Xellith wrote:
Ask if GM are actually going to be made to do there job instead of just telling us they will investigate over and over and over.
I dig this question. In most industry sectors, when a customer makes a call to the support infrastructure of an organization, the feedback loop is closed when the customer is contacted with some form of resolution to the issue reported.
Not doing so, rightly or wrongly, leaves the customer with the feeling that nothing is being done to resolve a problem. Clearly FFXI GM's are suffering from this stigma.
Does SE/SOE ever plan on implimenting a more standard support methodology (i.e. will GM's ever report back to players concerning the what action is taken on a Helpdesk/GM call if immediate resolution isn't reached)?
Another question:
For various and sundry reasons FFXI users may have to re-install FFXI on their platform. While not a daily occurance, it happens often enough to be a irritant.
Not only is the media install a lengthy process with FFXI + RotZ + CoP, but the impending [LARGE] download of updated fiels is a time sink.
Would SOE/SE consider offering downloadable ISO (cd-rom) images that would allow users burn update disks? (A single constant download stream is far more effecient than the current model of repeated connection startup, content download, and connection teardown).
Final question (and a fairly selfish one at that):
The only reason I have a windows partition on my laptop is to be able to play ffxi while I'm on the road. That's 15'ish gigs of diskspace I'd rather allocate somewhere else, and a considerable security hole that I'd rather not have.
Might we see FFXI get ported to another platform (read: Linux), or might SE/SOE work closely with Transgaming help make FFXI compatible with Cedega?