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Kenshyn's Take on the update two thumbs up!!!Follow

#1 Apr 24 2006 at 1:54 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Been away for awhile and now the expansion pulls me back heres my take/blog:

So the expansion is out my take it is pretty sweet with a few ><;; but not to many. SE has a way of always giving the good with the bad my take so far:

The Good:
Blue Mage:
What can I say a class that has so much promise it is in a word uber and very very cool. The blue mage is pretty much hands down the mage class I always wanted to play a real fighter mage that can take a pounding and deal damage and heal as a main. I love this class and of course SE had to make the learn ability a mfer war of the mind by making the chance to learn so low. But once you get a base ******* you become a lethal weapon. So far Sandspin and Pollen are the sick level 1 skills I sub Blu to my other classes making leveling them a breeze. Soloing blu does seem possible with the varied skills I find it hard to lose if my mana doesn't run out and still I hit hard with my sword if it does hehehe.
Extra bonus seems we can learn from TW mobs at the moment even in a party with much higher levels just in from the forums woot fin woot.

******************************* Stars

This class is pretty much to me the king of all pet owning classes the power of the puppet just can't be ignored. It looks well kind of gay with it's slap fighting but makes up with cool attachments. This class may become the solo class I have dreamed about many attachments (15) can be gotten at level 1 for less than 10k some dummies are paying AH prices which is silly only the crafted ones need to be purchased and those are selling for insane prices. My puppet rocks at her level and it is clear even toughs can be taken at level 6 hehehe. Most haven't realized tho that if you level you need to deactivate and reactivate your puppet for your puppet to level and it makes a world of difference.

***** This one would be perfect if the puppet looked cooler lol

Can you say Bard? Man Corsair is the weak sister in my book why the stats, the stats, the Stats, The Corsair's highest combat skill is PARRY wtf is that about? Little to no weapon choices at low level other than a dagger even a Bard gets a sword early I couldn't find a onion sword ><;;. Then you have to get to level 5 for your first roll which to me is crazy wtf 5 levels with doing nothing but auto attack again come on SE Corsair roll should have been level 1. I subbed BLU ate a pie and pretty much played a gimped blu until level 5 having to use a dagger made me cry lol. I was thinking having Corsair as a sub would allow fighting EP-DC for XP solo as nice but the stats may make me puke.


The New Lands:
What can I say beautiful is a understatement I think leveling in the new area will be a winner but why the heck so many truesight killers ><;;.


The bad:
Why the heck didn't they add newbie zones (1-50)? Did all the blu's, Pups, and cors were leveling hidden in Vandy. This would have been perfect time to add some new low level content I really think SE missed the boat on that one ><;;. Man the dunes again ;;.

Well so far the expansion has my interest still hard to get missions done oh well maybe just sitting and begging to get groups won't be bad again or will that just end this game for me?

So Kenshyn is back for a bit until my next project release it is good to login again and not be cussed at for atleast a little awhile. The internet gangsta start to get on my nerve I love the net only place little punks can get off trying to act superior when in real life they never say boo to me. Being 6'1 250 does help wit that hehehehe.

#2 Apr 24 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Default
Another hands down:

The missions are TOTALLY easy -.- ... Too easy to the point where a child could master it. The quests were more difficult than the missions and that says a lot.

To be honest, I was expecting a little better.

Edited, Mon Apr 24 15:41:49 2006 by Marleau
#3 Apr 24 2006 at 3:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
I think actually the missions are just to explore and setup you up to play the new in game games Assault and Besiged more than anything else. I can't wait to get blue high enough to play if it can keep my interest that long so far so good.
#4 Apr 25 2006 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Just have to add from my blog today I have Gone Blue:

Looks like I have decided pretty much to go Blue this class is by far one of the best (complete) I have ever played. I have leveled almost every class that I could stand pass 20 many pass 30 none has been as much fun as Blue. Maybe its the unique style of play that Blue brings or the just insane raw power of having healing, nuking and melee all in one class.

I have soloed now to 12 and can take on multiple groups of mobs at the same time. The spells just rock hitting Cocoon, Sand Spin, Battle Dance, and Head Butt just chews mobs up for not much mana heck I was one shotting ep with head butt kind of funny. If SE screws with this wonderful job or it doesn't scale well I will think long and hard about removing it. But for now Blue has a new fire in my belly for the game that had become stale. Even the need to go fight non-traditional mobs is love to farm spells.

I have tried Blue 12, PUP 8, and Cor 5 of these BLU and PUP are pretty much solid gold. Cor takes more of a slow mode than I like equal to Bard you almost want to party as early as possible. They really should have made a level 1 gun or started abilities at lvl 1 like bard for my taste. I will raise Cor to give it more of a chance I think subbing it just for the XP roll could be advantageous to any job for merits and the like.

My take 2 thumbs up loving every minute of my comeback so far even with the frustration of getting Blue Spells. If I am ever short it is because frankly I am 0-20 on getting a spell but determined to get it lol so accept my apology now. :P
#5 Apr 25 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
i just dinged BLU22 yesterday and i must agree with you. this job is the most fun and versatile ive had the pleasure of playing. i have actually had the opportunity to be a Debuffer, Tank Straight DD, and a Nuker in ONLY 22 lvls of play. and you have not lived until youve been in a trio of BLUs who all have head butt. keeping a monster perpetually stunned with a rotating headbutr order is hilarious and yields ridiculous XP.

to all the people who dropped BLU in the first 5 lvls saying "this is too hard", i pity you because this job rocks.

P.S. 6 more lvls until i get to use my bomb toss >.>
#6 Apr 25 2006 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
BLU is very powerful. Reminds me of what ppl said RDM was like at first. I will lvl BLU after the first generation of BLUs are out there. A 6 BLU PT is very possible, maybe at all levels. I agree, SE seems to see BLU as their pride and job, there is no other job like it or more complete. I'm afraid SE might end up nerfing it in some sort of way because a lot of ppl will hate on BLU at higher lvls.

COR is kinda fun, but I feel that it was thrown together. Not many abilities and you will end up doing the same Rolls (a la Bard) in PTs. They should have made each Roll have its own independant recast time instead of 1 minute for Phantom Roll. Also, Random Deal should have a 10 minute recast NOT 20 minute. At the moment, COR feels like a gimp BRD mixed with a gimp RNG that can give an XP bonus to the PT.

I don't know that much about PUP besides what I've seen in PTs, they are pretty cool.

BLU is by far, IMO, perhaps the best most powerful job on the game. Its not easy to play, but has huge benefits and potential.
Not only that, but the job seems fun. A job that can do almost every position in a PT. Your very own Magic Johnson.

LOL I see why RDMs were b1tching and moaning, jk.
#7 Apr 25 2006 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
222 posts
True Blu is very powerful, although I believe that it is balenced by the fact some spells like Foot Kick give the mob 10 TP. So for an all Blu PT you have to choose your mobs carefully so you don't get ripped apart from AoE. However, if a nerf is coming in the future I'm gonna ride out this powerhouse till it does ^^.

#8 Apr 26 2006 at 8:08 AM Rating: Decent
kenshyn dude. i dont mean to sound like an *** here. i really dont. just the way i type things. i dont know how to be other than blunt. k. lol.

you said:

Can you say Bard? Man Corsair is the weak sister in my book why the stats, the stats, the Stats, The Corsair's highest combat skill is PARRY wtf is that about? Little to no weapon choices at low level other than a dagger even a Bard gets a sword early I couldn't find a onion sword ><;;. Then you have to get to level 5 for your first roll which to me is crazy wtf 5 levels with doing nothing but auto attack again come on SE Corsair roll should have been level 1. I subbed BLU ate a pie and pretty much played a gimped blu until level 5 having to use a dagger made me cry lol. I was thinking having Corsair as a sub would allow fighting EP-DC for XP solo as nice but the stats may make me puke.

that one bit i highlighted... i mean... come on dude... try playing thief some time. thief need to wait FIFTEEN LEVELS before they get there main ability Sneak attack. Then they dont even become frikin good and get Trick attack till level 30.

level 5 instead of level 15+ is a good thing in my book. coulda been worse... /comfort thievs (and yes my thief is level 44 so i know the pain of the first 15 -30 levels)
#9 Apr 26 2006 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I agree Xellith lol.

What about DRK? It's a bit before they get a useful spell, pretty much goes for a lot of jobs.

I think that a lot of ppl will be spoiled by BLU since they get so many spells and so early. BLU is really nice, but it will have its downfalls. One being in XP PTs, making sure you are not near other mobs with some of your AoE spells. Some seem like they should be single target, but are AoE. That's easy to learn and get over though.

I think they will be good in Ballista, but I still think that a good MNK will be able to take them down. BLU gets interrupted pretty easily, and MNKs are fast as heck. Maybe with a IceSpike type spell they should be ok, and with all their stoneskin moves.

No one knows what a BLU will be doing endgame though. I wonder how and what they will do at Gods. Magic might get resisted a lot, but who knows.

I for one love BLU's possibilities. The challenge and reward of learning new moves are awesome. I just wish that SE would put a little more elbow into some of the other jobs on the game. BLU was well thought out. I hope they give other jobs something to keep up. I have some ideas.

DRK: Scythe/Great Sword Mastery [lvl 50], Absorb TP [lvl 60], Terrorize (longer Stun magic) [lvl 70], Resist n00b [lvl 1]

THF: Critical Hit% Job Traits [lvl 20, 50, 70], Pilfer Bonus Job Trait (boosts Mug and Steal) [lvl 50], Crucial Attack (a normal critical hit but gives enemy DEF Down, DMG and DEF Down length varies by STR) [lvl 70], Treasure Hunter III [lvl 75]

RNG: Archery/Marksmanship Mastery [lvl 65], Scout's Shot (boost DMG of Ranged Attacks for 30 seconds, 5 minute recast) [lvl 50], Sharpshot (actually fix it for REAL this time, make it almost impossible to miss with)

WAR: Great Axe Mastery [lvl 50]

MNK: Revive (sacrifices HP to raise a fallen teammate, like Raise I but instant raise, 30 minute recast)[lvl 60]

DRG: Lancet (able to steal HP and another random trait like STR, DEX, etc from enemy with a lunge attack, 5 minute recast) [lvl 60], Purple Pride (Attack boost if you are wearing a lot of purple, jk lol) [lvl 60]

NIN: Sumiyaka (Haste II Job Ability that lasts for 30 seconds, 10 minute recast)[lvl 65]

BRD: Trois Sonata (able to give a third song to party until it Trois Sonata effect wears off BRD. Effect lasts 45 seconds, 15 minute recast)[lvl 60]

RDM: Warlock's Rapture (boosts magic accuracy for 20 seconds, 15 minute recast)[lvl 70]

BLM: Enchantment (INT boost for next spell casted, 10 minute recast) [lvl 37], Black Arts Mastery [lvl 75]

WHM: Clairvoyance (MND boost for next spell casted, 10 minute recast) [lvl 37], White Arts Mastery [lvl 75]

PLD: Galvanize(Magic DEF and Physical DEF job ability, lasts 20 seconds, 3 minute recast)

SAM: Great Katana Mastery [lvl 65], Udemaekizu (attack that destroys enemies TP, effect is based on SAM's TP, 30% of enemie's TP loss at 300 TP, attack does normal critical great katana DMG, doesn't take any TP away from SAM and can't be stacked with WS; 5 minute recast) [lvl 70]

Sorry jobs that I missed, I don't know enough about SMN and BST to talk about them. But I think that would be a way to keep players that haven't jumped on new jobs interested in what they are right now.

Edited, Wed Apr 26 12:10:37 2006 by BarchielForever
#10 Apr 26 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Default
1,755 posts
Lol dudes ya think they learned something by now for me comparing to old jobs is like comparing todays race cars to model T's. PUP and Blu are just freakin Hawt classes almost heroic in my book.

Actually when you compare the 3 classes against it PUP and Blu are HAWT Cor seems to old school and bard like for my taste heck even a bard got level 1 skills. My real complaint with Cor is lack of weapons and the sub grade in those skills that they do have. I guess for me a pirate should be a bad **** new melee but thats just me. I couldn't even get a level 1 sword where most can use the Wax Sword +1.

Blu for me just living up to name of becoming an Immortal that is just fin HAWT.

Pup what can I say is just damn if the the stats I see at 75 war/pup are true (1311 Hp 256mp just the base model) dang thats gonna be a dream farming machine with zero downtime and ability to solo a ton.

Thf get Steal and by far one of the best ratings in the single best skill in the game EVA. Man watching thfs tank things I get creamed by as a 75 war is pretty sad.

Edited, Wed Apr 26 15:44:42 2006 by kenshynOnShiva

Edited, Wed Apr 26 15:46:39 2006 by kenshynOnShiva
#11 Apr 27 2006 at 9:10 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
The third time you said HAWT in the same short post I actually puked in my mouth.
#12 Apr 28 2006 at 8:37 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Sweet how did that taste and was it HAWT?
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