I'm a 66 Samurai here on Shiva, obviously and I've just finally gotten around to taking thf to 37. Should be finished as of the 18th or 19th with ease. I got away from Samurai for too long though and now it feels like ages since I've leveled it. I'm hoping to put together a static party to at least get to level 70. I'm open to having anyone in it, as long as we're highly functionaly and can exp efficiently at all times. I would prefer to have a bard and a thief in the group, but it is by no means necessary. I have, what I would call, very good gear for my level and play my very effectively. I like being an SATA partner to thieves, better than throwing SATA myself. I also find that having a thief around makes pulling easier and killing significantly faster. I have no preference as to ninja or paladin. A summoner could be very helpful if we do have a ninja tank. If anyone is interested, please post here and send me a tell in game.