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In-game relationshipsFollow

#1 Jan 06 2006 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
I just read a post on another server about people arguing and verbally attacking each other over a relationship that apparently went sour. All of the things they were saying were a reminder to me of something that I'd see on maybe the Jerry Springer show. The thing was that all of this happened in-game... not in real life.

In my personal opinion, I think that "dating" someone in a video game is just strange behavior. I suppose some people take comfort in this due to their lack of a social life outside of FFXI.

I was just wondering about the opinions of my fellow players here on Shiva about in-game relationships. What is your take? Do you think it is a positive or negative influence on society? Am I just being too particular?

Your thoughts please.

Edited, Fri Jan 6 21:31:09 2006 by TeChNoFiRe
#2 Jan 07 2006 at 12:59 AM Rating: Decent
Isnt this the same or similar to online dating? At least you get to interact with the person and kinda see their personality.
On a side note I meet a friend who plays FFXI on shive 8 years ago on another type of online game and we have been very good friends since then.
#3 Jan 07 2006 at 4:09 AM Rating: Decent
I think in-game relationships are a bad idea.

You can have feelings for somebody that you interact with on a daily basis, even if not in person. I know this from experience.

Long story short; A couple of years ago, there is this girl that I knew from CS. We met up, we got hitched and I moved 2500 miles. It didn't work out. Well, it's way more in-depth than that but it's nothing I'm going to get into.

Though, there are some success stories. There is a friend of mine who met his wife on the internet. Sure, it's not in-game but it's pretty well the same. They married about two years ago and are still together.

But, in my personal opinion, I think in-game relationships are harmful. Some people take things differently. Someone could go through what I went through or a relationship will eventually fade away. Plus, you never know who you are really talking to.
#4 Jan 09 2006 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
137 posts
In game relationships are not a great idea and can get pretty obnoxious. Forget the possibility of a 'domestic' spat in which the 'couple' loses their heads and attacks one another, sometimes leading to incredibly over dramtatic virtual breakups and rifts between individuals; the sweet talking, cuddly /emotes and other affectionate behaviors, which just seem stupid, in my opinion, can drive others nuts. In one of my old linkshells (one I'd been in for over a year) it got to the point where I couldn't log on to find anything but 2 particular individuals romanticizing to one another. They were admittedly far apart in real age, shared little common interests and had never met, nor had any intentions to meet, one another. The would drown the linkshell in /hugs and /kisses and then get into huge fights, filled with ridiculous accusations - it was too much. I actually left the ls because I was so tired of it. Now, I personally am lucky; my girlfriend out of game is my wife in game. When we play, usually at night, or over breaks from school when we each go home to our families, we are usually sitting right next to eachother. If we aren't than we talk about eachothers days and whatnot and it's all very simple and not dramatic or overly affectionate in any way. She's new to the game and I've been playing since it was released so a lot of the time I'm just explaining things to her or helping her with something. Most of the time she sits in town and crafts while I exp, quest or do whatever else because she really only plays for 2 reasons. She loves taru's and she wants to share in my hobbies the same way I share in hers.
#5 Jan 09 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
557 posts
Being the romantic that I am, I like to believe anything is possible when it comes to <3!

Call me corny if you will...I believe in fate. If two people are fated/destined to meet each other and be together who is to say it couldn't be on Shiva server in FFXI?

When I was much younger and dating *ahem*..... we didn't have online dating, or online games. Spending time skiing with groups of people, the bar scene, or through mutual friendships was the normal way of meeting people. Honestly; I met more phony and fake people in some of those real life circumstances than I care to remember.

Getting back to my point though......

I know there are people who have met on Shiva; formed relationships; met in real life and moved in together and even gotten married. I also know of in game relationships that haven't worked out for many reasons. I also know of people who have formed fabulous friendships in game.

Now.... the mind is a fragile thing. I think danger happens when one of two people are not honest and upfront in who they are and what exactly their intent is. Leading another person on emotionally, or down a path that is not real is despicable - whether they are teenagers or adults.

With mutual respect; honesty, and maturity anything can happen between two people....especially in the land of Van a Diel....

#6 Jan 09 2006 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
I hate to think of the fact that I broke up a marriage due to this game, but its happened.... Apparently for the better it seems, according to the girl whom I will state anonymously.... She seems a lot happier with her in-game beau and they're doing very well together.
#7 Jan 09 2006 at 6:16 PM Rating: Decent
i hate to sound completely negative but i think in-game relationships between people who have never met irl are a bad idea. if you find yourself in many of those it may be time to get some kind of social life =(
#8 Jan 09 2006 at 10:43 PM Rating: Good
115 posts
I personally don't have much of an opinion on this subject... my real life husband and I both play the game and we pt together/bcnms/missions/etc... when he has time off of work which is fun! :) I'm not marrying my rl husband in game cause he says it's stupid and a waste of gil. lol So... I'm marrying my best friend that I talk to almost every day. :)
#9 Jan 10 2006 at 8:24 AM Rating: Good
557 posts
Ayazz wrote:
i hate to sound completely negative but i think in-game relationships between people who have never met irl are a bad idea. if you find yourself in many of those it may be time to get some kind of social life =(

I hear what you're saying Ayazz....but for many people this game IS their social life and could be a way of meeting people either for friendships and/or more :D

I know two people in game who have met in game, met in real life and it's worked fine for them... When the stars align and worlds collide......who knows what can happen!


#10 Jan 10 2006 at 8:34 AM Rating: Decent
I have many friends on FFXI that i've never meet, but they are just as true of a friend as any real life friend. I've dated both people from online and in real life, it all about seems the same to me. I don't think it's a bad idea at all.

I ended up being pretty close with someone in game and so it was only natural that we meet in real life and when we did it was a perfect connection between us -- all from one simple xp party in Garlaige Citadel. So you never know, that next xp party might be the one that changes ur life.
#11 Jan 10 2006 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
137 posts
Just to ammend my previous statement - I think relationships that are purely in game are bad ideas. I've made some great friends in game over my 4 characters and 2+ years and when we get together for some ridiculous, pointless, just for fun missions and what not it feels like hanging out with old friends, not just some online persona. These are people who I keep in touch with through email everytime I randomly decide I'm quitting FF (and then decide to come back a few months later) and whom I speak to via AIM and by other means. One or two even have my address and phone number and we send eachother cd's we recommend one another check out. I'm all for relationships in that sense, the friendly kind. It's one of the best things this game offers. Now, for romantic in-game relationships; if you're both single, in the same age range, and you're both looking for a real relationship, than there's no problem with it. If you both understand the expanses of your online relationship than it should be ok. If you both know that it's strictly role-playing than RP away. If you're both aware that the other is willing to meet people from the game in real life and is even looking for a real life significant other, possibly from in-game, than that's ok too. The big problem is when people are unclear about there intentions and one party thinks the situation to be far more serious than the other. That's when someone gets hurt.
#12 Jan 10 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
Heh well... I dunno. I've done a couple long distance relationships, and some have worked out, some haven't. My current boyfrend I've been with for 1 year and 1 month, and I met him on FFXI. We talked on the phone, and then met up. Now, he lives very close by ^^ I think it's working out pretty good... I believe in true love, and that it can happen anytime, anywhere, online or offline.
#13 Jan 10 2006 at 2:53 PM Rating: Decent
385 posts
well if anyone knows me .. they know about me and my gf :) ... we recently met over the holidays and well it was like remeeting an old best friend where u catch up and then everything just falls back into place and it's like we were never apart..

i can honestly say i don't know anyone that can make me as happy as she can and knows so much about me .. even though we only knew one another ingame/msn/phone for a yr and a half .. we decided to start "dating oct 2004" .. and have been "together" since.. we've talked about everything a couple would talk about .. and are now talking about more serious stuff

i'm sorry to the people that have been hurt by an online relationship gone bad.. i've been there as well .. but i feel if both people are honest that ingame life imitates real life personalities .

i've had many *real life* in my same town relationships as well .. and well none of them turned out .. this one seems to be the one and it's happened by meeting the love of my life online/ingame... wow i'm jsut pouring everythign out.. lmao ..

one thing i will say is don't jump into anyhting.. we were friends for 4-5 months and knew alot about oen another before anything ever even came up or those kidns of feelings arose. i also belive in the best advice my dad gave me when i asked him how he knew my mother was the one .. and he said " i fell in love with my best friend, someone i could trust wholey and completly"

just be honest.. straightforward and think before u type .. cause everything u can say can mean sometyhing diff to someone else ..

well theres my life O.o wow .. lmao .. sorry for the long as post and good luck
#14 Jan 10 2006 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
332 posts
sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt.
luckily for me it did work. We met in FFXI a year ago, met and fell in love... haha too mushyyy.. :D
#15 Jan 10 2006 at 8:03 PM Rating: Decent
In my personal opinion, I think that "dating" someone in a video game is just strange behavior. I suppose some people take comfort in this due to their lack of a social life outside of FFXI.

A rl relationship from someone u meet thru rl friends can be horribly bad or worse it happened to me and Im glad its over . The guy was a nightmare he did everything bad you can think of except being a murder.

Edited, Tue Jan 10 20:09:11 2006 by Glitterngld
#16 Jan 10 2006 at 9:43 PM Rating: Decent
oh dont get me wrong. i think some of the people ive met in this game can be great friends. im just not a big fan of the ingame boyfriend/girlfriend thing.
#17 Jan 11 2006 at 12:21 AM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
People get into in-game relationships because of the anonimity that it provides. Most guys who play, not saying all, find comfort behind their videogame persona because it makes them into something they are usually not, but there in lies the problem, ANYONE can assume a false image and this is usually where in-game relationships are not a good thing. You never know whos behind the character unless you know them in real life anyway.

Now FFXI has several million people playing, now imagine if 1 or 2 people are hiding something. How do we know the player we're partying with isn't in a basement with someone chained up to the wall that they torture when they aren't online? Its easy to type in friendly things cause no one can see you or hear you, or hear whats going on. O.o

Ok that maybe a stretching the imagination but a study averaged that around 50-100 serial killers operate at any given time in the US @_@

How many play FFXI, probably none, but again...WHO KNOWS >.>
#18 Jan 11 2006 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
Now FFXI has several million people playing, now imagine if 1 or 2 people are hiding something. How do we know the player we're partying with isn't in a basement with someone chained up to the wall that they torture when they aren't online? Its easy to type in friendly things cause no one can see you or hear you, or hear whats going on. O.o

Ok that maybe a stretching the imagination but a study averaged that around 50-100 serial killers operate at any given time in the US @_@

How many play FFXI, probably none, but again...WHO KNOWS >.>

That totally creeped me out! *shudder*

I just read a post on another server about people arguing and verbally attacking each other over a relationship that apparently went sour. All of the things they were saying were a reminder to me of something that I'd see on maybe the Jerry Springer show. The thing was that all of this happened in-game... not in real life.

In my personal opinion, I think that "dating" someone in a video game is just strange behavior. I suppose some people take comfort in this due to their lack of a social life outside of FFXI.

I think it has a lot to do with maturity. Online relationships are not something I would be interested in but if they are two consenting mature adults then I don't see a problem with it. We all are going to act in a way that will achieve the greatest amount of happiness for us (if you're healthy that is lol) and if that brings you happiness more power to you. I'd have to say though that 8 out of 10 online/long distance relationships will fail because of the distance between them.

They are so limited that really getting to know someone is difficult... It seems all you have is the phone and email/IMs, or in this case, online interaction through a game. Theres so much more to people's personalities than what they type and say- and people can act differently and give you a false impression.

Really "dating" someone in a video game is a person's decision... and one can only hope both parties are being honest with each other and giving the right idea of who they are.

Edited, Wed Jan 11 17:14:51 2006 by Briseia
#19 Jan 13 2006 at 3:20 AM Rating: Default
xMathwexx wrote:
Just to ammend my previous statement - I think relationships that are purely in game are bad ideas. I've made some great friends in game over my 4 characters and 2+ years and when we get together for some ridiculous, pointless, just for fun missions and what not it feels like hanging out with old friends, not just some online persona. These are people who I keep in touch with through email everytime I randomly decide I'm quitting FF (and then decide to come back a few months later) and whom I speak to via AIM and by other means. One or two even have my address and phone number and we send eachother cd's we recommend one another check out. I'm all for relationships in that sense, the friendly kind. It's one of the best things this game offers. Now, for romantic in-game relationships; if you're both single, in the same age range, and you're both looking for a real relationship, than there's no problem with it. If you both understand the expanses of your online relationship than it should be ok. If you both know that it's strictly role-playing than RP away. If you're both aware that the other is willing to meet people from the game in real life and is even looking for a real life significant other, possibly from in-game, than that's ok too. The big problem is when people are unclear about there intentions and one party thinks the situation to be far more serious than the other. That's when someone gets hurt.

I agree with Matt on this one. I also agree with the post right above me as well. I know a few couples that met through the game, became awesome friends and have been together over a year now seriously IRL. Some have met a few times irl and are trying to take it to the next level. But the feelings itself are indeed real, een though they met in a virtual world. A key factor is: They are ADULTS.

But do not misunderstand me- THIS IS VERY RARE. The percentage of the negatives are much higher.

I actually really don't like it when people intentionally play the game and use it for their own personal E-harmony, especially if they are adults. Some completely misrepresent themselves in order to make themselves seem a certain way when in reality that its a big faux. I have known a few, not anyone I would call a friend or even close to am acquaintance, who would lie about his marital situation and actually seek attn and flirt with "females" and attempt to get close to them irl, regardless their age. Sometimes reality is just not that great for some that they want to create a little lovefest for their avatar?

If you are kids, especially 16 and under, you have alot of things and alot of growing to do as a person and basically this is just fun and experimentation but 99.9% of the time, its not gonna last. But hey, a pipe dream is a pipe dream- aim high if thats what you want- its all part of growing up anyway right. Well... till your parents find out and might cut of the game cause your sneaking off to meet someone who turns out not to be 16 like you but in their 20's....

The ironic twist is just like Matt said- you find yourself making good friends online and other states which some do turn out to be good friends IRL, suprisingly. Some. Example, I actually really never liked Final Fantasy or knew much about it before this game. I played others in my spare time but I never got into the crystals lol. At the time I was in a serious relationship with someone we will now call the antichrist. Granted, I left that situation but I didnt leave the game or the people whom I made friends with. So I may complain and say I wasted my time on him, but in the end I have to thank him for the one thing I am grateful from him: a few of some close friends I have made whom I value and plan to keep in touch with when I eventually leave the game.

Life is strange, you never know whats ahead..but you also have to be somewhat realistic, whether you are a romantic, a cynic, or just take life a day at a time and enjoy the moment.

#20 Jan 13 2006 at 2:44 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
double post

Edited, Fri Jan 13 15:04:53 2006 by KiyoYouko
#21 Jan 13 2006 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
99 posts
If you are kids, especially 16 and under, you have alot of things and alot of growing to do as a person and basically this is just fun and experimentation but 99.9% of the time, its not gonna last. But hey, a pipe dream is a pipe dream- aim high if thats what you want- its all part of growing up anyway right. Well... till your parents find out and might cut of the game cause your sneaking off to meet someone who turns out not to be 16 like you but in their 20's....

Haha... it's actually kinda cool. I still live with my parents, and they totally know about my bf. He comes over everyday, and they love him, even though he's older than me. He got a job yesterday, cuz he just moved here, and my father even said something along the lines of, 'You're a part of the family now!' Nonetheless, if a relationship goes through a lot of challenges like mine has, and the couple is still together, then I believe there is something really strong in there. Age is just a number. It's the maturity that counts, IMO.

At the same time, I agree that sometimes, these kind of things are extremely hard and don't work out. Just have to play your cards right, that's all.
#22 Jan 17 2006 at 8:54 PM Rating: Decent
This is all pretty sad to hear. Granted the happy endings are nice but what about the ones where a whole linkshell breaks up because two people can't get along. I've had this happen in quite a few ls's now and it's not a pretty sight to see. I'm not saying flirting and such is bad but don't take everything so seriously unless you actually know this person in rl. Still can't understand what exactly happend but I know all the people involved in killing the second best ls I've ever had the opportunity to join. It's just odd to me i suppose.
#23 Jan 17 2006 at 9:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,727 posts
its a good thing it broke if 2 people couldnt handle each, thats just poor leadership

so your online girlfriend broke up with you (or real...whatever), get over yourself. this game is for fun
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