats just me not wanting to die.
#6 Apr 27 2006 at 11:37 PM Rating: Decent
AGM> at some point someone always says "We need a linkshell, so we can work together for the things we all want". I was just wondering what you wanted from a linkshell?
#7 Apr 28 2006 at 8:34 AM Rating: Good
1,755 posts

It breaks down to agendas and fairness and RESPECT the big 3 that you have to honestly consider about a shell. Because what happens over time people feel like they are entitled to certain things and are above others. That is where DKP came into being a system in place that obtain items by putting in the work but note many hate that as well just want the chance to lot on the item no matter what the person that has worked for a year to get it camped it has done the newbie wants as much of a chance. How do you handle it defines your ls and style. Lets not be so naive as to not believe it all doesn't focus on one simple concept GREED, greed for items, greed for gil, and greed for power.

Don't think that aholes don't get off on the fact they can order and boss peeps around the mini Neopoleans run rampant in this game those combined with the over the top drama queens has always made MMO a very interesting collective then add in the internet thugs and viola you have what we have today.

I always have found it funny and laughable how peeps manipulate others and many seem clueless on how they are being used and abused my favorite was the great dynamis scam to name one. Yeah funny how many try to blow smoke up my **** I find myself just laughing at the person thinking to myself this fin idiot must think I fell off the short bus.

Edited, Fri Apr 28 09:35:23 2006 by kenshynOnShiva
#8 Apr 28 2006 at 11:59 AM Rating: Decent
Yeah point systems for drops. So that those who help out get there rewards! it works well enough. The only problem I have seen before is why join a linkshell and start off with 1 point when everyone already has 500.

I'm personaly looking for a endgame linkshell so I can do dynamis, limbus, sea, and sky. Although there are only 1 or 2 iteams from sky I want. The only thing I really need for my RDM is Nashira gear.

As of late all the good names linkshell have closed there doors to RDMs and most other jobs.
#9 Apr 28 2006 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
500 posts
oh and the fact that everyone thinks they have the biggest e-***** =\

I'm not afraid to show my e-*****!
AGM, maybe those people who don't get any drops don't care. Maybe for them, it's about the event, not the gear....
Ya.... I'm not buying it either, but it's fun to dream.

#10 Apr 28 2006 at 12:11 PM Rating: Decent
AGM is a THF I belive, gotta expect them to have different goals than others.
#11 Apr 28 2006 at 12:22 PM Rating: Excellent
99 posts
I will probably get rated down, but if you think "all" linkshells suck you should look at yourself and your expectations not disrespect every single linkshell out there. In general you get what you put in. I have been in four different HNMLS in my years of playing FFXI and that was the case in each one, except maybe BPP (Haha isnt that a blast from the past). If you dont do **** you dont get ****, if you are a troublemaker well you are going to be on down the line in obtaining items. Personally I like to kill hard mobs, if i get something out of it great if I dont I can be happy for whoever does.
#12 Apr 28 2006 at 2:11 PM Rating: Good
I agree with Dragonsfire. I'm part of a LS founded on the belief that the LS is only what you make of it. That means you aren't entitled to something just because you're a member. You have to take initiative. If you work to achieve your goals and help others with the same, you can accomplish anything.

I also agree that many players lack basic respect for others, but if your reaction is to beat the **** out of them, are you really any better than them? Responsing to machismo with more machismo doesn't solve the problem, it compounds it.
#13 Apr 28 2006 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
49 posts
DragonsEgg wrote:
I have been in four different HNMLS in my years of playing FFXI and that was the case in each one, except maybe BPP (Haha isnt that a blast from the past). that's a name i haven't heard in almost 2 years...

Anyway, I also agree with Dragonsfire. It's how we play the game that actually dictates how we would look at our present ls.
He/she may think this ls sucks so he/she starts ranting how greedy, manipulative, yadiyadiyada it is. But then again, there are still people that would stick to it and defend it.

One way or another, there's bound to be someone inside the current ls he/she is in that would annoy the living hell out of him/her and basically would lead to misunderstandings and drama.
In a way, the kind of attitude that we put in this game dictates the kind of shell that we are in and maybe, hopefully, end up being comfortable with.

The way i see it, there's no such thing as a perfect ls. Its all subjective.

#14 Apr 28 2006 at 4:37 PM Rating: Excellent

I have never wanted anything from any ls, but to go on adventures, have big fun/death, and kill high lvl ****. Too many times i've seen people deserving of drops get bypassed, ignored completely, or blatently ripped off. I'm not one to sit quite and hold my tongue, I guess that's why people of other ls seek me out to complain, or tell me about their whoas, I guess honesty binds. If you pay your dues, and devote the majority of your time to a ls you should be rewarded, not taken advantage of.

My views on being in a ls have changed dramatically though, after trying to form one, then co-running one, I see now what goes into it, and how much work/headache it can be, also the more work you put in, the more organized you are, the more fun can be had. I have a new found respect for people who lead, and run linkshells.

My thf is pretty much self sufficient, so I never felt I needed a ls, I was wrong, no point in playing by yourself all the time, it was for a long time though (Tee Hee). Don't get me wrong, I still speak my mind, and wont tollerate injustice, but I won't start drama, just for the sake of drama. I may still bust your balls, and or panties, but that's all in good fun.

Ayazz, I treat everybody in the game like I treat my family, or friends, I'm an @$$hole in rl as well, personality goes along way. I'm fair, honest, and consider people friends, until they prove otherwise, which in true in alot of cases.

Kenshyn, is right too many "little Napoleans", and greedy ******* make the game not fun, and we've lost alot of good players because of them abusing their self-imposed power.

Edited, Fri Apr 28 17:40:39 2006 by agirlyman
#15 Apr 28 2006 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
oh i kinda figured you were one of the honest ones. i believe you are one of the minority who is an ******* in game and out lol. im also one of those people who doesnt put on a false face while playing. im a good natured, slow to anger guy who has little tolerance for stupidity and sometimes for people who have drastically different views than me on some subjects(sad i know but at least i know it). so to sum it up: i wasnt referring to you in my post and even though you can be a pain in the *** you have my respect for being your true self and not perpetuating the "internet = invincibilty" problem.

#16 Apr 29 2006 at 12:10 PM Rating: Excellent
115 posts
Ayazz wrote:
im also one of those people who doesnt put on a false face while playing. im a good natured, slow to anger guy who has little tolerance for stupidity and sometimes for people who have drastically different views than me on some subject

You're not the only one Ayazz :)

I'm the same... just without the ***** or e-***** lol
#17 Apr 30 2006 at 12:30 AM Rating: Decent
Well anyways another linkshell bits the dust. Been in Jedi almost a month and just found out they got a linkshell bank. I asked around and nobody not even the sack holders know what the leader(Sun) is doing with all the gil drops. Been 3 weeks since he handed out gil, and all of a sudden he says hes keeping it to buy a linkshell THF knife. WHy not camp the damn thing. Well anyways word is the THF knife plan was all Sun's idea, and he didn't even mention it to any of his sack holders till they asked about. Lmao

Don't get me wrong meny linkshells use LS banks and LS property, and it seems to work out sometimes. Well especialy when the members are all real life friends. I just want to servive my linkshell, and be able to play on after the LS decides to disband. Having close to a year being wasted time and nothing to show for it is not fun!

From what I have gathered most linkshell use a LS bank to fund dynamis. They make rules up saying some property like Kirins Osode and Serket ring will forever be for the linkshell use only. Seems to keep there members from leaving..

I heard tail of Crayola getting some iteams from UchihaClan and then ditching them after. She was told to give the iteams back, but wouldn't.

Would you have a linkshell own you!? own you stuff@! and own your time?! Well I'm all for Mandatory events! but having my Serket ring being someone alses property dosen't seem fun. Let me earn that!!!

What really gets me mad is when I join up to a linkshell like Jedi or SpiritsWithin and they say I greedy when I ask about gil drops. It's always been a good question. "Where dose all that gil go?"

You can make bundles of gil as a linkshell. Was making millions from Wasp when it was alive. damn I miss Wasp! everyone was making how much they putted into the linkshell. Granted kramer worked so hard at making things fair and easy for everyone alse he get stressed out and quit being the kind of player that leads.

I like earning my rewards. No point in having Tiamat title if you just stole it and 1% health.
#18 Apr 30 2006 at 1:33 AM Rating: Good
1,324 posts
Ironically while hunting for Giant Fish Bones in the Temple, Sophus, Yernjoh and me checked the Thief Knife NM and found the Chingmaple LS there and one JP trying to beat them to it but we didn't stay long enough to see who would get the claim.

I'll take a guess that maybe Sun wants to get a Thief Knife to increase drops for future fights against HNMs etc? But your right that its a bit odd that he didn't mention it to anyone else.

I also think its a little odd for an LS to share to items, I know I've never been in one to actually understand but having an LS owned items seems to cause more trouble than just letting deserving members earn the item to keep or sell and distribute.
#19 Apr 30 2006 at 10:19 AM Rating: Good
you have to understand that when you use upwards of 25-30 people to do an event like taking on kirin, giving that osode to someone permanently is really a bad idea. what if that person leaves/gets kicked the very next day? now your linkshell has wasted hours of hard work and a potential ~60M if they decided to sell it. i know of a bunch of shady *** people who would get their serket ring, osode, nobles, etc and just leave without a thanks. the current system of LS property is what keeps things fair for everyone AND makes your linkshell more powerful as a whole. keeping big money items in the LS means that those items will always be used and (more than likely) never sold. i cant even imagine how much our linkshell as a whole would be weakened if we had sold our 10 or so osodes, 2 enhancing swords (well maybe not these. they suck) , striders, half dozen nobles, astral signa, serket rings, and all that other stuffs.

youre not greedy for wanting money drops to be split up some of the time. but you gotta remember that a good linkshell is all about helping its other members. if you would rather sell a shining cloth and make some money instead of crafting a nobles for a whm in your LS, then you probably dont belong in a linkshell.
#20 Apr 30 2006 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good

I've been running a linkshell that turned into an end game linkshell (although an extremely underachieving end game linkshell) for two years.

We have a point system.

In my experience the people who are complaining about not getting the drops they absolutely need and deserve are the people who fail to notice that the people who do get the drops are the ones who have the most points, show up to the most events, and put themselves on the line helping others the most.

You don't show, you don't get stuff. End of story. I don't care what the reasons are for you not showing up - you could be having a baby in real life, your house may have burnt down, or you could be levelling another job in FFXI. Doesn't matter, you didn't show up.

Also, there are always more points than there are drops. People have to be patient and wait until their time comes up. If someone else passes their points because they got frustrated and stopped coming to events they have to deal with that.

As for someone 'stealing' an item from my linkshell inventory (and we have a silly large one too), I would be annoyed but it's just an item and it can be re-earned by the linkshell. Items are so meaningless when you think about completing some task together. In all my time in FFXI there have been only two items that I've been drooling for - Tamas Ring and Sorcerer's Petasos. I have the ring and one day I'll have the petasos. Just takes time and FFXI has a lot of that.

Edited, Sun Apr 30 11:30:43 2006 by Meara
#21 Apr 30 2006 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
When I was in Wasp we used a seperate point system for HNMs, Sky, and SEa. If you were at the fight and had the most points the iteam was yours. You were expected not to sell it though, but use it, and you were not allowed to forget those who helpped you get it.

We crafted what we could for our members, but we quickly came to the point were nobody needed some iteams so we started to sell them and split up the gil.

It was alout of work for kramer. He and his sack holders tracked all drop info and posted it up on the forums. They kept tabs on who attended what events, tons of records!

Most of our events were mandatory. Our excuse was we all about endgame. I had some new members asking me to help them with leaping lizzy and junk like that, and I told them "This is not a social LS, and your not on my friends list".

The idea from Wasp was you kinda had to want to be here, not just couse we hold claim on your iteams. It worked well too, we got alout more players helping players get there iteams couse they wanted too. Our fair rules breed team work!

I'm sure the linkshell property works for some, but I don't like the idea of giving back what I earned. Like I said before I would much rather servive my linkshell, then have the linkshell servive over me. In the case of Wasp, I servived with a good amount of gil and iteams, but still had tons of points.

From all the linkshells I have been in there has been a few players that helpped me with no expectation of a reward, so thus I add them to my friends list. My friends know to ask me for help and I'll be there, and they do the same. It's my friends list were I get things done, quests, zilart, CoP. Not my linkshell.

Well anyways it's just boiled down to how far we are all willing to go .... for the allmighty win.

In the case of Sun's linkshell Jedi. He was sneaky about all the linkshell gil. When asked about it he would not reply or change the subject, eventualy he told everyone he wasn't going to hand out gil, and use most of it to fund buying a LS THF knife. When I joined I was told we split up gil drops, but Sun changed that rules on everyone even the sackholders.

The idea of a linkshell is to work as a team, what Sun did was decide for himself what rules he was going to implement and for how long he was going to use them. When the gil stock piled in his account he got greedy and changed the rules on everyone!

So I left Jedi....
#22 Apr 30 2006 at 12:59 PM Rating: Good
18 posts
In regards to UC and the incident with Crayola- there's obviously always a larger portion of the story left untold or ignored. People on the outside assume things and fill in the gaps with their own ideals and personal feelings. I won't say any further on that issue as it is no one's business.

However, to elaborate a little further on the idea of items belonging to a LS- I do understand that when you put a lot of time into earning something than that item should be yours. I mean- you put in the time for it.

But, in this game, there are certain items which can only be obtainable by sheer amount of effort from EVERYONE. And the rarity of the item also determines the value of that item to the linkshell's success. The concept of a linkshell is to strengthen the Linkshell as a whole and not just to strength one individually. Something like a Noble's Tunic doesn't drop like flies. And it is an item someone can easily abuse (Example of a bad situation: drop the pearl the moment you get it for spite reasons and/or changing LSs).

Anyway- there should be a balance of items you can keep and items that where obtained by the Linkshell as a whole stay with the Linkshell because this game isn't about one's own personal gain. But in the end it is up to the Linkshell to decide if they want a system to keep certain items in the LS. It is there right to decide such a thing as the same respects to a Linkshell that decides to allow all items to be obtainable. Saying one is bad over the other over your own personal beliefs do not represent the beliefs of others.

There are many alterative ideals out there- I am sure that they will be said after my post. But however, there's no such thing as a perfect Linkshell and every linkshell, one way of the other, do have/had the same problems.
#23 Apr 30 2006 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
Sincentius had a really good way of putting that. I'm just thankfull RDM don't get Kirins Osode, but on the other hand when we go out for say Uggalepih Pendant I want the get that couse the linkshell thinks I deserve it, and they did couse I got it.

I'm pretty sure Kirins Osode is they big gilz... makes sence to not fool around with that.

I was in CCB not even a week and they made me ally leader when fighting Kirin, I could have stolen Osode and Wyrms legs but didn't.. It's just not right!

I'm not nocking what others do in there linkshell. I did say it's works for some others. My point was how it can easily lead to a scam. I would like to trust others like that, but when I meet so meny scam linkshells that use it's members to make the leaders all the gilz and iteams it's hard to trust.
#24 Apr 30 2006 at 4:32 PM Rating: Good
Ayazz, I knew you weren't talking about me, i just wanted to throw my 2gil in, any I am in Uchiha Clan now, for better or worse it's my ls. It's been two days since I've got my pearl, and I've seen some good things already.

I still believe the best way to go is to sell all drops, and split evenly between participants. If you want an high end item? Save for it. You just have to make sure the person selling all the crap is trustworthy. Oh, and another thing, I never lend out my gear, or account info, EVER!

Well i'm off to wander around lost in the new areas, see you foos online!

P.S.Wierd how this post was just me venting, I didn't think it would get much response, but it has turned into a good read, thanks for playin. =D
#25 Apr 30 2006 at 7:22 PM Rating: Good
Reading all the posts after mine make me so glad I'm not in a HNMLS. They symbolize everything I hate about this game - obsession with items and gil instead of teamwork and fun. I like nice things as much as the next person, but it's not about status or being better than anyone; it's about trying to have equipment to be the most effective player I can to contribute to how I interact with others. And I interact with people outside of my LS on a regular basis - all this talk about keeping everything in the LS and helping only those with the same colored dot next to their heads seems surprisingly similar to how inter-city gangs work.

Even with the most fair systems (in my short time with DVS I believed their system of selling everything and distributing based on points was the most equitable), far too many people lose sight of what the game should be about. And being dictated to about how to spend my time online is not my idea of a good time.
#26 May 01 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Excellent
440 posts
While I have avoided posting here for many reasons, I think I'll add my opinion, since everyone else does, lol.

As far as you are in game, is your choice. You paid your dues to get the game, set it up, ect... You still pay your character, so it is all up to you.. Let no one dictate to you how you have to be.. Don't kiss ***, don't be afraid to speak your mind, but at the same time, at least have common respect for others...

As for Linkshells..

I was once co-leader of the largest summoner LS on Shiva; Avatar. I never asked for much when we did things. I did my fair share of 20/30+ campings for Yinyang Robe, countless avatar runs, 9 Carby Mitts in one day, ect. I quickly learned how much dedication it takes to co-lead, even LEAD, a LS. And from my past attitude of impatience, I changed much since then. Took me 10 straight campings to get my YY Robe, and then still attended much AFTER I got it..

But then things changed..

I was outcasted by the leader, who I also trusted as a good friend. I entrusted him with knowledge, and he entrusted me in the same sense. Someone came up with the idea of getting him a YY Robe and passing it on, and I enforced the idea.. After all I did, he said I was not his friend, nor trusted by him, because of others' actions.. And I was asked, no.. TOLD to leave the LS, and then invited back, then left again on my own accord.

So what did this all lead to? A greater understanding of the game.

I love helping people, and help even those outside of my social Linkshell, Fable Unity. I am not in end game, but thinking of doing it again someday, I mostly go to public Dynamis, or help Leaders that know me and need my help.

But while so many complain about never getting anything, let me tell you from experience.. Getting is not everything. What happens when there is nothing left to get, and you sit there, KNOWING you won't recieve anything.. Do you leave your LS?

Personally, I like to see others achieve more so than I like to see myself gain. You know you helped them get that summon, ring, or whatever it is they are getting, as a team.

Can someone solo Tiamat for those Gaiters? Nidhogg for that abj to complete your Koenig set? No, you can't..

So to those who complain and leave LS's because you achieve nothing, I pity you, I really do..

When you sign up for a LS, do some research on their forums. They list their system and all. LS without a website describing its endgame rules/regulations? Don't join, because they change on a whim.

UchihaClan, Soulfire, Wasp/Illuminatus all have my undying respect in their sense of fairness. They strive to make everyone happy, yet not everyone is, nor can you please them all.

AGM, good choice with UC, and I hope you enjoy your time there. ^^

And no, I'm not kissing ***, to all you flamers out there. I was in each of them, and never saw better LS's that try hard to please everyone.. I just lost sight of that while I was too busy trying to better myself.

*ends rant/emo session*


Edited for spelling. ^^;

Edited, Mon May 1 10:48:06 2006 by Nieko
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