We did Dynamis Bastok Tonight as Waspnest. One of the people that came to our Dynamis named Hellbender/Mrgrim gave Dirdy and Hourglass. Dirdy came in and spammed shouts, tried to MPk us by pulling more mobs, and lotted Currency and AF2. He for some reason cannot figure out what a respectable player is and how they act. I have not ran across something this bad before too this Extent. He was not messing with one person he was ruining it for 40 people.
1.) I never aggroed or attacked a monster when it wasnt claimed.
2.) Your wrong about who gave me the hour glass, but hey it doesnt matter now cuz as soon as u guys pointed figures at my frinds in Wasp you jump to conclusions on who it was. Hellbender says even tho he didnt give me the glass since u guys didnt trust him he doesnt need you anywas or want to be with you. Also Mrgrim had absolutly nothing to do with this dynamis he didnt even know about it until Hellbender (his brother told him)
3.) I lotted on currency and AF2 but passed after a while and the only thing i recieved is a Mithryl Beastcoin the whole dynamis. and i stole a few currency using my Abbility as Thief.
4.) Kramer is not acting respectable, at least i didnt lie about what you were doing Kramer, but u go ahead and stretch the Fn(k!ng truth you piece of chocobo $H!t!
5.) People can believe what they want becuase it doesnt matter what i think, everyone in wasp likes to follow the bangwagon and hate me except for a few.
6.) I did not go out of my way to corrup the Dynamis, all i did was go a little out of my way to get another Glass, entered the Dynamis and automaticly i felt the warm welcome from everyone.
7.) I was there to help fight at the dynamis for Bastok win but since no one agreed of healing me except for a few friends who were already busy i decieded to watch and stay back. + if i were to die or get hurt the Wasp Members would be POed at the person who heals me or raises me which isnt a good reason to get mad but since Wasp or Kramer is also on the right moral standerd i said wtf why not.
------------------True Facts to know about-------------
By the way Kramer did take his blist off me for a while that night, he also said this "NO I HOPE YOU Fn(!NG DIE FOR THE PIECE OF $H!T YOUR WORTH".
And kramer if u think i caused all this i would think of what u have done too now.
Kramer did say he owed me 52k after i told him how much i had before i was a month away from being kicked he ignored me about that, kramer did say he would give me 52k if i told him who gave me my hour glass, and i asked if the gil he really owed me was worth the 1mil for dynamis and he ignored me agin.
Kramer also said he would also see it that Hellbender and I would never be allowed in a linkshell, dynamis or anything like that agin so basicly we would be black listed from all linkshells.
A Wasp Member told me I was not allowed to party (exp) with there members ever, but i dont see thats possiable becuase they dont own their members if im not mistaken, unless the members have to sign there rights away to Wasp when they join now...
2 people were reported by GMs for harrasment : Wolfmanjack and Maztica only wolf is in the linkshell and Maztica is Wasps tool becuase hes in DVS or somthing like that.
BY THE WAY KRAMER Where is the Fraps video you said u had of Hellbender using the hour glass? Becuase from what Hellbender said which i believe more than you he used the Hour Glass as soon as he got it.
(All this Information is just to fill you guys in all the true details that Kramer left about)
Edited, Sat Dec 3 12:11:20 2005 by JetStream