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Are the Gilsellers really the bad guys?Follow

#1 Dec 21 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Good
3,011 posts
Last night, me and a small task force were sent out to get the Adamantoise ToD. An all JP ls was fighting it, a very respected one at that. During the middle of their fight, they caught aggro from 2-3 Perytons, all of which were beating on their white mage. He lost his stoneskin rather fast, and was at around 10% hp. I then ordered our little task force to get the mobs off of him and save him; our red mage cured him, I shot one of the birds, and a ninja voked the other. So, we were now fighting three DC-T mobs with three thieves, a ninja, a red mage and a dark knight (I still think the only reason we won was because of the thieves >_>). While fighting these mobs, the Dark Knight caught aggro from one of the strolling Manticores, which proceeded to own him and then leave us alone. We eventually defeated the Perytons, and the JP ls was still fighting Adamantoise. When they had defeated him, we asked them to help us raise III our dark knight, as we had no one who could do it plus we had very few people to work with to clear out all the agro; he had somehow died in the dead center of all of those mobs.

The white mage that we had saved laughed at us and said "NA = [Too Weak]". The entire group of people the LS had teleported out of the region, leaving us with quite a pickle. We managed to escape the area and raise I the Dark Knight by having the three thieves run away with the aggro. After everything was in the clear, I would have to say I was very pissed off.

We went out of our way to help that LS when we could have just sat there and watch them die. When we asked for a small bit of help in return, they laughed at us and left us to die. Now, to a similar event...

One day when I was a lower level and partying in the Kuftal Tunnel, Guivrye popped on our so far 30 minute party and made experiencing...difficult, to say the least. He quickly dispatched all of our members, leaving a fully dead party. For reasons unknown, the White Mage had forgotten reraise, and we believed this was pretty much the end of the party. 30 minutes for 2k exp loss [Yes, Please.]

Then the Superstars killed Guivrye and raise III'd all of us. We had done nothing to help them, and all we had done since we arrived at the camp was tell them how gay gilsellers were. And they raised us. They helped us out when we were hurt, something that a "respectable" JP ls failed at doing.

It appears in the end, the gilsellers are not the reason for this game's slow and painful death. It is the ******* players within it that contribute to this.
#2 Dec 21 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
Well you see. The main thing as i see it is th.

A lot of JPs are little bastards. BUT. Thats there right to be bastards and they play the game ligitmately for themselves.

Gil sellers however do not play for the game being fun. They get paid to play it to make our game lives hell.

Whichever way you look at it. A gil seller may be a nice guy but they are still a disease that needs to be cured.

As we all know though not all JP are rascist just an obscene amount >.> You really shouldnt have helped. It was there NM and there problem. Sucks you were kind to them. It was the decent thing to do to help but not necicarrily the wisest.

Next time dont help i guess.

(Most gil sellers have the philosophy of helping others out. This is so that they can use you to make gil for other HNM and stuff. Gain your trust to get your *** on there side i guess)
#3 Dec 21 2005 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
1,755 posts
This is a simple math problem if people didnt BUY gil no one would ever sell it. Because people will pay for it someone will sell it just like drugs if there is a market/demand someone will fill it. The inflation on the server is directly related to amount of fresh gil introduced and people not respecting gil normally the gil buyer if you can buy an endless amount of gil people stop careing about price and the prices go up. If no one buys the price will fall I personally refuse to pay these insane prices for items. I recall when 1 mil was alot and if you tried to buy it with real money it was like $300 bucks now its like what $20 bucks ergo easy way out wins. So many players have gone to the darkside and inflation runs rampant. Man do I miss the old days ><;;.

#4 Dec 21 2005 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Xell, I don't mean to pick on ya man, but....damn!

A lot of JPs are little bastards. BUT. Thats there right to be bastards and they play the game ligitmately for themselves

So it's okay for people to be asses as long as they're not gil sellers?

Gil sellers however do not play for the game being fun. They get paid to play it to make our game lives hell

I've never had them make my life hell. In fact, I've come to realize that I'm more of a threat to them than they are to me.

A gil seller may be a nice guy but they are still a disease that needs to be cured.

No, here's the disease that needs to be cured:

You really shouldnt have helped.

It was there NM and there problem.

Sucks you were kind to them.

It was the decent thing to do to help but not necicarrily the wisest.

And what takes the cake out of all of 'em...

(Most gil sellers have the philosophy of helping others out.

Damn those helpful gil sellers! Damn them all to hellllllllllllllll!!!!!oneleeven!
#5 Dec 21 2005 at 11:48 AM Rating: Good
1,220 posts
I have said it before and will say it again....the Superstars are nice....until you do something in direct conflict with them. On more than one occasion we have been there, fighting random NMs, including Guivre, Phantom Worm and Amemet, and this is in direct the trains were a coming. They don't like people fighting Guivre, since you do it in the Amemet room, they for sure don't like you fighting their precious Amemet or Phantom Worm (god forbid they should lose a little of their monopoly)...and before the change, I can't tell you how many battles we would have to deal with at Aquarius with the Superstars.

I have been raised by the superstars, but one thing to remember is that these characters are played by multiple slaves so they don't know if you have been in conflict with them before.

As far as the arguement of gil seller v. gil buyer, its the old chicken or egg question. Without gil sellers, there are no gil buyers and vice versa. It's a circular arguement that will never be answered. There will always be cheaters and there will always be people looking to profit from those cheats, its the way of the world unfortunately.
#6 Dec 21 2005 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
boot the gilsellers and you take away the ability to buy gil. but then again from what im seeing lately its the PCs who are ******* each other. do you think the O kote is 5 mil because of gilsellers? no its from douchebag sams and nins paying that much because they think its "1337". people need to stop caring so much about having the very best gear at the expense of the economy. wonder who would pay 5 mil for an o kote anyway.... maybe a ****** gilbuyer? =(
#7 Dec 21 2005 at 1:58 PM Rating: Decent
Gil sellers use the same tactics as some players. Be really nice to you to get your account deatils then steal all your stuff.

Gil sellers are really kind to you so you will be there ***** and help them make moer $$$.

Help a gil seller, become a *****. Simple as that.

By the way sophus. Quoting about 8 words a line without quoting the entire thing is ********* Next time try and analyse the entire problem.

YES its ok for someone to be a **** as long as they dont sell/buy gil.

YES gil sellers are nice only to get you to be there *****.

NO they shouldnt have helped. HNM rules basically mean it was there problem until they asked for help.

YES it was there NM so YES was there problem.

Read the entire thing not just the bits you wanna read.
#8 Dec 21 2005 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
299 posts
Xellith wrote:
YES its ok for someone to be a **** as long as they dont sell/buy gil.

honestly...its not ok to be a ****, period. you're basically saying it would be ok for me to steal NMs, MPK, scam...basically **** ppl over in anyway possible, and talk to anyone however i want, without a trace of long as i dont buy or sell gil.

after all, wouldnt you consider someone who did all that a ****?

Edited, Wed Dec 21 14:30:05 2005 by Mszsliccc
#9 Dec 21 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
i could write you a huge list about whats acceptable imo but then it would take about 50 pages of text. and i dont think you really wanna read 50 pages and i certainly dont wanna type out 50 pages >.> so please for the love of god people use common sense.

#10 Dec 21 2005 at 2:35 PM Rating: Good
299 posts
heh, i sure as hell wouldnt read 50 pages lol
#11 Dec 21 2005 at 3:01 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
By the way sophus. Quoting about 8 words a line without quoting the entire thing is bullsh*t. Next time try and analyse the entire problem.

YES its ok for someone to be a @#%^ as long as they dont sell/buy gil.

YES gil sellers are nice only to get you to be there *****.

NO they shouldnt have helped. HNM rules basically mean it was there problem until they asked for help.

YES it was there NM so YES was there problem.

Read the entire thing not just the bits you wanna read.

First off Xell, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty damn sure that I quoted your entire post. That wasn't just the "words I wanted to read," it was near the whole thing. If you meant to say something (but didn't) please don't blame me for that. My response was based solely on what you typed.

Second, how can you accuse me of not analyzing the entire situation? People come on here and make wild accusations that blame gil sellers for all the ills of FFXI. In your previous post(s), you did the same thing. I didn't mean it to sound like I was picking on your personally, but your accusations were without merit. They make sense to you because you want them to make sense...not because they're true.

When you have posted your opinions, I've often backed you up. It's only when you (or anyone else) have posted some cop-out excuse or scapegoat accusation that I've spoken against what you said. It's the same that I'd do to anyone, though. My point was that it wasn't against *you* or an attack on *you*, it was an attack on what you said.

What I can't stand is when people make half-assed assumptions without a single fact to back it up. They're either too lazy to do it, too scared of placing proper blame, or too content on following the current trend.

And quite frankly, adhereing to HNM rules because "HNM rules basically mean it was there problem until they asked for help" is total BS. Shao did the right thing. He didn't do the right thing BUT..... He did the right thing.
#12 Dec 21 2005 at 3:41 PM Rating: Good
And what takes the cake out of all of 'em...

(Most gil sellers have the philosophy of helping others out.

I'm pretty damn sure that I quoted your entire post

you didnt read the next bit though did you.

This is so that they can use you to make gil for other HNM and stuff. Gain your trust to get your *** on there side i guess)

so the whole thing reads:

(Most gil sellers have the philosophy of helping others out. This is so that they can use you to make gil for other HNM and stuff. Gain your trust to get your *** on there side i guess)

tada. ya you really didnt single out anything there did you.

Shao did the right thing. He didn't do the right thing BUT..... He did the right thing.
Eh? dunno wtf that means O.o im sleepy ; :

Edited, Wed Dec 21 15:42:42 2005 by Xellith
#13 Dec 21 2005 at 4:37 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Shao did the right thing. He didn't do the right thing BUT..... He did the right thing.

Sorry, that was supposed to read "he didn't do the right thing according to your "HNM Rules"...but he still did the right thing.

Most gil sellers have the philosophy of helping others out. This is so that they can use you to make gil for other HNM and stuff. Gain your trust to get your *** on there side i guess)

tada. ya you really didnt single out anything there did you.

I singled it out because of the way you worded it. Oh noes, they are doing the thing all of us wish our own ls would do! :p

I'd love to find out how you happen to "know" this is the gil sellers' philosophy? Did you read this from a gil seller forum? Did you hear this from a gil seller? Are you friends with gil sellers? Are you a gil seller?

Maybe they help people because not *all* of them are ****** Maybe the person playing Superstarone at the time really *doesn't* want you to die? Maybe they were being like Shao and trying to help out...even if meant he'd die in the process?

Unless you can back up a claim, it's a baseless accusation.
#14 Dec 22 2005 at 1:40 AM Rating: Good
]"he didn't do the right thing according to your "HNM Rules"...but he still did the right thing.

oh that makes sense now thx for that lol.

im not disagreeing with that. Just that in this game its a dog eat dog world. Gotta know who are you frenids half the time before you put any investment in what you do.

In the scenario we talking about here YES it was a good kindhearted thing to help them out. Im not disagreeing with that. In fact i applaud there attitude and salute them.

HOWEVER. in this dog eat dog world people do ***** you over at any chance they can get. such as those JP guys did. Really i believe its best to get a set of rules such as those for HNM rules and try and stick to them the best you can to avoid any unpelasant situations and upsetting people on both sides.

It was there HNM and there problem and they shouldnt have interfered imo without them asking for help before hand. This entire situation wouldnt have occured had that rule been followed.

Sometimes though... yes you just have to have faith i guess. Have faith in your fellow man. and just hope that they have the same kinda thinging as shao and his team. If everyone were like that this dog eat dog world wouldnt exist and this game would be a more enjoyable experience. shame there are so many bastards lucring about ; ;
#15 Dec 22 2005 at 1:04 PM Rating: Good
418 posts
Xellith is a gilseller?! SPREAD THE NEWS! Not only is he a gilseller but he's a douche. whammy!

Edited, Thu Dec 22 13:07:41 2005 by Wrip
#16 Dec 22 2005 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
id rather be me than try to be something im not or just follow the crowd. Individuality ftw!
#17 Dec 22 2005 at 2:43 PM Rating: Excellent
379 posts
Xellith wrote:
id rather be me than try to be something im not or just follow the crowd. Individuality ftw!

lol, nice use of the overused catchphrase (ftw) to show your individuality.

As to the OP, yeah, it sucks that they did that to you guys for trying to help, but, I'm actually kinda with Xellith on this.

If an LS is capable of taking down an HNM, they should also be capable of taking down any agro they recieve in the process. That's part of the danger, and to some people, part of the fun. I myself, would rather not kill an NM, with a dead WHM, and 3 slept links standing next to me, but I guess this is considered "excitement" for some.

By helping, you interfered with their game experience.

What you should have done, is target the agro mob, and did
/s <t> {do you need any help?}

If they are too proud too ask for help, or accept it when offered, let them die.
#18 Dec 22 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
137 posts
I have to agree with the OP and with Sophus. Playing Final Fantasy is an extremely enjoyable experience (at least for me it is, if it isn't for you I feel truly sorry that you take the time out of your day to visit forums for a video game you don't even like). That said, it can also be a monumentally frustrating experience. There is no denying that some gear is necessary for some jobs and that some casual players, who can't afford said gear, would be a lot happier if it wasn't so. It is also undeniable that unless you are really not a 'newbie', and I mean really, you're going to judge your party members, we'll say samurai for example, based on their gear and especially those fancy red gloves.

Now let's not get into a debate about the kote, everyone has their own opinions about them. I had them, sold them and really miss they way they look a whole lot more then the way they performed. My point here is that when I'm leveling Samurai on what is my 3rd account and god knows what number job in a party with a few guys who have only just hit 40 for the first time, I don't think it's necessary to be called gimp just because Ogyogos's Bracelets don't look like Ochiudos Kote. For the record, my gear at 40 was better then 90% of the Samurais I saw.

Now let's face a new fact, unless you are an essential job for parties, and I mean a specific job, like red mage or bard, not just a DD which includes several classes, the ultimate goal is to get party invites. Sure, it's probably a minute difference in this example, but I don't want to lose party invites because I choose practical gear (like Hume RSE gloves) over 1337 gear. Now I personally went with the practical gear anyhow, but I would have to say I'm positive that OTHER people's opinions of us is what drives some of us to shell out 6 million gil for O kote. You can say 'okay, but the reason that 6 million is in the economy is because of the gil sellers' but that's ********* They don't make gil out of nowhere, thats why we see them camping our NM's and monopolizing our resources.

The gil would be out there anyway and here's the reason why - SE has done NOTHING of significant consequence to remove gil from the economy. Meanwhile with every NPC'd item, with every Discerning Individual quest, rank up and even adventure's coupon since the VERY FIRST day in Vana'diel (October 2003 for NA, I don't know how much longer the servers were open before that) MORE gil enters the economy. Think about that. The gil has to exist; gil sellers don't create it. The ONLY thing gil sellers can contribute to is unequal distibution of wealth, and well, FF is a game that mimics real life and this an example of it going down to finest detail. Oh, and the gilsellers, it's not like I support them but in the overall scheme of things they are just one of the myriad pockets of corruption within our gaming society.

What about scamming casinos or alleged friends who keep all the items after a BCNM win and never speak to the old 'buddies' who helped them win their peacock charm, from which the profits were supposed to be split? See... gil sellers might be contributing to our frustration level by skewing the distribution of wealth here, but they do it in an unobtrusive manner; quietly, behind the scenes, WITHOUT making life hell for any of us. It's the other ********, the guys who scam their 'friends', jack up AH prices and MPK for NM claims that should really be looked at as the 'bad guys'.

You wanna fix the problem? Any of you righteous Shivans? Than make a thread in which you prompt the rest of this server to think outside the box, buy up all the gil they can afford, and buy high price items off the AH then sell them all for 1/4 the price they purchased them for. See how many of us would actually do it. Forget about how many of us are willing to waste real money for a second. Pretend that part doesn't exist. Say we all were gifted 15 million for christmas. 15 million we didn't earn and weren't expecting. How many of us would even sacrifice 10 of that 15 helping to lower the price of overpriced items on AH? NONE. Even with found money we would prove only one thing; We are the disease. We are the infection. We're greedy and that's what it all comes down to.

On a sidenote, I once had a social NA ls that I was active in, and one day the superstars showed up in it. They were really nice, when you could communicate with them. {San'Doria} {Mission} 7-1, 7-2 {Help me out!} and they did. A few of them. Thats a lot of help to give, without any gil profit, but they did it, no problems, and along the way we traded quips when we could communicate them and the missions were a pleasent experience. Another day, on a different character, I was in kuftal tunnel and had finally found the coffer for my AF hands, after searching all day... the problem was there were a few haunts right there and I knew I couldn't pop it and warp in time. If I died, I would lose my level and not be able to equip the newly obtained gloves. Yeah, I coulda just popped the coffer died and releveled later but I wanted to equip them. A newb decision on my part but, I digress. I shout for help "<t> <pos> {Help me out!} {please}" not giving away that there's a coffer, just that I need some help and finally, a couple of superstars come strolling over. They pull the Haunt and I go to open the coffer and recieve the message "The coffer is empty" What?! >> superstarmars popped it. Stole it out from under me and all he got, I'm sure, was a map.

So, whose to say really, if they're good or bad people? I certainly can't make up my mind. I do know however that they are not the biggest problem this game has. (I'm not talking about the superstars specifically). If you buy gil, I don't care. If you buy 500 million a year, I might care, but if you buy 5 million because it's the difference between breaking your computer over the price of a Scorpion Harness or not doing your homework because you have to farm to get that 1337 piece of gear, I really don't care. Don't go flaunting it in my face or have a sense of pride because you're loaded; remember that you bought it, because it was the best way for YOU to enjoy the game (remember, enjoying the game is the reason for playing. Becoming cyber police who need to flame everyone who doesnt follow the ToS is not our jobs as gamers) than go ahead. Honestly, if you're in highschool or middle school or even college or a grown man, if you feel like wasting your allowance or your income on gil you could earn for free, we should feel bad for you rather than angry at you. Look at the power this game has! It's alluring enough that we buy it, and each expansion that comes out. It's addicting enough that we pay $12.95+ per month to be allowed to play, after having bought it. Now it's becoming important enough in our daily lives that we will exchange real currency for fake currency. If you need it that bad, hey, you're already paying to play, you already bought the game, go ahead and buy the gil. But, uh... if you steel my party invites with your 1337 fully pimped out samurai, and you haven't earned any of the gear... I will Meiko Shisui you. I mean it. And of course, conversly, if you're against buying gil, than more power to you. You've earned everything you've got and deserve the respect of the server.

Oh! and by the way; buy all the gil you want. If you suck and never do your missions,ZM's etc. and just can't play the game there will come a time when you can't be pimp, no matter how much you pay because you will never get to sky or win in dynamis. And on the other hand If you're a guy in all relic gear for their Paladin, whose earned every single piece and you decide you wanna level a new job and don't have the required 3 million or so to take it to, lets say 40, and don't really wanna farm, I doubt anyone is gonna kill you for being a gil buyer then. People assume that if you buy gil, you're a noob whose earned nothing and doesn't know how to play. Statistics say 95% of all FFxi players have bought gil at some point.

Edited, Thu Dec 22 19:30:09 2005 by xMathwexx

Edited, Thu Dec 22 19:42:35 2005 by xMathwexx

Edited, Thu Dec 22 19:46:15 2005 by xMathwexx
#19 Dec 22 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Excellent
379 posts
Paragraphs are your friends. Use them!

Lack of paragraph usage makes baby Jebus cry, and me too.
#20 Dec 22 2005 at 4:17 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Went through and rated everyone up. Good convo.
#21 Dec 23 2005 at 1:20 AM Rating: Decent
every time you dont make a paragraph Shao kills a kitten.
#22 Dec 27 2005 at 10:56 AM Rating: Decent
532 posts
Shao could of just mentioned what happened to him with the JP LS. Instead he also mentions gil sellers which is always a heated and flamed topic.

Bad Shao. -.-

I think the superstars are one or 2 ppl that play multiple characters at the same time. What I have noticed, they aren't really that fast. They recruit legit players to help them and 90% of the time the legit player gets claim. I've seen them spread out to multiple NMs cause they have help from the server.

Yes, they will be nice if they can get help from you, especially from a thf. If you work with them they always are fair. However, if a legit player wants to get a NM cause he cant afford to pay the price the superstars are asking and decides to camp it, they will get mpk'd. I've been in xp pts that have been mpk'd.

Shaolinz wrote:
Are the Gillsellers really the bad guys?

Yes, for reasons stated above.

Was the JP LS in the wrong?

Yes, if it was known what your intent was. It could have been seen as this NM LS tring to mpk. Failed Miserably. Cant handle their own aggro. Bad mpkers then has the nerve to ask for a RB3 after a failed mpk attempt.

But if they knew it was just being helpful and refused. That's just being an ***. That's unacceptable.

This has happened to me before. I was helping a 50s mnk with AF in Castle O. As thf I can solo anything but no voke. Mnk caught aggro and died. We asked for a raise (any raise) but the JP whm refused.

Come to find out that the mnk went mnk/whm for coffers (the NM is there not the coffer lol) earlier and ran by him (according to the JP with the use of broken english and auto-translate)and the whm was dead and didnt raise him. My mnk friend is an honest and decent guy and never saw him dead there. He passed him alive a couple of times but never saw him dead. JP thought he was being an *** for not raising him. He was retaliating. This is not acceptable but there was an underlying reason for why he acted this way.

Perceptions with language barriers can be very bad. Especially since it was a "respectable" LS. I'm sure they probably saw it as a failed mpk attempt.

Anyway, something to think about.

Mohit Smiley: glasses

Edited, Tue Dec 27 11:00:49 2005 by Mohit
#23 Dec 27 2005 at 6:19 PM Rating: Decent
836 posts
An all JP ls was fighting it, a very respected one at that.

Shao, please post their name. In case someone else happens to run into the same kinda problem helping. Hell, it ain't like they gonna READ this. >.>

Edited, Tue Dec 27 18:20:56 2005 by BarchielReturns
#24 Dec 28 2005 at 10:29 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Hope it wasn't Gogoletscombine, they're funny. XD
#25 Dec 29 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
1,416 posts
The white mage that we had saved laughed at us and said "NA = [Too Weak]".
It's sad to say but I have had something like this happen to me a couple times.

Was the JP LS in the wrong?

Yes, if it was known what your intent was. It could have been seen as this NM LS tring to mpk.
Mohit made a good point, but the fact remains that they pulled the mobs off of the WHM. If the WHM was really paying attention he/she would have seen that. Of course, his/her attention was clearly elsewhere.

People fail to understand that some JP players cant stand NA players (Please dont misquote me here... I said some and even underlined it -.-). Not because you do noobish things, simply because your NA. This isnt just because of the game either. These players cant stand you (Americans) irl and this is something that has been passed down from generations.

If your going to help someone who is JP, you should always {/help} {Do you need it?}.. There are a few that would rather HP than receive help from you.

Just to clarify, by no means am I saying all/most JP hate NA. Most like you and don't mind doing things with you as long as you don't act like a noob. I'm just stating the fact that there are a few who would rather do w/o any assistance from you, so its always a good thing to ask first.
#26 Dec 30 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
3,011 posts
By the way kids, this is called racism.
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