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#27 Jan 10 2006 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
I believe I'm free to call whom ever I want whatever I want. My opinion is as valid as anyone elses here and there is no way, in hell, that someone's roomate has any right to start getting busy when you're in the room unless they've at least asked you if you're offended by it beforehand. There's nothing cool, badass, or halfway respectable about getting laid in front of your roomate. In fact, I would say there's absolutely no reason to start getting busy with other people in the room unless you haven't gotten laid in quite some time. Where's the fire? Need to get the rust off your tools asap? If not than have some decency and ask your roomate to leave.
#28 Jan 11 2006 at 3:05 AM Rating: Decent
836 posts
I totally agree with Math. "Diggin'" watching your roommate ***** some girl is high school crap. IMO, it's "cool" if you ain't getting any. That way you can jerk off to that...instead of bootleg versions of Lord of the Rings.

"I'm your Sam..."
#29 Jan 11 2006 at 11:32 AM Rating: Good
But, Sean Astin and Elijah Wood are kind of cute together, no?

(yes, god, I'm kidding @.@)
#30 Jan 11 2006 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
418 posts
First i'll probably get flamed for this. But bar stfu I've refused to ever watch a lord of the rings movie, I group that with harry potter as a childrens movie I will never ever watch.

Second, matty you can have your own opinion but when you start calling my friends trash then we have a problem.

Once again the ONLY people that have serious issues with his roomy gettin laid are the people who can't get laid themselves. ala bar, matty. Who says he has a girl but I seriously doubt it. And if he does money says she's an @ss face.

Notice how shao doesn't defend himself? why? because this is just another one of his make believe stories.
#31 Jan 11 2006 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
I'm of the opinion that Shao made this one up as well, but you're just an asshat if you think the only people who would be offended by their roomate getting laid while they were in the room are people who can't get laid. I really don't care what you think Wrip, because I really can't do anything about it. Now, you apparently think Nuz is some classy guy because he takes girls to cheap hotels and ***** them with his friend in the room. That doesn't seem trashy at all. Thinking there's no problem with having sex in front of an individual who has no desire to see or hear you having sex; that's not trashy either.

btw: How do you know Nuz? In game? Yeah, I was in FU for a little while too. You know him in real life? You look up to him? Think he's an all around wonderful human being? Taking girls to hotels and sharing a room with a buddy while you **** them just is trashy. I don't really think that ones up for debate. You defend him just because you know him in game? Or are you one of his latest hotel babes?

And btw, my girlfriend dabbles around on FF crafting and running around talking to me when I play because she enjoys being a taru. Send her a tell and call her an *** face. she will rip your ******* head off - I don't have to. You really are a **** though - I think Nuz's comments and behavior, which he for some reason gloats about, actually match a dictionary definition of trashy while my opinion that you should have some ******* decency and ask your roomate to leave is a fairly respectable belief. Not wanting to see/hear other people have sex in the same room as me, obviously means that my girlfriend is fake or ugly. I don't know Wrip, I'm sure shes a lot better looking than your mother, and since I'm entitled to my opinion I bet hers was the last ***** you saw.

Edited, Wed Jan 11 12:59:32 2006 by xMathwexx
#32 Jan 11 2006 at 1:35 PM Rating: Default
418 posts
He's in FU as am I. I stick up for linkshell members. Sorry you don't understand loyalty.

Give me your girlfriends name and i'll be happy to call her an @ss face. I'd love to see her rip me a new one. I mean seriously it's a game. What she gonna do swear at me? call me a ****?
#33 Jan 11 2006 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
4,447 posts
Lord of the Rings is a childrens movie? Wtf? Do you know ANYTHING about it? It was a book written a few decades away, it's not exactly an easy read, that was used as a movie. Harry Potter is FOR kids, LOTR is a regular fantasy book.

As for the topic...I agree with the crowd that says he should ask you to leave. I wouldn't really mind as long as he let me know. It's his business, he can do it, just don't bother me with it. Doing it with me there IS bothering me, but I'd leave if that's what he wanted to do.
#34 Jan 11 2006 at 2:33 PM Rating: Good
Please keep in mind not everyone in FU condones or agrees with everything being said in this thread. I'm sure the same goes for Wasp.
#35 Jan 11 2006 at 2:40 PM Rating: Decent
If I saw my roommate bring in his ol' lady or something, the best thing he can do is just let me know a few hours ahead of time.... The last thing I need to hear is them making out when I get in all tired from work -.- ... Lemme know beforehand so I can go to a bar or something after work, please.

And for those who do HAVE roommates, this is what 2 bdrm apartments were made for. >.<

Edited, Wed Jan 11 14:45:58 2006 by Marleau
#36 Jan 11 2006 at 3:29 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
> Harry Potter is FOR kids

I'm being pedantic now, but Harry Potter is written for kids as they mature.

Rowling decided to let Harry Potter grow up through the the series, aging him from 10(?) in book one onto 18'ish (?) in the final addition. As the main character developes, the books also are becoming increasingly more complex; moral delemias become less black and white, and characters are deepened both through history and development.

So while The Sorcerer's Stone is, indeed, a kids book, theoretically the last book will be geared torwards young adults.

That said, the books deal with significant philosophical questions, such as the natures of good and evil, and what makes a person lean one way or the other.

Finally, to sit back can broadly classify "Harry Potter" as childrens fantasy would not only be wrong, but forgetting that in January of 2004 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix won the award for the fiction section of the "WH Smith Book Awards," and in 2001 Rowling won the "Hugo Award" for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
(most people consider th WH Smith award for fiction and the Hugo Award grown-up literary awards)

A WH Smith spokeswoman said:

"The fiction award usually excludes children's fiction but The Order of the Phoenix was regarded as more of an adult book than the earlier Harry Potters."

Edited, Wed Jan 11 15:37:14 2006 by Unixium
#37 Jan 11 2006 at 3:34 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
I do understand loyalty. Do you understand -video games-? You'd go so far as to seriously offend other people you don't even know in order to defend somebody whom you ... don't even know. Just because Nuz in your ls (I was in FU also, probably still have the pearl in MH) doesn't make him right. You guys are just wrong, plain and simple. A roomate, in a college situation, where 2 bedroom appartments aren't an option, should ask you to leave if he wants to get laid. If Nuz said he bangs his sister, would you defend him and say incest was ok, only people who can't get laid by their sisters are against it? Or would your loyalty falter?

You just like starting **** Wrip. You were pissed at me when I went and did ZM's without you, simply because I gave you a pearl to a LS that was supposed to static the ZM's. When the LS failed and nobody would put it on to get things organized or post on the forums like I told them to, I went ahead and took the initiative to get all of my ZM's up til 13 done in one night. When you found out, you posted saying I 'screwed' everyone I gave a pearl to by doing the missions without them, when in fact, I was the only one who lost anything - the price of starting a ls and the time I put into setting up forums and recruiting only to see the LS fail. You just like to whine and ***** and talk tough.

And I didn't even want to post about the LotR before, but since this post is all tangents not related to the OP now - it's far from being a children's book. You tell a literary scholar J.R.R Tolkien wrote kids books and see if they're not offended. The quality of the literature is not in a realm close to that of Harry Potter and the movies, while a far cry from the books, were far better than the juvenile depictions of Harry Potter on screen.
#38 Jan 11 2006 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
/emote pulls up a lawn chair.

/emote eats popcorn and drinks a beer.

10 mins later...

>> Can I please go get my mithra and take her to the back?

/emote takes the Mithra to the back....

1 hr later ...

/emote feels good and smokes after to enjoy it, sits back in his lawn chair and drinks another beer.
#39 Jan 11 2006 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
Judge not lest you be judged .....
#40 Jan 11 2006 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
This is Shiva for crying out loud... drama in these forums make my work days go faster.
#41 Jan 11 2006 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
He's in FU as am I. I stick up for linkshell members. Sorry you don't understand loyalty.

HAHA, that's funny. I remember doing that and you called me all kinds of ******** I'm only 2 kinds, maybe 3.

But anyway, Wrip, you are a hypocrite. You say one thing, then contridict yourself. Not to mention you turn on your real life friends and in game friends, so I don't think it's healthy for anyone to be a friend of yours or even trust you, unless they like blowjobs lol. How's that for "loyalty?" Loyalty to yourself it seems. I don't see how FU accepted you, hopefully they can reform you from your asshat persona.

I could have swore you were a LotR fan. Your mom's impersonation of Golem is unbelievable. But you seem to be more of the American Pie fan.

I love how you claim to know me. I'm like The Matrix.
"You can't be told what The Bartrix is, you have to suck him for yourself..."

Pucker up, *****. lol.
#42 Jan 11 2006 at 10:15 PM Rating: Default
OP: "What do you do when your room mate is having sex right across from you and they're by the door to the room? I'm trying to act like I don't notice but... wow."

Happens. Sex is sex is sex. If when you guys moved in together you guys set basic "boundaries", he might have closed the door. Just because you wouldn't have sex semi-publically (when you start if you havent yet) doesn't mean that this isn't this kid's kink. Whats wrong for you might not be "ethically" wrong for him if you don't tell him what "bothers" you ahead of time. After all, I am sure you said "Hey, please don't eat all the wheaties," when you moved in. Now you can add closing the door during quality snog time.

With the other comments, the only one that came out coherent and sounded like the person is an adult and has actually had sex and knows the way it goes as adults is, its not really my job to teach about the birds and the bees to kids.
#43 Jan 12 2006 at 12:58 AM Rating: Decent

I'm absolutely shocked at some of these replies... Are you guys honestly saying if someone started getting it on in front of you and you didn't want them to you would just let them continue to not be a "cockblocker"? Is that really how men are?

Regardless not only is it appalling that that girl would even do something like that its trashy and low class. I could go on at how shocked and p1ssed off I would be if I were in that situation and I would definately be a "cockblocker" and do some.... unpleasant things. Its completely amazing to me how some people can be so low class and totally disrespectful to other people. What ever happened to respect and decency?

Maybe its different for me because I'm female. Maybe this is just the "man" thing to do. I don't know because I am not one... But I would think less of anyone, male or female, that just let them go at it at such an invasion to your personal space and comfort. This isn't just about them getting it on in front of you... It's about showing respect to people and letting them go on in front of you like that just tells your roommate he can disrespect you and you won't do anything about it.

Honestly stand up for yourself! Tell him off, tell him to get a room not only out of respect for you but for the girl he's with as well.

Well okay I realize that guys sleep with girls they don't respect... *sigh*
#44 Jan 12 2006 at 1:25 AM Rating: Decent
I'm absolutely shocked at some of these replies... Are you guys honestly saying if someone started getting it on in front of you and you didn't want them to you would just let them continue to not be a "cockblocker"? Is that really how men are?

Regardless not only is it appalling that that girl would even do something like that its trashy and low class. I could go on at how shocked and p1ssed off I would be if I were in that situation and I would definately be a "cockblocker" and do some.... unpleasant things. Its completely amazing to me how some people can be so low class and totally disrespectful to other people. What ever happened to respect and decency?

Maybe its different for me because I'm female. Maybe this is just the "man" thing to do. I don't know because I am not one... But I would think less of anyone, male or female, that just let them go at it at such an invasion to your personal space and comfort. This isn't just about them getting it on in front of you... It's about showing respect to people and letting them go on in front of you like that just tells your roommate he can disrespect you and you won't do anything about it.

Honestly stand up for yourself! Tell him off, tell him to get a room not only out of respect for you but for the girl he's with as well.

Well okay I realize that guys sleep with girls they don't respect... *sigh*

Right On!!
#45 Jan 12 2006 at 3:13 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
But if you take out my heat of the moment profanity, isn't that exactly what I said in my first, second, third and so on posts in this thread?
#46 Jan 12 2006 at 3:18 AM Rating: Decent
71 posts
Brisea wrote:
What ever happened to respect and decency?

I saw both of them yesterday. They were in an alley curled up in a cardboard box. Respect was fending off a case of the DTs with a bottle of fortified booze, and Decency was coughing up blood.

Chivalry with with them --- and didn't look so good.
#47 Jan 12 2006 at 8:18 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Briseia wrote:

I'm absolutely shocked at some of these replies... Are you guys honestly saying if someone started getting it on in front of you and you didn't want them to you would just let them continue to not be a "cockblocker"? Is that really how men are?

Regardless not only is it appalling that that girl would even do something like that its trashy and low class. I could go on at how shocked and p1ssed off I would be if I were in that situation and I would definately be a "cockblocker" and do some.... unpleasant things. Its completely amazing to me how some people can be so low class and totally disrespectful to other people. What ever happened to respect and decency?

Maybe its different for me because I'm female. Maybe this is just the "man" thing to do. I don't know because I am not one... But I would think less of anyone, male or female, that just let them go at it at such an invasion to your personal space and comfort. This isn't just about them getting it on in front of you... It's about showing respect to people and letting them go on in front of you like that just tells your roommate he can disrespect you and you won't do anything about it.

Honestly stand up for yourself! Tell him off, tell him to get a room not only out of respect for you but for the girl he's with as well.

/em throws a different kind of log in the fire.....

well.....the OP didnt really say his room mate was doing it with the opposite sex.....



/em stares at fire.....

Edited, Thu Jan 12 08:23:28 2006 by Quaraxia
#48 Jan 12 2006 at 10:06 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
To loh NO I don't know a thing about lord of the rings. I've never watched it, and never will. Call me ignorant that is fine. I just have my mind made up about those movies.

Bar omg I DO love the American Pie movies. Probably explains A LOT don't it?

The fact is bar I never considered you a friend. I was only "cool" to you while Abdiel was around. I always found you annoying, and the fact that you had to have a gimmick to be popular was pathetic. (I know you'll probably come back saying haha i'm not popular or well known on the sever. That's right. And let's keep it that way. I don't play the game to be known.)

Second you don't know what happened with Abdiel. That's something you need to keep your mouth shut on or send me a private message because unlike shao I refuse to talk about my personal life on a video game message board. I have other outlets for discussing my problems.

My TRUE in-game friends I've stayed loyal to. I see a linkshell member getting needlessly flamed. I stick up for him. There is a big difference in what i'm doing and what you did for kramer. Kramer brought everything on himself by being a bag of douche.

Yes, it's amazing I got into FU. But it's simply astounding that agm gets in anywhere. And even more shocking that you continue to speak on subjects that you know nothing about.

Just please move along, your replies are predictable, your insults are getting worse. Just let it go.
#49 Jan 12 2006 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
299 posts
Unixium wrote:
> Harry Potter is FOR kids

I'm being pedantic now, but Harry Potter is written for kids as they mature.

Rowling decided to let Harry Potter grow up through the the series, aging him from 10(?) in book one onto 18'ish (?) in the final addition. As the main character developes, the books also are becoming increasingly more complex; moral delemias become less black and white, and characters are deepened both through history and development.

if you mean the latest that came out, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince he was 16. if you mean the last one that is coming out, he should be 17, as only 7 books are coming out and he ages 1 year in each

Edited, Thu Jan 12 13:35:45 2006 by Mszsliccc
#50 Jan 12 2006 at 2:25 PM Rating: Decent
71 posts
"Kramer brought everything on himself by being a bag of douche."
"'s simply astounding that agm gets in anywhere."


No one brought up Abdiel by name. No one talked about Agirlyman in the third person. No one mentioned Kramer's name.

That is, until you decided to say something in a negative light --- for absolutely no good reason.

I dunnno if you thrive off the drama, or are just a malcontent, but Matthew nailed it when he said "You just like starting sh*t Wrip."

You've got a lot of vitriol inside, Wrip. Go get some counseling, before it eats you up.

Edited, Thu Jan 12 14:28:51 2006 by Unixium
#51 Jan 12 2006 at 4:16 PM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Gentoo, Bar knows what i'm talking about. You obviously do not as you aren't close to the situation. Please remove yourself.

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