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Desperate Gil SellersFollow

#27 Dec 09 2005 at 7:09 PM Rating: Excellent
1,029 posts
SHIMMY!!!!!!!! <333333333333333 I might start playing WoW soon since i cant play ffxi anymore rofl. Theres no way im going from 75rng 75sam 64nin 62thf and a few others over 40 with 30m+ in gear to nothing then starting over. Only way ill ever come back is if i get my acc lol.

How are gilsellers not players? Does some country have the technology to make robots that sit and play the game all day? They have to pay the sam 13 a month that everyone else does haha.
#28 Dec 09 2005 at 7:17 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
Choky, is your account permanently banned? You ever call customer service and ask them why? Reason I ask is because many (I'd wager, most) people who go from FF to WoW end up coming back to FF. If you ever did, I'd hope you could get your char back. Best to ask now before the situation gets too old to argue.

And just in case anyone was wondering, Shim is not my in-game gf; she's my real gf. We've been dating for over 5 years (way before FFXI ever came out). I was just luck--or unlucky--enough to get her to start playing FFXI after I did.
#29 Dec 09 2005 at 9:26 PM Rating: Excellent
1,324 posts
In all due honesty most people blame the gil-sellers and use them as scapegoats so they don't feel isolated. Everyone and their mother will rally behind you if you say "Gil-sellers are the reason for <insert random FFXI problem>." Yet if you provide a different scapegoat people will try to shoot down the theory and insert the gil-sellers. Granted most of us hate them because they steal NMs, MPK, control drops...sounds like things that happen in HNMLSs doesn't it?

Gil-sellers don't raise the price, THEY COPY what's the current market trend. Insert now the gil-buyer, whom people say raise the price because they don't care anyway and will pay any cost for items. Has anyone factored in the people putting the items up for sale? I know some people out there will take advantage of this and sell their items at higher costs because they know someone will buy it at that price. I'll use Leaping Boots (before patch) as an example.

Player A obtains Leaping Boots. Sees AH price in Jueno at 300K. None available. Decides to sell for 350K.

Player B who buys gil wants Leaping Boots for his Thief job. Has bought 500K gil and trys to buy Leaping Boots for 300K. Doesn't happen. He trys 350K and gets boots. Thinks to himself "Already almost out of gil, I'll have to buy more later."

Gil-seller has just returned to Jueno with a pair of Leaping Boots. Sees the last one sold for 350K. He copies the last price in hopes he scores both in better gil total and faster sell time since its the only one.

Player B returns weeks later to sell his boots. Decides to sell for 400K since someone listed it higher before and knows someone will buy it.

Gil-seller sees new price after getting boots again. Copies price again.

Repeat until price soars out of control to the point SE has to Rare/Ex the boots. Current price for original pair around 900K-1.2mil

Yes we all hate them because the gil-sellers can instantly create a player who is on the same lvl of quality gear as you but took less than half the time an effort. I had ok gear for my early lvls but I BCNMed, farmed and crafted till sometimes my eyes bled and now I have gear I'm content with. As my LS leader told me the other day, its easier to make a million gil than it was a few yrs ago. Do any of you remember logging in the very first time and being so happy and excited that your fire crystal sold for 200gil and your stack for 2000gil? Felt kind of rich at the time yet began to awe players who had gear worth several hundred thousand...which now probably cost several million. I still remember when Leaping Boots, Emp. Hairpin were 150K, but look at them now.

Sure we can blame inflation and the gil-sellers, but everyone has parital fault in this dilema. On our road to reach higher lvls we loose our humble beginnings and seek out our own personal wealth and by doing so butcher a delicate economy that we now complain about.

I don't want to see what Shiva's economy will look like next yr based on current AH trends...if you look at other servers some things we complain in price are cheap compared to there. One server has NQ Haubergeon, NOT +1, selling at 10-11mil...ours is only 4mil.

One last thing, you have to remember that "real life" isn't fair but some people who play this game feel it as a 2nd life, not just a game so there will always be those who play unfairly.

Edited, Fri Dec 9 21:49:39 2005 by RevenantVDA
#30 Dec 09 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Good
for example: if there are no scorpion harnesses in stock and you decide to put one up for say.... 10 million (greedy *******). *MOST* normal players would laugh at you and go do a KS30. but people who buy gil just dont really care. its not like they had to earn the money. they probably got 10 million gil with mommys credit card or whatever. so from then on a standard has been set in the AH and you will start seeing more SH for 10 mil. everyone with me so far? you're probably wondering "wtf does some greedy @#%^ and a gilbuyer have to do with gilsellers". its simple really: the gilsellers provide the means to get the gil that bought that overpriced item. so what do we do? cut that sh*t off at the source. no more gilsellers = no more gilbuyers = more responsible buying.

thats what my main point was to begin with. id much rather see us greedy players ***** up our own economy than have some ******** gilsellers do it for us.

and choky by saying the gilsellers are not real players i meant that they do not play this for fun nor do they contribute to in game society in any way at all. all they do is cause trouble and get in the way of the real players who might want to claim serket, or roc, or simurgh, or amemit.
#31 Dec 09 2005 at 10:18 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
The only thing I'll slightly disagree with is that gil sellers can actually keep inflation down on the items they dominate. They don't get paid for items, they get paid for gil. Therefore, they are more likely to sell an item at the current/slightly inflated cost if there are none for sale...but less than cost if there are some for sale.

Every time they have to relist, that's money that can't be used to meet their quotas. Therefore, they had to undercut to assure that they would sell the item(hence why I suggested leveraged undercutting so they waste money relisting as a way to fight gil sellers AND inflation).

Before this latest patch, it was not uncommon to hear "damn gil sellers! They dropped the price of the Emp Hairpin I had on the ah from xxx gil to xxx gil."

When SE took away the ability for gil sellers to make money at many nms, the prices of those nm's drops increased significantly. Everyone assumed it would be the other way around; not only could they now get a rare/ex version from the nm, but they could also BCNM for the real deal. Immediately after the patch, this speculation took hold, and the prices started to mimic those beliefs.

This was shortlived. Soon, things like emperor's hairpin jumped from 500k to 700k...then 1mil...then 1.5mil....then 2mil...and now 3million gil.

So what happened? There were now twice as many ways to get those items. It stood to reason that the prices would drop to nil?

The reason is because--with the gil sellers gone--there was no one there to "beat" your price anymore. If you wanted to put your item up for 200k over cost, you could do it. Even if someone undercut you, the price would eventually get there. After all, there were no longer any gil sellers would be there to undercut you.

Anyway, I'm not saying all this to defend gil sellers. Selling gil is wrong. MPKing is wrong. Interfering with battles to get mobs is wrong. Blame them for that, and do everything in your power to catch them in the act and report them. But please, don't blindly blame them for every single problem you have.

They don't "cause" inflation any more than they "make" money. You're only doing yourself a disservice if you think otherwise. It's impossible to defeat a foe when you don't understand what they really do.

Edited, Fri Dec 9 22:25:25 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#32 Dec 09 2005 at 10:31 PM Rating: Excellent
1,029 posts
Oh soph i love you!
#33 Dec 09 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Excellent
1,324 posts
I hate to say it but if the gil-sellers do leave and are no more, will our economy really become any better? Think about it, the items they provide are available because they camp it often 24hrs a day, they could claim a mob maybe 12 times a day but get only 3 drops. Consider it stock and suplly and demand. If no one can keep restocking an item people will list them at higher prices because the mentality of "None available, higher price", and don't say you won't raise price if yours is the only one, I'm sure there are many others who don't really care about player decency so it will happen.

There is no such thing as a perfect world, and FFXI is no exception. READ THIS EXAMPLE, and I know this maybe be politically incorrect but its a clear comparison.

We complain about SE not doing enough to stop gil-sellers and our economy begins to be the subject of much debate when its starts to inflate. In our frustration we seek out to blame someone, and universally gil-sellers are a great target because of what they do and many players have anger towards them. We gain support and fame for our expolits against the gil-sellers when we MPK them, steal from them, or just trick them.

Many Germans complain they felt betrayed that the govt. surrendered to early and did little to help and then the economy takes a dip with massive inflation after losing the war. In their frustration they seek out someone to blame, and historically the Jewish community were great targets because many nations harbored some sort of anger. The ***** gained support and infamy for the atrocities against the Jewish people when they enacted the Holocaust, stole their fortunes, and tricked them into their deaths with the gas chamber.

Not saying that gil-sellers are innocent but if the path we follow continues Shiva will suffer more than we think.

Edited, Fri Dec 9 22:53:49 2005 by RevenantVDA

Edited, Fri Dec 9 22:56:36 2005 by RevenantVDA

Edited, Fri Dec 9 23:00:22 2005 by RevenantVDA
#34REDACTED, Posted: Dec 09 2005 at 10:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) choky you got banned? :(
#35 Dec 09 2005 at 11:02 PM Rating: Excellent
1,255 posts
Who's online: hellkid, Kilee, Oneiro, Pyaarakes, RevenantVDA, Shimmertaru, SirEaglestrike, SophusTehNewb, Anonymous Guests (1)

Ty for karma camping me btw. Let's see....

hellkid and kilee can't rate
rev and shimmer wouldn't karma camp
Sireagle I know personally, so (I hope) he wouldn't
I can't rate myself down
That leaves pyaa and Oneiro...


I don't understand why we can have a valid discussion up to this point, only to have someone unwilling to stand up for themselves try to act big. If you have something to say, don't be afraid to speak up. No one here will rate you down for speaking your mind with an honest opinion. If they do, especially anonymously, all it does is show you that they really don't stand for anything.

Edited, Sat Dec 10 00:54:20 2005 by SophusTehNewb
#36 Dec 09 2005 at 11:18 PM Rating: Excellent
1,324 posts
If it is Oneiro, its kind of sad seeing how he was in ShinraTurks WAY back then, but he left after getting "too high lvl". :(
#37 Dec 10 2005 at 12:36 AM Rating: Decent
Sophus i never said that gil sellers reate gil. As i said they store it.

Gil comes from these places.

Monster drops
Treasure and Coffer chests.
NPC vendors

small amounts of gil build up in the econemy from us the real life players. This eventually will accumilate on some players. For example. people who farm and sell some items to NPCs. And quest a lot etc.

They use this gil to buy items. now consider this

Ocuiudos kote. prices 6 mill

if it wasnt camped by gil sellers 24/7 id camp it personally for my own pair. i have tried and failed on claim a lot.

Gil sellers get the items and exploit us. they make us pay with our gil and sell it to companies that store it.

This stored gil is the problem.

The reason the AH taxes and people are taxed in jueno is to remove money from econemy.
#38 Dec 10 2005 at 12:59 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
AGM got two a couple months ago...both on the same day :/

Tomorrow I think I may post my theory on inflation. It's a good one as well, so I hope you guys enjoy it ;)
#39 Dec 10 2005 at 3:10 AM Rating: Default
1,029 posts
Yes shimmy i was perma banned cuz i had bad words in my comment. Was nothing racial or directed at someone. Just had a bad day and didnt wanna talk to anyone so put words in showing as much.

I believe a GM tried to contact me (after a player reported me) and cuz i was afk at the hospital with my aunt i didnt answer. Thus the GM thinking i was being an ******* and jailing me. When i didnt talk in jail he suspended me. I called POL they said 72hr suspension. When i tried to get on it was my account was removed = perma ban.
#40 Dec 10 2005 at 3:30 AM Rating: Excellent
83 posts
Sorry folks wasn't me that rated you guys down on this thread.
#41 Dec 10 2005 at 3:32 AM Rating: Excellent
83 posts
double post

Edited, Sat Dec 10 03:43:22 2005 by Oneiro
#42 Dec 10 2005 at 3:44 AM Rating: Excellent
1,324 posts
Apparently no one read that gil-sellers copy prices..yes copy, copy, copy, copy, copy whats been listed. The reason the O-kote is 6mil is because people are jacking the prices. Gil-sellers need to sell the items fast so they reach their quota to be paid their pathetic $1.00 a week pay. So they only list what they see cause whats the point in listing an item so high that no one would buy it other than gil buyers? Sounds like a conundrum since the gil-seller may win either way but he/she will not risk his $4.00 a month paying job hoping a random gil-buyer decides to buy.

Sorry to hear what happened Choky.

Oneiro long time no see. How's it going? :D
#43 Dec 10 2005 at 10:38 AM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Oneiro, I apologize. An action such as that is genuinely uncharacteristic of you. You are genuinely a good guy, and I have always respected you. That's why always seeing you in those situations was a shock. That does, however, leave only one other person on that list...

Rate downs don't mean that much anymore because people often toss them like candy. They don't agree with a poster (or maybe they just dislike that person) so instead of using "1 - Aweful" and "5 - Excellent," they treat it as "1 - Disagree/I don't like you" and "5 - I agree/I dislike the person you're disagreeing with."

Until that person karma camped me for my view, not a single person had been rated down on this thread--despite the different views. He didn't do it because I was a gil seller. He also didn't do it because I was sticking up for gil sellers. No, he was taking out his frustration on gil sellers against me personally.

I may not be a genius, but doesn't it make sense to attack the gil sellers, not the people trying to show you how? The only way you can beat them is to understand them. If someone is trying to help you by making you understand how they work, why would you attack them for it?

Karma camping (especially anonymously) without stating or defending any position does not strengthen your position. After all, you can't have a position or opinion unless you actually state it.
#44 Dec 10 2005 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
418 posts
Haub 2 weeks at 3.1mil.

Haub 2 days ago 4mil

haub yesterday cause someone decided they wanted and extra 500k 4.5mil.

Did a gilseller do this? No.
#45 Dec 10 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Decent
people are completely missing my point or just not reading all the posts. the players themselves jack up the prices on several items because of players paying those outrageous prices. would a haubergon be 4.5 million if someone wasnt willing to pay or it? **** no it wouldnt. the problem isnt the greedy *** seller its the stupid *** buyer. since when has any piece of gear in the game become something you HAVE to have? dont pay what people are charging for these items and the price will go down. and i cant help but wonder who it is paying these crazy prices... could it be the.... gilbuyers? now we're back to what i said before. the gilbuyers pay crazy *** prices and the gilsellers provide that money through websites. once again i say eliminiate the gilsellers and you take away the ability to buy gil and the average player will no longer expect everyone to be able to pay for his 4.5 mil hauby or 10 mil SH.
#46 Dec 10 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
I always thought Hauby, being a Drk, was one of the most important must have pieces of gear you could get. Pt invites will be close to none when they realize your not using a Hauby, instead maybe R.K Chainmail or AF body.

Edited, Sat Dec 10 13:51:45 2005 by RevenantVDA
#47 Dec 10 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
Theory of inflation posted. Enjoy.
#48 Dec 10 2005 at 2:20 PM Rating: Good
1,255 posts
the problem isnt the greedy *** seller its the stupid *** buyer

and i cant help but wonder who it is paying these crazy prices... could it be the.... gilbuyers?

eliminiate the gilsellers

Ayaz, the problem I have isn't that you want to get rid of gil sellers. It's that you just said "It's the gil buyers. It's the gil buyers. Eliminate the gil seller." That's like saying "Guns kill people, so let's get rid of gun vendors." How does attacking the gun vendor stop some random person from abusing a gun? It doesn't. You have to attack the problem directly.

There are other ways to lower the price of an item, man. I recently made a post about how to superficially affect supply/demand to lower price. Heck, if everyone simply refused to buy a hauby that costs >100k, I guarantee you that no hauby will ever sell for >100k.

If it's the player's greed that causes them to overlist an item, blame the player.

If second player's laziness that makes them buy gil to avoid farming (so they can get the overpriced item), blame the second player.

But don't blame the gil seller for making the first player overprice an item. Also, don't blame the gil seller for making the second player buy gil. Blame the gil seller for selling gil. Blame the gil buyer for buying gil. Blame the overpricer for overpricing. They may be interconnected, but they are not directly responsible. We are each our own people, and we make our own decisions.
#49 Dec 10 2005 at 3:17 PM Rating: Decent
well i can see your point about the gun thing. but its a slightly different situation seeing as this is a video game. i would never suggest we eliminate gun dealers to stop murder. but this is on a much smaller scale and i see no problem with taking the weapons out of the gilbuyers hands for their own good and our own good.
#50 Dec 10 2005 at 5:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,324 posts
Well if FFXI is still around in the next 2 or even 4yrs its highly possible the gil-sellers will still be around. SE is large corporation that rakes in our monthly fees to fuel the game but generate revenue. Per server there has to be at least 50 gil-sellers operating at a time and thats only the ones we actually noticed, who knows how many there are that operate behind the curtain of muling, crafters, gardeners, fishermen etc...SE will loose LOTS of money if they purged servers of these players, the best they can do is the rare chance or permanent ban or a few weeks suspension.

If you take a look at one of the other MMORPGs, I think it was Everquest, they actually caved in an now allow for items to be purchased through RMT, though paying real money for a digital item is ridiculous its the owners money, or their parents, whichever, and they'll use it in any stupid way they please.

OK now for something different, this is probably an old idea but I was thinking it may cut down AH prices and put gil back into the economy(NPC vendors). Its 2-part plan but it would involve an AH cap on listing. Items that are not Rare like Hauby can only be listed at a given price, but a Rare item like Bloodsword can be priced regularly since it would make more sense to pay a little more for unique gear. 2nd part would be that weapons would dull and lose dmg points after frequent use and eventually break. Make an NPC vendor that sells a non-AH item to restore weapons on the battlefield or while in town visit another NPC vendor that will restore your weapons for a fee of course. The more you restore you weapon the better the rare chance of him turning it into a +1 if the weapon has a +1. This would reinforce going to the vendor and paying the fee. Good idea?

#51 Dec 18 2005 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
186 posts
Sorry i was away for a week and I just got back.

Anyway, I wasn't trying to blame anyone or put anyone down. I'm sorry if it came off that way.

I guess all i was saying is that i didn't care to spend all those hours making gil when i could just buy it for next to nothing. I just want to play the game and have fun. It's not that i agree with gilbuying or gillselling, it's that i just don't care anymore. I have not bought anything yet but i'm still considering it cause it will free me up to actually play the game in the little time i have. maybe i'll quit.

some people might think bad of me and thats OK.

the gilbuyers pay crazy *** prices and the gilsellers provide that money through websites. once again i say eliminiate the gilsellers and you take away the ability to buy gil and the average player will no longer expect everyone to be able to pay for his 4.5 mil hauby or 10 mil SH.

thats exactly it. everything else is secondary to the above. It also forces me/others to spend more time farming and camping then they shoul;d have to. for me its getting to the point where its most of my time to play. I could always roll around in gimpy gear, but then we all know what happens.

Hence why i'm considering putting like a fraction of my RL money on my credit card and just removing the annoying *** farming/camping from my FF play. maybe the little bastards can get some *** with it in what ever 3rd world **** hole they live in.

bar that movie kicks ***, and soph your a true ace if you can balence all that RL ****, lvl your char, and still make millions of gil cause right about now each piece of my gear is running me in the millions. and the prices are only going 1 direction. how much did a hauby increase in price in the week that i was gone? did someone say its 4.5 million now! lmao you betcha.

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