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These are my Reflections:Follow

#1 Jan 17 2006 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts

The future seems cloudy and the past is crystal clear. I recall when I first started FFXI it was the first real mmorpg I have ever played. I remember how great everything was how beautiful outside of Sandy seemed. Recall my first beat down from an orc and homepoint. I loved getting my revenge and meeting new people. My first mission, my first big purchase and my very first small linkshell. The day I joined the massive in my eyes old extreme, the day I left because of racist comments in shell. I recall the day I started a linkshell for adults only and the friends I have made. I recall when alla didn’t have server boards it good to see many of the changes today. But it seems many of the boards have gone quiet many of my friends have disappeared from game. I wonder if they will ever come back heck I wonder if I will keep going? Man I seen people get divorces over this game and actually have affairs always made me feel so werid when a married female would come on to me just in fun. I couldn't help but think it was wrong or if in fact she was a real life female lol. I have always had the thought it could always be a dude this is the internet.

Funny I was driven to hit 75 no matter what but lately things remind me of why I have left other games. Has the thrill just gone? I dig my crew I roll with today (HOCD) but the game environment is getting kinda stale. If I see another crab I will puke lol.

Why I write is to ask a question about your reflections what gives you still the juice the thrill to go on? I wait for the expansion which I hope brings me energy I think cop has sapped most of my will but maybe Tau will bring it back..
#2 Jan 17 2006 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
Lately I have been taking a break from ff to reflect on myself and learn. I have learnt some very interesting things in the last month. Contrary to popular belief, Allakhazam, not the box jellyfish of northern Australia, is the most venomous creature on earth. Within 3 minutes of being bitten, a human being experiences the following symptoms: fever, blurred vision, beard rash, tightness of the jeans, and the feeling of being repeatedly kicked through a car windshield.I hope you all learn as much as I have :).

P.S. I understand how u feel ken, I've been bored with the game as of late and have been trying other MMO's. I hope you figure it out man.
#3 Jan 17 2006 at 3:00 PM Rating: Decent
I understand you completely on the Crab comment. I cannot stand leveling my Paladin anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love Paladin for tanking HNM's, God's, Dynamis, Etc.., but none of those really give Exp all they do is take it. So every now and then I have to go get a an Exp party or 2 and dread the entire time just to keep my level.

My biggest problem with FFXI is how SE makes it so you must lean on 1 job for so many things. For example Dynamis, it doesn't matter if you have 50 people and 1 Blm, it would still be better to have 30 people and 6 Blm's.
#4 Jan 17 2006 at 3:48 PM Rating: Decent
424 posts
I agree, sure they've added new very cool looking mobs. But god can't they have a diversity in level of the cool looking monsters so there's something new other crabs, bugs and goblins we can level off? I mean common SE your diversity in monsters is so bland it makes me want to vomit all over my computer.

Edited, Tue Jan 17 15:51:19 2006 by Shinkyu
#5 Jan 17 2006 at 4:12 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
When you can't find anything else new and exciting in the game, grab a new player and try to see life through their eyes.

Just make sure to give them back when you are done ;)
#6 Jan 17 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Maybe that will help but man it is hard to do much of anything as of late other than LS Events and Dynamis. I think maybe the inflation has taken it's toll as well. I swear even with as much gil I have attained paying certain prices just makes me scream inside. I have hit many personal goals and it has been hard to look at making new ones I swear getting 5/5 god armor and 5/5 AF2 would make me energized but sadly it hasn't. I have enjoyed so much in this game and just frustated at this point as what's next that will give me a charge. I am banking on the expansion or maybe just after a break the love will come back that I once had. It just never feels the same as those old days that I reflect on.
#7 Jan 17 2006 at 5:51 PM Rating: Good
582 posts
When you can't find anything else new and exciting in the game, grab a new player and try to see life through their eyes.

I agree~! Having my little sister play as Plumpy (RDM16 no sub), her hubby Clumpy (WAR10 no sub) and her roomate Papakuma (WAR18/MNK09) in my LS is ceratinly refreshing, and they have energized my LS quite a bit!

My LS in return...have spoiled them to death......

Yep, we are creating no subjob RDMs and WARs with all +1 signed armor and weapons.... (gotta sign them or else ppl will think that they bought gil)

It's like reliving those early days all over again, thru their eyes this time.
#8 Jan 18 2006 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Hey Kenshyn ^^

I returned to FFXI about a month ago after being gone for roughly 5-6 months. I know what you mean about the fun of this game being sucked out. I have yet to make it to a 75 job but already I was getting sick of the game. However taking a break ten coming back revitalized my drive. Mabey you should just take a break till TaU comes out?
#9 Jan 18 2006 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
Very cool everyone yeah I feel like maybe a break is in order. I keep signing on but the idea of leveling my next job to 75 just has me kind of stuck. I got both Ninja and pre-nerf Ranger to 54/56. I swear that damn Ranger nerf just had me pretty pissed it seemed I was spending tons of gil to be an ordinary damage dealer whats the point of that? Now doing Ninja hasn't done it since I tanked so much as War/nin I do not get anything special from that as well. I like the job but really the only thing I want is the stupid evasion lol, god War would be awesome if we only had the evasion of Sam instead we are standing statues. Nothing ever misses me funny how in many situations a THF can tank better than so called tanking classes.

Yeah I need a new outlook maybe play Dragoon or Beastmaster solo for awhile.

Uchipu sounds like your family is having a blast playing congrats glad they enjoy it. I think that is always the best part of the game the real life people which can also be the worst what a double edge sword.
#10 Jan 18 2006 at 8:03 AM Rating: Good
I found that trying to commit yourself to a highly rigid structure (via endgame-LS) is the quickest way to burnout. I have put all mage jobs on hold and am doing WAR, NIN, and THF for a while (all under 20 atm). If anything it has given me completely different appreciation for the tank and DD classes.
#11 Jan 18 2006 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
i started out as a tarutaru white mage from windurst. i wanted to help people. i wanted to be there to cure and raise when needed. be someone that people respected and that did good for the people...

then the stark reality came that people are ******** that use and abuse. i quickly cast aside my plans and turned to the dark arts of the black mage.

after obtaining level 75 and realising that some people seemed to be crap at there jobs. i decided to find out why...

as of right now level 73 paladin. if you suck at this job you should quit. easiest job in the game. no reason to suck.

war is 61. fun class to play. not tanked since level 51. really decent to play and pretty simple too.

61 whm (yes im still trying to helpm my friends out by getting raise spells... so sue me)

my main job as of now is ninja. this is a really sweet class. never realised how hard it actually was to keep track of shadows. (like you recast as the mob hits your not sure if it took the old ni shadow or the new ichi shadow... lol) not to mention manually turning blinks off. that sucks.

I mainly play now because i intend to make my LS succeed. i kinda wanna level all jobs to at least 60 so i can comment on them. What better way is there to uderstand how to help people learn there job and for me to work better with that job with my current one.

I still wish i was a level 10 noob in "selvina" who didnt have a clue. good times... my friend plays one of my mules. its fun to watch him. He is kinda like my apprentice. He is level 39 war now. he is pretty damn good to tell you the truth. Much better than i was at his level. Tho i have tought him a lot.
#12 Jan 18 2006 at 11:48 AM Rating: Decent
57 posts
I think everyone lost the spark in the game at one point. I quit back in June and never planned to come back. Then for some strange reason in the end of october i was suddenly reinstalling FFXI and couldn't wait to get back on.

Right now my drive is to get my ls to succeed as it is done in my timezone, and now i don't have to stay up till ungodly hours to do stuff.

If there was one thing that burnt me out when i left the game it was staying up till 5am for sky or up till 6am for dynamis. Now i can do those at like 7pm and i'm driven to make it work.

So my advice is take a break from the game. Then come back in a month or a few. And you will feel like playing once again. (However my advice dont sell anything before you leave it sucks getting gear again)
#13 Jan 18 2006 at 1:06 PM Rating: Decent
58 posts
oh man do i ever sympathize with the "lost the spark" feelings. i've loved whm since i started the game as a galka whm and gave it up to play as a hume whm. made many friends, had many good adventures, helped more people than i can remember, raised 52432356235383474623 newbies in the dunes, and reached my goal of 75. i was very happy and things were great.... then a lot of things turned sour. i went on as whm even though it wasn't as fun to me as when i was less experienced. now, after more things simply turned to complete sh*t... i've retired whm and lost much of my fondness for vanadiel. i play thf, and it is moderately enjoyable to me. the only real reason i've stayed is for the friends i've made over the last 2 years and the experiences we've shared. i think people really do need to step back and realize it's just a game. also try and understand that people are all different, and they make mistakes(from which they hopefully learn). i've been taking this game too seriously for a long time. i let myself get too close to people i only knew in a virtual world, and i've had my feelings hurt a few times by people and groups i deeply cared about. after everything is said and done, i wanna thank bodil, tiarrin, jbot, valkis, lucavi, and the other guys from VanadielsElite for being true friends and backing me since i was a newb galka with no sub.

p.s. i really hope TaU reignites the spark for me too. i've looked at the website and like what i've seen.
#14 Jan 18 2006 at 1:25 PM Rating: Decent
i can totally sympathize with these feelings. i remember just a few months ago when i had a couple million gil i could have afforded almost anything. now im approaching 10 million AND CANT EVEN PURCHASE A SCORP HARNESS OR HAMBURGER (hauby lols). the stagnantion in the game has been caused, in my opinion, by the inflation and the lack of new content. WoW sucks *** imo but at least they are constantly adding new content to the game. i can understand SE wants to only release quality content for FF but must we really wait a year or 2 for each expansion? why cant they introduce new things every few months? even if its 1 new mob type or 1 new piece of armor or 1 new zone. im sure these little things would hold off our boredom for a while while we await new expansions. i also firmly believe that the gilsellers are to blame for a lot of peoples feelings. people have bought so much gil and paid outrageous prices for items which has made many players dependent on buying gil to get the items they want. the cashmere cloth i want is now 35 million gil. it used to be 18-20 mil back in the day. while that was a lot it was attainable by camping and BCNMing my *** off. now the number of NMs we can camp to make money is dwindling. i see gilsellers at amemit, roc, simurgh, serket, mee deggi, quu dommi (or whatever his name is), and a large number of others. oh well i guess ill stop ranting and wait for the maint to end so i can log on and attempt to get mee deggi from the stupid gilsellers. peace
#15 Jan 23 2006 at 2:14 AM Rating: Good
248 posts
I'm busying myself with a Galka MNK mule and its been fun so far. Playing melee with a race made for melee is starting to be as fun as playing a Taru BLM. Still I wish they would add an in game golf course. Windurst Woods Country Club! or a card game we can play with each other while we wait LFG. Other than that I have been real busy trying to find better farming and crafting ventures to battle the <Impossible to guage> inflation.
#16 Jan 24 2006 at 3:24 PM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
CORN lol yeah I dig it hard for me to deal with that new NM myself 50K for silent oils makes me really really think about leveling alch I guess I would have to farm all my stuff cause prices are like crazy eddie insane in a bad way. Well I may have to stay on the down low and hope the feeling comes back soon.
#17 Jan 24 2006 at 5:03 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
Between inflation and wading through the sea of asshats with their nose stuck up their crack over a digital character, yeah it gets old.
FFXI has the "same ****, different day" syndrome. They need to make more cool things and activities to do on the side. Mini-games or something. Also, more SOLO quests. Maybe the ability to change your skin tone/hair color. I don't know, they need to liven it up a bit.
#18 Jan 24 2006 at 5:33 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
my linkshell is what keeps me playing this game. best group of friends i have ever made on a MMORPG. there were sometimes when i ha planned on quitting due to some **** that happend in game. but then i would just sit there and think about all the friends i had made, and all the time we've spent together and i realize how much i would miss them if i were to quit.

plus playing a new character really helped boost my intrest level in the game again.
#19 Jan 24 2006 at 5:35 PM Rating: Decent
299 posts
Cornnholio wrote:
I'm busying myself with a Galka MNK mule and its been fun so far. Playing melee with a race made for melee is starting to be as fun as playing a Taru BLM. Still I wish they would add an in game golf course. Windurst Woods Country Club! or a card game we can play with each other while we wait LFG. Other than that I have been real busy trying to find better farming and crafting ventures to battle the <Impossible to guage> inflation.

they should have added blitzball. i am the blitzball lord
#20 Jan 25 2006 at 12:23 AM Rating: Good
451 posts
well it sure has been awhile for me. I've been gone too long. But FFXI is just too time consuming for me to play anymore. I used to be able to spend 6+ hours a day on it but now i have a full time job so there's no chance of me ever going back to FFXI. I'm stuck roaming from MMO to MMO never fully satisfied without my big gang of kitties. Looking back on all the memories I have playing FFXI, I often get very sad and really miss those days. Some poeple may think it's pathetic to get so attatched to a game so much, but it wasn't the game I was attatched to, it was the friends and family I made while playing the game. Yes I say family because my LS was one big happy family. Yes at times we had some squabbles but that will happen every once in awhile. I'd have to say those were the best times of my "online life" ever. and online life i pretty much mean my regular life lol, since i've been online since i was 10. :P I wish i could have stayed in touch with each and every friend I made in FFXI but not everyone enjoys forums or emailing sadly. I remember when I first started playing FFXI, I was pretty new to p2p online games, since I had only played Ragnarok Online as my first "major" mmorpg. I remmeber I met up with a bunch of really nice poeple and quickly formed a small lvling/questing group. Then one day I said in party chat, "I'm going to create a LS!" and everyone said "oh how neat, what are you going to name it?" and I said "KittyKatGang!" everyone looked at me kind of funny and laughed a little. It was ok though because they all joined it anyway and quickly formed a fast growing LS that later became a great LS. After being astablished as a LS, it was just fun hanging out with LS members, I could sit around and talk for hours without lvling or doing anything in the game. That's one thing I liked about FFXI, there were always people willing to sit around and chat wherever you were. Though I deeply miss those days, I have put the past behind me and I am looking to the future. I hope to create new fond memories still, and who knows maybe i'll meet some of you again in Fantasy Earth, SE's new MMORPG coming out this year. :D or perhaps in another game in the future.

Even though I quit ahwile ago I still will check back on here every once in awhile to see who all is left. ^^ may the great kitty goddess bless you all. =^.^=
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